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TASTE: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 6

by Stephanie Brother

“Don’t marry him,” he whispers again.

  I shake my head, “You have to go. What if Richard finds you in here?”

  “Don’t worry, the door is locked. I will leave before anyone else wakes up, I promise.”

  I cry silently, wrapped in his arms. I was right where I had dreamed of being since I was a teenager. But now that I am finally in his arms, I am miserable.

  What will everyone think if they ever found out that Damon and I slept together? Our parents probably wouldn’t be too happy about it. I sniffed loudly.

  A soft kiss is planted on my forehead and I am rocked back and forth. The bad boy has once again disappeared and is replaced by a tender, caring man. I am amazed how he switches from one to the other.

  “Yup, totally unpredictable,” I whisper.

  “Hmm?” He looks down at me.

  I lips curve slightly upward, “I said you are totally unpredictable.”

  He grunts, “I feel like I should be offended by that, but I’ll let it slide.” He looks down at me. “Alice can I ask you something?”

  I nod.

  “Why haven’t you slept with Richard?” He says the name with pure contempt.

  I shrug. I would love to say confidently that I was saving myself for marriage, but in my heart I know that isn’t entirely true. I was ready to give up my virginity three years ago to Damon, after all. “I don’t know. I guess the time just never felt right.”

  “Did it feel right tonight?” He inquires softly.

  I swallow hard.

  It sure did.

  “I-I suppose it did.” I decide not to lie. I couldn't lie to him when he was inside me, and now he's seeped into every inch of my soul. I let him into me in every way that I have dreamed all these years—and more—but I know that I don't want to lie to him. Not now.

  I feel him let out a breath. “Of course it did. You were meant to be mine all along.”

  I frown, wondering if he is referring to me or just my innocence which I so freely gave up to him. I open my mouth to ask but snap it shut. More than likely his comment doesn’t mean anything deeper. He is probably just satisfied as most men would be to bed a virgin.

  I fiddle with the ring on my finger feeling absolutely horrible again. I still have to figure out what I am going to do about Damon and Richard. I am very annoyed with myself for complicating my life in such a manner. I really should have put up more resistance tonight. I shake my head slightly. Even if I did put up more resistance, Damon probably would have worn it down anyway. The man is lethal, not to mention pure temptation.

  My limbs are beginning to feel like jelly. I am now feeling the effects of the plane ride, the alcohol, and the night’s most recent activities. I smile slightly, loving the feel of being wrapped in Damon’s arms.

  Dreams do come true.

  My smile turns into a frown. “You have to remember to go,” I slur drowsily. We can’t risk anyone discovering him in my room in the morning. My eyes are already closed when I feel his lips on mine.

  “I will, go to sleep.” My eyes flutter open. He is staring down at me, a mixture of emotions playing across his features. I’m much too exhausted to even try and identify any of them.

  “You are a beautiful man,” I slur again.

  He grins, “I think somebody should stay away from the wine for a little while.” He pulls me closer and I give in to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  My eyes snap open at the sound of my name being called. It’s Richard. I sit up abruptly, my eyes flying to the other side the bed. I then glance around the room. I sigh in relief. I didn’t even hear him leave this morning. The bottle of scotch that he placed on the nightstand is gone as well. “Alice, are you up?” Richard asks, knocking lightly on the door.

  “Uh, yeah, just a minute.” I jump off the bed and wince. The soreness between my thighs is a reminder of the carnal sin I committed last night. I pull on my robe and comb my fingers through my hair. I search the room one last time to make sure there is no evidence of Damon. I amble to the door and pull it open.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Richard greets me brightly. His eyes rake over me. “Wow you must have slept well. You look… different this morning.”

  A nervous giggle escapes my lips. “D-different how?”

  He shrugs, “I don’t know. I can’t explain it,” he frowns slightly, but seems to brush the thought aside. “Anyway, are you up to giving me a tour of the grounds this morning? I would love to see the rest of this place.”

