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The Final Link

Page 13

by Erin Thornton

  “That should keep out any unwanted visitors or at least slow them down long enough for us to get out of here.” Delia seemed rather paranoid. Was there more to this meeting than even they knew?

  “Well, then I guess we should get started.” Eldon took charge and for that Aggie was thankful, even though Delia didn’t seem bothered by Aggie’s presence. “What can you tell us about your dealings with Yavari?”

  “Yavari,” Delia chuckled sardonically. “She used to be great. I’ve known her since I was a kid you see. I grew up in the castle. My parents have worked here and I always played at their feet, as a child. This is the only home I’ve ever known. When I was old enough, I started working as a lady’s maid in the court. I loved my job as I got to hang out with girls relatively my own age.

  Yavari requested me when I was eighteen. She and I got along great and because she was the daughter of the king, there wasn’t much she was allowed to do, for fear of her safety. She would send me with notes to boys she saw in the market on her guided outings that she thought were cute. She was like any other teenager, hormone-driven and sweet. She resented her father for keeping her from the lifestyle she wanted - but tell me a child that doesn’t apply to.” Delia was very open and honest. She sat comfortably as she told her story across from Aggie and Eldon in the sitting area of her quarters. The space was a little bigger than Aggie expected, but as the lady’s maid to the King’s sister she would probably have a bit more rank as a manager of a store might have.

  “Something changed when she reached her mid-twenties. Her brother had taken the throne and she was still restricted for her safety. She felt that as an adult she should have more freedoms since she wasn’t actually wearing a crown any longer. She became angry and plotted opportunities to leave the castle after dark. I wasn’t privy to the places she was going or who she was meeting. When she would return I could feel the emotions radiating off of her. She felt different and the happy young girl was gone. We no longer stayed up at night to talk about love interests or life problems. The day the Prince Rikan was born it was like a switch was flipped. She went from a pleasant person to be around to be volatile and hard to predict. She would go from regal to vicious in seconds and without warning. The planned excursions increased and became more secretive. I found spells cast over her room for privacy when I would come to check on her. I’m might be her lady’s maid, but my privileges to her room for cleaning or preparation have been limited and at times revoked.” She flipped her hand to reveal scars running over her palm. “I’ve learned to knock, rather than press my luck. It’s like a game to her and the spell on the room prevents me from healing them.” Delia stared at the puckered skin scarred on her hand. Her face winced as though reliving the pain that must have accompanied the wounds the first time she received them.

  “I’m so sorry, she sounds truly evil.” Aggie wanted to befriend this girl and not just because of the physical pain she had endured. She just looked like she was lost and needed someone to talk to. Pressing her luck, Aggie rose from her seat and moved over to sit beside this girl. In the light of what she had gone through this Apep demon seemed small and beat down from years of abuse. Resting her hand on Delia’s leg, Aggie attempted to convey her sympathy but not pity. No one wanted to be pitied. Aggie didn’t pity her she was in awe of her strength. Delia was badass in her own right but had just misplaced her spirit. Aggie wanted to help her find it.

  “Is there any chance that you have since figured out who she is meeting on the secret getaways?” Eldon leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. The conversation had gone from uncertain to comfortable very quickly. Delia was a very likable girl.

  Delia hesitated, “I..well..once I followed her, she went through town. I was so nervous that she would know what I had done, but she had changed so much over such a short period of time I was worried someone was influencing her actions.” Chewing on her nail of her good hand, Delia stopped and grew quiet.

  “Where did she go?” Eldon pressed her but his lyrical voice made everything seem okay and took the stress out of his words.

  “I’m not entirely sure. She passed through town, wearing a hooded cloak. That made it easier to follow her as no one wears those anymore. While it hid her face from onlookers, I knew it was her. She walked for a while after we left town and I thought she was just taking a cleansing walk, but then we reached a field and she stopped abruptly. It was so unexpected I was worried I had gotten too close while tailing her. Then out of nowhere she just disappeared. I imagine she sifted, but I have no idea why she walked so far just to phase to a new location.” Delia had drawn her feet up underneath her and was still nervously chewing on her nail. This conversation wasn’t one that made her relaxed anymore. The initial part was easy because she spoke of the happier times. It was obvious she was scared of Yavari and didn’t know the extent of her powers to find her and know she was ratting Yavari out.

