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Rookie in the Midst [Blue Platoon 1]

Page 5

by Jools Louise

  “Tricky maneuver, given the size of this thing,” Blaze called. “Rifle!” he suddenly shouted, and Amos spied the assault rifle that the biker produced, aiming it right at the van.

  “Brake!” he shouted back. Instantly, Blaze slammed his foot on the brakes, and the van skidded to a shuddering stop, the bike flying past, with the second biker having to swerve to avoid a collision, racing past the stationary van.

  “Take a left,” Amos ordered. “There’s an old farmhouse up that track. We can make a stand there. No point in trying to play tag in this weather. Let the bastards come to us.”

  “You got it,” Blaze replied, backing up fast on the deserted road. Then he turned onto a narrower road, if it could be called that, leaving the main highway and heading up into the hills that loomed on either side.

  Amos glanced to the side, seeing the shock in Craig’s eyes, and the fury in Finch’s.

  “Ruin is getting a little cocky, isn’t he?” Finch asked, his voice dangerously quiet. “What the fuck does he think he’s doing, attacking us out in the open like that?”

  “Because we’re not on our land, yet,” Amos reminded him. “Get dressed, guys. This is going to get tricky. Where there’s two of Ruin’s gang, there’s bound to be more.”

  “Do they know you’re SAS and SBS?” Craig asked, scrambling into jeans and a thick sweater that Finch threw at him from one of the lockers.

  “Yeah,” Finch retorted, dressing in black camo gear, looking tough and deadly as he tied his hair back into a sleek ponytail. “They don’t care. They’re arrogant, fuckwitted, but still dangerous wolf shifters. Ruin’s pack has been in these parts for centuries. And they hate gays.”

  “Oh,” Craig said quietly, looking downcast. “They’re homophobes?”

  “Oh yeah,” Amos said grimly. “When I first bought our land and started building our house, they paid us a visit. They didn’t like the fact that I was mated to men. They burned our first house down. We had to put some extra security in place to try to prevent it happening again. I just hope they haven’t been up to their tricks again.”

  “They burned down your house?” Craig asked, aghast. “Because you’re gay? That’s archaic.”

  Amos chuckled despite himself. “Yeah, they’re Neanderthals all right. Their pack women are almost as bad as their men, though. Maureen, their alpha female, is as vicious as any of her pack. I think she may be worse. Her sons, Connor, Charlie, and Carter, always look as they’re expecting to be hit at any time. I reckon they’ve all been abused. But she seems to have a definite dislike for us.”

  “Only because you rejected her,” Garnet called from the front seat. “She’s never forgiven you for choosing cock over pussy.”

  “She’s a vile bitch,” Finch bit out. “She’s come onto every one of us, thinking she’s irresistible.” He snorted. “The day I’m interested in her skanky cunt, I’ll become a fucking monk.”

  “Is that a fucking monk in the literal sense?” Amos asked quizzically, grinning when his beta flipped him off.

  “Why would they care if you mate men?” Craig asked curiously, pulling on a pair of boots, also provided by Finch.

  “Because, darling, if we mate and become a pack full of gays, then other packs might follow suit. The females have a lot of power. Most aren’t actually bothered, because there’s more than enough straights to go around. But some of the females have a stick up their ass…the wooden kind, and can’t see past the end of their nose. They don’t want to give up their beliefs because they want to be able to control their men. Gay men who have no interest in pussy are a little more difficult to seduce.” Finch planted a tender kiss on Craig’s mouth, just as the van slid to a stop, a mile up the track.

  “Hide the van, Blaze,” Amos ordered, opening the door and leaping out. “No point in advertising where we are.”

  “Yes, boss,” Blaze replied. Garnet grabbed a few things from the front and got out, as well.

  “Here, love. Take this. If anyone comes at you, shoot first,” Finch said, kissing Craig again. “Once we’re fully mated, they won’t be able to touch us. But if you’re taken from us before the bond is fully set, it can have bad consequences.”

  “Then maybe we need to finish the claiming,” Craig suggested.

  “Put this on, sex muffin,” Finch replied, dragging a thick coat from another locker, and helping Craig put it on.

  “Sex muffin?” Craig giggled.

  “I claimed you, so I get first dibs on nicknames,” Finch retorted, slapping Craig’s ass. “Now get going, before I find a new one.”

