Lost Memories (Forbidden Romance)

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Lost Memories (Forbidden Romance) Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  “Do you… do you want to walk home after school today?” he asked. “I want to talk to you some more, if that’s okay.”

  Emma smiled, her entire face coming alive, almost glowing.

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “That sounds perfect, Ben.”


  Science class felt much the same to Ben as History had earlier that day. There was too much going on for him to focus on what the teacher was saying, or the notes he was supposed to be taking, or his homework. His mind was only on Emma.

  I don’t know what to make of her. Should I just go with it, or keep my distance?

  Luckily, nobody paid overly much attention to him, and Ben was able to make it through the class without being put on the spot or called up to the board. His next class was PE, and it was only on his way to the gym that he realized what lay in store for him.

  Fuck, Cliff is in the same PE block as me.

  Emerald High had only two small locker rooms, one for the boys, and one for the girls. When Ben reached the locker area, he could hear Cliff’s voice before he’d even rounded the corner.

  “We’re playing dodgeball today, and he’s going to feel my wrath.” There were echoes of agreement from the other boys after every word Cliff said. “The next time I see that bitch, she’s going to pay, too. Maybe I’ll get Tiffany to slap her up.”

  Ben suppressed the rage he felt and waited for the room to clear out before heading in to change. His body felt hot and tense, as though he was on his way to a boxing match as one of the competitors.

  It’s one thing to mess with me, but Emma’s not even a day in as a student here.

  He pulled on his shorts and his tank top, threw his clothes back into his locker, and then hurried out into the gym. Mr. Alexander, the gym teacher, was just finishing up with roll.

  “Mr. Faye, right on time as usual,” he said. “We’re playing dodgeball from start to finish. You’re on the blue team.”

  He threw Ben a mesh jersey and pointed over to one side of the gym. Ben jogged over, noticing that Cliff and most of his friends were on the other team.

  This could get interesting.

  “Alright, you boys know the rules.” Mr. Alexander had a rather quiet voice but made up for it with the whistle around his neck, blowing it to capture the class’s attention when he needed to. “You get hit by a ball thrown by the other team, you’re out. You try to catch a ball thrown at you and drop it, you’re out. You catch a ball they throw, they’re out. No headshots and no crossing the center line.”

  The gym teacher blew his whistle. All of the balls were lined up across the center line of the gym, and most of the players on both teams rushed to grab them. Ben smiled and waited in back, watching and almost enjoying the special attention Cliff was throwing his way in the form of stares and glares.

  You’re so used to getting whatever you want. It feels good to see you this way.

  The first few volleys between the two teams resulted in equal casualties. Ben focused more on playing defensively, catching the easy throws sent his way and passing them off to his teammates. Cliff threw an inordinate amount of shots at him, and most of them were too fast for him to do anything with other than dodge.

  “Pussy!” yelled Cliff. “Come on bro, square off with me right here, upfront.”

  Ben ignored all of his jeers and let the game play out naturally. His team had fewer athletic players and before too long it was down to him and two other kids. He was surprised a little by his own agility, but didn’t let his guard down.

  “We got them now!” yelled Cliff. “We can just wait it out, wait for them to get desperate, and then take them out.”

  Ben’s head throbbed, and for a second, he wasn’t in the gym anymore.

  “Give it up, Brandon! You can’t just wait it out, we know how desperate you-“

  Ben suddenly punched his fist forward into the thin air of the gym. His face was covered in cold sweat, and he was panting as though he’d just run a marathon.

  “He’s zoning out!” yelled Cliff. “Now’s our chance!”

  Two balls flew in Ben’s direction. He wasn’t facing the right side of the gym, but he whirled and felt slow down. The first one he caught easily, and the second he dove into a roll to avoid.

  As he stood up, he let the new ball in his hand fly forward with all the strength he could muster for a throw. He was near the center line, and the ball was moving so fast that Cliff had no time to do anything other than gape as it sped towards him.

