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The Final Link

Page 16

by Erin Thornton

  “Your hands…” Ren stated the obvious and Mitchell elbowed him for his insensitive remark.

  “We’re fine. Are you ok?” Mitchell’s voice was gruff and to the point. She realized it wasn’t for lack of caring but just trying to get down to business to sort it all out. Aggie looked between her hands and didn’t know what to say. She just looked back at them in horror. Mitchell approached her cautiously. “This must be your power making itself known and it must be connected to your emotions. You need to try and calm down.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Her words were small and trembling. It was obvious she was terrified. If they needed any other proof, her hands were shaking as well causing the sparks to shoot toward the ceiling every few seconds. Luckily, they dissipated before reaching an actual surface.

  “You won’t hurt us. Any feelings you have toward us should flow through your magic, the same way I knew my wolf wouldn’t hurt you when we changed yesterday. He just needed to meet you. Your magic got a taste of us upon initial appearance and now your fear is the only thing keeping it active right now. You need to relax as best you can. Don’t fear it. Embrace it, let it meld with you. Ren, go get Eldon. He might be the only one who can talk her through this effectively. All I can do is try my best to calm her.” Ren followed Mitchell’s direction and only hesitated once, right before walking through the door.

  “Hang in there, I’ll be right back with Eldon. It’s going to be ok.” Ren blasted through the door with the same speed she saw him and his brother use moments before. Mitchell gently laid his hand on her leg and smoothed it up and down. He didn’t speak so she closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of his hand on her body. Every nerve in her body felt like it was alive. She had a new awareness of her body from head to toe. This was all so overwhelming and scary.

  “Will it ever go away and let me go back to normal? I don’t know if I can handle this. I’m not built for this. I’m not the right person.” Aggie threw out all of her insecurities because they all made more sense now. “What were you guys thinking? I’m not the one you need. I’m weak and can’t take all these changes.” Tears slipped from her closed eyes, she refused to open them, not wanting to see the disappointment sure to be painted across Mitchell’s face. She wasn’t strong enough for them and to take on the role of their ninth. Her arms were growing tired, but in order to not strike the men she was growing to care for very deeply, she forced herself to hold them up.

  Without warning, she felt two hands encircle her arms just below her elbows. They didn’t feel rough like Mitchell’s and her body was instantly filled with butterflies, Eldon. Parting her eyes just slightly, her line of vision was filled with his face. She didn’t see a look of disappointment or anger, but a compassionate expression. She allowed him to hold the weight of her arms and her shoulders relaxed. The relief was instant and Aggie sighed. “I think you can put these down now.” Eldon’s lyrical voice filled Aggie with relief. “You have been a warrior among women today. Not many would have thought as quickly as you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Sniffing her sobs back, Aggie’s arms trembled for fear of him pulling them down without her consent.

  “As you can see for yourself, you have nothing to be concerned with.” Aggie looked up hearing Eldon’s words and to her surprise the magic was no longer visible. All that was left was her hands hanging in the air and her fingers curled slightly and protective. She must have been subconsciously trying to keep them from shooting out.

  “How did you do that?” Aggie was sure Eldon had come in and waved his magic around the room - she pictured a flourish and a swoosh as though he had to clear the air.

  “That was all you, my dear. You have been given a great gift and your magic will respond to your bidding. Even if that means you have to concentrate really hard on what you want it to do while you are still new to it. Soon it will become easier and then second nature.” Eldon pulled him to her and she slowly dropped her arms letting the blood flow return to them. He embraced her tightly and she collapsed into him.

  “Mitchell told me to relax, I thought it was impossible to do that and keep enough control and not throw whatever that was around the room.” Aggie leaned back and rubbed her arms to help the blood flow, but Eldon quickly took over for her.

