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Lost Memories (Forbidden Romance)

Page 13

by Anya Merchant

  "Lenka..." Ben watched as she slowly opened her robe, revealing her soft, mature body. Her breasts were big, and though they sagged a little, they still looked shockingly good.

  "Shhhhh..." whispered Lenka. "You're back now, Brandon. You're one of us again."

  She slowly pushed her body up against Ben's and slid down, towards the floor. She paused as her hands reached the button on his jeans, undoing it and unzipping them as she pulled them down.

  Ben felt his cock responding to her movements with a will of its own. He remembered seeing Lenka as both a mother and a woman, but only in faint, fading memories. She wrapped her hand around his member, and Ben let out a soft moan.

  I can't get distracted. I have to do it if I'm going to save Rachel.

  "Just relax, Brandon," whispered Lenka. "This is something I've dreamed of doing with you for a very long time."

  It was hard for Ben to not feel a little aroused as Lenka took her lips to his member and slowly began to suck. He remembered both sides of her, the frightening boss of The Syndicate, and the soft, loving mother figure. In both instances, he never could have imagined her ever doing something like what she was doing now.

  Her tongue was soft and wet, and she moved it across the skin of Ben's dick with swift, balanced flicks. His heart was beating out of his chest, and he could feel an orgasm building in his crotch almost immediately after she started.

  There was something almost unnervingly comforting about watching her work his rod back and forth. Part of him wanted to give into it, to let her just keep going, and to forget about all of the horrible things that had happened to him, the things that were still happening.

  And then he thought of Rachel, and her unconditional, motherly love.

  I need to focus. Her guard is down, I have to go now!

  Lenka was still sucking Ben's dick enthusiastically when she saw the look he had in his eyes. She paused, staring up at him and pulling his cock out of her mouth with a pop as she frowned.

  "Brandon... why are you looking at me like-"

  Ben kicked his foot up, catching her square in the jaw from where she was, crouched down in front of the bed. The blow merely stunned Lenka, but before she could react any further, he kicked again, hard, hitting her in the temple and knocking her out.

  Lenka fell to the ground in a heap. Ben hurried to the door and stood directly behind it, straining his ears to hear the approach of footsteps.

  "Lenka? Are you okay in there?" Kate Connor's voice came through the door, which opened a second later. She quickly moved over to Lenka's body, forgetting about Ben just as he'd hoped that she would.

  He was on her in a second, grabbing the pistol and twisting it out of Kate's hand. Kate screamed, but she was caught by surprise, and could do little to stop him.

  "Wait!" said Kate. She held her hands up defensively. "You don't have to kill me! I'll let you go!"

  Images of people flashed through Ben's mind’s eye. He recognized some of them, the man from the cell, the boy from the pit, and was mystified by others. He knew deep down that they all had one thing in common. Their blood was on his hands.

  "I'm not a killer," said Ben softly. "Not anymore."

  He drew the pistol back and slammed the butt of it into Kate's head. She dropped like a sack of potatoes, right next to where Lenka lay on the ground. Ben didn't waste any time and rushed down the familiar stairs and into the living room.

  Rachel was on the couch, with her hands duct-taped behind her back. Ben rushed over, helping her up and pulling her hands loose. She looked shaken up, but other than a bruise on her cheek and eyes sore from crying, it didn’t appear too bad.

  “Ben...” she said. “You saved me.”

  He smiled at her.

  “I’m just returning the favor.”


  "Where am I?"

  He lifted his head up and did his best to look around. The room he was in was antiseptic white, clearly a hospital of some kind. A man stood against one of the walls, tall and wearing a long doctor's coat that was slightly too small for him. A beautiful woman sat in a chair right next to his bed, staring at him with worried, curious eyes.

  "You're in the hospital, young man," said the doctor. "You washed up early this morning. I can't imagine that swimming out in yesterday's storm was your first choice of things to be doing."

  "I..." The boy searched his memory. "I don't know."