  It hit the wrestler in the face, right between the eyes, and he stumbled back in a daze. The ball wasn’t big enough to do any real damage, but a trickle of blood ran down from his nose and Ben could tell that he was holding back involuntary tears of pain. Mr. Alexander blew his whistle.

  “You’re out, Ben,” he said in his loudest voice. “I said no headshots.”

  Fair enough.

  Ben headed for the area where all of the other eliminated players were gathered and then walked right by it. He headed into the locker room with something akin to a mixture of adrenaline and nostalgia coursing through his veins and began to splash water from the sink onto his face.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  To avoid having to endure Cliff’s wrath, Ben changed and left PE a little early. It was the last period of the day, and after dropping his unneeded books off at his locker, he headed outside the school to wait for Emma. The bell rang right as he was sitting down on one of the benches in the school’s front yard.

  Dozens of students from all grades streamed out the front door and rushed over to the buses. Ben let his mind go blank as he watched them go. His day had been too confusing for him to know what to do with it.

  He continued to wait as the minutes went by, with no sign of Emma. After all of the busses had left the school’s parking lot, and the activity in the building had died down, Ben stood up and stretched his arms.

  “Ben!” Danny’s voice caught his ear as he started back towards the school’s front door. “You waited for me! Now that is what I call friendship.”

  Ben smiled.

  “Actually, I’m uh… I’m waiting for a new friend I made today. She just moved here.”

  The surprised look that Danny shot back at him was worth its weight in gold.

  “No kidding? It’s not the blond haired girl, is it?” he asked. “I mean, it can’t be? She is…”

  As he spoke, Ben watched Emma walking up behind his friend. He started to say something, but Danny continued before he could.

  “She is the hottest girl I’ve ever seen, seriously,” he said. “Oh my god, the things I would do to her, Ben. It must be some other new girl because the one I saw, the one everyone was talking about today looked like she was hot enough to be a porn-“

  “Uh, hi.” Emma’s face was bright red with embarrassment, and she turned one of her feet against the ground as though she was trying to dig a hole to escape into. Danny turned around and then jumped back in shock.

  “Oh my god!” He coughed into his hand and began to blush along with her. “I, I was just talking about… uh, my cousin! Yeah, that’s it.”

  “I’ll see you later, Danny,” said Ben. “Actually, hit me up later tonight.”

  Danny nodded, and then took off towards the street at a jog.

  “I’m glad you waited for me.” Emma reached her hand out and set it on his shoulder, a flirtatious gleam twinkling in her eyes. “A couple of girls got a little overzealous in trying to work me into the school’s social scene. I had to make a break for it when they started talking about setting me up on a date with one of the football players.”

  Ben watched her, not really what sure to make of the comment. She took a step in closer to him and suddenly the only thing he could think about was the flowery scent of her perfume.

  “You said no?” he asked. Emma just smiled at him.

  “Of course I said no, Ben.” She pulled a couple of strands of hair out of her face and then pushed her chest forward to
wards him, almost like she was trying to put her large breasts on display.

  “Uh, okay,” said Ben. “I can walk you home if you want?”

  Emma nodded and then looped her arm through his without saying a word. Ben couldn’t stop his heart from beating wildly in his chest. Danny had expressed what he thought of her in a pretty crude way, but he couldn’t deny the truth of what his friend had said. Emma was sexy and gorgeous, far beyond any girl that would usually give him the time of day.

  Why is she so interested in me? And what was the deal with that kiss?

  The two of them had walked for a minute in comfortable silence before Ben found his voice again. He turned towards her, watching as brown and red colored leaves dropped off trees on either side of the road.

  “Emma…” he said. “I’m not quite sure what to make of you.”

  He wanted to ask her why, just why it was that she was so keen on him, out of all the guys at the school. The question itself felt a little too blunt to say out loud. Before he could formulate it further, Emma turned to him and caught his eye for a moment.

