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Trial by Fire: Silverstar Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) (SILVERSTAR MATES SERIES Book 3)

Page 9

by Lea Kirk

  “You have not failed. Your calling is higher than just the mere duties of a phoenix mate-matcher.”

  “I suppose coming to Earth is part of that?”

  Fia nodded. “Aye, it is.”

  All right, he would focus on that. “Strange things have been happening since I came here. I have formed an attachment to a human female—a forbidden attachment.”

  Fia sat on the bed, but the mattress did not dip under her weight. “What do you remember overhearing in the meditation garden the day you listened in on my private conversation with Uri?”

  All of it, much to his continued shame. “You said you knew Avok was your soul mate because of the way your body responded to him, and because you dreamwalked with him.”

  She lowered her chin and gave him a knowing look. “Sound familiar?”

  “Aye.” He choked out the word. “But with a human…?”

  “Last time we spoke, I told you that change is coming, and you would be at the center.”

  “But, this is…scandalous.” And had he not caused enough of that in this incarnation?

  “No, Kai, it is change, and there is no reason to fear it, for you are Bezchi. Tell me, what did you feel when you were in the presence of the new monarchs of the Raptorclaw clan?

  He drew his brows together. “I sensed respect, and passion. A level of commitment I have never sensed in the matches I have made. And intimacy.”

  “Love is indeed rare.” Fia’s smile turned wistful. “It is a spark that makes a match truly special.”

  “But we do not match for love, why?”

  “You will ask Uri that question. It is time he come up with an answer to that one.” She patted his hand. “Now, I have one more question for you: what do you feel when you look at Phoenix Vogel?”

  Phoenix who? Wait, did she mean, Nixy? Phoenix was Nixy’s given name? And the emotional mess that had bubbled inside him since he had met her was…. “That is love?”

  A gentle emotion shimmered in Fia’s eyes. “What do you think, youngling?”

  Confusion, joy, fear, awe; it all flooded into his heart, filling it to near bursting. He placed one hand over it and lowered his gaze. His cock was hardening, and it was because of Nixy. Just the thought of her now did this to him.

  “Soul mate.” He murmured the word, but it was not enough. “Soul mate!”

  His shout echoed in the empty room. Fia was gone, but she had guided him well. Nixy was his everything, he could see that now. Could accept the wonderous gift of her, of love.

  He slid off the bed and ran out of his room toward the common room. He certainly had questions for Most Esteemed Elder Uri now, and seeing his expression as he answered was vital.

  “Eek.” Raven Crawford’s shriek stopped him in the doorway. “You’re naked.”

  Oh, blessed eternal ones, when had Fyad’s mate arrived? Humans were a prudish lot, unlike phoenixes. Nudity was never a concern at home because none of them were ever interested in each other sexually. As for the other four clans, they had always accepted the occasional slip-up from his kind.

  Fyad stepped between them, wings partially extended and a glower on his face. “Elder Kai, please cover yourself.”

  “Aye, of course.” Kai snatched a cushion off one of the table perches and held it in front of his semi-stiff appendage. “My apologies. I will be in the communication room.”

  He hurried in the direction of the room before either of them acknowledged his statement, or demanded he return to his room and properly dress before coming out again. There was no time for fragile sensibilities at this moment.

  He sent a hail to Uri, then sat back to wait.

  The image of Uri’s face came into focus, hovering over the softly glowing device. “Greetings, Elder Kai. You may proceed with today’s update.”

  “Greetings, Most Esteemed Elder, and thank you. I will make this quick.”

  Concern rose in Uri’s eyes. “Is all well?”

  “Why do we not match mates for love?” The words tumbled from him, and he leaned against the edge of the table as if to better hear his leader’s response.

  Uri’s mouth opened, his surprise evident. “Why do you ask?”

  “I just had a conversation with Fia in a timeslip of her creation. She told me to ask you.”