  “Of course. I’ll just take a quick shower and get dressed.” I close my room door after telling him I won’t be long. I sag against the wood and let out a low groan.

  Guilt washes over me.

  I am in such deep shit.

  After breakfast, I announce to everyone that I am taking Richard for a tour.

  “Really? May I join the tour?” Damon asks.

  My gaze swings to his. I give him a deadly look.

  He looks at me with an innocent smile. I stifle a moan. I am not at all ready for the awkwardness that is about to ensue.


  “Merry Christmas, everyone, let’s dig in!” Gramps says, rubbing his hands together. There is a magnificent feast laid out on the dining table. There is enough food here to feed a small village and I have no appetite to partake in any of the delicious looking dishes. We have been in England for four days now, with only three more to go. I can’t wait for it to end. What was supposed to be a nice holiday getaway has turned into hell.

  I am constantly wracked by guilt about what happened with Damon in my room. Every time I look at Richard or my engagement ring, I want to burst into tears and confess everything.

  Then there is one part of me that craves Damon. He hasn’t touched me since that fateful night and it is driving me insane. I lay awake every night wondering if he will come, secretly hoping that he will. But all he has done in the last few days is ignore me. Sometimes I catch him looking at me with anger flashing in his eyes and I am well aware it is because I still have my engagement ring on.

  I don’t know what he expects from me. I can’t just break things off with my fiancé because of one night of passion. I sigh softly. Maybe I should because it makes me a horrible person to have betrayed Richard the way I did and continue as if nothing ever happened.

  “Are you alright, babe? You have barely eaten anything,” Richard asks.

  “I-I’m fine. I’m just not very hungry,” I lie. Being untruthful sure has become easier for me.

  He snorts. “Are you kidding? You haven’t eaten a thing all day.”

  I shrug. “Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

  He smiles and kisses me lightly on the lips. “Alright, if you say so.”

  My gaze flies to Damon.

  No one else notices his nostrils flare slightly and his jaw is clenched. He glares daggers at me and I look away.

  I feel like I am about to have a panic attack. I push my chair back and stand up abruptly. “Uh please excuse me everyone. I-I need to go.” All heads turn to me.

  “Honey, are you alright? You look a bit pale,” my mom observes.

  “I’m fine, mom. I just need a little air that’s all. Please excuse me.” I turn to leave.

  Richard rises from his chair. “I’ll go with you,” he offers.

  “Oh no, Rich, you stay and enjoy your dinner. I’ll only be a few minutes. Stay.”

  He sighs. “Okay, hurry back.”

  I force out a smile and nod.

  I quickly exit the room and head to the front door. I run down the stone steps and continue running across the manicured lawn. I keep jogging until an old stone structure comes into view. I stop and walk the rest of the way. I come to stop and lean against the cold stone. I inhaled deeply taking in the crisp, unpolluted country air. I shiver when the night breeze whips across my skin. I huff only just remembering that I left my coat. I hug myself and rub my hands down my arms. I stare up the sky admiring the stars.

  “Are you trying to kill yourself? It’
s freezing out here.” I jump at the sound of the voice.

  I sigh in frustration, “Damon what are you doing here?”

  I came out here to get away from him and everyone else. Yet, here he is standing before me.

  “I told everyone I was coming to check on you,” he snorts. “Your mother found my concern sweet. Apparently I’m a thoughtful older brother.”

  I groan.

  If only my mother knew what really went on between me and Damon.

  “Are you okay? You seemed upset.”

  “I’m fine,” I snap. “You can go back now and tell everyone else that I am just fine.” I can’t help the shivers that take over my body. It was very stupid of me to venture out without a coat. My thin dress provides very little barrier against the cold. “How did you find me anyway?”

  “When you took Richard and me on the tour of the grounds you pointed out this spot as your favorite place to come as a child. It’s your little hideaway from everyone and everything,” he repeats my words.

