Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 17

by Paige Cameron

  “I hope those are happy tears?”

  “They are.”

  He shook his head. “Women are funny creatures. They cry if they’re happy or sad. But we men can’t live without you.” He grinned.

  “And don’t you forget it, buster.” She rose up on her toes and kissed him. His gorgeous green eyes flashed with hunger. “Be careful. We may kidnap you ourselves tonight.”

  * * * *

  Sara came into her room early to help her dress. They’d talked late into the night about the wedding, and what she could expect. Morgan turned so Sara could fasten the tiny buttons sewn all along the back of her blue gown.

  “I think the buttons are to teach our husbands patience. Both of mine wanted to rip the dress off before they got all of them undone.” She laughed, remembering. “Mitch said you are going off with Justin for a day before they have to leave.”

  “Do you ever get used to one of them being gone so often?”

  “It’s hard at first. But I stay busy, and I have one of them with me which helps. Sometimes they’re both here for a month or so at a time.”

  Morgan glanced at herself in the mirror. “You said all the gowns are basically the same, except for color?”

  “Yes. Mine had to be white because I was marrying the leaders, but the rest of the wives chose their colors. This blue is perfect for you.” Sara stepped back and looked at Morgan.

  “I’ll go in between the circle of trees, and then you step inside. It will be dark, but once the sun comes up, the music starts and you walk down the aisle. I’ll be on one side of you, and Justin and Ethan’s parents on the right. You’ll love the ceremony. It’s beautiful.”

  “Justin’s parents don’t appear to show any differentiation between him and Ethan.”

  “From what Mitch has said, they loved Ethan from the start. He’d been a playmate of Justin’s, so they knew him well. They weren’t able to have any more children, so he was a blessing to them. Although I’m sure everyone was sad about the wreck that claimed Ethan’s parents.”

  “I really like them, and hope we can be close. I’m so glad my wedding day is here. Once I made up my mind to marry them, I’ve been impatient for it to happen. “

  “Come on, it’s almost dawn, the start of a new day, a new life for the three of you. Now remember what I told you last night. The Priestess will be in her gown of red and gold, which proclaims happiness and prosperity for the three of you. She will chant in their ancient language. Just relax and enjoy all of it.”

  Sara led the way, and they went out a side door. A satin walkway had been laid for Morgan to walk on. She saw the circle of trees, a few lights scattered around the outside. Sara arranged Morgan’s veil and took her arm. They walked together, part of the way.

  “I’ll see you inside.” Sara squeezed her hand and walked quickly in between the trees, clustered close together.

  Morgan stopped and looked around her. It was still dark, but the sky was beginning to lighten. She was all alone, but as soon as she stepped inside, she’d never be alone or feel like an outcast again. Her heart was full of love for her men, and she was quickly coming to love this place. All her doubts gone, she took several steps forward and slipped in between two of the trees.

  Quiet, she heard a slight rustle, like someone rearranging themselves on a seat. No one spoke. Morgan waited trying to see the front. She saw shadows, tall ones, probably Justin and Ethan.

  The sun began to rise and light the surrounding area. A center aisle was right in front of her. A number of voices rose up in song.

  A woman standing inside a white pavilion, at the end of the center aisle, raised her hands.

  “Morgan O’Malley, you have willingly come to be joined to Justin Stanton and Ethan Wright Stanton in marriage?”

  “I have.” Her words came out strong, certain.

  Sara stepped to her left side and handed her a bouquet of roses. Justin and Ethan’s parents came to stand on her right.

  They began to walk down the wide aisle.

  As she drew closer, Morgan saw Ethan and Justin dressed in dark blue suits, a blue carnation in each lapel. She’d told them her gown was blue. She smiled at them. Ethan winked at her, and Justin formed the word darlin’ with his lips, reminding her of their first meeting.

  She was surprised her heart didn’t burst with the love she had for both of them, and the happiness they were bringing her. Their loving looks warmed her inside and out. A sense of coming home, being in the right place at last, swept over her.

  Their parents walked her to the spot between their sons and placed one of her hands in each of theirs. They stepped back behind the threesome.

  “Do you agree to this joining, and accept this woman as their bride?” the Priestess asked.

  “We do,” their parents said.

  The Priestess raised her hands and chanted in a lovely language. She swayed back and forth with her hands moving over Morgan’s head and then to both the men’s. Soft music played in the background. Morgan was enchanted. It was the most beautiful wedding she’d ever attended, and it was hers.

  She smiled at Justin and Ethan. The both squeezed her hands. The Priestess had stopped chanting and caught their exchange.

  “You have true love in your heart for Ethan and Justin.”

  “Yes, I do. My heart is full of love for them.” She stared into the Priestess’s mesmerizing eyes.

  “From this time forth, you will be one of us.” She began the vows with Ethan, and then Justin. The words were almost exactly the same as a regular marriage ceremony, except she repeated them with each man.

  When the vows were completed, Ethan and Justin each presented the Priestess with a ring. She blessed the rings and handed them back to the men. They each took a turn sliding their ring on her right hand. The two pieces hooked together, forming one wide band of gold. An eternity sign, formed by tiny diamonds, crossed between the rings.

