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Falling For My Boss

Page 5

by J. S. Cooper

  “Scott?” My jaw dropped as I faked surprise. “I thought you went away for business?” I said and took a step towards him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Elizabeth Jeffries, you’re my new assistant?” His eyes narrowed as he stared at me and I watched as he walked out from behind his desk and over to me. “Now, now, today is my lucky day.” He reached out, grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him.

  “What are you doing?” I asked in shock as I felt his warm, hard body against mine.

  “Continuing where we left off,” he said with an impish grin as his hands fell to my ass. “I’ve always dreamed of an office quickie.” I stood there in shock, not believing my ears. How could Scott Taylor flirt and act like everything was okay? How could he put his hands on me and think I’d just pick up where we’d left off the other morning—the morning he’d lied to me? Nothing was going as I thought it would. He wasn’t speechless. He wasn’t embarrassed. He wasn’t stumbling with more lies. If anything, he seemed excited—as if all of his dreams had come true. As if I were some sex toy at his disposal. I could feel my face reddening as I grew angry. This was not what I’d expected at all. However, I started to smile as a new idea came to me. A new plan hatched in my mind as his hands squeezed my butt as if he owned it and I looked up at him and smiled.

  “Well, wouldn’t you know, that’s something I’ve always dreamed of as well,” I said with a sweet smile. I grinned when he gasped in shock as I reached down, grabbed his cock and squeezed hard. I was going to show Scott Taylor who he was dealing with. By the time I left his office at the end of the week, I was going to have him on his knees.


  er Six

  Scott and I stood there next to his desk, our bodies shifting against each other comfortably. I could almost believe that he was a good guy and deserving of my body next to his. I could almost believe that it would be okay to let him bend me over his desk and take me from behind. I could almost believe that because I wanted it to happen as well. My heart was beating for him, my breath was raspy imagining him doing things to me and my skin was warm in remembered pleasure.

  “I knew you were a freak,” Scott said as his hands slid up my shirt and went to cup my breasts. I stood there for a second before I took a deep breath and pushed him away.

  “I guess you don’t always know what you think you know,” I said with a smirk and looked up at him with narrowed eyes.

  “What?” He frowned down at me in confusion. I knew that he wasn’t sure what had caused the about-face.

  “Uhm, what?” I repeated and stood there with my arms crossed.

  “Are we not cool, then?” he said, his eyes now narrowed as he looked back at me.

  “No, we’re not,” I said and smoothed my skirt down. “We lost our coolness the moment you lied to me and told me you were going out of town.”

  “I can explain.” He sighed and gave me a boyish smile.

  “Yeah, not interested,” I said and looked at the clock on his desk. “I’m here for work and that’s it.”

  “I see.” He frowned and moved back to his desk. “Are you mad at me?”

  “What’s there to be mad about?” I said and sat down in one of the chairs. Was he an idiot? Of course I was mad at him. Who wouldn’t be mad at him? I’d caught him in a bold-faced lie. I couldn’t believe that he was even talking to me with a straight face. What was he thinking? Sometimes I really wondered if men were completely clueless at times. Absolutely, completely, and thoroughly clueless.

  “I can explain why I said that…” His voice trailed off and he sighed as he looked at my hard face. “You don’t care for me to explain anything, right?”

  “Yeah, we should just keep this professional, don’t you think?” I said and sat back and crossed my legs. I held in a smile as I noticed his eyes darting to my legs.

  “Yeah, sure,” he said and looked back into my eyes. “If that’s what you want.”