  “He was absolutely right. No one could do that for you, it had to come from within. I’m not sure what you did exactly, but it worked and you handled it like someone who knew it was coming. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for when they manifested. It seems you are connected deeply with the nature aspect of the Fae powers. I’m not going to try and guess what was going through your mind that jumpstarted them, but the glimpse I got when I arrived of the lightning crackling between your grasp was well controlled.” Eldon’s hands massaged her cramped muscles from overworking them while trying to retain control, it seemed, without actually to attaining it fully.

  “That was controlled? Wow, I’m not sure I want to see what out of control looks like.” Ren smirked at her and then winked so she knew he was joking to lighten the mood of the room.

  “Actually, she could have easily taken out the entire room and set fire to many of the items in here.” The pride in Eldon’s voice wasn’t missed and Aggie felt herself blush.

  “Either we need to get my room fixed or get me assigned a new space of my own. I don’t want to put any of you in this situation. While you say I wouldn’t have hurt any of you, I’d hate to destroy your spaces because my magic is majorly wonky.” Aggie felt tears slip from her eyes, but quickly swiped them away. She wasn’t a crier at all, but when one’s life had been flipped upside-down and sideways in just a few days it couldn’t be faulted.

  “You will stay with me until we can get this under control. If one of you wants to stay with us then that is fine, but I won’t let her out of my sight.” He directed that at the twins but his words were firm. With that he lifted Aggie from the bed and carried her back to his room.

  “I’m more than capable of walking, unlike when you brought me in last night.” Aggie flushed thinking about the previous circumstances Eldon was forced to carry her across the hall.

  Breathing deeply, she knew Eldon could likely smell her arousal, “I will carry you if I choose to and this has nothing to with how capable you are. If my guess is correct though, you might want to try and control your desires or extracurricular thoughts for a bit, until we get your magic to a comfortable level.” Groaning Aggie redirected her thoughts the best she could.

  “Are you saying I'd have to limit my sexual thoughts and interaction because I might react magically again?” She wiped her hand over her face in an attempt to clear the images of the previous night and that morning from her brain. “If that is the case, then I definitely need my own space. This isn’t going to work.”

  “I will train you and we will start the moment I get you settled. I think a hot bath to relax you is necessary first.” Eldon pressed his door open and he placed her on his bed “I’ll go start your water.”

  “I think a shower would be better.” Aggie had another sexual memory from the tub and she didn’t think water and electricity would mix well.

  “As you wish, my little warrior.” Eldon left the room and headed for the bathroom. Aggie forced herself off the bed because her most recent memories of it were likely going to make an appearance sooner than later, left to her own thoughts.

  Eldon appeared moments later and gave her a quizzical look his head leaning slightly to the right and his eyebrow raised. “I have the water started and laid a towel out for you.”

  “I suppose asking you to join me would be out of the question?” Smiling to show him she was joking, but her heart didn’t feel it. What had happened to her life? Everything was a mess of epic proportion. How was she supposed to help now that she needed to be trained to control her emotions so she didn’t set fire to anything or worse.


  Towel wrapped around her body, Aggie appeared back in the bedroom feeling loose
from the shower beating out all her tense muscles. This still short day had already been very trying. A movement caught her attention and she realized that both the twins were sitting at the table along with Eldon. They all turned their attention to her and the heated looks they all gave her wasn’t helping her. She immediately felt the hairs on her arms stand on end and even her wet hair that was draped around her shoulders began to move. In a moment it was standing on end as well.

  Eldon jumped from his seat and pulled her back into the bathroom. His hands on her bare shoulders sent the butterflies running through her and her nerves settled. Closing the door behind them, she felt like someone flipped a switch and her hair fell back to rest on her shoulders. “This isn’t going to work. What am I supposed to do? Not to mention, that bitch destroyed my room and all my clothes. I have nothing to wear!” Eldon wrapped her up in his embrace squeezing tightly. She felt a tingling sensation and when he backed away the towel fell from her. It was so unexpected that when she reached for it, she missed and it fell to the floor. Only the body she saw in the mirror wasn’t naked. It was clothed in a beautiful moss colored wrap dress. Upon closer examination she realized it was made out of actual moss. She touched it and was at a loss for words. The dress was stunning, but that wasn’t what had her captivated. Eldon had created this with his bare hands and magic.