  “She did warn me.” Uri shook his head, and his wings drooped.

  “She did? When?”

  “The day she left the colony.” The eldest elder shrugged. “You will eventually learn about this, but may not discuss it with any phoenix younger than six hundred sun migrations. Do you understand?”

  “That will not be a problem.” If all went as he hoped, he would not be returning to the colony anyway.

  “Very well, then,” Uri said. “Many thousands of sun migrations ago, long before my time even, we did arrange love matches between the clans.”

  “You mean within the clans.”

  “No, I mean between. The four clans of the monarchies were not limited to mates within their own clans. Too often, such matches led to disputes, and one led to an all-out war that nearly wiped out all of us. We feared for the future of all, including ourselves who can only mate with non-phoenixes.

  “So, we proposed a solution. Cross-matching between the clans would no longer happen. The clans would be matched with members of their own only. Since phoenixes are long-lived, it would allow us to track the matings within the clans to avoid inbreeding and keep them strong. The occasional infusion of phoenix DNA also helps when a phoenix finds their soul mate.”

  Kai stared open-mouthed at Uri’s image. So much history beyond his wildest imagination. “But, why is it a secret? Why do the clans not know?”

  “It was part of the agreement. To bury the animosity and hate, and foster positive relations between the monarchies, was the goal.” Uri shrugged his shoulders. “Now, thousands of sun migrations later, the system is working. The clans cooperate, work together, depend on one another. There are no ancient grievances in their memories to stop them from flourishing, and this is the way it must remain. We cannot afford to return to the past. Cannot risk losing our civilization again.”

  “No.” Kai ran his tongue over his lips. He must word this properly on behalf of the clans. Failure was not an option. “I have felt the connection between two love matches since arriving on Earth. Love is strong. Love does not lead to destruction, but hate and greed do. Soul mates are love personified, and not once has our planet gone to war over a soul mate pair.”

  “Pah.” Uri waved one hand in dismissal. “You know nothing about the soul mate bond yet, youngling.”

  “I do know, Most Esteemed, because my soul mate is Nixy Vogel.” Phoenix. Her name is Phoenix. What were the odds?

  Uri’s wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression would be comical in almost any other situation, but not now. “That is impossible.”

  “Then why have I shared multiple dreamwalks with her? Why does degrading her with my words make me physically ill? Why does my blood sing a song of fire in my veins whenever she is near me? And why has my body awakened to her.”

  “No.” Uri whispered. “How?”

  “I do not know, but the power of what I feel for her is undeniable.”

  Uri sat up straighter. “You are young still, too young to find your soul mate.”

  “With all respect, Most Esteemed, I disagree.”

  “No good will come of it, Kai. It is enough that both Kyzel and Rol have now defied tradition. I will not allow you to be influenced by them.”

  The prime advisor had mated? “That is proof that humans are compatible with us. The addition of their DNA into our gene pool would strengthen us.”

  Uri frowned and furrowed his brow, as if giving the idea consideration. “It will not happen. If you take this human as a mate, you will be too old to breed. As are the Raptorclaw monarch and prime advisor.”

  “But others are not, and should be free to choose their mates.” Singling ou
t Fyad and Raven right now would only bring the younglings trouble. “Phoenixes will know which unions are true, and can still bless those with the elements of love.” His clan would still have a role in society.

  The stubborn set of Uri’s jaw did not bode well. “Return home immediately, Elder Kai.”

  “As soon as I have successfully completed my mission, Most Esteemed Elder.” He gave his hand a wave over the communicator and Uri’s image was gone in a blip.

  Kai let his wings relax and blew out a gust of air. Going home now was no longer a choice, despite Uri’s order. Defying his leader, a male he deeply respected, went against everything he believed in. And it certainly meant that he could never return to the colony, as his shame would be thrice what it already was.

  Could this be the change Fia spoke of? The moment in which the future of his home-world rested on his wings? What right did he have to send the lives of all Bezchians in a new direction without their agreement?