  “What to make of me? Hmmm, I guess I owe you that one.” She stopped walking for a second and pushed herself into close contact with him, letting her breasts rub against Ben’s shoulder and instantly turning him on. “I must seem so mysterious and strange to you. Is that what you think of me, Ben?”

  Ben opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Emma grabbed his hand and pulled him off through the trees. There was a forested park near Emerald High and the two of them cut through the back of it.

  “Is this the way to your house, or something?” he asked. Emma just giggled and caught a leaf as it blew by with her free hand.

  “Just follow me, Ben,” she said. “Today has been such an amazing day. Let’s just enjoy it.”

  She continued pulling him until they reached a small, empty clearing in the midst of the trees. The ground was coated with fallen leaves, and the branches formed a canopy overhead that shaded them from the sun. They were hidden from the rest of the park, and Ben could tell from the way Emma looked at him that it was exactly what she wanted.

  “Emma…” he said softly. She stepped in close to him again and let her hand linger on his chest before leaning in and kissing him.

  Unlike the kiss in the cafeteria, Ben was ready for it this time. He let his hands rest on her waist as he kissed her back. Emma’s body came alive as their lips locked, and she hugged Ben in close to her, pulling back only after they’d tasted each other for a long moment.

  She let out a girlish laugh and then sat down on the leaf carpeted ground, pulling Ben on top of her. He kissed her again, feeling his body begin to respond to the attractive girl with eager desire.

  I’ve never done this before… have I?

  Ben had never been much of a ladies man, at least not in the four years he could remember, at Emerald High. But somehow, the experience of kissing Emma, of feeling her breasts push against him, and her hand slowly slipping down and cupping his crotch, it all felt new but totally natural at the same time.

  “Ben,” whispered Emma. “I…”

  What the hell is going on?

  There was no time for him to second guess the moment. Emma pulled her blouse up and over her head, revealing her big, perfect breasts, clad only in a cute pink bra that only barely kept them contained.

  She kissed Ben’s neck and let her hands unzip his jeans with deft movements. Ben groped at her breasts in disbelief. More than he ever had before, Ben wanted her. There was an aura of intrigue surrounding Emma, but at that moment, his horniness outweighed all of his concerns.

  After another second or two of fumbling, Emma had his pants down and his cock out through the flap of his boxers. Her touch was like erotic fire on his erect member, causing him to shiver with pleasure as her finger explored every inch of him.

  “You need this, Ben,” whispered Emma. “It’s been so long.”

  Her words didn’t make sense to him, but he didn’t care. Ben kissed Emma again and got his hand down her pants, unbuttoning her tight jeans to make a little more room in her panties. He found her slit with his fingers, already wet with excitement, and slowly began to run them up and down.

  It was all new to him, but his body knew what to do. Emma let out a small moan and continued jerking him off with tender, incredibly pleasurable movements. Ben was kissing her neck and probing into her pussy with the tip of one of his fingers.

  It felt so good, and so new. Ben realized that there was an entire world of pleasure that he’d never had the chance to explore. His lack of experience didn’t feel like much of a hindrance, and he began to move his hips up in time with Emma’s gentle pumps on his cock.

  Her hand gripped his throbbing hard on with soft tenderness, as though it was a spirited animal that she was trying to pet. She rubbed up and down, over and over again, and Ben felt powerful, animalistic forces take hold of him.

  “Emma…” Ben locked eyes with her and saw something in them that he didn’t understand. He could feel the lust in his own heart, but Emma’s eyes were betraying the truth of what was in hers. It was something beyond that, something much more intense and powerful.

  His hand against her pussy was clumsy, but Emma didn’t seem to mind. Each time he would slip one of his fingers down into her opening, feeling the warmth and wetness of her pussy and sweet juices, Emma would reciprocate by giving his cock a special squeeze.

  This is unreal. If I’m dreaming, I don’t want to wake up.

