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Finding 02 Finding Megan

Page 13

by Jean Reinhardt

  “I made contact with Ethan but he hasn’t heard anything from Megan or Wolf. I’m inclined to believe him, Jake. He still has the phone I gave him with the connection to my number on it. He’s never used it so it’s a safe line of communication in case they get in touch with him.”

  “That’s good. They might find some way of contacting him,” Jake said.

  Duke walked to the window and looked down at the street below. The car that had followed them was still parked outside. He knew its occupants would be there for the night.

  “I don’t get it, Jake. Why are they being so obvious about tailing us? They’re not even trying to be discreet.”

  “I know, they don’t seem to care if we see them. It’s almost like they want us to know we’re being followed, isn’t it?”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Jake jumped up and hit the side of his head with his palm.

  “I’m so stupid,” he said. “They must know by now that we haven’t a clue where Megan is. That’s why they haven’t tried to grab us. They know we have nothing to tell them. I think they are trying to prevent Megan from contacting us or her parents. They want her to see that we are all being watched. Duke, I’m pretty sure they know where Megan is but for some reason they haven’t acted on it yet.

  “That being the case, we should use it to our advantage. How about a false trail? Should be fun, don’t you think?” Duke said, a devious smile on his face.


  As the early morning light filtered into the damp basement, Wolf opened his eyes and for a split second thought he was once again homeless. The warm body beside him brought his real situation back with a jolt. Gently laying Megan down as he stood up, he walked quietly towards the boarded up doorway across the room. Wolf listened for any sign of people but heard nothing. He pulled back the board and scrutinized the littered hallway. The silence was unnerving.

  Satisfied no one was there, he checked all the rooms leading off the dimly lit corridor. The doors were long gone, used to make fires on cold, Chicago nights. As he passed every empty doorway, the young man’s heart began to beat faster and louder, until he came to the last one. A cat sprang across his feet, sending him sprawling backwards, into Megan.

  “Hey, it’s me,” she laughed as Wolf spun around, fists raised, ready to fight.

  “Don’t you know better than to sneak up on someone in a place like this,” he said, more annoyed with himself than with her.

  “You’re just mad because I’m so good at this. I might join Special Forces or become a detective, what do you think?”

  Wolf pulled her into his arms, lightly kissing her lips.

  “Is this the only way to shut you up?” he laughed.

  “Hmm. I’m not sure, you’ll have to do it again.”

  “Sorry, Megan but much as I’d like to, we need to get a move on. The streets will be crowded with people going to work so it’s a good time for us to get some breakfast and decide on what to do next. The drones will be too busy watching the crowd and looking out for traffic violators so they shouldn’t spot us too easily.”

  As they left the silent, abandoned buildings the young couple held hands and walked through the alleyway towards the bustling main street. It was full of movement from rushing pedestrians and vehicles. Wolf and Megan paused, took a deep breath then blended into the crowd passing by.

  The man standing across the street smiled as he watched the young couple emerge from the alley. He nodded as he spoke into a headset he was wearing. With his casual clothes and easy pace, he blended into the pedestrians even better than Wolf and Megan had. Getting tired of all the time wasting that had been going on, he wanted to get the job done and move out but he knew better than to take matters into his own hands.

  Patience was not one of his virtues but he would suffer the consequences if he acted without orders. He sighed blissfully when he caught sight of his targets entering a diner. Rubbing his stomach as he followed them in, he decided it was a good place to stop as he hadn’t eaten for six hours. Confident that they were not aware of his presence, the man sat where he could hear their conversation.

  Wolf glanced at the guy sliding into the booth behind them and saw he was wearing headphones. He seemed to be nodding to the beat of whatever music he was listening to. Assuming it was safe to speak, the young couple discussed their next move.

  The night before, Wolf had admitted that his first visit to the ranch in Mexico had been under false pretence. He assured Megan that Amelia didn’t know anything about it at the time. Although she was hurt that Wolf had deceived her, she was more upset to discover that her grandfather was responsible for what had happened in Antarctica - and what was still going on there.