  Yet, what would happen to them if he denied his connection to Nixy’s soul? Pain stabbed at his heart leaving him gasping. He curled inward, drawing his wings around himself. Rejecting her would end him, but what would it do to Bezchi?

  You are Bezchi. Fia’s words whispered to him, and she had never lied to him.

  “If my destiny and Bezchi’s are entwined, then there is only one choice.”


  My soul mate.

  It was a miracle to have found her so early in his life. An incredible blessing. A gift.

  But she has no idea.

  A sense of rightness and determination welled up in him, and he pressed his lips together. Just exactly how could he convince her of the truth? Open her heart during the waking time, not just in her dreams?

  Chapter 12

  Kai exited the communication room with a renewed sense of purpose in his heart…and a pillow over his cock. His plan was merely half formed, and he had next to no idea how to execute it. If only technology was one of his fortes—

  “Just shut it, Fyad.” Raven’s voice intruded on Kai’s thoughts. “If I finish this story, I’ll be another step closer to getting out of that shit-hole.”

  Fyad snorted. “So you can be a real reporter?”


  Kai raised his gaze to the ceiling with a silent plea for patience from the eternal ones. How could these two be so blind to what was right in front of them? It boggled the mind.

  Wait a moment. He came to a stop just outside the communication room, his gaze riveted on Fyad. The youngling guard had helped him with his computer research on Earth’s other matching agencies. It had been a trial and error experience, but it would have been next to impossible without his help. It would be a simple thing to repay the youngling for his assistance. After just one more tiny request.


  The guard startled and turned his head. “Yes, Elder?”

  “Have you learned any more about Earth computers?”


  “He doesn’t know squat.” Raven shot a smug look at the bodyguard. “It’s me you should ask. I do a lot of investigative work and have to nose around in a lot of places where people don’t want me.”

  That was no surprise. But she did have her portable foldable computer, which would be handy for the idea unfurling in his mind. “Ah, but you also cannot keep a secret.”

  “That much is true,” Fyad grumbled.

  Raven grinned. “I work for the Raptorclaw clan now, and they are my priority.”

  Fyad scoffed. “But, you are still employed by Blast off!.”

  “Not for long.”

  Kai raised one hand, and both younglings shut their beaks. “I need help drafting a Silverstar application. Would you be kind enough to assist me, Ms. Crawford, Fyad?”

  The younglings looked at each other, then at him.


  “Of course, Elder.”

  “Perfect.” Kai grinned at them. “Will you access the application for Silverstar while I go appropriately cover myself?”

  “On it.” Raven turned back to her compact Earth device.

  Kai hurried back to his room, dressed with more speed than normal for his age, and returned to the common area. It took over an hour to fill out the form, mostly because Fyad and Raven could not seem to stop themselves from debating everything from the definition of a given question to the exact wording of answers.

  “There we go.” Ms. Crawford typed the final word with a flourish of her hands on the keyboard. “One completed application for the Silverstar Agency. Ms. Vogel isn’t gonna be happy about you putting yourself out there like this, though, I can tell ya.”

  Kai frowned in her direction. “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t you have a date with her the other night?”

  How did she know about that?

  Fyad spread his arms. “See? I was right. You cannot keep a secret.”

  Ah. That was how. Seemed Fyad could not keep a secret either.

  Raven snorted, then turned her attention back to Kai. “So, should I press send?”

  “No. Is there a way to save it on a portable device that is compatible with other Earth computers?”

  “You need a thumb drive.” She picked up her bag and rooted through it. “I have a couple of spares in here somewhere...ah ha.” She pulled out a slim, black stick-like item, inserted it into the side of the machine, then tapped some keys. “This’ll just take a sec…there. Done.”

  She pulled the stick and handed him the tiny device. “There ya go.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Crawford.”