  “Oh, Ben!” Emma moaned and began to writhe underneath Ben’s inexperienced, but eager finger movements against her clit. “Yes, oh, Ben!”

  She tensed up and began to pump her hand faster on his cock, even as her body began to relax and melt under his touch.

  Something was building in Ben’s crotch that was different from anything he had felt before. Even his experiences with porn, and horny teenage masturbation couldn’t compare to it. His cock felt like a bomb that was about to go off, a bomb loaded with bliss and sexual fulfillment.

  It was suddenly very hard for him to catch his own breath. Emma had reached a fevered pace, pumping his cock as though it was craft project, and required her to keep stroking and squeezing. Her hand felt so good, the hand of a beautiful girl, the gentle, soft hand of a mysterious angel of seduction.

  “Emma!” Overwhelming pleasure ripped through Ben’s body, and he forced his hips forward as his cock began to spray its load. His seed splashed out onto the leaves without remorse. Emma rested her head on his chest and continued pumping with her hand as he came, milking every last drop out of him.

  The two of them lay together in the forest for several long minutes. Ben was the first to sit up, and he slowly began to make himself decent. After a minute, Emma did the same in her own girlish, modest way. Her hair was a little messy, but it gave her playful, almost wild look, one that made her look even more attractive.

  “Wow…” said Ben. “I wasn’t really expecting…”

  “Ben,” said Emma. “I came here to Emerald Hills because of you. I came here to find you.”

  She came here to find me? What the hell?

  “I’m sorry, what are you talking about?” Ben slowly stood up and brushed a leaf off his back. Emma was sitting on the ground, looking up at him with that same, intense look.

  “You don’t remember anything,” she said slowly. “I’m not sure if you understand just how much that hurts, for you to not remember.”

  “You… you knew me?” Ben blinked at her and felt his heart skip a beat. “Emma, you knew me before? Do you know who I am?”

  “I know exactly who you are, Ben,” whispered Emma. “I just wish you could say the same about me.”

  She stood up and kissed him softly on the lips. When she pulled back, Ben could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. He reached for her, to pull her against him, to hold her close, to hold everything he felt like he needed at that moment close, but she stepped back.

  “I hav
e to get home,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ben.”

  “Emma, wait!” Ben started after her as she sprinted off. He was in too much of a rush to notice the tree branch in front of his foot, and tumbled forward to the ground before he’d made it a single step. When he looked back up, she had already disappeared into the trees.

  Who the hell am I?


  The walk back to Rachel’s house took longer than it ever had before. Ben was brimming with something, not happiness or excitement, but rather, immense, unbridled anticipation. There was so much that he’d be able to find out, but it was all locked away in the form of Emma.

  I need to talk to Rachel about this.

  Rachel had been there for Ben since day one, the beginning of what he remembered. She understood why it was so hard for him to let his guard down, and why he needed so much time on his own. She was the rock in Ben’s life, and in a way, he’d become the rock in hers.

  It had taken both of them some time to adjust to each other, and their relationship was still in flux. By the time Ben had gotten settled at Rachel’s, he was well into his teenage years. His newly mature body, along with his hormones, had made things always feel electrified between them, almost like they were actors playing the roles of mother and son.

  “Rachel?” called Ben as he slipped in through the front door. “I’m home.”

  Ben saw her turned away from him in the kitchen. He sighed and slipped off his shoes, feeling mentally fatigued by everything that had happened that day.

  “Hey Ben,” said Rachel. “I’m making steak for dinner. I thought since I’m home early for once, I could go all out, and we could eat at the table.”

  “Rachel…” Ben walked over to the entranceway to the kitchen and leaned against the door. “I met someone today.”

  “I could use a marinade, or a steak rub,” said Rachel. “Which do you think would be-“

  “Rach, there’s a girl that knows me at school,” he said. “From before.”

  Rachel did a double take, looking up from her cooking at Ben, down to what she was doing, and then back up at him again.


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