  “That’s what I want.” I nodded, my stomach jumping with excitement. I was starting to feel gleeful inside. I was almost positive my plan was going to work. I was going to play hot and cold all week and then at the office party, I was going to give him the lap dance of his life. And then I was going to make him think that he was going to get lucky. I’d get him naked. Naked and ready to fuck. And then his co-workers could come in and he’d be embarrassed. He’d be completely humiliated and then, and only then, would I feel better about the fact that he’d used me for a one-night stand and then lied to me. A part of me felt guilty. A part of me felt that his punishment didn’t fit the crime he’d committed. I mean, I was acting like a woman scorned; almost as bad as Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. Well, maybe not as bad as Glenn Close. I wasn’t going to do anything horrible and it wasn’t as if he didn’t deserve a little humiliation for lying to me. And it wasn’t as if this had been my idea. I’d just been hired for a job and I was just doing what I’d been hired to do. There was nothing wrong with just doing my job.


  “I need you to read these papers and sign them.” Scott slammed a stack of papers on my desk as he walked out of his office. I looked up at him and tried not to roll my eyes at him. He hadn’t seemed to take my rejection very well. I’d been sitting at this desk for the last two hours doing nothing but staring at my nails and wishing I’d worn a different color nail polish. I’d been too scared to take my phone out of my bag to call or text Lacey, and I hadn’t known the password to unlock the computer on my desk, so I hadn’t been able to go online.

  “What’s this?” I asked as I looked at the huge stack on my desk.

  “Read them and see,” he said in a dismissive tone as he turned around.

  “Sure, boss,” I said in a sarcastic voice.

  “The papers will explain your duties,” he said as he walked back to my desk. “Are you going to have an attitude with me all day, Elizabeth?”

  “I don’t think I have an attitude, period,” I said and pulled back my chair. I gazed up at him as I stood up and I watched his eyes flittering down the front of my body, his eyes taking extra time to move over my chest area and down my legs. “Looking for something?” I asked bravely and I watched as his eyes made their way back to mine. His blue irises pierced into mine and I could see the sides of his lips twitching.

  “No,” he said and walked towards me, stopping right in front of me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up out of my chair. “Give me your phone,” he said and I frowned at him, my heart racing being so close to him again. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating next to mine.

  “Uhm, what?” I said, my voice sounding feebler that I would have liked.

  “I need to give you my number,” he said as he held his hand out. “And I need to get yours.”

  “Why?” I said as I stared at his lips. My mind went back to our night of fun and I wished that, in that moment, we were still there in the throes of passion instead of in this office. It had been such a magical night, until he’d spoiled it.

  “Because I might need to call you about work.”

  “We can’t just talk about work at work?”

  “You don’t want to stay in this job long, do you?” he said with a snide tone and I wanted to laugh in his face. Little did he know how true his words were. I wondered what he would say if I replied, “No, dickhead, I’m not planning on staying at this crappy job as your assistant for longer than a week.”

  “It’s a pity your acting career didn’t work out,” he said with a smirk. “But I guess money is more important than a few bit parts at the local theater.”

  “Excuse me?” I said, my eyes burning into his. “I’m not a ‘bit part at the local theater’ sort of actor.”

  “Oh, sorry, you’ve indulged in pornos, too?”

  “What is your problem?” I asked him, extremely annoyed. I was unsure as to why he was being such an asshole. Was this his real personality? If so, I was lucky that our ‘relationship’ hadn’t gone very far.

  “I’m just joking,
Elizabeth. Don’t you have a sense of humor?”

  “Obviously not.” I grabbed my phone and handed it to him. “Put your number in.”

  “Why, thank you, ma’am.”

  Of course, I’m dirty, so the first thoughts in my mind were, ‘Wham bam, thank you ma’am.’ However, I just stood there and watched him putting his number in my phone and then texting himself. I sighed internally, why couldn’t he have been trying to get my number because he liked me and wanted to take me on a date? A proper date with flowers and chocolates. I shook my head slightly to stop myself from feeling sorry for the situation I was now in.

  “Okay, done,” he said and handed me my phone back with a grin. “Now, get to work.”

  “I’m trying to work.” I rolled my eyes. “Maybe we can talk about the job you want me to do and not my phone number.”

