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Highest Bidder (A Bad Boy Romance)

Page 11

by Mia Carson

  “However, I am impressed by you—always,” she said and squeezed his hands. “I guess I’m ready.”

  His lips twitched in a grin as he finished buttoning up his tuxedo jacket and she slipped into her heels. “Yes, you are. Let’s go see to our guests for the night, shall we?” He offered her his arm, and she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, just as she had their first night together. Never did she think she would be standing here nearly a month later with the same man.

  When they were in the car and on their way to the hall, Harley thought about the past few weeks and how great they had been when another thought stilled her heart. She had been so careful when they’d had sex, so very careful, but she should not be able to wear a thong right now. In her mind, she counted the days and realized she had taken placebo pills all week and yet…and yet…she let out a strangled sound and Sam’s hand grabbed hers, worried.

  “Harley? What’s wrong?”

  “Sorry, nothing,” she said and coughed to hide her panic. “A hair stuck in my throat. Or hairspray.”

  He frowned as she coughed again. Maybe it was just her new lifestyle that disrupted her cycle. She heard of it happening before. That had to be it; otherwise, she would be buried under an avalanche of secrets she was keeping from Sam.

  Sam greeted the guests with handshakes and introduced them to Harley. When they first arrived, a few of the older women asked who Harley was and he replied that she was his girlfriend. At first, he froze, worried she would rebuke him, but she grinned even brighter and nodded. Now, with each new guest who entered, he immediately claimed her as such and the weight of so many years of loneliness and grief lifted even more. When the trickle of guests slowed, he pulled her aside and they moved towards the stage set up at the rear of the hall.

  “It’s time for your introduction,” he told her. “You doing okay?”

  “Oh, yeah, perfect,” she said, waving off his worries even though her voice shook. “You know, I’m about to address an entire room of rich people who look at me like I’m an imposter in a pretty dress.”

  He frowned, staring around the hall. “Who’s looking at you like that?”

  “All of them,” she muttered through her tense smile. “Those old biddies haven’t stopped staring at me since they walked in. They know.”

  “You sound paranoid right now, and they’re staring at you because not only are you the first girlfriend I have ever had since becoming a CEO, you are unmistakably the most gorgeous woman in the room,” he said sternly. “Harley, look at me.”

  He took her hands gently, stopping her from picking at her manicured nails, and she lifted her grey eyes to his hazel ones. “Sorry, I can’t help it. This is a big deal for you and I don’t want to mess it up.” She screwed her lips to the side. “You know, I do have a surprise for you tonight. Two, actually,” she said, whispering the last few words.

  “Yeah? What is it?” he asked, watching her closely. “Does it have anything to do with why you look like a panicked rabbit?”

  “I thought I was paranoid, not panicked.”

  “Well, now you look panicked. Is there something going on you need to talk to me about?” he asked quietly, leaning in. “The introductions can wait.”

  “No—no, everything’s fine. You’ll find out soon enough. I only hope you don’t hate me because of it.”

  She squeezed his hands, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and hoisting her skirts up so she wouldn’t trip, she marched up to the stage, leaving him wondering what he’d missed. She was up to something, and worry wiggled into his mind as he walked closer to the stage and watched her take the mic from the stand.

  “Good evening, everyone,” she said, her voice carrying over the crowd. “If I could have your attention, please?” The hall quieted and the guests turned to stare at Harley on the stage. Sam spotted her hands trembling, and when her gaze landed on his, he motioned for her to take a deep breath in and let it out, smiling at her the whole time. “Well, I’m sure you’d all like to know why you’re here—besides to drink champagne and play dress-up.”

  The crowd laughed politely, and Harley appeared to relax.

  “Tonight is the first of what I hope will be more fundraisers to come for an issue that plagues this country. I know, of course, there are other, more tragic situations happening around the world, but for the moment, at least, I would like to focus here at home. I’ll work on my plan to conquer the world later.”

