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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 7

by Paige Cameron

  What a misfit I am. They might as well have dropped me onto another planet. Inside her a strange mixture of fear and excitement churned.

  “What do you think?” a deep male voice asked from behind her. Morgan jumped in surprise. “You left the front door open. I brought your suitcases, phone, and ring.” He handed her the cell phone and opened it to give her instructions on how to make calls and check in. “This is how we keep in touch.”

  She followed his directions and nodded. His fresh air scent and his particular male fragrance surrounded her. Today, his green eyes were more the color of new leaves on a tree in spring. A shiny curl had fallen across his forehead, and she had to fight not to brush it back. He glanced up from the phone and caught her staring at him. Their eyes locked for a moment. The air sizzled with their sudden awareness of each other.

  Justin stepped back and cleared his throat. “Did you hear anything I said?” His voice was gruff.

  She flipped the phone open and called him. His cell rang.

  “Good, I’m out of here. Your bags are in the bedroom. Keep your ring on.” Taking long strides, he walked across the living room and out the door. Morgan stood in the doorway and watched until his truck was out of sight and the dust had settled.

  She must be losing her mind. She thought she might be love with Ethan and Justin. Hopefully, she’d only have to stay here a short time. After closing the door, she went into the bedroom to unpack. The bed was made with a cheerful red-and-white bedspread that matched the curtains and made the room inviting. Her bath had a sink, long counter, toilet area, and a fairly large shower and tub. All the comforts of home.

  Home. She hadn’t really had one her whole life. With her mother’s and father’s careers taking them all over the country and overseas, they were never settled. Oh, they had a mansion in Hollywood and a vacation home in Spain. But, she’d always felt like an extra piece of luggage, not needed but dragged along to sites where her mother posed for magazines, and other places where her father directed movies.

  She walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water and stood at the back window staring at the wide-open prairie. Her thoughts went back to her parents. She rarely allowed herself to think of them. When she did, sadness and anger settled in her chest. She’d made her break after college graduation.

  Her parents had wanted her to come work for them. Be at their beck and call was what they meant. They’d been furious when she took the job as Bill’s secretary. Part of the reason she accepted the job was to be able to thumb her nose at them. Later, she’d stayed on because she enjoyed doing something, and her best friends were nearby.

  Her phone beeped. “Morgan here.”

  “Just checking.” She heard his chuckle as he clicked off.

  Damn the man. How could she ignore him if he kept annoying her?

  She hung her clothes in the closet and changed into jeans and a flannel shirt. She’d bought several shirts since her last visit to see Sara, but she didn’t have boots. She’d noticed Sara wore a pair. Her sneakers would have to do. After running a comb through her short, curly black hair, Morgan went to step outside.

  There was a cane leaning against the wall by the door. She’d take it along in case any animals were roaming about. She ought to wait for Sara to show her around. But Sara was busy. I can’t stay inside the whole time I’m here and depend on others.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked in the direction Justin had taken. She’d do a little exploring on her own. She saw a barn in the distance. Having the cane swinging in her hand gave her a sense of security. As she walked along, two cowboys on horseback waved, and a woman hanging clothes on a line smiled at her. She was almost to the barn and felt quite proud of herself, when the large, brown dog ran around the wooden building straight at her.

  Morgan gave a scream and jumped back, waving the walking stick in front of her. The dog stopped but faced her and growled, showing sharp teeth. She froze in fear. Her mind screamed run, but she was afraid he’d attack. The animal inched forward. When he lunged, she let out a high-pitched scream that carried across the yard.

  * * * *

  His heart in his throat, Justin ran out of the barn in time to see his Labrador, Rusty, jump onto Morgan. He noted her pale face as she fell backwards into a mud puddle left from the heavy rain they’d gotten yesterday.

  “Back, Rusty,” he hollered at his dog. Rusty immediately moved back, but looked around at his master and whined. Justin brushed the fur on his head as he knelt beside the sputtering Morgan.

  “That monster knocked me down. He’s savage.”

  “Hardly. He wanted to welcome you. You’re a stranger to him.”

  Morgan struggled to sit up. Mud covered the back of her shirt, and the splash had thrown some mud on her cheek. Justin fought to keep a smile off his face.

  “He”—she pointed at Rusty—“growled at me and lunged.”

  “As I said, he’d decided you were all right, and wanted to greet you the only he way he knew.”

  “Whosever dog he is should train him better,” she snapped.

  “I’m the whoever, and he is well trained, except I’m doubting his assessment of people. Why he thought you were a friend, I have no idea.”

  “Well, I can excuse him since he was taught by such a rude man. He was bound to end up the way he is.”

  She started to get up. She put out her hand.

  “Help yourself. I’m too rude to assist you.”

  * * * *

  By this time, a small crowd had gathered and watched the show with smiles on their faces. Morgan had just noticed them when she saw the smirk on Justin’s face. Fury whipped through her.

  Digging into the mud, she filled her hand. He hadn’t noticed. She managed to stand and swung her hand toward him “If it’s so funny let’s see how you like this?” The glob of mud flew across the small space between them, and landed smack in the middle of his face.