  Scott just stared at me then and started laughing, his head tilted back as his gruff, sexy laughter escaped from his throat.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked him with narrowed eyes.

  “You just remind me of my sister, that’s all.” He grinned. “The younger one, not the older one.”

  “I don’t know either of them, so that means nothing.”

  “My sister Liv, the one I talked about. You remind me of her; all indignant and annoyed with me. She’s always annoyed with me.” He laughed.

  “I wonder why.” I stared at him. “Do you always laugh at her, too?”

  “Yes.” He grinned boyishly. “That’s what a brother has to do to bratty little sisters.”

  “I’m not your little sister.”

  “Trust me, I know,” he said and licked his lips. I wasn’t sure if he’d done that deliberately, but as I watched the tip of his tongue darting across his pink, luscious lips, I shivered. “You should meet her. I think you’d get along.”

  “That’s okay.” I shook my head. I had no interest in meeting his sister. I didn’t want to get stuck in a world where memories of Scott were all around me. I was going to do this job for a week and then I was going to peace out. I was going to be gone, without a trace as to what had really happened. I’d be the girl who had come into his life and then drifted away into the night. I smiled to myself as I thought about him coming to work the next week and wondering what had happened. He’d most probably try and punish me for what I was planning to do on Saturday; maybe even threaten my job, or try and fire me. Little did he know that he wouldn’t have the opportunity. I wouldn’t be back after Saturday. “Is there anything you need me to do for the office party on Saturday?” I asked him with a small smile as I changed the subject.

  “The office party?” He frowned as he looked at me. “Did I mention an office party?” His eyes narrowed as he looked at me and my heart thudded. Had I said too much? Did he know why I was here? Oh God, I could never be a spy. The FBI, CIA, KGB, MI5 would never want me. I was a royal disaster. A traitor to national security. My face was burning red as I stood there. I couldn’t believe that I had slipped up already. “Are you okay, Elizabeth?” Scott’s eyes looked concerned. “You look sick.”

  “Stomach bug.” I rubbed my stomach, looked down and took a deep breath. Get it together, Eliza, I lectured myself mentally. “And you didn’t tell me about the party. I heard some girls talking about it as I got to work this morning.”

  “Oh, okay.” He nodded. “I guess all the secretaries are excited. Everyone loves an office party with free booze and scandalous moments.”

  “Scandalous moments?” My heart stilled.

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “Every year, someone gets cursed out or caught kissing. And then everyone in the office is talking about it the following week.”

  “Oh, wow.” I looked up and gave him a small smile. Little did he know that next week the gossip was going to be all about him. I wasn’t sure he’d be laughing then. “I’m ready to start working, by the way. Whatever you need me to do, I’m game for.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He grinned at me and for a moment, I forgot that I hated him and his handsome face. “Does that mean you’re game for some morning sex?”

  “What?” I screeched and he just laughed and walked back into his office. I followed behind him, feeling hot and bothered and mad as hell. Not at him for being so inappropriate, but more so at myself for wanting to bend over his desk and let him take me from behind.


  “How was day one?” Lacey asked me, her tone excited and anxious at the same time, and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Lacey was one of those people who always wanted the best for her friends, but she also enjoyed a bit of drama. And when I say a bit, I mean a lot. There’s a reason why she’s my best friend and a writer. Lacey was the friend who would tell you to do something crazy because she wanted to see what would happen, but then when you were about to do it, she’d beg you to stop because she’d feel worried and guilty that it wasn’t going to go well. That’s honestly one of the reasons why I love her. Lacey gave me strength by encouraging me to do the things I secretly wanted to do, but didn’t dare doing. It was amazing what having her in my life had done for me. She’d shown me how to fly; she hadn’t given me the wings, but she’d showed me that I had them.

  “It was hard,” I said truthfully. “I’m not sure I’m cut out to be the modern day Pussy Galore,” I continued quickly, before she could be all encouraging and tell me that it was going to get easier. I didn’t want to hear that it was going to get easier. The only thing that could possibly get easier was me—and Scott’s ability to get into my pants again. “The character from James Bond, by the way. Not some hooker.”