  Sam smiled as he watched the crowd fall in love with her as he had. Marcus nudged his arm as he handed him a glass of champagne. “She’s a natural,” he whispered to Sam.

  “I think we just found Harley’s true calling.”

  “Many of you know Samuel Benson, CEO of Ace of Marketing here in the Las Vegas area,” she said and held out her hand to him. “If everyone could please give him a hand. We all know how much he loves that,” she teased. Sam lifted his glass to the crowd as they clapped and cheered for him. “What many of you might not know is that Samuel’s life growing up was as difficult as was mine—as were many of those people who live here in our hometown,” Harley went on and Sam tensed.

  They had gone over her speech together, and he knew what she would tell everyone about his dark past. Still, it didn’t make it easy. Marcus rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder for support. Sam had told his best friend everything last night, and Marcus still couldn’t believe what Sam had gone through—or Harley for that matter.

  “Sam had an abusive father,” Harley said. “He was a drunk who did nothing but tear Sam’s family apart. His mother had nowhere to go and no help except for an aging father, but even that wasn’t enough to save her. Sam’s mother killed herself when he was only thirteen years old, unable to deal with the abuse anymore and incapable of staying strong for her only son.”

  Sam heard the quiet murmurings around him but kept his eyes focused on the only woman in the room who mattered.

  “I, too, came from a broken household, abandoned by a mother who wanted her drugs more than her daughters and left them to be raised by a heartbroken father who eventually passed away,” Harley went on, her voice cracking as she spoke. Sam handed his glass to Marcus and marched up to the stage, ready to comfort her, but she held out her hand to stop him with a gentle smile. “That is what this fundraiser is about. Too many spouses to count are victimized by people they thought loved them. They’re left alone in a world where they think no one cares and no one can help them. We are here to change that—or try to the best way we can.”

  Harley nodded to one of the men by the stage and he pulled on a rope. A banner fell across the wall behind Harley, and all Sam could do was stare open-mouthed at the words as tears burned in his eyes.

  “In honor of Sam’s mother, we are beginning this fundraiser to help other wives and husbands like her and like my father. Welcome to the first annual Lillian’s Foundation for Broken Homes fundraiser.”

  The hall erupted in applause, and Sam rushed up onto the stage to embrace Harley. “You named it after my mother,” he whispered into her hair, holding her close. “You have no idea what that means to me.”

  She squeezed him hard. “Do you like your surprise?”

  His lips found hers in reply and a loud whistle reminded him they were standing on a stage in front of an entire room of people, but he didn’t care. “You are amazing, you know that?” he said as he held her face gently in his hands.

  “Now I do.” She kissed him again, and together, they turned to face the crowd.

  Sam took the mic and motioned for everyone to quiet down again. “I would just like to thank you all so much for attending the fundraiser this evening. The money donated tonight and every day to come will go towards shelters for abused spouses and their families, councilors, access to lawyers, and a chance for these families to start over. Thank you again, and please enjoy your evening.”

  The band Harley had hired started playing, and he escorted her off the stage. He dragged her straight onto the dance flo
or, twirling her around as she squealed with laughter. When he pulled her against his body while other dancers joined them on the floor, he rested his forehead against hers.

  “So what is this other surprise you wanted to tell me about?” he asked quietly.

  Her face paled though she smiled, and the worry in Sam’s gut rushed right back. “That one will have to wait a little longer.” He opened his mouth to argue, but she covered his lips with hers in a kiss. “Please? Just trust me.”

  “Will I like this surprise?” he countered.

  “God, I hope so,” she muttered.

  Sam brought them to a stop in the middle of the dance floor. “Harley? What’s going on?”

  She puffed out her cheeks. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” He shook his head firmly, and she grabbed his hand. “Not here.” They left the dance floor quickly, and she led him to a corner of the hall leading towards the exit. She let go of his hand and immediately started picking furiously at her nails.

  He caught both of her hands before she ripped a nail off completely. “Harley, whatever it is, I won’t be upset,” he promised.

