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Page 4

by Pepper North

  “You are so lovely, Little girl. You take my breath away,” he praised her rolling her nipple just hard enough to send a jolt of pleasure through her.

  “I’m just me. Fiona. I don’t wear make-up. I have muscles. I weigh too much according to all the charts and magazines,” she argued with him doubting his words.

  “Charts and magazines are made-up by someone that wants to think they know more than we do. Your body is strong, yes. It is beautifully formed. Women are supposed to have curves. You have already seen my body’s reaction to you. Do you have any doubts that I find you amazing?” he asked releasing her breast and soothing down her plump stomach with the soap washcloth.

  She shook her head, “no” silently as she watched his strong hand move the cloth down her stomach to her pelvis. She tried hard to keep her hips still, but against her strong will, they rose up seeking her hand. Immediately, her eyes filled with pain as the moment put weight on her damaged shoulder. Her distressed eyes flew to his.

  “Little girl, you are going to have to lay very still for your Daddy. Can you do that for me?” Georges asked her. His deep concern was chiseled into his voice.

  Fiona nodded. Her eyes were captivated by his. She held her breath locking herself into place as she felt the washcloth ruffle her curly, pubic hair and move to brush the length of her outer labia. She watched his face as he began to dip the cloth into her private folds. She knew exactly when he discovered how aroused she was by his touch. The slick fluid helped the cloth slid easily. His finger began to lightly circle around the entrance to her vagina. Her breath sighed out loudly as it glided inside to invade her fully. His thumb began to press in an irregular pattern against her clitoris and she felt it swell to meet his touch.

  “You are so beautiful, Little girl. Hold still. Don’t move. You deserve to feel good after being treated so viciously,” he whispered to her as he leaned in to kiss her lips lightly before returning to kiss her deeply. His finger withdrew and two pressed inside to invade her thoroughly as his tongue tasted the depths of her mouth. He smiled against her lips as she moaned deeply. “Hold still, Fiona. Don’t move for Daddy.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Fiona unconsciously used the word that ricocheted in her brain. For years, she had read age play novels online. Her favorite characters had been the Little girls that didn’t fit the normal characteristic of being small, petite women. She especially enjoyed reading stories where a strict Daddy convinces an independent woman to allow herself to be the Little girl that she had always kept hidden inside. His love was strong enough to assure her that she could be brave and begin living the life her heart had always desired. Fiona had been especially sure that those couples were destined to be together forever.

  Georges smiled at response. He continued his exploration of her body. His fingers slipped from her vagina to draw a slow line down to the puckered opening nestled between her strong buttocks. “Don’t move, Fiona. Daddy needs to make sure this area is clean as well. Relax your bottom for Daddy’s finger,” he said softly to her as he pressed against her anus.

  “Nooooo,” she whispered urgently as his finger invaded her most private place. “I don’t like it.”

  “Fiona, you’re lying to your Daddy,” Georges tone changed allowing her to hear his dominance. “Daddy is going to spend a lot of time dedicated to this important spot.” His finger slid inside fully. He held it deeply implanted. “While you are feeling recovering, many things will need to enter this bottom. Daddies take care of their Little girls. I will make sure your bottom is well taken care of, precious.” He rotated his thumb to press strongly on her clitoris once again as he vibrated his finger in her rectum slightly. He spread the fingers of his other hand and pressed it against the soft curves of her tummy holding her in place as her body orgasmed. When her body stilled, he leaned close to whisper, “And when your body has healed, Daddy’s going to help you learn just how much you love his attention to your bottom.

  “Daddy,” she wailed and shivered as his finger slid from her body. Her mind, confused by her own reaction to his touch, retreated into the medicated blur that the strong pain prescription spread through her body. She was aware of Georges bathing her legs and feet before lifting her out of the tub and drying her sensitive body with a soft towel so gently. He rebound her arm securely and bandaged her hand to prevent injury before laying her tenderly in bed. She felt his kiss on her forehead as he turned out the lights.

