Stolen Innocents (The Shadow Series Book 2)
Page 32
“Thanks. Now let’s go party and embarrass the kids,” Jack said with a laugh.
Strobe lights threatened to blind Jack as he walked into the dim gymnasium of Steeplechase Academy. A pop rock song was playing on the radio and the dance floor was crowded with students. He looked for Cole and Tristan, but assumed they were swallowed by the crowd. Shane was standing by the punchbowl chatting with a pair of blonde girls in matching dresses. Blake and Natalie stood nearby and saw the adults as they walked in.
“Oh, God. They’re here,” said Natalie as she ducked with Blake into the crowd.
“This is much nicer than our old gymnasium! Huh, Joe?!” said DiNolfo loudly.
“Yeah! This is where the rich kids go…” teased Joe.
“Rich. You’re real funny… I inherited a money pit,” scoffed Jack.
“Where are all the kids?” wondered Bridgette.
“Probably hiding from us…” laughed Frank.
“C’mon Joe, let’s dance!” said DiNolfo as she lugged Joe to the dance floor.
Cole swung Tristan around the dance floor making her dizzy. She had two left feet and Cole was only slightly better. They were having a good time though, and that’s all that they cared about.
“Let’s get some punch.”
Tristan and Cole found Shane, Blake and Natalie by the punch bowl where they were gawking at someone or something in the crowd.
“What are you looking at like that?” asked Tristan perplexed at Shane’s facial expression.
Shane had a look on his face of sheer mortification.
“Look at them!”
Tristan followed Shane’s stare towards the dance floor. Joe twirled Jenna all over the dance floor. Meanwhile Frank and Bridgette were showing off their moves in the center of the floor, clearly unafraid of the spotlight. Meanwhile, Jack had decided to take another chaperone for a spin around the dance floor. Jack twirled Edna Harrow under the strobe lights as her floral dress twirled around her. She had even put in her dentures for the occasion.
“They’re so embarrassing!” yelled Shane.
“I think it’s cute,” said Tristan.
Natalie, Shane and Blake looked at Tristan like she was nuts. Cole shrugged his shoulders and grabbed him and Tristan a cup of punch and found a place to sit down.
“It’s the time you’ve all been waiting for! Time to announce this year’s Prom King and Queen. Drum roll please….” The drummer shimmied his sticks on his drum ever so slightly as Vice Principal Irwin began to read the results.
“This year’s prom king by popular vote is…. Cole Piedmonte!”
While the audience clapped, Cole looked embarrassed and mortified. Tristan urged him to go to the center of the dance floor against his greatest wish. Principle Irwin slapped a crown on Cole’s head as he glared at the crowd. Tristan couldn’t help but laugh. She knew she would never be picked for Prom Queen, and quite honestly, she didn’t want to be either. She wasn’t nearly popular or vapid enough for that role. She had a pretty good idea who was though.
“And now… the class of 2000’s prom queen is…. Trixie
The crowd cheered as Trixie rose from the table where she was holding court. She waved at everyone and sneered at Tristan.
“Don’t worry I’ll give him back,” Trixie said snidely.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Trixie. It’s just a dance.”
Cole stood in the middle of the dance floor, clearly not wanting to dance with Trixie. Tristan motioned for him to just be nice and go with the flow. It was only one dance, after all. As the music played, Cole looked like he was being punished, while Trixie looked like she had just won the lottery. After the dance was over, Tristan joined Cole on the dance floor and laughed at how uncomfortable he looked. He eventually forgot about his discomfort though, as he and Tristan danced the night away. Two left feet and all.
Chapter 33
June 29, 2000
Morrow Manor
Fox Hollow, PA
Prom went off without a hitch and though some of the kids were embarrassed by their party animal parents, everyone had a good time. The next morning, Cole packed everyone into his father’s SUV to drive to school, since there were no other available cars. Both Jack and Cole’s vehicles were trapped in the mine, and he was definitely in the market for a new one. They only had a half day of school, and it was the last official day before graduation. Everyone was eager to hear the results of their final exams. Tommy remained at home with permission from Vice Principal Irwin since he had already finished his exams and was injured.
Tristan had never seen Shane look so nervous before.
“If I fail, will you sing at my funeral?” Shane asked Tristan somberly.
Blake quipped, “Are you sure you want that? She’s tone deaf. No… seriously… She sounds like a dying cat when she sings.”
“I do not!”
“Yeah, Tris. You really do,” admitted Cole as he laughed loudly in the driver seat.
Tristan rolled her eyes, “They won’t kill you.”
“She might,” Shane said referring to his mother.
“Aunt Bridgette is not going to kill you. Your uncle might make you paint the barn though.”
