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Fake it Baby

Page 76

by Tia Siren

  I looked up at him and saw desire on his face. His blue eyes were half closed as he stared down at my naked body. I pulled his boxer briefs down until his cock sprang free. I wrapped one hand around the shaft, holding it in place as I slowly began to lick circles around the head. The first bead of cum appeared, and I greedily licked it.

  His body jerked forward and his hand went into my hair. Wetness pooled between my legs. I stroked his dick and licked up and all the way down to the base before cupping his balls. His balls were swollen. I gently caressed them with the tips of my fingers before kissing them and pulling them into my mouth.

  “Ash,” he groaned.

  I ran my tongue up his hard cock and took him deep in my mouth. His hands were in my hair, holding my head as I sucked hard. His body jerked and I knew he was close. His hands were under my arms and yanking me up the length of him before he lifted me and carried me to the dresser, depositing me on the cold, smooth top.

  I spread my legs, welcoming him into me. Instead of shoving that lovely cock inside me, he pushed a finger into my opening. I hadn’t known how close I was to coming until he swept his finger inside.

  My back arched and I came. His mouth dropped to my breast, where he began licking and sucking, causing my body to spasm. He pulled his finger out and pushed his palm against me. I rocked my hips against it. His mouth moved to my neck and then to my own. His tongue plunged deep inside. I kissed him back as if I were starving. I couldn’t get enough of him. I gyrated against his hand, feeling another orgasm building.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me and shoved his face between my legs. One lick of his tongue against my pussy and I was coming again.

  “Brock,” I moaned, leaning my head back as the violent waves of a powerful orgasm rocked through me.

  He pulled my clit into his mouth and gently sucked. I bit back the scream that threatened to erupt from my mouth at the sheer ecstasy of the act.

  His mouth was on mine in the next instant. He stepped between my legs and plunged deep inside. I moaned low and long as I focused every part of my being on his invasion. He was filling me with his heavy cock. Every nerve in my body felt as if it were raw. His dick scraped across my sensitive clit, causing me to jerk with a tremor of ecstasy.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Ashley,” he whispered as he pushed in the last fraction of an inch. “I want to bury myself inside you every time I see you.”

  I nodded, unable to speak. My body felt as if it had shattered and been loosely put back together.

  “I love you. You aren’t leaving me,” he said, thrusting deep inside me.

  “I love you.” I grunted the words out in between his thrusts.

  “Say it again,” he demanded, his voice strained.

  “I love you!” I shouted. “I love you,” I shouted again as he drove into me over and over. Another orgasm tore through my body, leaving me feeling boneless as I fell backward, inadvertently spreading my legs wider.

  “Fuck!” he shouted as he pounded into me, driving me into the wall with each thrust.

  He collapsed against me as I reclined on the dresser, my head and shoulders supported by the wall. It took him a few minutes to catch his breath before he gently lifted me and carried me to the bed. He managed to get us both under the blankets where we quickly fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  I awoke in the morning to the smell of French toast and coffee. I opened my eyes and saw Brock coming out of the bathroom in just his pants from the night before and nothing else.

  “Good morning.” He greeted me with a smile. “I ordered room service.”

  I smiled and pulled the sheet off the bed and walked to the table. “It smells delicious!”

  I sat down and we both dug in. Neither one of us mentioned the night before or what was said. It was a giant elephant in the room, but he wasn’t bringing it up, so I wasn’t going to either. I hated having to put on the gown from the night before, but knowing we were doing the walk of shame together made it a little better.

  “Ready to get out of here?” he asked.

  I nodded. “We dash through the lobby. I don’t want anyone staring at us for too long. I’m sure we’ll make quite the site in our evening wear.”

  He laughed. “Let them talk.”

  We drove home in relative silence, both of us lost in thought. When we got to the outside of town, I asked him to pull over.

  “Here?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, here.”

  It was a place I knew he loved. It was one of the more popular running paths, and I knew Brock ran here often. We got out and walked to one of the overlooks. A few runners went by, staring at us as if we were crazy. We probably were, but I didn’t care.

  “What’s up?” he asked nervously.

  “Brock, will you marry me?”

  He looked at me as if he thought I had lost my mind.


  I laughed and repeated the question. “Will you marry me?”

  He started laughing and shaking his head. “You’re crazy.”

  I shrugged. “I am. I know that, but can you handle my crazy, neurotic ways?”

  His answer was obvious when he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around before putting me back on my feet and kissing me.

  “Damn straight I’m going to marry you.”

  I pressed my face against his chest, appreciating his hard body. “I know I have put you through so much, and for that I am truly sorry. I don’t think I was ready then. I am now. I promise you, I’m not running anywhere unless it’s to chase you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I know you weren’t ready, and I don’t think I was either. I just wanted to rush to the altar because I was so desperate for a family. I wanted to fill the void in my life without actually trying to go through all the steps. We were too young and immature. I’m glad we waited. It gave us time to figure out who we were on our own,” he said, kissing me on the forehead.

  “My dad is going to be very pleased with himself. He is going to take credit for bringing us back together.” I sighed.