  “Of course,” I mutter. For some reason, I am secretly pleased that he cared enough to remember.

  I continue to shiver and he moves toward me. He spins me around and he opens his coat. He pulls me against him, wrapping the fabric and his arms around me. My back is pressed up against his front and his closeness has my senses out of whack. I swallow hard as a surge of heat rushes through my body. I stifle an irritated growl. I kind of hate how my traitorous body responds to the slightest touch from him.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asks, his breath tickling my neck.

  “As if you don’t know,” I hiss, angry with him. But then I sigh. “Why have you been ignoring me?” I curse myself for giving him any indication that I care, but I just have to ask.

  He stiffens behind me. “I suppose I have been jealous.”

  I crane my neck to frown up at him. “Why would you be, Damon? What we had was just sex.”

  He peers down at me. “Do you really think so Alice?”

  I shrug. “Well, how can it be anything more? I know you are not interested in me for anything more. You probably have a string of women waiting for you back in Michigan.”

  “Shut up, Alice,” he says softly.

  I turn to scowl at him for being rude. “You think you know everything, don’t you?”

  I open my mouth to give him a smart reply but I am cut off when his mouth covers mine.

  The feel of his lips against mine is heavenly and I realize just how much I missed his touch. I melt into him instantly and kiss him back with fervor. He leans back against the stone wall and slightly parts his thighs so that he can pull me closer. His hardness pushed against my hip. He releases my lips.

  “Open your legs,” he commands.

  I do as I am told. I stand before him with my legs slightly apart. His right hand inches down to slip under my dress. His other hand moves up to cup my breast. He massages lightly. I feel his fingers slip into my underwear. I lean my head against his shoulder and moan when he pushes one finger into me.

  “You’re already so wet,” he whispers, sounding satisfied. “I love how you respond to me so readily.”

  All I can do is whimper in reply. I don’t why his touch is enough to reduce me to a quivering mass of desire. No, not even a touch, just a look from him is enough.

  I gasp when he withdraws his finger and enters me with two. He moves them in and out with slow strokes. I move my hips against his hand as he delivers his skillful ministrations. “Damon,” I moan. I am already close to the edge. He begins to move his fingers faster, touching a spot against my vaginal wall that is driving me almost to madness.

  “Come for me, baby,” he grinds out. His voice is husky with desire and lust.

  I let out a cry as my orgasm erupts. My knees buckle and he catches me. He lets out a small laugh. “I can pleasure you all night, Alice. I have never met a woman so responsive to my slightest touch.”

  I find that very hard to believe. What woman wouldn’t fall apart with one touch from Damon Ryder?

  “Turn around.”

  “Huh?” I turn to give him a confused look.

  “Turn around and place your hands on the wall.”

  I inhale and do as he says. I am facing away from him now, anticipating his next move.

  Of course, I can guess what is coming.

  Cold air touches my bottom when he hikes up my dress. I hear him pull down his zipper. He pushes my lace panty aside and positions the tip of his erection at my entrance. My breathing quickens as I close my eyes and wait. He doesn’t move.

  “Damon, please,” I beg. I don’t even recognize the voice issuing the soft plea. I push back against him and he draws back slightly.

  “Say it, Alice. Tell me what you want.”

  “I-I want you,” I say timidly. My courage mounts as yearning takes over. “I want to feel you inside of me, Damon. Now.”

  He plunges into me with a satisfied roar.

  I cry out into the night, grateful that we are far away from the house. But, anyone can find us if they walk far enough. The threat of being discovered excites me a little.

  Damon is pushing relentlessly into me. The sensation borders between pleasure and pain and I love every minute of it. I love every minute with him. I nearly blurt out that I love him, but mange to shove the three words back down before they escape. I close my eyes relishing in the way he fills me completely.

  “Alice, you feel so good,” he grunts between gritted teeth.

  “So do you.”