  “I don’t know what you’re waiting for, though. If I were you, I’d just get it done. The sooner you turn it in, the sooner they’ll find you a match.”

  “He is a mate-matcher,” Fyad grumbled. “He does not need the agency.”

  Here we go again.

  Raven curled her upper lip. “I don’t think—”

  “Stop.” Kai aimed his glare from one to the other. “You two are enough to make a mate-matcher retire to a cave. Allow me show you something.”

  He reached for each of their hands, and they thankfully did not argue. Then he closed his eyes and found his center.

  “What’s he doing?” Raven muttered.

  The soft rustle was probably Fyad’s shrug, but it did not matter. As long as neither of them pulled away. Kai extended his senses, reaching out for their true emotions—admiration, appreciation, respect, passion—drew them in then pushed them back out, each one’s to the other person.

  “Oh.” Raven breathed out the word like a sigh.

  A wave of passion surged through the connection, the power of which he had never experienced. This was no ordinary mate-match; it was a love match. True and pure and joyous. And he had made it, and given it his blessing as an elder.

  He forced his eyes open, blinking away the effects of the power of mate-matching. “This is what you have been fighting against so hard.”

  The younglings stared at each other, their faces alight with love.

  He joined their hands together. “You are matched love mates for life.”

  The traditional words spoken when joining a pair had more meaning than ever with the addition of the word “love.” The aura of the couple’s feelings lingered, filling his soul with peace and satisfaction.

  This was what a match should feel like.

  He took two steps back. “A bond this strong should never be denied.”

  “Thank you, Elder.” Fyad’s words where full of wonder.

  “Yeah.” Raven breathed, then squeaked as Fyad lifted her against him. She wrapped her legs around his middle.

  They came together, locking their lips in a kiss.

  Their passion rolled over Kai and he cleared his throat. “I suggest moving into Fyad’s room now.”

  Fyad took two steps forward, trapping Raven between him and the wall of the common area. For her part, Ms. Crawford delve
d her fingers into Fyad’s black headfeathers as if she could not get enough of him. If either of them had heard his suggestion, they were ignoring it.

  “All right. I will just go to my room then.” No need for him, or anyone, to witness their union. “We can talk about the rest of my plan later.”

  Fyad undulated his hips into his mate’s crotch and she moaned. Kai hurried toward the hallway, leaving the amorous couple to do their thing.

  Chapter 13

  Nixy leaned her head back against her desk chair and let her gaze wander around her office. She’d miss the place, but, by this time tomorrow, she’d be long gone. Handed her walking papers. And there was nothing she could do to change it. Granted, there was a remote possibly that Jordan wanted to talk to her about something else entirely, but probably not.

  The office door swished open and Adam leaned partway in. “It’s after six.”

  “I know.”

  “You going home?”

  “Soon.” That was a bald-faced lie.

  If she went home, she’d go to bed. And then she’d dream.

  “Maybe Ms. Jones is coming for another reason.”

  “I thought about that.” She sat up a little straighter in her chair. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t look too convinced. “Want to go get a drink?”

  “Nah. I’m just going to wrap things up here as much as I can before I call it a night.”

  Adam gave her a sympathetic and understanding half smile. “All right. Night, Nixy.”

  “Night, Adam.”

  The office door swished shut with a soft sigh, like her after a long but productive day.

  What was she going to do with the rest of her life? She could go back to accounting, but that felt like a step backward. Maybe NebulaX was hiring. She had never matched LGBTQ couples…or groups like Adam’s triad, but it couldn’t be much different than what she was doing now.

  But, matching older couples, it was so rewarding seeing people her age find love. Did NebX have an over-fifty department? If they didn’t, maybe she could petition them and offer her services to set one up.

  Her thoughts drifted to Kai. He had never found his soul mate, never experienced love the way she had. The way she could again, if only he wasn’t so much older than her. But, God, he was sweet, kind, and a pain in the butt…everything that made him attractive. At least, in her dreams.


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