  A nervous giggle slipped out of her mouth before she clamped it shut again. “You might be over this—and keep in mind I don’t know for sure yet. It might be nothing and I could’ve been really off on my days, you know. A lot has been happening,” she rambled so fast he almost couldn’t keep up.

  “Harley,” he said sternly, “just tell me. I’m freaking out a little here.”

  “Yeah, well, I am too because I might be…well…you know.”

  Sam squinted at her, wondering if she was tipsy and he’d missed how much she drank before her speech. Then he realized she hadn’t touched a drop of champagne all night, not even when he asked her, when they arrived, if she wanted any. He was about to ask if she was feeling all right when his eyes widened and he stared at her stomach.

  “Now do you get it?” she asked quietly.

  “You…you…shit,” he whispered and clapped a hand over his mouth.

  Harley’s face fell and she started to back away from him until he caught her up in his arms and kissed her fiercely.

  “Pregnant,” he exclaimed and she shushed him quickly. “You think you’re pregnant?” he asked quietly, almost unable to hide his excitement.

  “Maybe,” she said through her tears. He wiped them away with his thumbs and she leaned into his touch. “You’re not mad?”

  “Why the hell would I be mad?” he asked, confused.

  “It seems like we moved so fast and then, if I am…you know, that changes everything—and I mean everything. I didn’t know if you were ready for it. Hell, I don’t know if I’m ready for it, and I might not be. As long as you know this was supposed to be that week and clearly, it’s not that week.”

  He kissed her again. “If you are, we’ll make it work, and I will be the happiest man in the city,” he told her. “And if not, then you’re not.” He hugged her again, lifting her off her feet as the future opened before him. Harley might be carrying their baby. The thought filled him with pride and the chance at being a father made him anxious to find out if she was or not. “When will you know for sure?”

  “I have to pee on a stick,” she said, cringing. “Then go to the doctor, I guess. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “I love you, Harley. Of course I’m okay with it,” he assured her again.

  “Good—and don’t you dare tell anyone,” she added quickly. “Least of all Marcus. I don’t want anyone knowing until we know for sure. Promise?”

  “I won’t say a word.”

  “Now, we have to walk back out there and act like nothing happened.” She sighed, but the smile on her face told Sam she was just as excited at the prospect of a baby as he was. Her hands slipped to her flat belly and her whole body relaxed. “Right, then. Let’s go.”

  Harley hadn’t meant to tell Sam anything about possibly being pregnant until after the fundraiser, but the second he looked so worried for her, she had to let him know. Fear of his reaction nearly stopped her again, but watching his face light up as he realized why she was so nervous was priceless. He hadn’t let go of her hand since she’d told him, and as the hours ticked by, the night turned into a fairy tale she never wanted to leave. Everything was going perfectly, and at last count, the fundraiser brought in nearly six million in one night. With the money, Harley would be able to start renovations on a few old, abandoned buildings in the city and turn them into shelters.

  “I’m going to grab another glass of champagne,” Marcus announced loudly. “Sam?”

  “Yeah, I’ll go for one.”

  “Harley, care for a glass?”

  She glanced to Sam who quickly glanced at her stomach with a heart-wrenching smile. “I think I’ll pass, thanks.” Marcus stared at her funny, and Sam pulled him away, leaving Harley alone. She watched the couples dancing on the floor and listened to the happy chatter of the other guests. Tonight had turned out better than she’d expected, and she clasped her hands in front of her stomach, wondering if her life with Sam was only destined to get better. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a man walking over to stand beside her.

  “Wonderful party,” Ricky muttered quietly from her left. “It’s a shame you refused to work for me instead of your boy toy.”

  Harley’s body froze, and she refused to turn and look at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was invited, of course, as one of the many elite of the city,” he explained and flashed the invitation card. “Pretty nice thing you’re doing here.”

  “Did you come to donate or harass me?”

