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The Charismatic One - A Saint or a Devil?

Page 6

by The Abbotts

  The End


  You may wonder why we have written about this particular topic, a future prophet of evil rather than good, when our books are primarily concerned with spreading tales and topics of love and Light.

  However, we have been told in many spiritual messages that we have received over the decades that a charismatic young person is coming to Earth, who could lead the young people into a time of great darkness. We want to warn you about such a devious person.

  This current generation has incarnated with a strong sense of unity. Many of them also have advanced psychic abilities, yet to be unleashed!

  What is unity? It is an urgent need for Oneness; for everyone to be linked mentally and emotionally. This can be seen through such inventions as the Internet, computers, cell phones and social media etc. While this can lead to peace throughout the world, understanding and empathy between all races, religions and cultures, it can also lead to a single mind that tolerates only, its own needs.

  This is what this novel is trying to show, that one charismatic, demanding person can influence many receptive people to follow their lead, without undue thought or consideration. And as many people erroneously believe that - ‘Beauty is truth, truth is beauty’ the more handsome or beautiful the leader, the more naïve acolytes, they will collect.

  Could such an evil leader arise? Unfortunately, YES! Many young, disaffected men and women are now spurning and resenting the power and wisdom of the elders in our society and instead, looking for pleasure and rich rewards without effort or hard work. The future is rife for a young, charismatic ‘Lucien’ to appear and hold sway over the gullible young men and women, like Ashley.

  We have channelled the following message from Spirit concerning this possibility. Please take notice.

  “Behold, a false prophet, young and charismatic will come and lead the young astray with promises of power, lust and riches and being naïve they will call him/her Master and follow blindly. All could be destroyed and souls lost to evil, so take heed and be not influenced by tricks of psychic power, but look to their heart, is it pure?”

  Can he or she be overcome? Yes! Using Oscar’s simple exercise given to us by Mother Mary, you can easily decide if someone is truly good or just manipulating you for their own, selfish ends. Sift their words, thoughts and actions through your heart and mind. Eyes and ears can often be deceived, but not the heart and mind working together.

  A true prophet would love everyone with a higher love - agape and never single out age groups, races or religions to hate. This is not God-like!

  And what do other sources tell us about false prophets, like Lucien? Here are some theories that have been written about by scholars, over many thousands of years.

  Christians believe that Jesus, the Christ will one day return to Earth to battle with the Antichrist, a charismatic but false prophet, who wants to rule the world. See John 1 and John 2 in the New Testament.

  The apostles Mark and Matthew also speak of this false prophet. “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect”. -  Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22

  In Islamic writings, Masih ad-Dajjal is an anti-messiah figure, similar to the second coming of “Isa”.

  In some schools of medieval Jewish theology, a comparable anti-Messiah figure who is the son of a virgin, is called Armilus, “A king who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah and will be conquered by him, after having brought much distress upon Israel”.

  Hippolytus of Rome (AD circa 170 to 236) held that the Antichrist would come from the tribe of Danand and he would rebuild the Jewish temple, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in order to reign from it. He identified the Antichrist with the Beast out of the Earth, from the book of Revelations.

  The inverted cross of St Peter, once a Christian symbol, is now an antichrist symbol of evil.

  Hinduism believes in four great ages and we are currently in that of the demon Kali. Puranas go on to write that “Kings in the fourth age will be godless, wanting in tranquillity, quick to anger and dishonest. They will inflict death on women and children and will rise and fall to power quickly. Undisciplined barbarians will receive the support of rulers.

  From the four pillars of dharma - penance, charity, truthfulness and compassion - charity will be all that remains, although it too will decrease daily. People will commit sin in mind, speech and action. Plague, famine, pestilence and natural calamities, will appear.

  People will not believe one another, falsehoods will win disputes and brothers will become avaricious. As the each age progresses, the human life span decreases, starting from thousands of years in the Krutha Yuga to 100 years, in the current Kali Yuga.

  There will be many false religions and many will profess false knowledge, to earn their livelihood. Life will be short and miserable. Marriage will be for pleasure alone.