  “Yeah, but sex muffin?” Craig drawled, squealing as he jumped out of the van, getting soaked in seconds. It was pitch black, the rain heavy and the wind now howling like a banshee. The storm was moving in hard. The perfect time to stage an ambush, since their hearing would be impaired. Of course, that meant that whoever was after them would be at a disadvantage, too.

  “Here,” Amos said, handing Craig a second pistol. “Garnet’s checking out the barn and outbuildings. Let’s investigate the farmhouse itself.”

  Nodding, Craig followed the captain, Finch taking rear guard, keeping alert for danger.

  “Looks clean, boss,” Garnet said, running toward them, a sniper rifle clutched in his fist.

  “Good. Let’s take up positions. This place is pretty solid-looking. Stone walls and only two exits to worry about, one front and one back.” Amos’s gaze flickered all over, still searching for possible booby traps as they neared the house.

  “You’ve been here before,” Craig queried, eyeing Amos curiously.

  “Yeah, a few years ago when I was scouting out suitable locations for the pack,” Amos replied. “It’s too close to the main road, though. Too much chance of tourists wandering here. We get them at our home, but not nearly so many. We’re off the beaten track.”

  “Why does the Ruin pack really want to stop the mating?” Craig asked. “It can’t be just because you’re gay. When did the attacks start?”

  Amos studied him for a moment, and then his gaze went back to searching the area, his senses fine-tuned. “Once we’re fully bonded, we’ll be the most powerful pack in the area. The Ruin pack always claims to be, but they lack substance and rule with fear and fists. A pack who has a center, a heart and soul, which is you, is unbreakable. They tend to attract more members, those who are outcasts or simply have no living family. They ask to join the new pack and enjoy the benefits of a united group who take care of their members, and because of the strength of the core members, they are safer.”

  “So this is about power, homophobia, and a randy bitch in heat?” Craig quipped drolly. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Amos and Finch laughed, Garnet grinning in amusement. “Mate, you have a way with words,” Garnet said. “Yeah, that Maureen is definitely a bitch all right. Arnie, the alpha and her husband, is a nasty bit of work, but Maureen rules the roost.”

  They entered the house, Amos taking point, checking for any nasty surprises. There were none. Garnet and Finch explored the rest of the small dwelling, a three-bedroom affair with an ancient kitchen, wood stove, and a pantry that had traces of rodents and a fair covering of spider activity.

  “Okay, so we need to lie low, see what pops up,” Amos said, super quiet. “Garnet, you take Craig upstairs. Don’t let him out of your sight, no matter what.”

  An eerie sound wound its way through the raging wind. A wolf’s howl. Lonely, mournful. Amos’s gaze sharpened. “They’re here. Take your positions.”

  Garnet hauled Craig over his shoulder and headed upstairs, slapping their mate’s ass.

  “Game on, lover,” Finch said, moving to the kitchen. Amos grinned, looking forward to a fight. Blaze was somewhere outside, his sniper skills perfect for this duty. If Ruin’s pack thought they were going to win this battle, they didn’t know his little platoon. All four had been born kicking ass.

  Chapter Five

  Craig felt energized, his adrenaline powering through him like a
freight train. He’d never experienced such a rush, except during sex with his mates. His pack. His family. He eyed Garnet, who was so handsome in his protective mode, and currently focused on the view outside.

  “Garnet?” he whispered. “Is it true, that if you all claim me, we’re invincible?”

  “Apparently,” Garnet hissed back. “It won’t stop Ruin from going after us, I don’t think, but it certainly makes us stronger.”

  “Why attack if they can’t win?”

  “They take their pack’s so-called honor to whole new levels. Pride before the fall and all that?” Garnet met Craig’s worried gaze. “They hate us, because we don’t fall in line with their rules, or beliefs. They abhor our lifestyle and despise what they can’t control. Bottom line, I doubt it will matter too much to the Ruin pack what we did to make amends, they will always be our enemy.”

  Craig crept toward the big SBS trooper, a former Royal Marine, who reeked of sex appeal and kick-ass in equal measure. “But we’ll be stronger if we are bonded, right?”