“In order to graduate you need at least a D,” reminded Cole.
“I hope I can swing that…” said Shane glumly.
Tristan shook her head at her cousin. Only time would tell if he’d be walking down the aisle tomorrow and receiving his diploma or if he’d be back for another year of classes at Steeplechase.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen… The day of reckoning is upon us! I have your final exam scores….”
Students groaned loudly from their seats. Shane simply slunk his head and waited to hear his fate. Mr. Kessel read out the names and grades of the students in front of the class for all to hear.
Anderson- 86
Berk- 44
“See me after class, Eddie.”
Cosgrove- 79
D’Agostino- 95
Felton- 82
Fries- 79
Gordon- 91
Jacobson- 88
Kilpatrick- 71
“Seventy-one?!” Shane yelled as he jumped from his seat.
“Yes. Is there an issue?”
“None! Thank you!” Shane said excitedly as he hugged his teacher.
“Mr. Kilpatrick. Would you please take a seat,” said the teacher with a raised eyebrow.
“Moving on…”
Leaman – 85
Morrow, Blake- 96
Morrow, Thomas- 74
Morrow, Tristan- 99
“Nerd!” whispered Shane to his cousin. Tristan rolled her eyes.
O’Mara- 55
“See me after class, Trixie.”
Piedmonte- 100
Richards- 64
Walsh- 73
“That’s it, folks. You’re free to go.”
When Shane got out into the hallway the relief was visible on his face. He slammed his back against his locker and smiled broader than ever before.
“I really passed!”
“Nice job, bud…” Tristan said.
Cole and Blake patted him on the back.
“Thank God Tommy passed, too,” Tristan said in relief.
“C’mon let’s go home…”
They arrived back at Morrow Manor around noon and found all the adults in the yard. Frank was at the grill teaching Bridgette the fine art of not burning chicken, while Jack, Joe and Jenna sat at the picnic table shooting the breeze.
“So you and Edna, huh?” said Joe to Jack just before he broke out into a fit of laughter.
“I was being nice to the old bird,” said Jack getting embarrassed.
“Any chance on you settling down with a special someone anytime soon?” Joe asked Jack
“No, Joe. My heart is completely unavailable. It is still all wrapped up in Catherine. Maybe someday, b
ut right now, definitely not. Besides, I have enough on my hands…”
“That is definitely true. Hey look who it is!” said Joe as the kids arrived.
“Classes are over!” Tristan announced happily.
“That’s awesome! I have a happy surprise to announce, too….”
“You do?!” said Jenna in surprise.
“I sure do.”
“Joe’s got secrets…” Jenna said mockingly to Bridgette.
Bridgette added, “Him and everybody else.”
“So what’s this big surprise?” Cole asked.
Joe stood up and spoke to everyone, “Well while I have everyone here, I wanted to tell you all a story.”
Everyone’s eyes focused on Joe. He was acting so peculiar.
“I’ve had a gift for one of you in my pocket for the past three weeks, trying to find the perfect time to present it. But considering the events of the past three weeks, it hasn’t been easy. So here goes…”
Joe smirked mischievously as he grabbed a velvet box from his back pocket. He got down on one knee and grabbed Jenna’s hand. She had a look of pure shock on her face.
“Jenna DiNolfo, won’t you be my bride?”
A look of pure amusement took over her face as she stood up and hugged Joe. Bridgette thought she saw a tear in her eye, but a second later it was gone.
“Of course I will, Joe!”
“Wait until I tell my parents!”
“Your Dad already knows.”
“Oh, my God, a wedding! Dad can they have it here?!” Tristan gushed.
Jack laughed, “If they want to.”
Joe pulled Jenna in to him and said, “We wouldn’t want it any other way. “
Jenna suddenly got a serious look on her face and grabbed Joe by the chin, “But let’s get one thing straight. This is a partnership and I’m not picking up your socks or your dirty underwear. Capice?”
Joe grinned widely.
“And kids…” DiNolfo said to Cole and Natalie. They peeked up at her as they both smiled.
“I can never replace your Mom. I will never try. But I do love you all, and nothing is going to change that. I promise.”
Cole and Natalie leaned in to give their future step-mother a hug as Joe couldn’t cold back his emotions any longer. Tears streamed down his face as happiness swelled his heart.
As everyone celebrated, Shane nearly forgot to share the good news with everyone.
“Yo Tommy!”
Tommy lifted his head. He looked sleepy but happy.
“Yeah, Shane?”
“You passed your finals!”
“Are you serious?!” said Tommy in excitement.
“You got a higher score than me,” quipped Shane.
Jack gave his nephew a stern look, “Please tell me you passed…”
“Of course I did… We all did.”
