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Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy

Page 31

by Sex, Nikki

  "Come my friends," André said. "We will drink in the living area, and discuss business," he smiled at Carmen, "…before pleasure."

  Carmen expelled a deep breath. The way that man said pleasure, drawing out the "s" with his French accent was freaking hot.

  It had seemed to Carmen that her sexual appetite was always straining against the reins, yet an evening spent with two super Dom's was a sensual overload. Kurt and André's knowing smiles told her that they both were well aware of the horny vibrations coming off of her in waves.

  They sat in a comfortable, yet opulent room. Carmen held Kurt's hand, while sitting on one couch, and André sat across from them on another.

  "Carmen," André began. "Kurt has spoken of my plans to mitigate the experience you underwent?"

  "Oh, yes of course."

  Carmen began to tell him then, how things stood as she understood it. Kurt had been mimicking sex as Ellis had done; only making it both safe and pleasurable. Already she had good results, felt less fear of cuffs, and could be in the same room with the cross. She told him about how she and Kurt had watched the video of her yesterday and it had done wonders.

  Last night she hadn't had a single nightmare.

  André jumped to his feet, gesticulating and spouting a string of French in voluble, excited tones. "Mon Dieu, this is wonderful! I never dreamed that you would do such a thing." He strode to Carmen, cupped her face with both hands and pressed his lips to her forehead in a quick chaste kiss. "Clever girl," he praised.

  He turned to Kurt. "You told her of your trouble," André said, guessing correctly. "How you could not watch the video. It must have been very difficult for her to view, yet she didn't want you to endure that evil alone."

  He was silent for a long moment. André put a hand to his forehead, as if he was still processing and had been stunned speechless. "Yet she suffered alone," he spoke softly, quietly, as if to himself.

  A rapid tirade of French came forth again as André continued to pace back and forth. Then he stopped, smiled and gave her an elegant, imperial bow.

  "I salute you, Carmen," André said. "I shall call you Carmen the Courageous, a valiant heroine who would face her greatest fears, who would sacrifice herself to ease discomfort in her man." He threw his hands in the air. "Mon Dieu, women are astonishing creatures, so generous, so giving. You, Carmen, are all that is best in a woman." He looked at Kurt. "And you are a lucky man, mon ami."

  "Don't I know it, André," Kurt said.

  Carmen swallowed hard. André's praise was overwhelming. But the Frenchman was right. She didn’t want Kurt to have to go through that by himself. Not like she had. Her eyes began to sting. She didn’t want to cry but she felt really emotional, and all that emotion just had to go somewhere.

  Andre seemed to be aware of her building feelings. "Carmen the Courageous," he said with a mischievous smile on his face. "Shall I tell you what title I gave to your Kurt?"

  "André!" Kurt protested.

  "Non," André said. "Je suis désolé, but your woman deserves the truth. He did not tell you that I call him Goldilocks?" he asked Carmen.

  Carmen felt her face stretching her instant grin was so wide. "Really? No, he didn't tell me that, André."

  "No?" André raised his eyebrows. "I call him Goldilocks not for that beautiful thick blond hair that any woman would be proud to have. It is because he is like the little girl. I teach him how to flog a sub, and he wrings his hands and doubts and worries. Not too hard, not too soft – all must be just right. He is the perfectionist is our Kurt. Yes, I am sorry to tell you. It is a tragedy. He is very, very hard on himself but he hides it well. As his woman you must watch for this, of course."

  Carmen's building tears turned instantly to the emotional release of laughter.

  30. The Monkey on Her Back

  "Please stand now, both of you," André said. "I illustrate the problem as I see it."

  Kurt and Carmen stood up.

  "Imagine if you will," André said, leaving Kurt where he was and taking Carmen by the elbow and guiding her to the entry door of the room. "This is where you are born. Right here at this door."

  "Okay," Carmen said doubtfully.

  Together they took a few paces. "And so, we walk this way, and we move through your life. Here you are a baby, perhaps." He kept walking. "Here you are at school, and then you get the scholarship, do you see? Together we move along your life as time does, traveling always forward, yes?"