  “Thank you.” Aggie reached over and grasped Delia’s hand, squeezing lightly as it was her injured hand. Aggie wanted her to know that it didn’t define her or scare Aggie away because she has scars. Everyone had scars, some just weren’t visible to the naked eye. “We won’t keep you any longer. You are welcome to find me if you need anything or just want to talk. I don’t just mean about this but if you remember anything else feel free to reach out. I’m happy to be a sounding board or just a friendly ear.” Giving the hand one last squeeze Aggie released it. Delia just stared at her in shock. Slowly a smile crept up on her face, one of appreciation and understanding. Delia looked as though a huge weight was lifted off of her.

  “Thank you again, for everything. We won’t be in touch unless something pressing changes things. We don’t want you to get into any trouble for associating with us.

  They all made their way to the door, Aggie reached for the handle but at the last second hesitated, realizing that the door was still sealed. Not wanting to risk what might happen if she touched it, Aggie backed away. Delia laughed, “Oh silly me. Let me get him off there for you. Stanley, come!” The serpent quickly unraveled and faded into glittery dust. Then the golden sparkling dust floated across the room and landed in the palm of Delia’s hand.

  “Stanley?” Aggie’s left eyebrow shot up in question. Delia just beamed at her. “Cute name. Does he do any other tricks?”

  Delia placed her finger beside her nose, “Only time will tell, I have to keep a few secrets to myself.” The girls peeled out in a fit of giggles and Aggie felt wonderful with the release of endorphins. It had been a while since she spent some quality girl time.

  She and Eldon made their way back to the hallway of their rooms where the rest of the guys were waiting. That didn’t stop them from chiming in once Eldon and Aggie were out of earshot of the room.

  “Anyone have any thoughts on all that?” Mitchell’s gruff tone was the first to address the elephant in the room. Though his voice in Aggie’s head grated on her nerves it also reminded her of what he mentioned about his wolf earlier setting her afire all over again. Her sex drive was in overdrive and she had to get a handle on it.

  “Princess, you are beyond out of control. Rein it in, for the sake of the rest of us if nothing else.” Mitchell groaned in her mind as did a couple other’s she couldn’t pinpoint as they were muffled.

  “I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time controlling things. Kyrel, you aren’t the cause of this over the link, are you? Since she was speaking directly to someone not in the space, she chose to think it to him and the fact that he responded seconds later made it feel just as strange as she had anticipated.

  “Nope that isn’t me. It is all you. I might be connected to you mentally, but I can’t physically hear you with my ears. It is with my mind. I can’t smell you or sense you outside of this mental link.” She could hear the humor in his voice as though he was smiling and laughing at her for asking, but she felt justified given his propensity for leaking.

  “Alright, I’ll try and control my urges in the future. I thoug
ht I was doing alright but perhaps I’m not doing my best.” Aggie reached out and clasped Eldon’s hand as they walked and a smug feeling came off of him.

  “What is that for?” Ren was the one who asked. They couldn’t see what was happening and Aggie chose not to inform them, as did Eldon.

  “Does anyone know if there are any estates that are out past the city? Anything that might have been abandoned or inhabited by an elderly family without any children to pass it on to when they passed.” Xavier was thinking rationally and had moved past the sexual tension, leaving Aggie to wonder if he had blocked it as Eldon had done.

  “I will have to check the maps and see, perhaps it will show something on the perimeter of the city limits. Though it sounds like Delia had to walk for a while before coming across it. That might mean it isn’t going to show on the maps.” Mathius paused and Aggie thought it sounded like he was humming or somehow deep in thought. The fact that they could block this really bothered her. She would speak with Gryson about this. Perhaps there was something he could do in the future. “We might want to pull the census for the past few years and see if any families have drastically changed, warranting an empty house.”