  Morgan got a glimpse of his stunned look, and the crowd’s. A feeling of self-preservation sent her running back the way she’d come. The dog barked. Her shoulders prepared to be grabbed, but she kept running, her breath wheezing out and a stitch in her side.

  His footsteps pounded further behind her than she’d expected. He must have taken time to wipe the mud off. Voices in the background urged Justin on. She gave an extra surge and reached the door. Thank goodness she hadn’t locked it.

  Falling inside, she twisted the lock and leaned against the door, trying to get her breath. Her knees shook from exhaustion and fear.

  Justin pounded on the wood she leaned against. “I won,” she shouted and headed to the bathroom to get clean. She turned on the shower and threw her ruined clothes to the side. She closed her eyes and let the warm water slid over her hair and along her shaky muscles.

  Suddenly, she heard a sound and a warm, wet body moved against her back. “Need some help?”

  Morgan turned. “You! Get out of my shower.” She glanced down his tanned body. “You’re naked. Get out,” she repeated, yelling this time.

  He leaned into her face. “Too late. You’ve tempted and tormented me for too long. I can’t get your scent or your face out of my mind. This is your fault,” he said, his voice husky and low. His hands pulled her against his hard body as his mouth ravished hers. Her legs went completely weak, and all that held her up were his hands clenching her arms.

  Her breasts brushed against the brown hair on his chest, and an ache began between her legs. When his tongue moved between her lips, she found herself moaning. Her tongue teased his.

  Without thinking, her arms wrapped around his neck. She stood on her tiptoes, leaning into his body.

  Justin reached behind her and turned off the water, and then carried her into the bedroom, laying her on the bed and following her down. His mouth immediately clamped onto hers again. Heated desire rushed through her veins. She had to stop him. Ethan’s face flashed in front of her eyes, but just at that time, Justin moved down and covered her breast with his mouth.
He sucked and electricity ran straight to her pussy. She ached with the need to feel him in her.

  As he kissed her breasts, his fingers separated her lower lips, and rubbed across her clit. Her body rose up against him. His hard cock pulsed against her abdomen. She wrapped her hand around him, rubbed her finger across the tip, and smiled when he groaned.

  * * * *

  Justin raised his head and looked at her. Her face had flushed with desire. Her lips were puffy from his kisses. He slid his hand over her velvety, cream-colored skin and licked her sweet as honey, rosy nipples. His dick had gone so hard he thought he’d explode.

  She stared at him with glazed eyes. Every nerve in his body jittery with the desire to make her his. But if he did—he rolled away from her and lay staring at the ceiling. His hands and teeth clenched as he tried to pull back from the precipice.

  Beside him, he heard her trying to get her breath, and felt her questioning glance. He sat on the side of the bed and looked to where he’d thrown his clothes. Grabbing his jeans, he pulled them on and then his shirt. He walked across to where he’d sat earlier to take off his socks and boots. He put them back on and he was fully dressed. He faced her.

  “Take this as an example of what can happen if you push me too far.”

  She’d pulled the sheet across her body. But it didn’t hide the top of her lush breasts or her beautiful face, even without the makeup.

  “Is this how you treat all women who push you too much? I doubt it. What makes me so special?” She purred the words, taunting him.

  He leaned over her. Her special scent all around him. His cock pulsed and ached for relief. “You aren’t special,” he growled. Standing straight, he almost ran out of the room, and slammed the front door behind him.

  Thank goodness the crowd had dispersed. Justin strode across the barnyard and into the shadowy barn. The smell of hay and manure hit his nostrils. Smells he was used to and a place where he might unwind. Rusty came running in behind him.

  Justin leaned down and rubbed his dog’s head. “You started something out there in the yard, old buddy. Ripped a part of me open. I’m not sure I can shut it back. Let’s go check on the other animals. Work is one thing I can depend on.”

  He’d call Ethan later.

  * * * *

  Morgan lay still for several minutes after Justin left. She was glad he stopped. What was she thinking? She loved Ethan. How could her body respond so hungrily for another man? It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since she’d been with Ethan.

  She turned onto her stomach. Her body still pulsed with the desire Justin had created inside her. The bed was wet, and she hadn’t finished her shower. She forced her body up and pulled the sheets off the bed. After her shower, she’d throw them into the dryer.

  Cold water flowed over her head and along her body. If only she might wash away the hunger he’d aroused. She made a lather of the new soap she’d bought. Her hands washed all over her body, leaving the scent of lilacs behind.

  Anger and frustration still boiled inside her. She dried her body and hair. She’d go to see Sara a little before dinnertime. Maybe she had some advice to give her regarding Ethan and Justin. Would Justin be at the dinner?

  Just in case, she knew exactly what to wear. She opened the closet and pulled out a new low-cut, pink blouse. The neckline was edged with sparkles. Her tight-leg jeans and high heeled shoes almost completed the outfit. She’d brought along a velvet jacket. Just the touch to set Justin’s teeth on edge. She’d look casual and uptown. She was pouring fuel onto the fire. A delicious shiver ran across her shoulders. Deciding to not look too deeply into her reasons for pushing him, she grabbed her small purse, called Sara, and asked if she could come to the ranch house now.

