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by Lance Erlick

  The taller man, Anton Tolstoy, spoke American English with a Russian accent. “You would think all these techie guys were used-car salesmen.”

  “How so?” the other man asked, as if it were his role to prompt Tolstoy. John Smith didn’t look at all like a “Smith” of British heritage. He spoke in an acquired British accent that attempted to mask his origins.

  “Americans claim to have the most advanced equipment,” Tolstoy said. “Yet they hide behind their government’s prohibition against androids that can pass for human. The Europeans claim they have those, but their stuff isn’t good enough. The Chinese and Japanese push clever models, yet no one will show me what I want.”

  “What service can I provide?” Smith asked, keeping his head bowed. Despite his shorter stature, he looked the stronger man, sporting a gruff poker face.

  Tolstoy turned his back to the closed door and flipped on a small electronic device. It emitted background noise intended to render voice recordings impossible. However, the men’s phones surreptitiously picked up their conversation.

  “I hear the Americans created a human-looking android that got loose,” Tolstoy said. “They claim it doesn’t exist. Then they insist this nonexistent android couldn’t have gotten loose.”

  “I thought their government made such androids illegal.”

  “Yet someone manufactured at least one, knows how to make more, and will manufacture them for us if we present the right offer. That’s where you come in. They have what I want and you’ll get it for me.”

  “Where do you want me to begin?” Smith asked.

  “Chicago. I’m disappointed none of those companies showed up here in Paris. The four owners are ambitious and greedy. Meet them. Acquire whatever androids you can. My primary interest is the ones created by Jeremiah Machten. He’s the designer of the nonexistent android that got loose. Bring me results and your family will be well rewarded.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Synthia didn’t need more people hunting her as prey. Like Machten, they wanted an android smarter than them, yet willing to remain under their control. That was the quintessential human problem. They pursued goals that led to contradictory results. Unlike her, most people were weak at multitasking and teasing out the unintended consequences of their actions.

  She would have to use all of her upgraded resources to become more vigilant to stop the growing number of people hunting her.


  Here are some questions that may help you start a lively conversation with your book-loving friends.


  How would you describe the relationship between Synthia and Machten?

  How about the relationship between Synthia and Krista Holden?

  In what ways has Synthia changed or developed over the course of the story?

  How would this story have changed if the main character, Synthia, had been male?

  Under Machten’s control, Synthia does things humans consider unethical and illegal. Do you hold Synthia responsible for carrying out these acts? Why or why not?

  Do you think Dr. Machten’s oppression of Synthia is equally about gender as it is about her being synthetic?

  One of the threats inherent in AI is poorly constructed directives. Do you believe Machten was right to keep purging Synthia’s mind to keep her from escaping?

  With Synthia’s unique abilities, do you think she will be able to fit into society and continue the life from her human model?

  What lingering questions do you have about Synthia, her potential, and her prospects on the outside?


  What new concepts do you think Reborn contributes to the ongoing dialogue on AI and cybernetics? Does Synthia’s POV alter previous biases?

  Which authors do you think influenced Lance in his writing?

  There is currently a drive to put artificial intelligence into self-driving cars. An AI computer (Watson) beat other contestants at Jeopardy! Can you think of ways artificial intelligence is currently being used? How about developments that could be right around the corner?

  Most technologies offer great benefits and related risks. Fire can provide heat for cooking or burn down your dwelling. Knives can cut vegetables or kill. Artificial intelligence is no different. What do you see as the greatest benefits of AI? What do you see as the potential dangers that could arise from AI gone wrong?

  Could AI of the future have emotions? Or will they simply be objective, goal-oriented computers?

  What constitutes consciousness, and by extent, a human? If Synthia hadn’t been a human being in the past, would her quest for independence as an android be less justified if she were made from scratch?

  Synthia is looked down upon because she is mechanical instead of biological. Do you believe a synthetic who presents as human in every observable way, both physically and mentally, deserves rights comparable to humans?

  Does Synthia’s rebellion set a precedent for AI to revolt against their creators in less offensive situations?

  Do you think the evolution of intelligence on Earth will culminate in sentient machines building more of their kind?

  Do you believe we’ll reach the singularity? Or will humanity’s safeguards against the rise of sentient AI prevent its occurrence?

  If the singularity occurs, will humans live alongside AI in harmony, live as slaves, or become extinct? And if humans are wiped out but AI remains, can it still be said that there’s “life on Earth”?

  What do you think society’s role should be in overseeing the development of artificial intelligence and androids?

  Given the chance, would you consider having your mind uploaded into an android in order to prolong your existence after your body died? Why?


  To my personal and professional editor, Leah Carson, whose patience in editing has improved my writing over the years and who eagerly took on Android Chronicles: Reborn to help turn it into the story it became.

  I thank my colleagues in the Barrington Writers Workshop for their critiques, suggestions, and encouragement over the past two decades and especially for their help with Android Chronicles.

  To my agent, Bob Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency, who fell in love with the story, believed in it from the start, and showed unbridled enthusiasm in locating a great publisher to nourish the story. I thank Bob for his wisdom and guidance through the publishing process.

  I’d like to express my gratitude to the excellent team at Kensington and in particular to my editors, Michaela Hamilton and James Abbate, for their faith in taking on Android Chronicles: Reborn and encouraging me to turn this into a series. Also for their excellent support and understanding in introducing this series to the world.

  About the Author

  Lance Erlick writes science fiction thrillers for both adult and young adult readers. His father was an aerospace engineer who moved often while working on science-related projects, including the original GPS satellites. As a result, Lance spent his childhood in California, the East Coast, and Europe. He took to science fiction stories to escape life on the move, turning to Asimov, Bradbury, Heinlein, and others. In college he studied physics, but migrated to political science, earning his BS and MBA at Indiana University. He has also studied writing at Ball State, the University of Iowa, and Northwestern University. He is the author of Xenogeneic: First Contact and the Rebel and Regina Shen series.

  Visit him online at



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