  Garnet eyed him, his pupils flaring as he read the intent in Craig’s gaze. “You want to do it now?” he asked, his voice rising in astonishment, looking torn as he glanced out the window again.

  “Why not?” Craig said.

  The window shattered, and a grenade landed beside them both. Yelping, Garnet lobbed it back, snarling angrily as it exploded on the ground outside. “Fuck!” he cursed. “Does that answer your question?” he asked, grabbing Craig away from the window. “The fuckers have a grenade launcher. Goddammit!”

  Gunfire sounded, peppering the wall as bullets sprayed through the gaping window. The men ducked, keeping under the frame as glass and splinters of stone erupted. “How the fuck did they know which room we were in?” Craig asked, listening for noise downstairs. It was unearthly still. His heart thumped painfully. Had his mates already been taken down?

  Suddenly there was the sound of the front door splintering below, followed by yells, snarls, and yelping, followed by silence. Then a huge wolf appeared in the doorway. Dark brown eyes and fur the color of treacle, it sat on its haunches, panting a little as it eyed the pair of them curiously.

  “Hi, Amos, did you take care of business?” Garnet asked.

  Craig did a double take and stared into eyes that glimmered with intelligence, the exact same shade as Captain Amos Hartland. “Wow!” he said. “You’re huge. I didn’t expect this. I’ve only been able to shift a couple of times, and I’m half the size.”

  “He’s the alpha,” Garnet commented, kissing Craig’s cheek. “And you’re a little squirt, with the cutest little ass, and a body made for sin.”

  Craig giggled at the comment. “How would you know, you’re too scared to try?” he taunted, crawling toward Amos, whose eyes showed amusement.

  “What’s our sex muffin up to now?” Finch shouted up the stairs.

  “He needs to be claimed again,” Amos said, shifting to human form suddenly, conveniently still clothed. Craig was amazed, since the two times he’d been able to shift, he’d been naked when he’d reverted to human again. He’d have to remember to ask. “And he’s right, if you and Blaze don’t finish the bond, we’re all in danger.”

  “What happened downstairs?” Craig asked. “And how did they know we were up here?”

  “Lucky guess,” Amos replied. “They fired on the house, the outbuildings, and then tried to storm the place.” He grinned wickedly. “Luckily, we’re not amateurs. But we need to get going again before they regroup.”

  “Let’s go,” Garnet said, grabbing Craig once again and hauling him into his arms. “I need to plow this man’s succulent ass.”

  He kissed Craig urgently as they hastened downstairs again. The lower floor was littered with eight unconscious men, three angry women who were tied together, and a nasty whiff of defeat for the invading force. Craig smirked as he was carted out of the house toward the van, which Blaze had already brought around.

  “Come on, guys, no time to lose,” Blaze said, beckoning them over.

  As one, they scrambled into their seats and took off, aiming for the main highway again.

  “How far is it to your home?” Craig wanted to know, sitting on one of the bench seats, strapped in securely, with Garnet beside him, fondling Craig’s cock.

  “About fifty miles from here,” Amos supplied, alert for anyone following them. “And the roads after we leave the main roads are as bad as this track. If they send a team after us, we’ll be hard-pressed to defend ourselves. Ruin has over thirty wolves in his pack.”

  They reached the paved highway and headed north again, at top speed, trying to get ahead of their attackers before they could regroup.

  “Claim him,” Amos ordered Garnet harshly. “Not romantic, I know, but until Craig is fully bonded to us, he’s in more danger than any of us. Ruin will want to stop us at any cost.”

  Craig stared at him, seeing the deep worry in the man’s dark eyes. “We’ll win,” he said softly. “Those bastards are amateurs…you guys are the professionals. I know we’ll be successful.” Then he sent Garnet a sultry look, waggling his brows teasingly. “What was that you were saying about tapping this ass, stud?”

  Garnet half-laughed, half-growled, and lunged for Craig, after unstrapping his seat belt and then lifted him onto the bed. Within seconds they were both naked, Craig’s legs draped around Garnet’s broad shoulders, and Craig was whimpering with excitement as his lover buried his face between Craig’s butt cheeks, and began lapping at his hole, cock, and balls.

  “Oh, God, that feels good,” Craig moaned, clutching at the quilt, eyes closed as Garnet began tongue-fucking him. “More, baby. Don’t stop.”