  Chapter Ten

  When it was time for her next dose of medication, Georges rubbed her tummy softly to wake her up speaking to her softly. “Precious, I need to give you some more pain medication. I want to ask you a question as well. I’m afraid that you will be so groggy that you’ll fall out of bed and hurt yourself. Will you let me take you to my home? I can care for you better there.”

  “Your home,” she echoed sleepily.

  “Yes, Little girl. My home. I hope you will decide when you are well that you’d like to make it your home as well. Will you come stay a little while?” he asked watching her expressive face.

  Her thoughts raced across her face. She really didn’t know Georges. She felt she knew important things about him, but should she really trust him. “I don’t know, Georges. Can’t we just stay here?”

  “Yes, Little girl we could stay here. But, would you like to see the nursery I created as I waited to find you?” he asked carefully. “I think we should call your boss and let him know where you will be and what the doctor at the workman’s comp clinic has ordered.”

  She nodded smiling. “I think that’s a good idea.” Her face fell slightly. “I don’t want to tell him I can’t come back to work for four weeks.”

  “Would you like me to call?” Georges asked lightly.

  “Please,” she implored him.

  “I’ll take care of it, right after I take care of you. Turn over, precious. That’s right. Let Daddy help you,” he soothed as he helped her roll over her good shoulder to expose her bare bottom.

  “Not in my bottom, Daddy,” she pleaded.

  “You know Daddy’s taking care of you, right, Little girl?” he asked lifting a pillow from the head of her bed.

  “Yes,” she said in a wavering voice.

  “Let Daddy take care of you,” he instructed firmly. “Lift your bottom, precious.” He helped her by sliding his hand under her pelvis and raising her away from the bed to slide the fluffy pillow underneath her. She immediately hid her face in the soft padding of the bed. He knew this position would make her feel even more like a Little girl. Her buttocks were raised and slightly parted as if it was being presented to him. He opened the lubricant jar noisily watching her fingers of her left hand spread to hold on to the crumpled covers. He applied a glob of lubricant to her anus and began to press his finger against her clenched opening. Her fingers tightened on the fistful of covers. “Let Daddy’s finger inside, Fiona. Relax your bottom,” he rotated his finger using the slick lubricant to ease its way inside. He held his finger deep for several seconds as she shifted uneasily. When he saw her breathe and felt her muscles relax slightly, he withdrew his finger and slid the cold thermometer into her rectum. She shivered in reaction and moaned at the invasion.

  Georges wiped his fingers clean and turned on Fiona’s phone. He found the listing for her boss and pressed the button to connect. As the phone was ringing, he casually cupped his free hand around the end of the thermometer. He twisted the thermometer keeping in deeply implanted.

  Fiona began to complain and clamped her lips closed as he began to speak on the phone. Immediately, she was paralyzed by the sound of him talking to her boss. She was lying right there in front of Georges as he greeted her boss and identified himself. The twirling thermometer in her bottom reminded her constantly of her submissive position. She lay as still as possible not making a sound that would betray her presence. She listened intently to his side of the conversation easily filling in her boss’ words.

  “Bill, this is Georges LeDoux. Yes, I’m calling from
Fiona’s phone. I wanted to update you on her status. You should be receiving the doctor’s orders. He has restricted her from all work for four weeks. She’s in bad shape, Bill. She’s concerned about her job. Yes, I’ll tell her not to worry that her job will be waiting for her when she can return. I agree. That son of a bitch who hurt her should pay. I’m glad you’re going to talk to a lawyer. I’m calling to let you know that since Fiona is totally restricted from using her right arm and hand for a few days, I’m going to take her to my home to recuperate where I can take care of her. Here’s my cell phone number so you can get in touch with us if you need to. Yes, Bill. I’ll tell her not worry about her job. I’m glad to hear that you think she’s the best driver you have. I’ll be sure to let her know.”