  “I thought this might help you channel your magic. Also, I think it looks perfect and suits you.” His eyes were hungry as they roved over her body. It didn’t fire her magic thankfully, but she did want nothing more than to have him take her all over again.

  Now that she was covered, they escaped the bathroom once again. The brothers were still seated at the table and the heated look they gave her didn’t react on her body the same as before, for that she was grateful. It seemed this scrap of fabric – no nature – was acting as some sort of shield. Aggie wrapped herself in her arms and hugged the dress and it hummed in answer.

  “Did you add something to this dress?” She didn’t know how to describe it but it felt different.

  “Aside from something to raise your breasts to eye level for my pleasure. I do love to see them whenever possible.” The brothers grunted in appreciation and Aggie looked down noticing for the first time that this strapless dress was indeed accentuating her rack which was always very full. So, she spilled over the top with perfect round mounds. It even made them look balanced which she had never been able to achieve before in any of her earthly clothes. Not in the least bit embarrassed by the display, she was thankful they were taking in the view. She appreciated that her body didn’t react with crazy powers or anything new.

  “Well, whatever you did, thank you. I already feel more under control.” Aggie smoothed her hands over the moss intrigued by the hum it radiated back at her.

  “It is the connection as I suspected. You are using the dress as a grounding point for your natural instincts. Instead of needing to release it, the moss is absorbing it. When you need to use your magic, it will be there but it will be more like you are one with it. It should never feel like something separate.” Eldon sounded matter-of-fact but not clinical and that helped Aggie relate to him better.

  “I see, so what sort of training are we going to do?” She wasn’t so sure about using her powers, but she also didn’t want to set fires or make anything worse than it already was.

  “I’ve been chatting with Ren and Mitch about that. While this will be new to all of us, they will have a better idea of how to help you with the fact that I’m sure it feels like - something has invaded your body.” Aggie nodded enthusiastically, because that is exactly what it felt like something running over her skin looking for a place to burrow. “Yes, that is what I thought. I will help you find a place where you can communicate with your new gift. Once you find a place where you are equals, it will be easier to channel it.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?” Aggie sat down beside them all at the table, still slightly hugging her new dress as it calmed her nerves.

  “Meditation.” Eldon’s words were direct and to the point. No mincing words adding to any confusion.

  Aggie couldn’t help the laugh that broke free from her lips. “Seriously? I’ve never meditated a day in my life. I can barely sit still to ride in a car, let alone if you want me to concentrate while doing it. This is going to be a disaster.”

  “We will all be here helping you along. It will be easier than you think.” Eldon was the only one speaking but the twins were agreeing with his every word. Ren was leaning back relaxed in his chair nodding enthusiastically. While Mitchell was leaned forward with his elbows resting on the table arms crossed. His agreement was a bit subtler and more in his wheel house. A stern, barely noticeable head shake and focused eyes that never left Aggie’s face.

  “Ok, I’m willing to do anything to get a handle on this because as much as I love this dress and it is more than comfortable, I don’t think it is really appropriate for mixed company.” Smoothing her hands absentmindedly down the dress, Aggie glanced at each of the men individually.

  “Let’s all sit on the floor, it would be better if we could be outside, but given the weather I think this will have to do. The castle’s stone will have some residual energy.” They all followed Eldon’s request and quickly arranged themselves on the floor in a small circle. With their legs crossed, it wasn’t difficult to stay connected with each of them because their knees all touched around the circle.

  “Everyone, close your eyes and think of something relaxing. The goal is to clear your head so that nothing can get in the way of your magic’s essence.” Eldon’s words seemed easily done, but the more Aggie tried the more difficult it became.

