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The Edwardians

Page 61

by Roy Hattersley

  Moore, Sturge

  Morant, Robert

  Mordaunt divorce case

  Morley, John

  Morning Leader

  Morning Post


  Morris, William

  Moss, Edward

  motor car

  Muller, Iwan

  Mulock, George

  Municipal and General Workers’ Union

  murder trials

  Murphy, William Walter

  Murray, Gilbert

  Murray, James

  Murray, Sir George


  musical comedy

  National Council of Labour Colleges

  National Free Labour Association

  National Gallery

  national insurance

  National Insurance Bill

  National Union of Conservative Associations

  National Union of Dock Labourers

  National Union of Railwaymen

  National Union of Teachers

  National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies


  Navy League

  Nesbit, E.

  Neville, Lady Dorothy

  New, Edith

  New Journalism

  New Unionism

  Newbolt, Sir Henry; ‘Vitaï Lampada’

  Newcastle Programme

  Newman, John Henry

  Newnes, George

  newspapers , see also individual titles; Northcliffe, Viscount

  Nicholson, Sir Charles

  Nicolson, Harold

  Noel Baker, Philip

  Norddeutscher Lloyd

  Northcliffe, Viscount (Alfred Harmsworth); and aviation; and Chamberlain; and Daily Mail; and Evening News; and First World War; and Garvin; and Lloyd George; and Observer; and tariff reform; and The Times

  Northumberland, Duke of

  Oates, Captain L. E. G.


  Oceanic Navigation Company

  O’Connor, T. P.

  Old Age Pensions Bill


  Olympic Games: (1900); (1908) (London)

  Onslow, Lord

  Orange Lodges

  Order of the Garter

  Order of Merit

  Osborne Judgement

  Osborne, W. V.

  Otton, Nickolas August

  Owen, Wilfred

  Oxford University

  Paget, General Sir Arthur

  Pain, Colonel Hacket

  Pall Mall Gazette

  Pankhurst, Adela

  Pankhurst, Christabel; and Hyde Park demonstration; imprisonments; leaves London for Paris; relationship with Esther Roper and Eva Gore-Booth; resignation from ILP and Labour Party; and WSPU

  Pankhurst, Emmeline; formation of WSPU; and ILP; imprisonments; resigns Labour Party membership

  Pankhurst, Harry

  Pankhurst, Richard

  Pankhurst, Sylvia

  Parnell, Charles Stewart

  Parratt, Sir Walter

  Parry, Hubert

  Parsons, Charles Algernon

  Paulhan, Louis

  Payne, B. Iden

  Pearson, C. Arthur

  Peary, Commander Robert




  People’s Budget see budgets (1909)

  Persia, Shah of



  Piele, Canon J. J. E.

  Pietri, Durando

  Pinero, Arthur Wing; Mid-Channel

  Pinker, J. B.

  Playboy of the Western World, The

  Plural Voting Bill (1906)

  Poel, William

  poets/poetry see also individual names


  Police Gazette

  Ponsonby, Frederic


  Poor Law: Royal Commission on

  Poor Law Act (1834)

  Poor Law Guardians



  Potter, Beatrix

  Pound, Ezra


  Poverty, a Study in Town Life

  Pratt, E. A.


  Press Cuttings


  ‘provided schools’


  Public Schools’ Act (1868)

  Queen Anne style

  Queen for a Wife, A

  Queensbury, Marquis of

  Quelch, Henry

  Quinn v. Leathem


  Railway Servants Society


  Rashid, Hastings

  Ratcliffe, Sir Everard

  Rational Dress Society

  Read, James C.

  Redford, S. A.

  Redmond, John

  Reeves, Maud P.

  religion; church attendance; need for reconciliation of faith and reason; rise of secularism and effect; Russell on; undermining of by science; see also Church of England; Roman Catholic Church

  Review of Reviews, The

  Reynolds, Stephen: A Poor Man’s House

  Rhodes, Cecil John

  Rhodes, Wilfred

  Richardson, General Sir George

  Richtoven, Frieda von

  Rickards, E. A.

  Ridley, Lord

  Ripon Hall

  Ritchie, Sir Charles

  Ritz Hotel

  Roberts, Lord

  Robertson, Mrs Gordon

  Robinson, Armitage

  Roe, Grace

  Rogers, W. S.