  “So you think it would be safer to contact your friend Ash than Ethan, is that right?” asked Megan, in a hushed voice.

  “Ethan’s is the first place they would expect you to go if you can’t go home,” Wolf said, just as quietly.

  “Who are ‘they’?”

  “I don’t know, Megan. Whoever it is that has your grandfather, I suppose.”

  They were silent for a while as they ate. Then Wolf had an idea.

  “Ash will be at work now so why don’t we go there and I can try to speak with him in private. You can wait at a safe distance, just in case.”

  “Okay but what if someone sees me when I’m left on my own? I want to stay with you, Wolf. Even if it’s risky.”

  “I suppose we are better off sticking together. Come on, let’s go straight away, he might be due a break soon.”

  The man seated behind them removed his headphones, signalling to someone in the street outside. The young couple left, not realizing they were being followed for the second time that morning. Having come off duty, the man in the diner finished his meal and leaned back into his seat. When he had drained the last drop of coffee from his cup, he sent a coded message to his superiors. He wasn’t very happy with the reply he got. Settling the bill, he thanked the waitress and complimented her on the food.

  “Are you German? Your English is very good,” she said.

  The man smiled and paused, looking around before answering.

  “My family moved here when I was a child it’s hard to lose the accent completely.”

  “Oh, I like it. Makes you sound mysterious and interesting,” the woman was obviously flirting with him.

  Wishing he had the time to flirt back and see where it might lead, the man just shrugged his shoulders. As the waitress reached out to take the money he had thrown onto the table, he took hold of her hand and raised it to his lips, planting a kiss on the back of it. She giggled and looked around to see if they had an audience but to her dismay, everyone was too busy to have noticed.

  “Maybe next time I’m in the area we can meet up,” he said as he walked towards the door.

  “I’ll be waiting,” the waitress shouted after him.

  He stepped out into the street with the sound of her voice still ringing in his ears.


  Duke answered the intercom, pressing the buzzer. When he opened the apartment door, Jake called the pizza delivery guy inside. One look at Duke’s scarred face was enough to freeze him to the spot.

  “I’d rather not, if you don’t mind. Company policy and all that,” said the young man, taking two steps back from the doorway.

  Jake walked over showing his badge and took hold of the pizza box.

  “Detective Jake Matthews and that sour face over there belongs to Duke. What’s your name, son?”

  “Brandon, sir. Am I in some sort of trouble?”

  “Not at all. In fact we are offering you the chance to take part in a major investigation,” said Jake. “All you have to do is swap clothes with me and hand over the keys to your vehicle. Don’t worry, I’ll square it with your boss and you’ll even earn a little something for your trouble.”

  The young man, finding himself standing inside Jake’s apartment, looked back at Duke who was le
aning against the closed door.

  “I suppose if you clear it with my boss it should be okay. Where do I get changed? Please tell me I don’t have to wear what you have on.”

  “I’m afraid you do but at least you’ll be comfortable. I’m a few sizes bigger than you, aren’t I?” laughed Jake.

  “In some places you are, that’s for sure,” Brandon said, feeling a little less worried.

  Duke let out a loud laugh as the young man went into the bathroom and locked the door. When the pizza uniform was thrown out into the hallway, Jake picked it up and handed over his own clothes.

  When Brandon finally appeared, he looked so sorry for himself, neither of the men had the heart to laugh. One glance at Jake, though, was enough to bring a smile to his face.

  “I may have to run in them, so I hope they used strong thread in the seams. Take a seat over there and watch some TV, son, while we go over a few details. Oh and help yourself to some pizza while you’re there,” Jake pointed to the box on the coffee table.

  The plan was to get Ethan to order a take out from the same company, near his place. Jake would be there, ready to do the delivery. Meanwhile Duke and Brandon would act as decoys, to draw the surveillance team parked outside on a wild goose chase.