  “Sure, I’ll send Phillip for you. Is something the matter? You sound strange.”

  “Not exactly. Just thought we’d have more time to talk.”

  “Great. Phillip’s on his way.”

  As soon as Phillip parked, Morgan ran to the car. He nodded at her and turned to drive back to Sara’s house. Morgan stared out the window.

  She still felt like she’d landed on another planet. In all her travels with her parents, they’d never been anywhere west, except California. She herself had never had any interest in ranches and all that went along with them. Not until she’d met Justin, and then Sara had married and moved here.

  Sara was standing at the front door when Phillip parked the car. He opened the car door for Morgan, and she ran up the steps and hugged her friend.

  “I’m so glad you’re here and I’m not alone.”

  “What’s happened? You seem upset. Come down the hall with me. We’ll sit in the library. We’ll have privacy. Mitch won’t be back for about an hour, and Caitlin is taking a nap.”

  “I like this room.” Morgan turned completely around looking at the books, fireplace with several chairs drawn close, and windows letting in the late afternoon light.

  “I fell in love with the room the first time Mitch brought me in here. Sit. Tessa, our cook, will be sending us iced tea and cake any moment now.”

  Morgan sat in one of the chairs by the fireplace. No one had lit the fire, and since the room had a slight chill, she left on her jacket.

  “I can start the fire if you want,” Sara said.

  “No. I’m fine.”

  “Even in summer a lot of the days cool down as the sun sets.” A knock on the door had Sara hurrying across the room.

  “Come in. Thank you.” A maid set a tray with drinks and cake on a table by Sara’s chair.

  After the maid left, Morgan turned to Sara. “Have you gotten used to having someone to do everything for you?”

  “Not really. I like to do some of my own work. I tidy up the bedroom and often join Tessa in the kitchen. She’s teaching me how to cook some wonderful recipes.”

  “I thought you didn’t like to cook?”

  “I’m quite enjoying myself learning from Tessa. Of course, as far as staff goes, Mitch wanted to hire a nanny. I insisted I didn’t need help with one little baby. We compromised. One of the women from the ranch comes in to help whenever I need her. Especially if I’m going to be away from home and don’t plan to take Caitlin with me. Now tell me what is troubling you?” Sara handed Morgan her tea and cake and sat back to listen.

  “It’s difficult to say.” Morgan tried to think of a way to tell Sara she thought she might be in love with two men. “No. The idea is too ridiculous.”

  “Let me help. Ethan’s an attractive man and he rescued you. You’ve developed feelings for him.”

  “Yes.” She held up her hand when Sara began to speak. “I know it’s fast, like you and Mitch.”

  “And he cares for you, too?”

  “He says he does. Can I trust him?”

  “What do you think?”

  “No fair answering a question with a question.” Morgan took a bite of the chocolate cake. “You know this will ruin my appetite.”

  “You’re evading my question.”

  “Yes. I believe Ethan.”

  “That’s a good start, especially if you love someone. I suspect what is difficult to say is that you also still have feelings for Justin.”

  “You knew.”

  “Anyone watching the two of you, even when you’re ignoring each other, knows something is going on between you.”

  “I can’t love two men at once. This has never happened to me before. And Justin is a vet, loves animals, and would never live anywhere but this ranch.”

  “Ethan probably feels the same about living on the ranch. The land has a way of becoming part of you. I’ve really begun to love it.”

  “Sara, I need to get out of here, go away, and try to sort out my feelings.”

  “It’s too dangerous for you to leave. Perhaps that’s best. Give yourself a chance to see whether you like the ranch enough to be serious about either one or both of them.”

  “You’re not shocked that I think I might love two men? Even though Ju
stin seems to hate me most of the time.”

  “What brought all of this on? Did something happen this afternoon?”

  Morgan felt her face get hot. She explained about the dog and the mud.

  Sara laughed. “You didn’t throw mud on Justin?”

  “I did.”

  “What happened after that? I can’t believe Justin let you get away with embarrassing him in front of the crowd as you described.”

  “I took off running. Got to the house and locked the door. He pounded and then it got quiet. I jumped into the shower to clean up.” She stopped talking, trying to think of a way to tell the rest.

  “He got in, didn’t he? All the men are skilled in going through any types of locks.”

  “Yes, without breaking the lock or anything. He was in the shower before I ever heard him.” She put her hand over her mouth when she realized what she’d said.

  “Wow,” Sara sat back, surprise showing on her face.

  “Nothing happened.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “He kissed me and well anyway at one point he stopped. Then he got up, dressed, and left.” The embers of her anger flared high. “He had the nerve to say it was my fault. He said I pushed him too far.”

  Neither of them heard the knock. Sara was wiping away tears when Mitch and Justin entered the room.

  Mitch rushed across to Sara. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “I’m not crying.”

  Looking puzzled, Mitch turned to Morgan. “She’s wiping her eyes. What happened in here?”

  “She’s laughed at me so hard tears came into her eyes.”

  Morgan looked beyond Mitch to Justin standing in the doorway. His cheeks had reddened. Anger flashed in his eyes.


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