  Rolls, Charles


  Roman Catholic Church see also Anglo-Catholics

  Roosevelt, President Theodore

  Roper, Esther

  Rosebery, Lord

  Ross, Robert

  Ross, Ronald

  Rothenstein, William

  Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm

  Royal Academy

  Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

  Royal Aero Club

  Royal Commission on the Aged Poor

  Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline

  Royal Commission on Housing the Working Classes

  Royal Commission on Physical Training in Scotland

  Royal Commission on the Poor Law

  Royal Court Theatre

  Royal Geographical Society

  Royal Ulster Constabulary

  Royce, Henry

  Royds, Charles


  Ruggles-Brise, Evelyn

  Ruskin College (Oxford)

  Russell, Bertrand; Principa Mathematica


  Rutherford, Ernest

  Rutland, Duke of

  Rutter, Frank

  Sackville Gallery

  Sackville-West, Vita: The Edwardians

  Sadler, Michael Ernest

  Sailors’ Union

  St Louis International Exhibition

  Salford Women’s Trade Council

  Salisbury, Lord

  Salvation Army

  Samuel, Herbert

  Sandars, John

  Sandy, William

  Santos-Dumont, Alberto

  Sargent, John Singer

  Sassoon, Siegfried; Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man

  Schlieffen, Count

  Schlieffen Plan

  school boards

  schools see also education

  Schweitzer, Albert: The Quest of the Historical Jesus

  science; undermining of religion by

  Scotland: reorganisaton of schools; and theatre

  Scott, C. P.

  Scott, Giles Gilbert

  Scott, Captain Robert Falcon; Antarctic expedition (1901–03); background; second Antarctic expedition (1910–12); and Shackleton

  Scottish Education Act (1902)

  Scottish Local Government Act

  Scottish Repertory Theatre

  Scout, The

  Seckendorff, Count Gotz von

  Secular Edu
cation League

  Seddon, Frederick

  Seeley, James

  Selborne, Lord


  Shackleton, Ernest; and Antarctic expedition (1901–03); awards; background; expedition (1907); expedition across the South Polar Continent (1913); expedition to Antarctic (1907–08); and Scott

  Shakespeare, William

  Shaw, George Bernard; campaign to end theatre censorship; The Doctor’s Dilemma; John Bull’s Other Island; Lady Epping’s Lawsuit; Major Barbara; Man and Superman; Mrs Warren’s Profession; political activist; Pygmalion; The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet

  Sheffield University


  Shipwrights Union


  Shops Bill

  Sickert, Walter

  Sidney Street siege (1911)

  Sign of the Cross, The

  Silver King, The

  Silver, Pamela: The Education of the Poor

  Sinn Fein

  Skelton, Lieutenant Reginald

  Sloan, Tod

  Smillie, Robert


  Smith, F. E.

  Smith, Hubert Llewellyn

  Smuts, Jan Christian

  Smythe, Ethel

  Snoddy, Frederick

  Snowden, Philip


  Social Democratic Federation

  social insurance

  social surveys

  Society of Friends

  Society of Railway Servants

  ‘Solemn League and Covenant to Resist Home Rule’

  Sorel, George

  South Africa see also Boer War

  South Africa Company

  South Pole see Antarctic

  South Wales Miners’ Federation

  Spencer, Lord

  Spilsbury, Sir Bernard

  Spithead Review

  sport see also individual sports

  Sprigge, H.

  Standing, P. C.

  Stanley, Venetia


  Stead, W. T.

  steel industry

  Stein, Marc Aurel

  Stoll, Oswald

  Strachey, Lytton

  Street Betting Act

  Styne, President


  suffrage: ILP and extension of; and women see women’s suffrage

  suffragettes; campaign of destruction and vandalism; hunger strikes by and forced feeding; imprisonment; movement from politics to direct action; protests and demonstrations; sympathy for ‘brutally treated’

  sweated industries

  Synge, J. M.: The Playboy of the Western World; Riders to the Sea

  Taff Vale Judgement

  Taff Vale Railway Company

  tariff reform

  Tariff Reform League

  tariffs; corn

  Tawney, R. H.


  Temple, William


  Tennyson, Lord

  Terra Nova

  Terry, Ellen

  theatre; censorship and campaign to end; and drawing room setting; musical comedy; number of provincial theatres; reflection of national life; and Scotland; and Shakespeare’s plays; star actresses/actors; system of actor management; and theatrical impresario; see also individual playwrights

  Theatres Act (1843)

  Thompson, J. P.