  His pace increases and I know he is near to getting his release. He reaches for me with one hand, gently wrapping his fingers around my throat to bring me upward while his other hand holds my hips in place. He never misses a beat. His thumb caresses my chin and he whispers in my ear, “He will never make you feel the way I make you feel, Alice.”

  I let out a sob, partly due to the pleasure I am experiencing and partly due to the undeniable truth of his words. “Damon,” I cry his name softly.

  His grip around my neck tightens slightly as he slams into me but he is careful not to hurt me.

  Within seconds, pleasure ripples through me.

  He finds his release almost simultaneously. He lets out a rough growl as he empties himself inside of me.

  As the shockwaves of pleasure subside, my senses begin to return one by one.

  I then realize that he did not use any protection.

  I feel his body stiffen and he abruptly pulls out of me. He has realized the huge error as well.

  “Shit,” he murmurs. “Alice, I…forgot.”

  I slowly straighten and turn to face him. I shrug slightly, my eyes telling him that there is nothing we can do about it now. I do a quick mental calculation. “It should be alright,” I reassure him.

  He wipes a hand over his face. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  I remain silent and focus on fixing my dress. I’m finding it hard to look at him. I am now embarrassed by the things we have done and the words we have whispered in the height of our passion as well as my unusually wanton behavior.

  “Why aren’t you looking at me, Alice?” he asks.

  I reluctantly turn to face him. I pin him with my eyes. “Happy now?”

  He snorts and rolls his eyes. He sighs. “What are you going to do about Richard?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He scowls. “Are you planning to string the both of us along forever?”

  I scoff, “I am not stringing anyone along, least of all you. You’re acting as if we are in a real relationship. We just had sex a couple of times—great sex—but that’s it.”

  He huffs in frustration. “All of the sudden I feel used.”

  I gawk at him incredulously. “Are you being serious? You were the one who set out to seduce me and you got what you wanted, so you should be happy. You got into my panties and now you can return home and text all of your friends to tell them that you managed to nail the ice queen.” I am fuming all of a sudden.
How dare he imply that I am leading two men on? I try hard to convince myself that it’s not true.

  “You are spouting nonsense, Alice.”

  “Nonsense? I remember quite clearly you taking pictures of me half naked to show to your perverted friends.” That memory has me on the verge of tears.

  I turn away, refusing to let him see me cry over it. I walk toward the old cottage that stands not far from the huge stone wall. I grab the ladder leaning on a wall and put it in place. Before I being to climb I glare at him over my shoulder. “You know very well you only wanted to seduce me to prove your male charms and you dare to say that I’m stringing you along.” I huff and make my way up the ladder. I reach the roof of the cottage and sit. I use to always climb to this very roof as a child and hide from the world.

  “For goodness' sake Alice, get down from there. That building looks like it’s about to crumble at any minute,” Damon calls.

  “Go away. It won’t.”

  I hear him release a few expletives. “You’re wrong, you know. I didn’t set out to seduce you for my own male satisfaction.”

  “Is that so? I saw the satisfaction on your face when you found out that I was a virgin. That’s another great story to tell your friends. Hell, I’ll even pose for a few more pictures if you want proof,” I snap.

  “Will you just stop and listen to me?” His head pops up over the triangular shape of the roof. “I can’t believe you made me climb all the way up here,” he hisses.

  I turn to glare at him. His face is ashen.

  “What’s wrong with you? You look like you are about to be sick,” I observe.

  He wipes at the fine bead of sweat on his forehead. He seems embarrassed. “I’m afraid of heights.”

  My eyes widen. “Then why the hell would you climb all the way up here?”

  “Because you won’t come down and listen to me.”

  “My God, Damon, get down before you pass out or something.”

  “Only if you are going to get down as well so we can talk.”

  I huff and roll my eyes. “Fine.”

  He sighs in relief and begins to retreat down the ladder.

  I move to follow him. I freeze when I hear a loud creak. I look down to see a long crack in the roof. I let out a scream as the wood gives way and I am falling through.


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