  Being dry of water will be the only definition of land and any hard to reach water will define a pilgrimage destination. People will hide in valleys between mountains and suffering from cold and exposure, people will wear clothes of tree bark and leaves. People will live less than twenty-three years and the pretence of greatness will be the proof of it. Ultimately, humankind will be destroyed!”

  The Buddhist believe that “Buddha described his teachings as disappearing five-thousand years from his passing, corresponding approximately to the year 4600 CE. At this time, knowledge of dharma will be lost, as well.

  The last of his relics will then, be gathered in Bodh Gaya and cremated. There will be a new era, in which the next Buddha Maitreya will appear, but it will be preceded by the degeneration of human society. This will be a period of greed, lust, poverty, ill will, violence, murder, impiety, physical weakness, sexual depravity and societal collapse and even the Buddha himself, will be forgotten. Perhaps, this is a ripe time for the False Prophet to appear?

  Is the false prophet, Satan himself? Lucifer, who as an archangel was supposedly exiled from Heaven, when he wanted more power? This has been debated, by many famous scholars since time immemorial, but it seems that he or she will be inspired by negativity, power and lust and that evil rather than goodness and compassion, will be part of his nature.

  Let us end with a quote from Mother Mary concerning defeating this evil prophet.

  “No one should control your thoughts or your soul, for these are inviolably your own! Yes, heed those who are wiser and more experienced for this is often how the young learn, but also be observant. Listen and watch those who would be your leaders, your prophets and see if their words and doctrine match their actions. For often, they are at odds!

  Study all religions and take from them, those aspects that seem right and God-like to you! Not God-like in an imposing, frightening way, but a loving, kind God who loves everyone, sinners and saints and allows - freewill. For this is one of the greatest gifts of humanity - that each person, male or female, may decide for themselves, who to follow, who to love and to whom to give their allegiance. And a true, loving God would never punish you for doing so!

  Create your own spiritual lore and live in compassion, honesty and love and you cannot go wrong.

  Moreover, if a False Prophet does arise, as may well occur. Close your eyes, cover your ears and feel, if he or she resonates with Unconditional Love and if they do not, turn away. Use your mind and heart to sieve their words and actions and if they do not ring true, depart and search for the prophet within yourself! Love and Light, Mary”

  We hope this book, above all else will make you think and choose a higher path.

  Blessings to you all, on your Life’s journey

  Love, Light and Hope,

  The Abbotts,

  Tony Abbott & Robyn Abbott

  Copyright 2017

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  Other book titles by The Abbotts

Over 245 titles available including -

  2016 to 2028

  The Hope Years!

  Preparing for Cosmic Changes!

  The years from 2016 to 2028 are important in humankind’s development, as they lead us into new stages of personal and psychic development.

  The Abbotts, paranormal experts will show you what these coming years will bring in inventions, relationships and your own psychic awakenings!

  With special channelled messages from the Ascended Masters and practical ideas on how you can prepare for the future, you will also increase your spiritual and psychic skills, ready for this new age!

  A not-to-be-missed book for all students of the paranormal! Illustrated and in 14 pt for easy reading. A Beacon of Light Book.


  The Path of Unity

  A Philosophy for Life

  Free ebook

  Omni is a unique book wholly channelled by The Abbotts from the inspiring messages of The Master. Omni introduces us to the Ten Principles of Life, which govern everything we do in our daily life.

  Inspiring, illuminating and sensitive, yet bravely looking at controversial issues such as euthanasia, sexuality, marriage and war, it is a revolutionary philosophical book that can bring peace, harmony and joy into all aspects of your life. A Beacon of Light Book.

  The Authors

  The Abbotts

  The Abbotts have published over 245 books on many different psychic subjects, the paranormal and personal development. All of their books and courses are available through Divine Publishing Australia at

  Tony Abbott

  Tony Abbott has been a professional clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, healer and self-development teacher. He is now a writer and the Managing Director of Divine Publishing Australia an independent electronic publisher & promoter of paranormal & New Age material.

  Robyn Abbott

  Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister, clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual, psychic and self-help books.

  Other book categories by The Abbotts

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