  “I came to inform you Mr. Devois will be returning to the city next week and is requesting a meeting with me—and by extension, you—next Saturday night.” Ice clinked as he sipped on his drink, and Harley glared at him. “Once the deal is closed, you and your sister will be free women to go about your lives as you see fit. Unless, of course, your sister decides she finds this life too dull.”

  “You leave her alone,” Harley snapped and whipped around to face him.

  “Careful there, dearie, you still have dealings with me. I suggest you hold onto that temper of yours unless you want me to inform Mr. Devois that his entertainment for the night likes it rough, or tell your Sammy boy about the secret you’re keeping from him.” Ricky leered as he finished off his drink and saluted her. “See you Saturday.”

  He sauntered back through the crowd, and Harley’s stomach revolted. She gripped it hard and rushed to the restroom, losing her dinner as the stall spun around her. Run. She would have to run. She would have to tell Sam everything and then get out of the city as fast as they could. She rested against the wall of the bathroom, staring dejectedly at the floor until another woman came in and asked if she was all right. All she managed was a shake of her head, and the woman went to fetch Sam.

  “Harley,” he whispered as he entered the bathroom a few moments later and crouched beside her. “I’m going to guess this isn’t food poisoning.”

  “That’d be a good guess,” she uttered as he helped her to her feet.

  “Time to go home then,” he said and supported her as they left the restroom. “Do you want me to get you anything from the store?”

  “A stick to pee on,” she told him, and he laughed as she fought the urge to cry as her bright future slowly ripped apart at the seams.

  She would have to talk to Brianna soon and tell her baby sister she’d let her down. Sleeping with Devois had never been an option once she realized her feelings for Sam and now that she carried his child, she was running out of options. There was no miraculous idea popping into her head to save them both. Harley couldn’t hold up the rest of her end of the deal; she never could have.

  Chapter 11

  Sam couldn’t remember another time when he was so anxious as he paced outside the closed bathroom door. Harley’s dress lay on the bed, along with his tuxedo jacket. The second they got home, she took the pregnancy test
with her into the bathroom and hadn’t come out yet.

  He reached the doorway of the bedroom, turned, and paced back to the wall. Over and over again, he walked the same steps until finally, he heard the door open and rushed to Harley. She walked out with one of the tests in her hand, her lips parted and her eyes wide. When she lifted her eyes to his and smiled, he whooped in celebration and scooped her up in his arms, spinning them around the room as she clung to him.

  “I’m pregnant,” she announced excitedly. “Sam, we’re going to have a baby!”

  “I know, this is insane,” he murmured as he set her back on her feet and kissed her. “How are you feeling? Is your stomach still upset? Do you need me to get anything?”

  She pressed her fingers against his lips as she grinned. “You’re going to be a right pain in the ass for nine months, aren’t you?”

  “Most likely,” he agreed. “Are you sure you don’t need anything?”

  “Sleep,” she said through a yawn. “I’m tired, that’s all.”

  “Then sleep you shall have, but how about a nice relaxing bath first?”

  She smirked. “You know me too well.”

  She walked back into the bathroom with Sam behind her, and he turned the faucets on, poured in the bubble bath, and watched as Harley removed the pins from her hair. Each lock that fell shimmered under the lights of the bathroom, and he moved behind her, pulling out the pins for her. She sighed as her hair came loose and he massaged her scalp, then slid his hands over her bare shoulders to the strapless, black, lacey bra she wore. He undid the hooks easily, pressing his lips to her shoulder and neck as he tossed the fabric aside. With his mouth trailing down her spine, kissing each vertebra in turn, his fingers slid under the band of her barely-there thong and dragged it over her curves, taking his time to kiss each cheek. He helped her step out of it, and his hands massaged her calves as he worked languidly back up her body.

  She was sexy to him before, but now that he knew she carried his baby, spreading his hands over her stomach and imagining it growing with his seed was a major turn-on. His cock swelled and throbbed in his pants as he made it back to his feet and pressed his body against her back. She gasped when he ground his hips against her ass, and she returned the favor. He grunted with need, and she spun in his arms, a sultry smile on her lips.


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