  "Yes, okay." Carmen said.

  When they came up to Kurt, André said. "Ah, oui. For the purpose of my explanation, Kurt is a specific event. Yes, Kurt for now represents to you the time of the scarring. It happened just here, at this point of your life, do you see? And what happened? There we have Carmen who was forcibly chained with handcuffs to a St. Andrew's cross, for the first time, yes?'

  "Yes," she said, needing to swallow.

  "And then you were whipped. It was a single tail whip, yes?"


  "And at the time, there was the feel of the cuffs, and the pain, and the sound of the whip and the smell of blood and leather. All these things happened at this point in your life, you see?"


  "Very well," André said. "Now we move on through your life." André took Carmen's arm and moved her forward, but he took Kurt's arm, too. "Now we are here, in the present," he said after taking a few steps. "But look, this incident, this event of the past is here with you, too."

  He moved Kurt behind her so that he was out of sight. "Sometimes, you do not see it… yet, it is still there. You feel fear and anxiety and you have the nightmares." He moved Kurt to the front of her. "Sometimes you see your fears clearly, like now."

  Kurt looked down and gave her a comforting smile.

  "Do you understand?"

  "Yes, but…"

  "Wait, for now I make my point," André said. "This event from your past," he grabbed Kurt and dragged him back to the spot where he first was placed. "It must go back to the past where it belongs."

  André dragged Kurt back toward her. "Right now it is here. Right here in the present, in this room. It is the monkey on your back that you cannot dislodge."

  "How do I get rid of it?"

  André gestured and they resumed their seats. Then André explained about the music and the subliminal sound of the whip cracking in the background.

  Carmen laughed. "I love piano music but every time I heard that music it freaked me out. I knew there was something up with it."

  "You did not question Kurt?"

  Carmen shrugged. "I trust Kurt. He trusts you. I figured that the two of you knew what you were doing."

  This admission caused another passionate string of French to flow from André's lips. He turned to Kurt. "I like your woman very much," he said.

  André stood up and began pacing and gesturing once more. He seemed full of restless energy, even after a long hard game of polo. Carmen looked at Kurt and he shrugged, giving her a "he's French and gets like this" kind of smile.

  "I have worked with many, many women who have endured experiences such as yours," André said. "Yes, yes and men, too. Each discovers their own way to deal with such an ordeal. They fight, or fear, or submit. Guilt is a heavy burden. 'Why did this happen?' They ask themselves. Or, 'how did I come to cause this?'"

  André raised his eyebrows as he saw that his words had hit the mark with Carmen. Carmen did blame herself, for she had been so stupid! Yet logically she knew that the blame rested on Ellis.

  Nodding, André continued. "Shame, self-hate, and anger are common. Some attempt suicide, some close off and become emotionless. Many deliberately cause self-harm, cutting themselves and such. Some women chose to stubbornly hate all men, and countless abhor sex. Many find themselves unable to say no to a man, it is compulsive such sex, and not enjoyable. It is almost as if they feel worthless and the sexual act is a form of self punishment. Or they find that now they cannot reach orgasm."

  André came near Carmen and r
an his knuckles down her cheek. It was an affectionate gesture that went well with the kind and admiring expression on his face. "There are so many ways to deal with such trauma, both at the time, and afterwards. You found an acceptable, incomparable way to survive the evil of Robert Ellis. You taught yourself something. You allowed yourself pleasure when you could, and you became the slave he wanted by your own choice. It is most remarkable."

  He unbuttoned his collar, removing his tie. For some reason André Chevalier had dressed up for dinner. Carmen felt like a poor relation, she still didn't have much in the way of clothes.

  "Tomorrow we will recreate the event."

  Carmen instantly stiffened. Kurt put an arm comfortingly around her and she leaned into him.

  "Yes," André said. "You will face down what frightens you: The cuffs, the cross and the whip. Your Dom will be there, and I will be there. We will cut out this cancer, and put the monkey back in the past where it belongs."