  After what felt like an eternity, Aggie cried out in frustration, “Argh! This is pointless. Why, can’t I do this?” Finally, she resolved she’d never get it, “It just isn’t worth it, it would be easier to just wing it and hope for the best. Surely the magic in me can’t be that strong. I’m just a human.” There was nothing else she could think of to try, but through her entire rant, not once did Aggie open her eyes nor did the guys say anything. When she was finished she was about to get up from the circle, but a finger reached across and touched the bare skin of her wrist. Only one finger, not an entire hand, and since it was on her right it Aggie knew, was Ren. Then, as if sensing his twin Mitchell repeated the exact same action on her left.

  For whatever reason, Aggie felt her mind start to drift. Slowly like she was being pulled from her body and flying through the sky. It was a strange sensation, but she no longer had any trouble focusing on the task at hand. Her mind no longer wandered taking in the sounds around her. Now the only thing she heard was the sound of the breeze and rushing water. The trees blew in that wind lightly and she heard the leaves rustle.

  Taking a large inhale, she actually smelled flowers. It took her a moment to realize she wasn’t in Eldon’s room anymore and he hadn’t procured or created another bouquet for her. This all felt real, like she was walking through a meadow. Then off in the distance, Aggie saw a person walking towards her. She hesitated because none of the guys were with her and she didn’t know who it was coming at her. As the person got closer, Aggie realized it was a woman with dark hair about the same height as herself. The woman looked up from her steps and met Aggie’s eyes, and Aggie gasped, as she saw the face was her own. “Is this some sort of trick?” Aggie questioned the woman, now standing right in front of her unmoving.

  “This is no trick,” The lookalike’s voice was Aggie’s voice, but with a lyrical note to it similar to Eldon’s own voice. Aggie stared at her with disbelief.

  Reaching up Aggie tucked her own hair behind her ear but stopped mid-motion because her lookalike did the same with her hand. Aggie slowly proceeded and watched it play out in front of her. Only when the other Aggie reached the top of her ear it was slightly pointed, though still a bit rounded as though she were Fae. Aggie gasped and squeaked her surprise. “What are you?” Her words were but a whisper and what
she was seeing was hard to believe.

  “I’m you, well your magic, I suppose is the best way to phrase it. This is my home. Don’t you just love it?” Aggie looked around and took in her surroundings. The trees above her head, were tall. They created a full canopy of the forest they were standing in. Animals ran on the branches but didn’t scurry out of sight upon seeing them. They just looked on curiously, more like they wanted to come down for a visit but didn’t think it was the right time or their turn. The flowers lined the path she walked on in every variety. Some she knew and some she didn’t. They were pristine as though they had just bloomed that day. No decay or fallen petals could be seen on any of them. Aggie’s mind was put at ease just by taking in the scene around her.

  “Yes, this place is breathtaking.” Realizing she was here for a purpose and now that Aggie knew her doppelganger wasn’t a threat, the next step meant getting down to business. “Well, I suppose I’m here to talk to you but I’m not sure what about. Do you have anything you need me to do or tell me perhaps?” Aggie’s magic chose then to sit down gracefully on the bed of grass below her feet. That was something Aggie didn’t know was possible for her own body. So in an effort to prove herself wrong, she tried to mimic her, only she failed miserably and ended up collapsing in a heap. Luck was on her side and she didn’t land on her head.

  Once Aggie had righted herself, her mirror leaned in as though to tell Aggie a secret only meant for their ears. “You have done all you need to do. We are now acquainted and with that we will be able to work as one. You will be able to call on me in times of need and I will no longer worry when your emotions are out of control. I can feel as you do now and will be able to tell the difference.”

  “That is all? No need to do any special training or merging our minds? I won’t potentially be killing anyone with a thought anymore?” Aggie was relieved to hear this, but she wanted to clarify just in case there was some catch.


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