  “That sounds like a plan. I assume my room is on lockdown. When we get back, should I head straight to the twin’s rooms?” Aggie was growing more and more exhausted by the moment. The day had taken its toll. They were gaining ground but the days until Walpurgisnacht Roodmas were drawing closer with each passing sun cycle. There were only about eight days until they were out of time. The realization was draining. She didn’t have much left and she wasn’t used to this lifestyle. The thought of the kids being left any longer in the hands of a mad woman trying to find a loophole to get her powers back and hurting how many families in the process, made Aggie sick. Aggie knew life wasn’t fair, but children were off limits.

  “We will be waiting for you. Given the fact that you sound exhausted, I’ll have the bed ready for you. We can take shifts to guard you while you sleep.” Ren was being extra sweet and Aggie wondered what changed. “Or we could take turns making you more tired.” There it was, the Ren she was expecting. He had just held out for added effect.

  “Don’t put your cart before the horse. She might hit the bed and pass out. I’m not into necrophilia. I save that for the creepers, like Xavier.” Mitchell sounded archaic with his choice of analogy. Although the jab at Xavier made Aggie laugh it was surprising to her. He was joking. He wasn't snarky. What had changed?

  “I don’t enjoy my women dead, I prefer to partake of their living essence while I pleasure them. Trust me it is worth it, for us both.” Xavier’s rich baritone and his choice of words gave her warm chills at the visual he had created.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes. Gryson is there a way to turn off this link? I’d like to enjoy my dreams without wondering if you guys are seeing them as well.” Eldon gripped her hand a little tighter. She didn’t know if it was compassion or fear for them running into trouble without the link.

  “I have a manual deactivate for you to drink when you get here, we all have to do it together or we will stay connected by the tether holding anyone who hasn’t cut the cord. What are you planning on dreaming of, little keeper? Perhaps we should stay linked so we can all encounter what Aggie’s dreams are like.” Gryson knew he would only encourage the bad ones in the group with his words and he succeeded.

  “I’m on board for that, unless she wants me to give her something to dream about before she falls asleep. Then I’d prefer you all to stay out of her head so she can keep her focus on the important things at hand.” Ren didn’t block his thoughts and his ideas were very vivid including a few things Aggie had never tried or considered before. He would definitely be a bad, or perhaps good, influence on her in the sexual department.

  “Enough both of you. I’ll be back shortly and until then I’d like to call for silence. Since it seems you can all block your thoughts, let me walk the last few feet in peace.” She was thankful for the quiet that met her. She knew the tether hadn’t broken, but they were respectful enough to grant her request.

  “Do you have anything to share to make the walk less daunting?” Aggie looked at Eldon expectantly, but the look on his face was one of surprise. His eyebrows shot up so fast she’d have thought she asked him to strip naked in the hall. “What?”

  “I assumed you wanted to walk in silence. I wasn’t expecting you to ask me to share my thoughts.” Eldon stammered a bit and the more time she spent with him she realized that this beautiful Fae was naturally shy. While he wasn’t meek in any way and could hold his own given the right situation, shy was his go-to safe place.

  “I wanted the buzzing in my head to cease. I had no idea how weird that would feel but it was beyond intrusive. While I know they can still hear us, I’d like to pretend for a few minutes it is just us walking through these halls alone.” Sighing, she snuggled in closer to Eldon’s rigid body. He took a moment to relax, then wrapped his arm around her and she never released his hand. Now it rested beside her own shoulder still clasped in his hand. It was almost romantic walking through the castle wrapped up in each other.