  “That’s fine. He can take the credit. When do you want to do this?”

  “Tomorrow?” I joked.

  “I’m good with tomorrow, although I think we may have a tough time getting the license and all that on a Sunday.”

  “Fine. Monday then,” I teased.

  “We’ll definitely need to make it happen soon. I don’t want to wait another minute. I want you to be my wife,” he said tenderly.

  I looked up and kissed him. We walked to one of the benches that overlooked the landscape and sat down to hash out the details. I knew the minute we got home and told the family, there would be a lot of opinions and suggestions about how it should all go down. We had fallen into that trap before and neither of us wanted to do that again.

  “My dad saved my dress,” I told him.

  “Really? You know, I never did get to see you in it.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think anybody did. Do you think it would jinx us if I wore it for our wedding?”

  “Nope. I think you should. You bought that dress for our wedding. I remember how excited you were about it. If you want to wear it, I think you should. I can’t wait to see you wear it.”

  “I hope it still fits,” I muttered.

  “It will. Come on, we better get home and get this out of the way.”

  We stopped at Brock’s house first so he could shower and change. Then he took me home. Brock visited with my dad and Jasper while I quickly showered and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. When I joined them in the kitchen, my dad’s eyes were twinkling.

  I had a feeling he already knew, but we still had to make the official announcement. The four of us sat at the table.

  “Dad, Jasper,” I started, “Brock and I are going to be getting married.”

  Jasper looked at each of us before turning to his grandpa. “You were right, Grandpa,” he said with a huge smile.

  We all laughed before Jasper started askin
g a million questions about the wedding and where we would all live. My dad sat in his chair, smiling and looking happier than I had seen him look in a long time.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said, leaning over to hug him. “Thank you for having faith in me and for pushing me back into his arms,” I whispered.

  He nodded his head. “I knew you needed a little time—and a big nudge. I’m very happy for you, happier than you can possibly imagine.”



  Six months later

  I had to pinch myself to make sure this was really happening. It was early January and the New Year had an entirely different meaning for me this year. It was a new beginning, a new life that I was excited to embrace with Ashley by my side. I didn’t need to make a New Year’s resolution. I was going to be taking vows that committed me to something far more important than an empty promise to change who I was. I already had changed.

  After years of heartache and trying to accept that I would never have the woman of my dreams, she was standing beside me, ready to make me her husband. It had taken a little longer than we had initially wanted to get to this point, but life had a funny way of working things out. It was on a schedule of its own choosing, not necessarily that of the people living those lives.

  “Ready?” I asked her.

  She nodded and smiled. “This is much better than that big wedding we thought we were going to have.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m glad I get to share this with the people who truly matter. I feel selfish, and I don’t want to share it with anyone else.”

  She giggled. “We are bad, bad people, but I love it. We don’t need anyone getting to see this part of our lives. Lord knows their imaginations are far more creative than reality.”

  “You look beautiful,” I told her. “I love you.”

  I reached for her and kissed her. The kiss started out innocently enough, but it didn’t take long for it to heat up. I lifted her dress. “We have time for a quickie, right?”

  She giggled. “No, sir! I am not going to have sex in my wedding dress minutes before the wedding. I think that is breaking some cosmic rule.”

  “Fine, but I really want you,” I said, pouting.


  “Damn straight. I reserved the suite at the hotel. We get two whole days to make love without worrying about anybody walking in.”

  We were waiting until spring to take an official honeymoon. For now we were going to drive up to Morgantown to stay the weekend. Tanner would be taking care of Jasper while we enjoyed a couple days to ourselves. It was sorely needed after the busy holidays filled with lots of family time.

  Ashley kissed me, firing me up all over again. Then she sighed. “I love you. I can’t wait for tonight. I’m sorry I didn’t get to wear the dress. It just didn’t look right.”

  I laughed. “No, I don’t think it would. I like this dress better. It suits you and who you are. It is perfect for our wedding.”

  She smoothed down the white dress that flowed around her. It was a gauzy material that floated and gave her an ethereal appearance. It was the kind of dress a woman would wear to a barn dance and then to the beach. It was very country and very pretty. I loved it. It was so her. I liked that she was low maintenance. Even though she hadn’t spent hours primping, she was still prettier than any other woman I had ever seen. Yes, I was a little biased.

  “You better get out of here before my daddy comes in here and pushes you out the window,” she teased.

  “No more windows on our wedding day. I’ll make my escape in a more dignified fashion. Check and make sure the coast is clear.”

  She giggled and walked to her bedroom door, pulled it open, and looked up and down the hall. “All clear,” she whispered.

  I left her in the room and snuck out the back door. The tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding was being enforced by some in the family, but I’d needed to see her. I had managed to sneak in undetected while they were all busy setting up.

  I smiled at Helen as I came through the front door. She looked great and, most importantly, was on her way back to good health. She gave me a scolding look, which told me she knew exactly what I had been up to. I grinned before going to hug her.

  “Shh,” I whispered.