“Hallelujah!” cried Jack, thrilled to have the school year over with. “They are all walking at graduation tomorrow!”
Chapter 34
June 30, 2000
Steeplechase Academy
Elkhart, PA
8:15 A.M.
Tristan shifted nervously as “Pomp and Circumstance” began to play loudly from the speakers in the auditorium at Steeplechase Academy. The graduating class at Steeplechase consisted of seventy-eight graduates, and Tristan was the thirty-second from the front of the line. Blake who stood in front of her, and Cole who stood behind her, urged Tristan to settle down.
“I’m not a public speaker!”
“You’ll do fine,” said Cole. “Just read off of the speech you wrote.”
“Imagine everyone in their underwear…” suggested Blake.
“That is not helpful!” Tristan quipped.
The line began to move and one by one the students made their way down the hallowed aisle where their parents had graduated before them. Tristan watched as Blake proudly marched up the aisle as Jenna, Moira and Bridgette’s cameras flashed brightly. Now it was Tristan’s turn. After all her hard work, she felt frozen in place.
Cole put a gentle hand on her back and whispered, “You can do this. I’m right here behind you.”
Tristan smiled as she took the first step towards the future.
Tristan sat in between Blake and Cole on stage and watched as the rest of the students took their places. The music continued to play after Nathan Zawicky had taken his place.
“What are they waiting for?” Blake said to Tristan.
“You’ll see…” Tristan responded with a broad smile on her face.
Suddenly the double doors of the auditorium sprung open. Dressed smartly in a white button down shirt and a pair of black slacks, Jack pushed Tommy in his wheel chair up the center aisle. Tommy looked studious in his cap and gown and his broad smile caught the attention of everyone in the room. Jack did not rush up the aisle. He let his son enjoy his accomplishment. He deserved this moment. After all he had been through, he deserved his moment of glory. Tommy’s smile beamed as Moira blew him a kiss. Bridgette and Jenna’s cameras went off like wildfire.
A tear escaped Tristan’s eye as the graduating class of 2000 applauded her brother as he was wheeled up to the stage. Cole felt it too. It tugged right at his heart. Tommy was like a brother to him. As Tristan breathed a sigh of great relief, Cole smiled and squeezed her hand tight.
“I know.”
Jack wheeled Tommy to the front of the auditorium and placed him in plain view. Jack backed away out of sight until he was needed again. Vice Principal Irwin walked on stage and greeted everyone.
“Good morning parents and staff, esteemed colleagues and graduates of the class of 2000. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Steeplechase Academy commencement ceremony. Before we begin with the distribution of the diplomas, we will listen to some words from our Valedictorian Tristan Morrow.”
“That’s you, kid…” Blake said as he nudged his sister.
Tristan rose from her seat as her panic began to intensify. She approached the podium with shaky hands, but when it was time to speak, she found that she was confident.
“Good Morning Parents, Teachers, Alumni and the Class of 2000. We’ve learned a lot this year, but often we question, how much of this will we use in real life? The answer depends solely on you. The other day, I heard my brother, Blake say, I will never use Algebra in real life, and I told him, he might, if he looks at it a different way. Steeplechase taught us language and reasoning, problem solving, deduction, business skills, and communication skills. I will use the education provided here and put it to greater use. It is up to you to do the same.”
Tristan paused for a moment as she took in the crowd. Parents and teachers looked up at Tristan as though she had some wisdom to share.
“Beyond the classroom, there are no practice tests or second chances. You have to use the tools you were given and hone in on the skills that you excel in. The world is a mystery, but there is no secret that we cannot unravel. There is no problem that we cannot solve. We just have to apply ourselves.”
Tristan turned to face her fellow students.
“Class of 2000… Stand up. Pledge to your family and friends. Repeat after me: We, the class of 2000, will strive for greatness. We may not all be Harvard bound, but we have a bright future ahead of us. It is up to us to continue down this bright path. We have the tools… Let us use them to build our own path. There will be bumps, but regardless of the challenge, we have the courage, strength and intelligence to overcome them.”
Both the audience and the students cheered loudly. Once the noise ceased, Tristan continued.
“Many graduation ceremonies have a feeling of farewell. In Elkhart, we will continue to live amongst each other. Even if you go away to college, move to another town… Elkhart will always be home. Let us hold each other responsible for keeping our town safe and supporting each other to a new level of success and happiness. Go forth into the world
and show the world what Elkhart stands for. I believe in you. Class of 2000, the world awaits you.”
As Tristan stepped away from the podium the crowd got to their feet. Her speech was exactly what this town needed to hear. As she took her seat Cole leaned over to her, “Are you running for mayor?”