  Thorne, Will


  Tillett, Ben

  Tilley, Vesta

  Times, The

  Tirpitz, Admiral Alfred von



  Tonypandy riots (1909)

  Tory Party

  Tracy, Louis

  trade , see also free trade; tariffs

  Trade Board Bill

  trade unions; alienation from Liberal Party; and amalgamations; attempt to change the law; blaming of industry decline on; growth in militancy and industrial disputes; increase in support for parliamentary representation; and Ireland; and labour exchanges; and Labour Party; and Labour Representative Committee; legalisation of funds being used to finance Labour Party; and Liberal Party; membership; and Osborne Judgement; and politics; and Royal Commission; and Taff Vale Judgement

  Trades Dispute Act

  Trades Union Acts

  Trades Union Congress see TUC

  tramways, electric

  Tranby Croft Affair

  transport see also motor car; railways; ships/shipbuilding; tramways, electric

  Tree, Beerbohm see Beerbohm Tree, Sir Herbert/Henry

  Treves, Sir Frederick


  Troup, Sir Edward

  TUC (Trades Union Congress)



  Tweedsmuir, Lord



  Ulster Defence Associations

  Ulster Unionist Council

  Ulster Unionists

  Ulster Voluntary Force (UVF)

  Unemployed Workmen’s Act (1905)


  Unemployment Workers Bill

  United Irishman

  United States

  United Textile Factory Workers

  United Wireless Telegraph Company

  universities, and women

  Unwin, Raymond



  Vaughan, Cardinal Herbert

  Vereeniging, Treaty of (1902)


  Victoria, Queen; death and funeral; declared Empress of India; and Gladstone; near invisibility of during last years of reign; and son (Edward VII)

  Victoria University

  Von Bulow, Count

  Vorticist group

  Votes for Women

  voting see suffrage

  Voysey, C. F. A.


  Wallace, Edgar

  Walter, Arthur

  Warner, Sir Pelham (‘Plum’)

  warships; and Dreadnought

  Warwick, Daisy

  Waterhouse, Alfred

  Watts, Phillip

  Webb, Beatrice

  Webb, Sidney

  Webb, Sir Aston

  Wells, Billy

  Wells, H. G.; Ann Veronica; Tono-Bungay

  Wells, William

  Westminster Cathedral

  Westminster, Duke of

  What Every Woman Knows

  White, Sir Archibald

  Whitehead, Alfred

  Wild, Frank

  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser

  Williams, Ralph Vaughan

  Willie, Alexander

  Wilson, Arthur

  Wilson Barrett touring company

  Wilson, Edward

  Wilson, Lady Sarah

  Wilson, President Woodrow

  Wilson, Sir Henry

  wireless telegraphy


  women; and dress; and employment; and literature; New; and sport; and universities; and voting see women’s suffrage; working class

  Women’s Co-operative Guild

  Women’s Freedom League

  Women’s Local Government Society (WLGS)

  Women’s Social and Political Union see WSPU

  women’s suffrage; attitude towards by Asquith; campaign of violence and moral intimidation; and Conciliation Bill; growth in popularity of and support; hunger strikes by suffragettes and forced feeding of; Hyde Park demonstration (1908); and ILP; peaceful activities; and press; protests and demonstrations by suffragists; see also Pankhursts

  Wood, Henry

  Woolf, Virginia

  Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)


  working class; and education; and sport

  Wortley, Colonel Edward Montagu Stuart

  Wright Brothers

  WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union)

  Yeats, William Butler; The Shadowy Waters


  Younghusband, Colonel Sir Francis

  Zangwill, Israel<
br />

  Also by Roy Hattersley



  Goodbye to Yorkshire

  Politics Apart

  Endpiece Revisited

  Press Gang

  A Yorkshire Boyhood

  Choose Freedom

  Between Ourselves

  Who Goes Home?

  Fifty Years On

  Buster’s Diaries

  Blood and Fire

  A Brand from the Burning


  The Maker’s Mark

  In That Quiet Earth

  Skylark Song

  ROY HATTERSLEY is a former deputy leader of the Labour Party and former Cabinet minister. He stood down as a Member of Parliament in 1997 and has been a member of the House of Lords. He has written biographies of Nelson, William and Catherine Booth, John Wesley, and a history of twentieth-century Britain. He has also written three novels. You can sign up for author updates here.

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  Introduction: Hope and Glory

  Part One: ‘Anxieties for England’

  1 A Cloud Across the Sun

  2 The Spirit of the Age

  3 The Powers Behind the Throne

  4 The Condition of England

  Part Two: ‘Enough of this Tomfoolery’

  5 Unfinished Business

  6 A Preference for Empire

  7 Uniting the Nation

  8 Who Shall Rule?

  Part Three: ‘The Force Majeure which Activates and Arms’

  9 Ourselves Alone

  10 Votes for Women!

  11 United We Stand

  12 Useful Members of the Community

  Part Four: ‘Everybody Got Down off their Stilts’

  13 Ideas Enter the Drawing Room

  14 Literature Comes Home

  15 The End of Innocence

  16 Gerontius Awakes

  Part Five: ‘Full of Energy and Purpose’

  17 Would You Believe It?

  18 Hardihood, Endurance and Courage

  19 Halfpenny Dreadful

  20 The Shape of Things to Come

  Epilogue: The Summer Ends in August


  Select Bibliography


  THE EDWARDIANS. Copyright © 2004 by Roy Hattersley. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

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