  She was sitting next to Janna, who chuckled. “Too late. I think all of us know exactly where you were,” she said dryly. “Wipe the lipstick off your mouth.”

  I burst out laughing and quickly wiped away the evidence of my secret rendezvous. We had moved out the furniture and put up enough folding chairs for the family to sit in. It was a private affair with only her family, Helen, and Janna in attendance. The minister was some guy we had found in the classifieds. He didn’t know us and therefore would have no interest in gossiping.

  Hank stood at the front of the room with Jasper by his side. Anna and Leslie were acting as bridesmaids. Anna looked downright miserable with her swollen belly. She had been complaining that she would need a tent to wear if we didn’t hurry up and get the wedding done.

  Tanner cleared his throat and one of Leslie’s daughters pushed a button on her cell phone, cuing up the bridal procession that had been downloaded to her phone.

  All eyes turned to Ashley and Tanner as they made their way down the hall and into the living room. She was stunning. I carved the memory of her walking toward me into my brain. I wanted to remember the moment for the rest of my days.

  After a brief ceremony, I kissed the bride.

  “How are you feeling?” Ashley asked Anna as soon as the official business was out of the way.

  “Fat. Swollen. Miserable. You said it got better. This isn’t better, Ashley. This is hell. How come you look so happy?”

  Ashley laughed and rubbed her own growing belly. “I don’t know. Maybe the second time around is easier.”

  I put my hand on her belly and smiled. “Or because this time it’s a little girl.”

  Ashley winked. “You don’t know that, and I’m not going to let you find out.”

  “I already know,” I said with full confidence.

  “Who’s ready to eat?” Leslie asked.

  There was a cacophony of shouts. We were all starving. The smells that had been coming from the kitchen all morning had made us all hungry. Leslie’s friend had started a catering company and we were the first clients. If it tasted as good as it smelled, the woman was going to be hugely successful.

  We all filed into the formal dining room and sat around the table. The meal was served, and for the first fifteen minutes or so, no one spoke. The only sound that could be heard was the clattering of silverware against the plates. Even the kids were quiet as they ate.

  “How’s that addition coming along?” Hank asked around a mouthful of prime rib.

  “Almost done,” I answered. “Tanner has got a very nice setup out there. He picked out all the cabinetry and the flooring.” I turned to Tanner for my next comment. “I think you could have had a job as an interior designer,” I teased.

  He laughed. “When you are as old as I am, you know what you like and what you don’t. I didn’t want carpet. Too much dirt. I think those floors we put in there look great.”

  “They do look really good. We may have to redo the floors in the living room here with that same hardwood.”

  Ashley was vehemently nodding her head in agreement, but her mouth was too full to say anything.

  We had decided to live at the farm, but Tanner had insisted he wanted his own place. He didn’t want to intrude. With the sale of my house, we had the money to build a guest house on the property. It was a one bedroom with a full kitchen. I saw it as an excellent investment that would raise the value of the property—not that we were interested in selling anytime soon.

  “So, when are you going to tell us what the baby is?” one of the kids asked.

  Jasper rolled his eyes. “It’s a baby.”

  We all laughed at his serious answer.

  “We are keeping the gender of the
baby a secret,” Ashley said. “It’s going to be a surprise.”

  “What she means is she knows, but none of the rest of us can know. She’ll slip up one of these days,” I said with a sly smile.

  She shook her head. “Nope. My lips are sealed.”

  “How’s school going for you, Jasper?” Hank asked.

  “I like it. The kids are real nice. My teacher lets me bring my rocks on Fridays and we talk about them.”

  We chatted for the next hour as we filled our stomachs. Hank and I quickly transformed the living room back into order before everyone started to leave.

  Ashley and I sat on the couch, her legs stretched out over mine. I rubbed her feet as we relaxed together. Tanner and Jasper had gone out to the guest house to show Anna the progress and to finish painting some of the trim.

  “You ready to get out of here?” I asked her.

  She smiled and nodded. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  “Ash?” Anna said, coming into the room with a look of horror on her face.

  Ashley bolted up. “What’s wrong? What happened? Is Jasper okay?”

  She nodded, then started crying. “I peed my pants and I can’t stop.”

  Ashley jumped up. “What!” She spun around to face me. “We’re having a baby!” she squealed.

  I immediately looked down at her belly and almost choked. It was too soon. She was only six months along. I knew that was not good.

  “Not me!” she said with frustration. “Anna. Go get the truck! We’re having a baby!” She clapped her hands. “Go tell Dad, then get the truck,” she ordered.

  I jumped to do as I was told, first racing out the back and then running to the front to start my truck. Ashley walked out on the porch, her arm wrapped around Anna.

  She was grinning like a fool. “We’re having a baby,” she repeated.

  “Yes, we are. I guess our honeymoon can wait.”

  Anna growled, “You already knocked her up. Yes, your honeymoon can wait. I need her.”

  I obediently nodded my head. “Of course.”

  “I’ll follow you guys,” Tanner said, hoisting Jasper into his truck. “In case this is going to be a long ordeal, I can leave and bring Jasper home.”


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