  As he drove off in the delivery van, a giant slice of pizza on the roof, Jake could see that he had fooled the two men watching his apartment. He knew that Duke would be contacting Ethan on the unused number he had given the young man the year before when Kaden had been abducted.


  Ethan heard a strange sound and for a moment was puzzled by it. When it dawned on him that the noise was coming from a drawer in his desk, he realized what it was and took the phone out. Duke’s voice was on the other end. He told Ethan to order a pizza from the place that Jake was on his way to.

  “Just one thing,” said Duke. “Don’t laugh when you see him.”

  Having placed his order, Ethan waited for the intercom to buzz. When it did, even though he was expecting the sound, it made him jump. He recognized Jake’s voice and let him in. The sight that met his eyes when he opened his apartment door was something he wouldn’t forget in a hurry. Ignoring Duke’s warning, Ethan fell onto the sofa, laughing so hard it brought tears to his eyes.

  “Okay, okay, joke’s over. Why are all you college dudes so thin? In my day we had a bit of meat on us,” said Jake, trying to fix the wedgie that had formed as he walked from the lift to the door. “Have you anything loose and stretchy I can borrow? I can’t feel my legs anymore. Gangrene is about to set in if I don’t get out of these clothes.”

  Ethan was glad to have an excuse to leave the room, biting his lip to keep from laughing again. When he returned with some jog pants and a sweatshirt Jake was standing in his underwear.

  “I don’t know which is funnier, what you had on when you arrived or what you’re wearing now,” laughed Ethan.

  The detective snatched the clothes from the young man’s hands, scowling at him.

  “You’re full of compliments this evening, aren’t you? At least I’ll be able to walk properly again.”

  Jake hopped over to the window as he got dressed, remaining there for a couple of minutes before turning to Ethan.

  “Have you noticed anyone watching you this evening, any strange cars or vans?”

  “No, Jake, I’m pretty sure there’s been nothing unusual out there. Have you heard anything from Megan or Wolf?”

  “Not a word. I take it you haven’t had any contact either,” the detective said.

  Ethan shook his head.

  “Something doesn’t add up,” said Jake, “How come you’re not under surveillance? Why isn’t Martha’s place being watched? Surely they know that Wolf might try to contact Ash - after all, he is still living there with his brother, Jasper.”

  “Maybe they don’t have enough man power,” said Ethan.

  “Could be the reason, or is it because they don’t know about Ash. Maybe whoever is watching us are not the people we think they are.”

  “You’re talking in riddles, Jake. Don’t you believe Henry Brubaker is behind all of this?”

  “Not any more. I think Megan was taken to force him to cooperate. Now that she has escaped, will he still go along with them? Maybe not.”

  The detective paced back and forth across the room as he spoke. He wondered if Ash would keep his promise to let him know if Wolf contacted him.

  “I’m pretty sure they know where Megan is. I think they - whoever ‘they’ might be - are stalling for time. It looks like they want to keep Brubaker’s granddaughter on the run and prevent us from finding her.”

  “But what will they do if you find Megan? If what you say is true, she will be in more danger if she is found than if she stays away,” said Ethan.

  Jake nodded and went back to the window to check outside. It was getting dark and it looked like Megan and Wolf would be spending another night on the street or wherever they were hiding.

  “Can I borrow your car, Ethan? I’ll stand out a mile if I take the van I drove here in.”

  The young man threw Jake his keys and joined him at the window. Ethan smiled at the sight of a giant pizza slice on the roof of a brightly painted delivery van.

  “I see what you mean,” he said.


  When Ash came into the room and saw who was there, he stopped in his tracks. Martha had received a message from him earlier saying he would be late home for supper. She had invited Jake to eat with them, while he waited for Ash to arrive. Jasper could see the effect their visitor was having on his older brother and started talking to draw the attention away from Ash. Jake could tell something was up and chose his words carefully.