  “Put out your wrist,” the Priestess said. She held the gold cloth Sara had mentioned.

  Justin placed his hand out first, then hers, and Ethan’s on the top. The cloth was wrapped snugly around their wrists.

  Clamping her hands on the top and bottom, the Priestess said, “Go forth forever bound to each other.” Her voice rang out in a song of soft, flowing words. The audience joined in. When the music stopped, the Priestess unwrapped the cloth and placed the silky material around Morgan’s neck.

  “You are the center, the one who holds the whole together.”

  Their friends and family cheered as the air filled with fragrant flower petals.

  Ethan threw her veil over her head and kissed her, then Justin pulled her into his arms and did the same. The guests clapped and cheered. They were all smiling when Morgan turned to walk back down the aisle with her husbands on either side of her.

  * * * *

  “We have a surprise for you,” Ethan said. They had stopped at their cabin after the lovely wedding reception.

  Morgan thought they were just going to pick up her and Justin’s suitcases and head directly to his cabin. She hadn’t expected whatever her men were planning.

  Ethan took her hand and drew her inside. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. “Welcome home, wife.” He moved his hand toward the right side of the room.

  “A piano. For us?” She smiled into Ethan’s eyes.

  “Justin has agreed he’d like to hear us play. And I’ve been meaning to get one for here. I can work on composing my music more often.”

  Justin had stepped in behind her. “There is another surprise.” He began to undo the buttons on her gown. “We thought we’d change plans and spend a few hours here together before we go on our trip,” he whispered in her ear.

  “We have time?”

  “We’ll make time.” Justin had her buttons undone almost halfway.

  Ethan took her hand and drew her toward the hall and to his room. She’d been in there once. It was similar to Justin’s but decorated to fit Ethan’s personality. The co
vers had been pulled back, and rose petals covered the floor and satin sheets. Their sweet scent filled the room.

  “How beautiful.”

  “Hmm.” Ethan nuzzled her neck. “Rae slipped away and did the decorating for us. Don’t you have those damn buttons undone yet?” he asked Justin.

  “If the two of you would stand still for a minute, this dress will be unfastened and on the floor.”

  “From what Sara described about the difficulty of getting the bride out of this dress, you must have had some experience with buttons before.”

  Justin grinned. “Probably a few times, but never again except with you, darlin’.”

  “I knew when you insisted on calling me darlin’, I was in trouble.”

  “There’s too much talking going on here.” Ethan grabbed her gown and pushed it the rest of the way off. Her tiny lace bra and panties had them both staring for a second, and then they were off, too. He threw her onto the big, soft bed.

  Justin was out of his clothes first. He left the room for a second, and returned with a familiar small bottle. “We thought you might like a massage.”

  Morgan remembered her heightened senses the other time Justin had used his lotion. Her desire spiked just thinking about them using it on her together. Her pussy clenched in anticipation.

  “I’d like that,” she managed to get out. She could hardly get her breath.

  “Turn over. We’ll start on your back.” Justin put some of the creamy lotion on his hands and handed the bottle to Ethan.

  Justin started on her feet, massaging each separate toe. Ethan began at her neck and down over her shoulders. The sensuous glide of their hands across her skin ignited heat deep inside her pussy, and a hunger that began to grow.

  With each caress, her skin became more sensitive to their touch. Kisses followed their massage as they worked their way to her middle. When Justin slid his fingers between her lower lips, she jumped.

  “Easy, darlin’, we’re just getting started.”

  “I don’t think I can take much more.”

  “Sure you can, sweetheart. Relax.”

  “Relax, is not the word for how I’m feeling. I may explode at any moment.”

  She heard their chuckles, but they didn’t stop. Ethan turned her over and straddled her. He leaned toward her and his mouth captured her lips. Justin had spread her legs and brushed his tongue over her clit. She moaned and moved restlessly under them.

  Ethan straightened, put more cream on his hands, and cupped her breasts. Her heart was pounding like a hammer in her chest, and below she felt the moisture seeping out of her. Justin licked her lower lips and then he put two fingers inside her pussy. She bucked as an insatiable craving pulsed through her whole body. Her every nerve screaming for release.

  As Ethan brushed across her tender nipples, Justin moved his fingers in and out of her pussy while his thumb rubbed her nub. A tightening started in her legs, went straight to her pussy, and rolled up and through her. She screamed out her orgasm.

  When her hips rose, Justin plunged inside, sending her into another onslaught of tremors. His hard cock moved in and out of her pussy, fast and hard. Her inner muscles clamped down on him. She heard his shout of release and felt his warm sperm spray against her pussy.

  Ethan moved up and she opened her mouth, taking in his hot, hard cock. She ran her tongue along the top of his dick. He groaned in pleasure. Taking him in as deep as she could, she sucked on his cock, and he groaned her name as he found his release.

  They all collapsed in a huddle on the bed. Ethan pulled her into his arms, and Justin lay close against her back.

  “We’re going to love you crazy for the rest of our lives, sweetheart.”

  “I hope so. I’m not going anywhere.” She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the feeling of having her men and their special scent wrapped around her. She must have dozed. Ethan woke her.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Justin’s still sleeping. I want a little time for us alone before you leave.” He picked her up and carried her into the shower.