  Georges disconnected the call laying the phone inches from Fiona’s head before placing a large suppository in her line of vision. He slid the thermometer out of her bottom. “Tsk, tsk, Fiona. Your temperature is still a little high. We’ll take care of that when you’re settled in your nursery.” Immediately, he picked up the medication and began to press the large suppository into her bottom. He held her firmly in place with a restraining hand on her lower back. Georges ignored her breathy complaints. He slowly slid it fully inside making sure she had time to feel every bit of the large suppository. Once inside, he continued to advance it. Pressing through her strong clenching muscles that tried to push it out. He held it deep inside her rectum waiting until he heard her sigh and relax as the medication began to work relieving her pain and making her sleepy. Finally, he spread a warm blanket over her body to allow her to nap while he packed for her.

  Scouting for supplies that she would need at his house, Georges made himself at home in her bedroom. He gathered the backpack and keys she carried with her and found a big pair of pajamas in a drawer. Choosing a couple of pairs of shoes, one easy to slip on and an athletic pair to wear when she felt like walking around to regain her strength, he rifled through her limited wardrobe and packed a couple of pairs of jeans, tee shirts, and sweatshirts. He deliberately left the bras and panties out of the duffle. The last thing he picked up from her bedroom was her tattered blankie and the forlorn teddy bear from her dresser.

  Georges looked through the bathroom for any medication or supplies that she would need. He found a prescription for allergies – no birth control pills. She had a small makeup case tucked in the back of a drawer. She obviously didn’t wear cosmetics often. Fiona wouldn’t need them at his house either. He added her tweezers. Georges doubted if he had any at home. She’d have more splinters to remove. He discovered a box of tampons in the cabinet under the sink. He left those behind as well. He had another way planned to take care of her needs. Her one luxury seemed to be a bottle of shower gel that smelled like lavender. He smiled as he packed that. His Little girl had a feminine side that he intended to pamper.

  Finally, he circled her small apartment looking for practical tasks, he needed to take care of while she was gone. He opened her refrigerator to toss the milk and perishables before taking out the trash. He found a packet of generic lunchmeat, bread, and two apples. Nothing else filled her refrigerator. She obviously took a sandwich to work for lunch. “What was she eating before and after?” he wondered. Georges had already removed bags of frozen vegetable from her freezer. He reopened the door thinking maybe he had missed seeing a lot of frozen food as well. Three off-brand frozen dinners looked back at him. The gourmet chef in him shuddered. “This isn’t a healthy way to live,” he muttered to himself. “Or an enjoyable one.” He pulled the trash bag out of the small kitchen bin. He checked visually to see if it was stuffed with fast food wrappers. It was not. He was baffled by her diet. He made a promise to himself to feed her as long as he could convince her to stay with him.

  His fingers were crossed that she’d just spent her last night at the lonely apartment.

  Chapter Eleven

  He carried the trash and her duffle outside. Locking the duffle in her Jeep, he found the dumpster quickly and disposed of the garbage. As he walked back to her apartment building, he looked around confirming his impressions from last night. This was certainly a no frills complex, but it was clean and appeared safe. Her possessions would be safe here even if other residents realized that she was absent for a while.

  Georges nodded to himself as he passed the row of mailboxes. He would need to return every few days to pick up her mail. He stopped and looked at the keychain. A small key was on the loop next to her apartment key. He tried to fit it into the mailbox labeled six. Success! It opened easily and tilted so he could remove the mail. He shuffled through it casually to look for bills that she would need to pay. One was in a crisp envelop emblazoned with a logo for Oakdale nursing home. It was addressed to Fiona and a woman named Dorothy. Dorothy had the same last name as Fiona – McIntire. They were obviously relatives. His bet was that Dorothy was Fiona’s mother. Nursing homes were expensive. Could that be why Fiona lived so frugally? Georges unlocked her apartment door and slid the mail into her backpack. He’d talk to her in a couple of days when her pain was better controlled.