  “I’m not here as a law enforcement officer, I promise you that. So, in spite of our differences in the past, Jasper, I want you to know that neither you nor your brother are in any kind of trouble. All I want is your help in finding Megan Brubaker.”

  Jake looked from Martha to Jasper, finally letting his eyes rest on Ash.

  “Has Wolf been in touch with you since yesterday?”

  Ash walked into the kitchen and took a carton from the refrigerator. He stalled for time, pouring himself a glass of milk. Wolf had made him promise not to breathe a word to anybody.

  “Look, son. I know you’re concerned for their safety but if Wolf and Megan spend another night out there on their own, chances are they will be caught. We know they are being followed, we’re just not sure why they haven’t been taken yet. But believe me, time is running out for them and there is a big chance that they could be killed if they are no longer needed alive. Do you want to take that risk, Ash? Their safety may well be in your hands.”

  “How do you know you weren’t followed here? What if you lead them straight to Wolf and Megan? That would be my fault, too, wouldn’t it?”

  “Believe me, nobody knows where I am, except Ethan. It’s his car I borrowed to get here and the reason I did that was because he isn’t under any type of surveillance. Neither is this apartment, I can assure you of that.”

  “Ash, sweetie, you’ve got to trust this man and I don’t say that lightly,” said Martha.

  She turned to face Jake.

  “Do you remember how you made me think it was okay for you to come here and question us about Kaden Seager’s disappearance?”

  The detective nodded, guilt written all over his face. He regretted treating Jasper so harshly when he dragged him down to the station, leaving him overnight in a cell.

  “If I can trust him, you can, too. Has Wolf been in touch with you, Ash?” Martha asked.

  The young man nodded his head, looking silently at the floor.

  “Please, Ash, tell Detective Matthews where they are.”

  “Okay, Martha, if you think it’s safe to tell him, then I will. I gave Wolf the keys to my workplace. I’m an apprentice cabinetmaker. There is a showroom above the workshop. I thought it would be a good place for them to get some rest. Wolf is use
d to the streets but he was worried about Megan. They should be there by now.”

  “Thanks for trusting me, son. I’ll do my best not to let you down. As soon as I get them to a safe place, I’ll let you know,” Jake was out the door before he finished speaking.

  “I hope he doesn’t go there on his own. What if he gets caught, too?” asked Jasper.

  “I’m sure Detective Matthews knows what he’s doing,” said Martha. “Let’s just hope Wolf and Megan were not followed. Hopefully, we will hear some good news soon.”


  Megan fell backwards onto the bed and lay there, arms outstretched, eyes closed. Wolf was downstairs in the workshop checking that every window and door was locked. He hadn’t noticed anyone follow them but wasn’t taking any chances. He had decided to stay awake while Megan slept. It would give him a chance to think clearly and plan their next move. Wolf was annoyed with himself for not being able to get Megan home or at least out of Chicago but there was no way of knowing the safest route to take. They couldn’t even go to the law for protection, as nobody knew for sure who was behind Megan’s disappearance.

  Wolf had a feeling they were being followed at various times in the day but no matter how much he checked, there was never anyone he could point a finger at. Putting it down to anxiety and being overcautious, Wolf had decided to use the key Ash had given him. As he climbed the stairs, barely able to see in the darkness, he was satisfied that the place was secure enough for the night. On reaching the last step, the sound of light snoring met his ears. Wolf smiled as he listened for a moment outside the open door.

  “I knew she had to have some faults,” he said to himself.

  In the room where Megan was sleeping, a shaft of moonlight illuminated the carved, oak bed on which she lay. Wolf’s heart skipped a beat as he looked at the scene before him, finding it difficult to believe a girl like her could be interested in someone like him. He loved everything about her but it was her honesty and sense of humour that particularly attracted him. After everything she had been through, she remained upbeat and positive.


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