  Warm water sluiced across their bodies. Ethan soaped his hands and ran them along every inch of her skin. She began to tingle again.

  He moved down until his face was level with the juncture between her thighs. “You have beautiful pink folds covering your sweet clit.” He separated her lower lips and licked her clit.

  A sheer spike of electricity went up her spine, and she moaned. He looked at her and smiled his wicked smile that made her insides go gooey.

  “If you keep that up I’m going to fall in a heap at your feet.”

  Ethan slid his finger into her pussy. “You’re hot and wet, ready for me. I’ll take care of your legs.” He put his hands on her buttocks and lifted her. “Wrap those sweet legs around my waist.” When she did, he pushed her against the tile wall to the side of the shower. Water continued to pour over their bodies as he put his cock at the opening to her pussy. “Ready for me, sweetheart?”

  She wriggled against him. “Yes, yes, go in me.”

  “Maybe I should tease you a little yet.” His lips kissed her tight nipples as he moved very gradually inside her opening.

  Morgan tried to sink down on him, but he kept control while he kissed and suckled on her breasts. She felt each kiss tug at her womb, and found herself holding his head tight to her breasts.

  He slid in just a bit further. Her liquid flooded over his cock. She wriggled again and managed to move down on him, bringing his cock in deeper. He groaned against her breasts.

  Raising his head, he stared into her eyes. His were a shiny silver, flashing with lust and love. “All right, baby, I’m going to give it all to you.” He plunged in all the way.

  She felt him deep inside her pussy. A barrage of desire and love flooded through her. Tears ran down her face, mixing with the water from the shower.

  Ethan halted his movements. “Did I hurt you?” Concern shone in his eyes.

  “No, damn it. Don’t stop. It feels so good.”

  “Just checking. Here we go.” He took her fast, hard, and completely up and out of herself into an ecstasy of delight as another orgasm raked her body.

  “Nobody could sleep with all the hollering going on in here. I felt left out,” Justin said as he joined them.

  “Just giving her something to remember me by while you two are gone.” Ethan let her legs down and turned her into Justin’s arms. “I’m going to dry off. See you two in the kitchen. I’ll fix sandwiches and coffee for us to eat before you leave.”

  Justin raised her chin. “Happy, darlin’?”

  “More than I ever thought I would be.”

  “That’s good, because this is only the beginning.”


  Three months later

  Ethan stood behind Morgan with his arms wrapped around her middle. “The plane will come into sight at any moment.”

  “It’ll be good to have Justin and the others home,” Morgan said. “Especially Justin.” She glanced around at Ethan. “Not that I haven’t enjoyed every moment of our time together.”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t need to explain or worry. Justin and I are not jealous of each other. We’d always planned to share our wife.” His kissed her neck. “Just don’t go looking at any other guy, or we’d have to shoot him.”

  He loved to tease her. His love for her had grown even more, and he hadn’t thought that was possible.

  They’d had the civil service shortly after Justin left. Justin and Ethan’s parents, Sara, Daren, and Ellen had attended. Ethan had given her a wedding band to wear on her left hand, and on her other she wore the dual rings. It had been a small, but nice, affair. Morgan was truly their wife twice over.

  She turned in his arms to face him. “Do you think he’ll be as excited about my news as you were?”

  “I’m certain. Don’t worry. Here comes the plane.” Ethan pointed to the sky.

  “I see it.”

  They watched the landing and the plane taxied close to where they stood.
When the steps came down, he pushed Morgan forward. “Go get him, sweetheart.”

  Justin was one of the first off. When Morgan slammed into him, he dropped his bags and grabbed her up into his arms. The other guys laughed and teased about newlyweds, but they still rushed across the tarmac to their waiting wives.

  Ethan remembered so many homecomings with no one to greet them. Their life had turned one hundred and eighty degrees when Morgan entered it. He smiled seeing her hanging on Justin’s arm as they walked toward him.

  “Welcome back, brother.”

  Justin smiled and nodded, not letting go of Morgan. “Let’s go home.”

  When they were all in the truck’s cab, they headed to their cabin. Ethan glanced across at Justin sitting by the window, Morgan in between them.

  “She’s cooked a fine meal for us, and baked a chocolate cake to celebrate.”

  “The only thing I’m hungry for right now is her.”

  Ethan flashed him a warning glance. Justin looked puzzled.

  “You will eat my meal first. I have a surprise, too, and then I’ll feed that other hunger of yours,” Morgan stated emphatically.

  Ethan stepped down harder on the pedal. “Our wife has spoken. We’d better get on home.” He flashed her a smile.

  As soon as the truck stopped, Morgan hurried Justin to get out.

  “You’re just a little excited.” He teased her and walked slowly toward the front door.

  Holding back a little, Ethan let her enjoy the presentation of her surprise. She put her key in and opened the door. When she stepped inside, Rusty came rushing toward Justin.

  Justin knelt and hugged his dog. “Rusty, you’re in the house.” He glanced at Morgan standing quietly by his side. “And you didn’t run away and fall in a mud puddle.”


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