  Walking back to the bedroom, he found Fiona asleep sprawled over the pillow. He softly rubbed her raised bottom until she began to rub her hands over her eyes trying to wake up. “Precious, we’re going to put some pajamas on your sweet body and I’m going to take you over to my house, so I can take care of you. Roll over on your left shoulder and sit up, Fiona,” he instructed as he helped her.

  She clutched the blanket to her chest as she blinked sleepily at him. “I’ll be fine now. You can leave me here. I know you’re busy,” she assured him as her brain began to wake up.

  “No way. I promised both doctors and your boss that I was going to take care of you. You don’t want to make me a liar, do you?” Georges waited while she thought and then, shook her head “no.” “Thank you, Fiona. Now, let’s put your left arm in the sleeve of this top and we’ll just wrap it around your other arm and button it up.” He fastened the top together covering her wounded shoulder and hand. He fed her feet through the pajama bottoms and pulled them up to her thighs. After slipping some thick socks on her feet, he started to lift her onto her feet, but she leaned back toward the bed to stop him.

  “I don’t have any underwear on,” Fiona whispered to him urgently.

  “Little girls don’t wear underwear, Fiona. You won’t need any at my house,” he assured her lifting her to her feet and quickly pulling up the baggy pants pulling the drawstring to keep them up around her waist. He smiled at the little lines between her eyebrows as she tried to digest how she wouldn’t need underwear. He led her to the front door and retraced his steps around the apartment making sure all the lights and everything else were turned off. Picking up her backpack and the keys, he opened her door and wrapped a muscled forearm around her waist to usher her through the door. After locking the door, he stowed the keys in her backpack and slung it easily over his shoulder. Georges swept her up in his arms and carried her through the apartment building and out to the Jeep.

  “You really want me to come with you?” Fiona’s eyes searched his face.

  Georges leaned in to kiss her thoroughly. When they were both breathless, he raised his head and looked in her green eyes that were filled with hope. “I need you to come with me, precious Little girl.” A wide smile spread across his face as she whispered, “Okay.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Keeping his Little girl from thinking too much and beginning to worry, Georges turned on the radio softly. He was amused to find that Fiona had the station tuned to a children’s music channel. She hummed along with several songs as they drove enjoying the happy lyrics. As they drove, he heard Fiona’s tummy growl. “I’m not taking very good care of you, precious. I should have fed you breakfast earlier.” Despite her protests that she didn’t normally eat breakfast, Georges drove to a pick-up window at a local doughnut vendor and bought a couple of delicious treats plus coffee for him and chocolate milk for Fiona.

nbsp; Parking for a moment, he held the small bottle of milk to Fiona’s lips first. After handing her the chocolate covered doughnut, he pulled back on road and helped himself to the other treat in the bag. He waved it at Fiona. “Don’t get too used to sugary breakfasts. I plan to take great care of you. Everyone needs a treat and I think you had a day yesterday that deserves a reward for surviving. He toasted her with his doughnut. Georges enjoyed her happy giggles as she touched her doughnut to his.

  It was about twenty minutes to his home in the gated community. He left her name at the gate with the attendant before driving to his street. His home rambled in several directions appearing smaller than it was from the view facing the front door. Georges pulled up in the driveway and signaling her to stay still, he swung his long legs from the car and walked to the garage doors. Pushing several buttons, he raised one double door and returned to the Jeep. He drove it smoothly inside and parked in an empty stall.

  As the door lowered, he turned off the Jeep. He picked up her pack from the backseat and stowed her keys inside. Jumping from the elevated seat slightly, Georges slung the strap over his shoulder before opening her door and scooping her into his arms. Feeling her squirm against him to wiggle down, Georges warned the top of her head. “Fiona, I will spank you if you don’t cooperate with me.” Her movements stopped immediately as she froze in his arms. He carried her through the doorway into his house. Setting her on her feet, Georges stepped back to see her reaction to his home. He crossed his fingers behind his back as mentally he corrected himself – their home.


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