  When they arrived at the twins’ doors, Eldon pulled his arm from her shoulders and clasped her other hand. They stood like that for a moment before Eldon leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. Always the sweetest kiss from the sweetest one of her men. Wondering for a moment, Aggie pressed forward and licked the seam of his lips in hopes of sparking something in him. It worked, because he opened to her and thrust his tongue in to meet hers. Aggie’s body was on fire and she threw her arms around his neck, standing on her tippy toes to reach and not break the connection. She adored the feel of him pressed against her and she let her thoughts drift. Rubbing her body along the length of him, she felt him grow harder. Her nipples puckered against his chest and the fabric of her bra rubbed them roughly causing friction. Aggie let her fingers trail up into Eldon’s hair and she gripped it lightly, unsure of how much he preferred.

  Eldon’s hand dropped to her lower back and pressed her hard into his length and he groaned at the contact. She let one hand fall and ran it up the back of his shirt. For being so tall, Aggie was surprised to find taut muscles running the length of his back. Without another thought she tore his shirt from his body right there in the hall. Neither was thinking clearly and the hall was empty. Nothing to interfere with where they were headed. Her eyes roved over his bare skin with awe. Without another thought she lowered her head and ran her tongue over his puckered nipple on his toned pec and sucked it into her mouth letting her teeth lightly graze as it released with a soft pop. Her nail grazed the other nipple and he shuddered. She let her tongue flatten on it creating a much-needed balance. Lifting her from the floor he smashed his mouth down to hers while gripping her cheeks tightly on the verge of pain. The delicious feeling was the perfect amount of pleasure mixed with the sting of his fingers pressing into the skin. He backed her against the wall and his hands breached the fabric sliding down the skin of her ass, quickly finding her wet slit. Smiling at what he found, he plunged his finger inside and met no resistance. Curling it, he dragged it back out and hit her sweet spot deep inside her. His fingers were so long there was no effort or challenge in hitting her hidden pleasure points. After a couple times, he turned his hand and ran it the opposite way creating friction she had never felt before.

  She pressed against him rubbing her clit into his engorged cock just enough to almost push her over the edge. She scrambled to free the button on his pants. As tight as he was against the zipper he had to be in pain. Just before she had gotten her hand around him to completely free his manhood, a door opened nearby.

  “Well, this is quite the sight. Would you two like to come in and we will pick this back up in privacy?” Kyrel was standing across the hall in his own teal doorway beaming. Aggie was so close to taking him up on his offer as worked up as she was but modesty took over. She slid down the wall and smiled at Eldon.

“Can we pick this back up in a little while? I definitely want to finish what we just started.” She whispered as she refastened his pants back to their former restriction and for that she felt horrible.

  “Let’s get these guys out of our head and then we can head to my room before the twins steal you.” One last peck on her lips making her sad they had to stop.

  “I apologize for interrupting you, we held off as long as possible. The thoughts you two were sending were pushing even my limits. The rest of the guys might have been taking matters into their own hands and couldn’t come out here to take the head of the snake, so to speak.” Kyrel didn’t look sorry, but Aggie assumed that was because he fed off their energy and his coffers were probably pretty close to full.

  Rolling her eyes at his antics, “Where are we meeting? I’d like to get you guys out of my head sooner rather than later.”

  “They’re all in there.” He was pointing at Ren and Mitchell’s door. “We wanted to be all in one place to make the separation easier. Only then you two started in and easier wasn’t what I would say was happening. So, in an effort to give them some privacy to finish up what you caused, I sifted to my room to put an end to your hormones.” Kyrel proceeded to open the door without knocking and Aggie got an eyeful of what she missed. There were no words. Xavier was refastening his buttons on his trousers, Gryson had just pulled his zipper up and Mathius was tucking in his shirt. Everyone else was still out in all their glory as though finishing wasn’t anything to rush. Liel was laid out in his afterglow and even limp he was still something to write home about. It took an effort to not rush over and get him going again to see him in his prime. Ren and Mitchell weren’t quite finished and their dicks were straining in their own grasp. They were pumping away and when they noticed her looking at them it only fired them up more. On impulse, she licked her lips at the idea of her looking turning them on more. They both groaned simultaneously and they exploded with massive orgasms, leaving them spent and relaxed on their sofa. Aggie felt herself grow wet again at the sight she just took in.


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