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Love Inspired December 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: Her Holiday FamilySugar Plum SeasonHer Cowboy HeroSmall-Town Fireman

Page 77

by Ruth Logan Herne

  She reached up to pick a wayward strand of grass off the back of his shirt. She wanted to say a dozen things, but couldn’t find a way to start any of the speeches whirring around in her head. So much of what she thought was important had shifted in the past day. Maybe it had to seep out slowly, like the way the water slowly receded, revealing what was left inches at a time.

  They kept walking back toward Karl’s, saying hello to people hauling debris out to the curb, stopping to help or gather updates. Time after time, folks went out of their way to thank Karla for keeping the shop open, or Dylan for rescuing Karl. More than one person lamented how sorry they were that the firehouse’s anniversary celebration had been ruined—a boat parade seemed not only impossible, but silly in the face of everything else the town was facing.

  Karla was hugging Jeannie Owens, whose candy shop had been flooded but thankfully not ruined, when she heard Dylan make a strange, gasping sound and then grab her by the shoulder.

  She turned in the direction he tugged, and then gasped, too. Someone had taken a paintbrush to the sign in front of the coffee shop window, the one that now hung off-kilter because the bracket had been bent in the storm. Karl’s Koffee had been modified—a crude addition sprawled over the original letters.

  The sign now read, Karla’s Koffee.

  Karla’s hand went to her chest, needing to somehow hold in the surge of emotion she now felt. “Grandpa...”

  Dylan turned to look at her. “Karla?”

  “I’m staying. I mean, I talked to Grandpa last night and told him I was staying, but you know Grandpa...”

  His eyes took on the most amazing glow—the spark that had been missing all morning. “You’re staying? You were even thinking about staying?”

  “After the storm, after all that, I realized how much this place means to me. How much it means to all the people here. I can’t let just anyone take over for Karl, and he needs to stop. Or at least slow down.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

  “You looked so lost down on the docks. I didn’t think it was fair with all that was going through your head.”

  Dylan slid an arm around her waist. “Do you want to know what was going through my head? I was praying for guidance because I felt so hollow about what happened to the boats. I was wondering if God was telling me it was time to stop hiding and go back to Chicago because the only thing I hated the thought of losing—” his other hand moved up to brush against her cheek “—was you.”


  “I was using the river to keep people out. Or at least at a distance. You changed that. But what changed your mind?”

  Karla reached up and ran her fingers through Dylan’s hair. “You.” When he smiled, she added, “Well, not just you. I thought my purpose in life was to create a launching pad of sorts, a power breakfast spot where big things happened.”

  “Rooster’s,” he offered.

  “I still think that, in a way. Only the storm showed me that what I really am meant to do is to create a haven. That’s different than Rooster’s, you know?”

  Dylan looked at her. “But Rooster’s was your big thing.”

  “The shop here is a place where a different kind of big thing happens. Grandpa’s been doing something important, and that’s why Karl’s has to stay open. I know now that I’m the one to do that.” She turned her head toward the edited sign. “Although I didn’t ask for a name change at all—that’s all Grandpa’s doing.”

  Dylan pulled her tighter. “Maybe he knew that was just the hint you needed.”

  Karla planted her hands on her hips. “Well, nothing like a public announcement without asking permission, is there?”

  Dylan turned her back toward him. “He’s not alone. This morning I was telling God I was ready to move back to Chicago to see if we had a shot at something because I would never ask you to stay here just for me.” His hand cupped her chin. “But I think we have a real shot at something. I’m in love with you, Karla-with-a-K, and I am asking you to stay. I’m glad you’re staying.”

  Everything that was missing from his spirit had returned. They belonged together; it was so easy to see. He could do more with her beside him just as she knew everything she wanted in Chicago could be right here in Gordon Falls if he was beside her. She’d spent so much time planning the perfect future when God had the best future of all right here waiting for her. “Oh, we’ve got a shot at something all right. That’s the best announcement I’ve heard all day.”

  He ducked his face closer to hers. “Better than that sign over there?”

  “How about this sign right here?” And with that she kissed him. “I love you, too. I’m staying for a hundred, reasons, but you’re the best one.”

  Dylan leaned her back in a tango-worthy dip in reply, and gave her the sweetest, best, longest kiss the town had ever seen.

  Karla knew she’d found her place in the world. She knew Dylan would find a way to rebuild. And everyone could rest assured that “Karla’s” stayed open in a storm.

  Forget the enormous fish she’d landed earlier—Karla Kennedy had just landed Gordon Falls’ best catch ever.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from SECOND CHANCE REUNION by Merrillee Whren.