  Garnet chuckled and used his thumbs to stretch Craig, then dived in again, eating him out as though starved for the taste. Groaning, moaning, Craig felt light-headed, unable to breathe as wave after wave of lust rolled over him. He’d never been assaulted with such erotic intent before, and Garnet was ruthless in his ability to drive Craig right out of his mind.

  “Now for the finale,” Garnet breathed, moving up Craig’s body, after slicking his cock with lube.

  Well-stretched, Craig’s ass tingled in anticipation, and he shuddered with pleasure as Garnet entered him slowly, carefully, kissing him so tenderly that Craig’s heart melted with love for the big man. For all his men. They all had the skills to kill a guy within seconds, strength and violence in every part of them…except with him. With Craig, they reined in that aggression, and he felt safe and treasured by each one. Yes. He loved them all.

  Garnet sank deeper, bottoming out as he ate at Craig’s mouth, and then began to move. Slow, long, and deep strokes that took Craig to the edge of heaven, his cock trapped between their bodies, creating a delicious friction that had him gasping for more. Garnet’s tempo increased gradually, and they were soon rocking the van as Garnet skewered Craig, over and over, his thrusts now explosive, nailing Craig’s pleasure zone each time.

  Whimpering, Craig held on for dear life, until they both screamed out, slamming straight through heaven, and up into the stratosphere. Garnet’s fangs sank deep into Craig’s neck, his mating barb locking and loading, as hot seed spurted, filling Craig, marking him forever. Craig felt his claws extend and raked them down Garnet’s back, scorching a trail as he came, as well, grinding against Garnet, desperately wanting to sink right into Garnet’s very soul.

  “Garnet!” he screamed, and felt the mist envelop him, swallowing him whole, swirling from Garnet to him, and then the arrow of energy zinged into his heart, connecting them on a level that left him aching with love. He could feel the bond between Amos, Finch, Garnet, and him, so strong, so beautiful.

  “Darling Craig,” Garnet sighed. “Fuck that was incredible.”

  “Hmmmph!” Craig mumbled, still trying to find his senses. They’d just shattered after being fucked into oblivion.

  Garnet chuckled and kissed Craig with languid skill, turning Craig to mush once again. “Darling, if that isn’t a
boost to a guy’s ego, I don’t know what is. I fucked you senseless.”

  “Yeah, well, unless you’ve forgotten, I need to claim Craig, too,” Blaze shouted from the front.

  “Take over driving, Finch,” Amos said. “We need to finish the claiming as soon as possible.”

  Finch shot Blaze a grin when the man began dancing in his seat, punching the air. “Sweetie, control yourself before you drive us off the road.”

  “You control yourself,” Blaze shot back, grinning. “I’m about to claim our sexy minx.”

  Craig giggled at the pair, listening to them tease one another as Garnet withdrew, cleaning Craig gently and then kissing him again. “Ready for the next round?” Garnet asked him.

  Craig felt his cock thicken again, his ass clenching in readiness. “I think I must be getting used to all this fucking,” he said, smirking. “My ass doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  “Hmmm,” Garnet laughed, nipping Craig’s chin before leaving the bed. “You haven’t had Blaze yet. That man is a twelve.”

  Craig’s eyes widened as the vehicle slowed to a stop. Finch switched with Blaze and took the wheel. Before Blaze had made it to the rear of the van, already stripping, the van was in motion again, heading through the night toward the safety of their home. Craig realized as he watched the sexy strip show that he was already thinking of Amos’s place in those terms, and he hadn’t even seen it, yet. There was something about the Scottish Highlands that called to his wolf. A yearning to roam free, unfettered across the mountains and valleys of this ancient land.

  “Wow! You weren’t kidding,” Craig said, drooling as he saw the size of Blaze’s dick. “I didn’t really notice the other night. I was too busy trying to take Amos’s log.”

  Blaze grinned, palming his twelve incher, and smearing lube all over it, waggling it teasingly. “You missed this?” he purred, advancing on Craig with a predatorial glint in his eyes.

  “Was distracted,” Craig panted as Blaze flipped him onto hands and knees, all dominant male, about to fuck his prize. “Be gentle?” he said, whimpering as he felt the blunt tip of Blaze’s huge dick at his entrance, thrusting backward eagerly.


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