  "What's your name?" It was the first time that he'd heard the woman's voice. It was beautiful, like a clear bell on a warm spring morning.

  "I..." His head hurt, worse than any headache. "I... don't know."

  "Amnesia," said the doctor. "Most likely you knocked your head on one of the rocks on your way down. It's probably only temporary."

  The woman looked as though she was taking the doctor's diagnosis much more seriously than the boy. She took the boy's hand into her own and gave it a tiny squeeze.

  "It's going to be okay," whispered the woman. "My name's Rachel. I'm the one who found you. I'll keep you company until you remember who you are, okay?"

  The boy slowly nodded.

  "My name..." he said softly. "I think it starts with a B."

  The woman smiled and kissed his hand.

  "Was it Ben?"

  The boy smiled back and slowly nodded. He wasn't sure, but more than anything, he wanted that to be his name. He liked seeing her smile.



  The hotel room was much cleaner than what Ben had been expecting, but also much smaller. The two of them had seen worse over the past couple of days, and as usual, just having a spot to rest made him feel a sense of peace and relaxation.

  Ben walked in and set his bag down inside the door, happy to be free of the weight of the supplies and clothes they'd bought in their rush out of Emerald Hills.

  "Compared to the one we stayed at last night, it doesn't look so bad." He turned and smiled at Rachel, who nodded to him and took a seat on the bad.

  "Yeah," she said. "It’ll do."

  Ben opened up the curtains and peered out into the parking lot. It was the middle of the night, and the car that they had rented was the only one that he could see nearby. He wondered just how long it would be before they were in a place to return it.

  “Maybe we can stay here for two nights, instead of just one?”

  "Ben, we have to keep running." Rachel had walked up behind him and begun massaging his shoulders. "They aren't going to just give up. At least for now, we have to keep moving. We can settle down once we're sure that we've found somewhere safe.

  "I know. I'm sorry."

  Rachel gave both of his shoulders a light squeeze.

  "Don't be, it's not your fault." She slowly turned Ben around so that he was facing her and then gave him a light, loving kiss on the forehead. "I would do a lot more than just go on the run for you, sweetie."

  How much more can I ask her to do? Emma would have done anything for me, and look how things worked out for her.

  Rachel looked as though she could read Ben's mind. She took his head into her arms and brought his cheek to her soft bosom, running one of her hands through his hair.

  "It's not your fault, Ben," she whispered. "None of this is your fault. You left your old life behind. You were a new person when it all caught up with you. It's not your fault."

  "Rachel..." He wanted to argue with her, but her embrace was so warm and so loving that all he could do was give himself over to it.

  "Come on honey, we should get some sleep." Rachel let go of him and walked over to the bed. Slowly and unabashedly, she began stripping off her clothes, letting her sweatpants and t-shirt fall to the floor.

  Ben couldn't resist drinking in the sight of her in half naked body, her dark gray bra and panties only covering just enough flesh to keep from being irresistibly seductive. Rachel's body was more attractive to him now than it had ever been before. It represented something, but he couldn't quite understand what. It was similar to how he felt about
what Lenka had been, both a mother and something more.

  "Come on," whispered Rachel. "There's only one bed and it doesn't look like there is a cot underneath. We'll have to share."

  In all of the other hotels and motels that the two of them had stayed at, Ben had insisted in keeping their sleeping arrangements separate. They hadn't shared any of the beds, and he'd been so grateful for it. He felt closer to Rachel than he'd ever felt before, but along with that closeness came a strange feeling of tension.

  "What are you so afraid of, Ben?"

  I'm afraid of change. I'm afraid of what I want. Rachel... I'm afraid of you.

  He let out a defeated sigh, turned off the lights, and then slowly made his way over to the bed. Even as he started to take his shirt and jeans off, he could feel his cock rustling to life. He hunched over awkwardly as he pulled down his pants, doing his best to keep the half-formed lump between his legs from poking out in front of Rachel's face.

  "The covers are soft," she whispered. "Climb on under."