  Dear Reader,

  I’ve had such a grand time visiting Gordon Falls. The characters have become near and dear to me, and I’ve enjoyed giving them so many happy endings. If this is your first visit to Gordon Falls, I hope you will go back and read the five other books in the series: Falling for the Fireman, The Fireman’s Homecoming, The Firefighter’s Match, A Heart to Heal, and Saved by the Fireman. The Gordon Falls Volunteer Fire Department certainly is full of wonderful heroes with great stories to tell. The women of the Gordon Falls Community Church Knitting Circle have their own great stories, too. If you would like more information on how to start a prayer shawl ministry where you live, feel free to email me at or write me at P.O. Box 7026 Villa Park, IL 60181. I love to hear from readers.


  Discussion Questions

  Is there a “Karl’s” where you live—a place where everyone gathers? What makes places like that so special?

  Karla loves her family, but feels pressure from them. What pressures do you feel from your family and how have you resolved them?

  Do you have a dream like Karla’s “Rooster’s”? Are you working toward that dream? If not, what’s keeping you from it?

  What breakfast food most comforts you? Do you have a favorite family recipe?

  Have you ever had your heart broken like Dylan? What helped you heal? What scars remain?

  Is there an Oscar Halverson in your community? What hurts drive people to be grumpy like that? What can you do to help them?

  Dylan loves his boats—perhaps a bit too much. Is there something in your life you are in danger of loving too much?

  If Violet showed up at your door ready to “kidnap” you onto a fishing trip, would you go? Why or why not?

  What is your “haven in a storm”? Could you be one for others?

  Have you ever been faced with a choice like Karla’s between Perk and Karl’s? What did you choose? Do you have any regrets?

  Is there a time in your life where God’s plans were so different—yet so much better—than your own?

  How does a disaster like Gordon Falls’ flood build a community? How can it harm a community? If you know of a town facing disaster, how can you pray for them today?

  We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired story.

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  Chapter One

  Doubts crowded Annie Payton’s mind as she paced in front of the windows looking out on The Village of Hope’s campus. Redbrick buildings with white Georgian columns formed a quadrangle around an expansive lawn. Tall pines and majestic oaks accented with maples and flowering dogwoods added to the beauty of the scenery.

  She always loved early spring in Georgia, when the dogwoods dressed the landscape in lace. The pleasant warmth of a late-March afternoon helped to take away some of her anxiety as she waited to meet with the lawyer who hopefully could help her get her kids back. Could this place really return hope to her life?

  The scent of newly mowed grass wafted through the open window. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply and wished she could mow down all the bad things in her life and make it fresh and new. But isn’t that what God had done when He’d covered her sins with His grace? Why did she doubt that God had forgiven her?

  The click of the door on the far side of the room made Annie turn and look. A man, with his back to her, talked with someone in the hallway. Annie braced herself for this meeting and prayed that the decision to come here was a wise one.

  When the man faced her, Annie gasped. What was Ian Montgomery doing here?

  “Hello, Annie.” He looked as handsome as ever with his sandy-blond hair and gray eyes that reminded her of a stormy sky. Those eyes held no welcome.

  Her pulse thundered all over her body. She swallowed hard. “You’re the lawyer?”

  “The one and only.” He motioned toward the chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”

  Like an automaton, Annie sat on the black leather chair. Why did Ian have to be the one person who could help her get what she wanted most in life? Pastor John from the rehab facility often told her things happened for a reason. Could God use this meeting with Ian for good, too?

  Annie sat there, not knowing what to say.

  Ian broke the silence. “You’re looking good.”

  Annie wanted to tell him he looked great in his dark pin-striped suit, but she thought better of it. “Thanks. I’m feeling good, too. I’ve been clean and sober for a year and twenty days. I intend to stay that way.”

  “I’m glad for your sobriety, but I have to be honest, Annie. You told me that several times before, and you didn’t follow through.”

  “I know.” Annie smiled halfheartedly. Everything he said was true, and he had the right to doubt her statement. She would show him that his doubts were unfounded this time.

  Ian gave her a look that told her she would have to work hard to prove she had changed. “I understand Melody Hammond, our women’s ministry director, has explained our program and gotten you settled in an apartment.”

  “She has. She said I have more paperwork to fill out.”

  His gray eyes narrowed. “I hope Melody also told you I only have a few minutes with you today.”

  “She did. She said you have an important meeting to attend.”

  Nodding, Ian grimaced. “The quarterly board meeting.”

  “You don’t look too excited.”

  “Let’s just say it’s not one of my favorite things.” Ian tapped the file on his desk. “You want your kids back. That’s what we need to discuss.”

  Annie nodded, a lump forming in her throat at the thought of Kara and Spencer. Her babies were nearly four and three—babies no longer, but she’d missed a whole year of their lives. She longed to hold them in her arms, kiss them and tuck them into bed at night. Could she ever make it up to them? She promised herself she would get her kids back. She would.

  “How long have Kara and Spencer been in foster care?”

  “Over a year. DFCS took them away...” Annie stopped as her voice cracked. She pressed her lips together as she tried to regain her composure. She wouldn’t cry in front of Ian. “I was more messed up than ever, but losing the kids made me realize I had to get help and get it right this time. I want to reunite my family.”