  “I knew that.” Lacey laughed. “I’m the one that introduced you to James Bond, back in high school, when I liked that guy, Jason Connery, whose dad looked like Sean Connery. Remember I made you watch all those Sean Connery movies because I was going to try and impress Jason with my knowledge of all his dad’s movies? And then we realized his dad owned that used car dealership and his name was Shawnie Connery and we laughed because his name was a city.”

  “Oh yeah,” I laughed. “How could I forget Shawnie Connery and the weekend of James Bond and Indiana Jones?” I giggled, thinking back to that weekend and how we’d practiced remembering lines for Lacey to impress Jason with. “Well, then you know exactly what I mean when I say I’m not Pussy Galore,” I said and I heard Lacey giggling, most probably because I’d said pussy again. “I’m not sure I’m cut out to play a role like this.” I groaned. “He wanted to have sex in his office this morning and it was hell telling him no. I thought my panties were going to drop off when I saw him.”

  “Wow, really? They were going to drop off because he’s so incredibly sexy? Even panties know the allure of Scott Taylor!” She giggled and I sighed.

  “You do not even know, Lacey. He’s just so hot and he has this twinkle in his eyes. Argh. When he looks at me and smiles I feel like my heart is going to explode and it’s like we have this connection. And did I tell you how blue his eyes are? They’re almost magical. They’re intoxicating. I literally feel like I’m floating in the ocean when I stare at him.”

  “And you don’t want to drown, do you?” Lacey said. “He lied to you, Liza,” Lacey said, her tone strong. I knew she was being serious now. She only called me Liza when she was being serious. “You don’t want a guy that lies; trust me, they aren’t worth it.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “It’s just so hard.”

  “It’s hard, but not as hard as it will be if you give in to temptation and get your heart broken. Don’t make me come down there,” she threatened.

  “Are you going to come?” I asked her eagerly, hopeful.

  “Soon,” she said. “I’ll be there soon,” she said again and then added, “And trust me, you don’t want me to come because I’m consoling you because you’re crying day and night and knocked up with a baby on the way.” I groaned inwardly as Lacey went into her dramatic mode!

  “Yeah, you’d better come before I do something stupid and make a
fool of myself.”

  “You wouldn’t do that,” Lacey said unconvincingly.

  “You know I have and I would.” I laughed.

  “So what’s your plan of action, then?” she asked me curiously.

  “Exactly what I was paid for,” I said and tried not to sigh. “I’m going to lightly flirt and tease, then on Saturday I’m going to give him a sexy lap dance and get him aroused at his office party and embarrass him.”

  “But couldn’t he get in trouble?” Lacey sounded concerned. “Now we know his ex hired you and not his friends; we know that it’s not intended to be a joke. At least not a funny one.”

  “That’s his problem, not mine,” I said and pouted, though internally I was feeling a tinge of guilt. Did Scott really deserve to be the subject of gossip the next week, just because we’d had sex and he’d made up an excuse for me to leave? “He lied to me, he most probably is a player that makes girls feel like he likes them so he can have a one-night stand and then he ditches them,” I said, trying to convince myself that I was in the right.

  “You think so?” Lacey said, trying to play devil’s advocate.

  “I know so,” I said adamantly. “Trust me on that. He’s a jerk. On the way home from the bar, he was talking about his sister Liv and how she has some crush on some guy called Xander and how he doesn’t know how this guy Xander puts up with her.”

  “And?” Lacey asked, confused.

  “There is no ‘and’. That in itself is so rude,” I said heatedly. “The fact that he is sticking up for another man and not his sister says a lot about him.”

  “I guess,” Lacey said slowly. “What did his sister and this guy Xander do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What’s their story? Like, why does he feel sorry for the guy?”


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