  "But," Carmen asked, "what if I can't do it? What if I'm too scared? What if I pass out again or throw up or something?"

  "You did it once before," André reminded her. "You will do it again. You will willingly submit to the cross at your Dom's command because you wish for him to be proud of you. You are also brave."

  Kurt's green eyes seared into hers, and he nodded, confirming that statement.

  "This time I swear that there will only be pleasure." André gave her a self-assured smile. "After Kurt and I finish, you will associate the cross and the whip and the cuffs with fun."

  A bark of disbelieving laughter bubbled out of Carmen's throat. "Fun? Yeah right."

  "Mais oui," André said. "And in the future you will beg to be allowed to be cuffed to the cross once again."

  Carmen gave him a faint smile. The idea was attractive, she had to admit that. Her nightmares would disappear. How could one fear something that they liked? But tomorrow she would be cuffed to a cross and André had said he would recreate the event. That thought terrified her.

  "Leave tomorrow for tomorrow, Carmen," André said gently, knowing what she was thinking. "Right now there is only the three of us," he said and his eyes darkened. "Any restraint will be by our own hands, nothing more. Tonight is for building trust, and for pleasure."

  André's eyes met Kurt's, and something passed between them. He stood up and came boldly toward her. "Particularly for pleasure."

  31. Foreplay

  Holy fuck!

  Taking Carmen firmly by the wrists, Kurt twisted her arms behind her back, forcefully holding her so that she was unable to move. He pushed her backwards a step, pressing her up against André. Carmen found herself imprisoned between the muscular body of her big blond God at her front, and that sexy knowing Frenchman at her back.

  Helpless, Carmen made not the slightest resistance to the power they had over her. Consumed by the feel of their heated male flesh, she became giddy with synapse scorching sensation.

  OMFG. Trapped between two burning hot hotties. Oh man, I'm going to go up in flame, but what a way to go.

  "C'est magnifique," André chuckled darkly, his hands roaming over her back and buttocks. "Your woman likes to be constrained, no?"

  "Oh, yeah," Kurt said, his voice low with lust. "Carmen loves everything I love."

  The men continued chatting along this vein but Carmen hardly heard them. In the back of her brain Carmen she was aware that André's accent had become thicker and almost difficult to understand. They undressed her between them, working in concert to strip her.

  André swore with disgust at her clothes.

  "It is like placing the plow and harness on a polo pony!" he stormed. "This bra, these panties…" he paused, apparently too full of angry passion to even speak. "They are merely…" he searched apparently for the worst thing he could think of and then spat, "serviceable!"

  Carmen giggled because he had said that word like a curse.

  She was somehow magically turned and André's harsh, lust-filled face was close. The feel of them both wrapped around her, their hard male bodies and masculine scents pushed her into instant carnal overload. André's mouth came down gently on hers, his lips firm and silken. His kiss was soft and sensual, as if he was tentatively asking for her approval.

  When she eagerly returned his kiss he responded, fisting her hair which was always a tactile delight. André guided her mouth hard against his, and began to tease her. The sexy Frenchman kissed slow and deep, inflexibly pressing her against Kurt, while erotically fucking her mouth with lips and tongue. When he licked her there, she felt it much lower. How in the hell did he do that?

  More needy sounds of arousal came from somewhere deep inside her throat.

  André pulled away. "I will buy your apparel," he growled with a flash of almost indignant conviction in his dark eyes. "Together we shall outfit you as is fitting. Oui, Kurt may come with us should he wish, but I know what garments would be worthy of you."

  This statement was so heartfelt and absolutely left-field that Carmen had to laugh. "What an offer," she said. "I gratefully accept, of course."

  Kurt picked her up then, casually throwing her over a shoulder and Carmen squealed and giggled like a girl - which was no real surprise. He slapped her backside, and she felt her pussy throbbing. Out of the corner of her eye she saw André undressing as he walked, and then they were in his bedroom and she was standing at the end of the bed.

  "Oh!" Carmen said, astonished. "How beautiful!"