  “Annie, I don’t know whether I can help you. I have to be sure you’re going to stay sober before I can. Besides, I don’t feel comfortable being your attorney considering our past relationship.”

  “But Melody said the lawyer here would help me. Since you’re the only one, doesn’t that mean you have to represent me?”

  “Not necessarily. I have a friend who can probably take your case.”

  “I can’t afford to pay someone.”

  “He volunteers his services here from time to time.”

  Annie breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart ached because Ian didn’t believe she could stay clean. Could she blame him? He’d seen her relapse too many times, but this time was different. “When will I get to talk with him?”

  “I’ll arrange a meeting as soon as I can.” Ian stood as he picked up the file folder and headed for the door. “I’m sorry I have to go. We can talk again later after I contact Scott Bartlett, the other attorney. I’ll set up a time for the three of us to meet.”

  “So this is it? Hi and goodbye?” Annie followed Ian to the door. He had a meeting, but his eagerness to be rid of her punched a hole in her heart.

  “That’s the way it has to be today. Melody wanted me to talk to you, so I agreed.” He put his hand on the doorknob.

  “She doesn’t know about us, does she? Does anyone here know?” Annie couldn’t believe she was confronting Ian this way. Was she trying to alienate him?

  Staring at her, Ian took his hand from the doorknob. “That’s a fair question. Adam Bailey, the administrator here, knows everything, but no one else. I’m not going out of my way to talk about my former wild life.”

  “Guess my presence is going to open up your past whether you like it or not.” Annie wondered why she continued to needle him. Maybe it was a defensive mechanism. She needed to keep him at an emotional distance because his presence aroused old feelings that were better buried and forgotten.

  “You’re probably right, but I’ll deal with it in my own way. You don’t have to worry about it.” Ian opened the door and held out a hand. “After you.”

  “Thanks.” Annie stepped into the hallway.

  Ian closed the door behind him. “I’ll be in contact.”

  “Okay.” Annie stood there, not knowing what to do now.

  Ian looked as if he were going to dismiss her as he walked into the hallway, but then he turned back. “Walk with me,” he said.

  His request caught her off guard, but she was grateful he didn’t dismiss her as they headed toward the reception area. “Sure.”

  “Do your parents know you’re out of rehab?”

  So that’s what he wanted. More information. He didn’t really want to walk with her. “No. My parents haven’t spoken to me in over three years. For all they know I could be dead.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  She nodded, not wanting to think about the parents who had abandoned her. They’d called it tough love, but Annie called it no love. Could she ever prove to them that she had changed? She had to show them all that she had. Ian. Her parents. The court.

  “Annie, if you need help, talk to Melody. As the director of the women’s ministry, she’s here to give you advice while you settle in. This is a good place for you to find your way again.”

  Annie forced a smile. “Thanks. I guess I’ll see you later. Hope your meeting goes well.”

  “Thanks. Me, too.” He smiled in return.

  Annie nodded and hurried away with the image of Ian’s smile filling her thoughts. She didn’t want that smile to make her think he might care about her on a personal level. That kin
d of thinking could only lead her to more heartache. She’d had more than her share, and she had no one to blame but herself.

  Annie forced herself not to run or to look back at Ian. The whole meeting with him had been surreal. He’d been so matter-of-fact. He obviously didn’t have any remnants of those long-ago feelings they’d shared. To a casual observer, his demeanor would have given no hint that he’d been talking to his ex-wife.

  * * *

  Standing at the edge of the reception area, Ian observed Annie as she slipped out of the administration building without a backward glance. Against his will, he watched her through the glass door as she meandered down the walkway. When she was gone from his sight, he let out a harsh breath. He could hardly believe he’d remained so calm during their meeting. The last time they’d seen each other a rancorous conversation had ensued. He couldn’t let even a hint of old feelings enter his mind. Annie and he were history.

  Ian wasn’t sure what he was going to do. How was he supposed to deal with his ex-wife? He had to treat her like any other resident. But was that possible? Emotions of every stripe flooded his mind. How could he ever focus on the board meeting after this conversation with her?

  How could he consider helping her reunite with her children when he didn’t trust her? He’d been burned before by her pledges. Her two sweet children didn’t deserve to be manipulated by the promises their mother never kept. But she’d been in rehab for a year, and John Rice didn’t put up with misbehavior at his rehab center, so maybe she was clean. But could she stay that way?

  Ian looked heavenward. “Why now, Lord? Why when I need to have my focus on keeping this place going? What do you want me to do with Annie?”

  “Are you talking to yourself again, Mr. Ian?” The sound of Lovie Trimble’s voice floated his way.

  Ian jerked his head toward the sound. “Saying a prayer ahead of the board meeting. I didn’t see you there.”


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