  The place was illuminated by hundreds of different sized white candles, all burning in a woody, earthy smell. The floor was pale wood with matching furniture, and the bed had been turned down. André's servants had been here, preparing everything as he liked, knowing his intentions for the evening.

  That thought was a little embarrassing, but only a little. What was the saying? 'Relax, it's just sex?' Well it was just sex - a perfectly natural activity that every human being engaged in at some point, whether they admitted to it or not. The human body just went there. Sex was kind of like eating and sleeping in that way.

  But this isn't just sex, she thought, suppressing an impulse to fan herself. This is the ultimate in sex. I'm going to get fucked by two of the hottest men in the world.

  Carmen frowned, momentarily diverted by a mirror that covered an entire wall, ceiling to floor right beside the bed.

  Kurt took in her expression and smirked. "Yeah, André likes mirrors and he believes in an appropriate setting." He pointed his finger at her. "You stay right there, and don't move," he ordered. Carmen's breath caught as Kurt's dimples flashed in a playful boyish grin.

  The two men finished undressing and sat on the bed in front of her, both sporting massive erections. Carmen stood before them, awed by the sight and the animal magnetism that radiated from each. Broad shoulders, flat stomachs, distinctive abs, with gorgeously jutting erections – hard and thick and velvety. She wanted to lick every part of their bodies.

  Two beautiful men who acted as close as brothers.

  The dark and the light.

  She was going to have them both.

  OhGodOhGodOhGod! A frisson of nerves and sexual excitement passed through her. Carmen breathed harder, her body quivering with arousal, the sound of her heart beating loud in her ears.

  Leaning back on their arms, Kurt and André studied her with playful grins. They discussed at length the signs of her arousal, how swollen her breasts were, how dark and hard her nipples. The red flush of desire and the intoxicating smell of a beautiful woman who was aching for cock.

  It was all super erotic verbal and visual foreplay. Carmen's sizzling nerves were so hypersensitive! She could climax right now if Kurt ordered her to, she was that turned on.

  Carmen had to force herself not to fidget, to stand gracefully with her legs apart and wait. She wanted to squirm with sensual heat, and to rub herself to relieve her clit, but she didn’t. Her hands slowly curled into a fist at her sides. Arousal was dripping down her thighs she was so hot for it. What were they waiting
for? Were they trying to drive her mad?

  "Mon ami," André said. "Whatever shall we do with your woman?"

  Kurt laughed. "Watching her stand there trying not to squirm while she is desperately hot for it is fun."

  Carmen snickered, but she said, "You are so mean!"

  "Oui," André said. "He likes to torment, and yet I wish to fuck." He turned to Kurt. "I want my cock to enjoy every feminine hole. Our flight is early and there are only so many hours left to this night, comprenez vous?"

  "André, my friend," Kurt said. "You will get your wish. Carmen is mine. She is my most prized possession and you are my truest friend. From the first moment I met her I envisioned sharing her with you."

  "I am honored," André said with a half bow.

  Breathless, Carmen watched this little interchange. The prized possession comment only made her happy. Wasn't that odd? When Robert had considered her his possession too? Yet there was no similarity. Carmen wanted to belong to Kurt. She knew he belonged to her, too.

  "Be still now, Carmen, and let us touch you," Kurt said in a quiet, authoritative tone that sent a thrill of sensual fire right through her submissive soul.

  André shot Kurt a look. Moving in concert, both men reached forward toward her. Holy fuck! Talk about synchronization. Just how many women had these two shared?

  It was like gazing into a mirror – André's right hand went to her left buttock, pulling her toward him, and his left hand gripped her left breast. Simultaneously Kurt's left hand went to her right buttock, pulling her toward him, and his right hand gripped her right breast.

  Carmen melted into them.

  In chorus together, their mouths latched on to her breasts, swirling hot velvet tongues over her, nuzzling and suckling. Carmen's core tightened with every erotic suck. Both men had large, powerful frames, both radiated heat and animal hunger for her.


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