  Ben lifted up the blankets as Rachel slid over to make room for him. The bed wasn't huge, only just barely big enough for two people, and he could feel the heat coming off her body, and smell her soft perfume.

  "There you go," whispered Rachel. "You've been so nervous around me lately."

  Ben turned in the bed so that he was facing her. Rachel's silhouette was just as beautiful as she was, busty and with long, sensual hair.

  "We've been on the run," said Ben. "We don't know who is following us, or how far behind they are."

  "That's not what I mean, and you know it." Rachel reached one of her hands over and let it come to a rest on Ben's chest, sending a hot pulse through his body. "You've been so against the two of us sharing a bed, and you've kept yourself at such a long distance."

  "Rachel, I'm just..." Ben trailed off as he tried to find the words he was looking for.

  "Shhhhh..." Rachel's hand moved from his chest, down his stomach, coming to a rest on his semi-erect cock. "This is what I mean."

  "Ohhhh, Rachel." Ben let out a moan that was a long time in the making. He wanted her to touch him so badly, but at the same time it felt so wrong.

  She's like a mother to me...

  "Just relax, Ben," whispered Rachel. "I know you want this, too. We can both have it... together."

  She slowly began to pump her hand up and down Ben's girth. It had been days since he'd last gotten off, and his cock was excited and ready even as his mind still struggled with the conflict.

  "We're both adults," she whispered. "Don't think of me as a parent, Ben. Think of me as who I am - Rachel."

  Hearing her directly address that one thing, the elephant in the room, made Ben's cock begin to throb with illicit, forbidden pleasure.

  She is Rachel, the same woman who took me in from the hospital, and helped me get back on my feet. I was just a boy back then...

  "Rach..." Ben could feel her breath on his neck, hot and humid. He heard the blankets rustle as she shifted in the bed, moving one of her thighs over as she shifted to straddle him.

  "Ben..." whispered Rachel. "Don't you want to feel all of what I have to offer you?"

  Ben paused for a moment before nodding, feeling his heart being pulled in two very different directions. It was dark in the room, but he could still see what she was doing as she pulled the fabric of her panties to the side and lowered herself down.

  "Oh god..." moaned Ben. The head of his cock probed at Rachel's warm entrance, hovering on the precipice of entering the ultimate forbidden territory. She was the woman who'd taken him in, taken care of him, and now the two of them were meeting again for the first time, as adults, man and woman.

  "Shhhh, it's okay, honey." Rachel let out a moan of her own as she started to lower herself down, her juices dripping onto Ben's rod as she went.

  This is so wrong... isn't it?

  The feeling was indescribable. Rachel's cunt was wet and ready for him, but it still took a bit of coaxing to slide Ben's cock into it. She dropped fractions of inch lower at a time, engulfing Ben slowly and sending insane pleasure coursing through his body.

  Ben grabbed at her breasts with his hands. They were soft, and after a moment he deliriously unhooked her bra, fumbling wildly with the clasp in a rush to free Rachel's boobs and feel the flesh of them up close.

  The bra came down, and Ben began to grope at her chest just as Rachel began to move her hips back and forth. The two of them were connecting in a way that neither of them would have ever imagined possible.

  It felt as though all of the shame and embarrassment that Ben harbored over who he was and the nature of the relationship he shared with Rachel was transfigured. All that mattered was pleasure, and love. All that mattered was how they felt for each other, and how they chose to express it.

  "Oh god, sweetie!" Rachel moaned and let herself drop the rest of the way down, sheathing Ben's cock completely inside her pussy.

  She's taken all of me in. I'm really doing it. I'm fucking Rachel.

  Ben set his hands on her waist and slowly began to help her up and down. The two moved slowly at first, with cautious movements, as though they were slipping their toes into a cold lake. But the water was warm, so warm, and it pulled them into its depths with a magnetic attraction.

  Rachel cupped Ben's cheek with her hand. He felt his face heat up and was glad for the darkness of the room. She had touched his cheek so many times in that same way over the years. It was a sweet gesture, a sharp contrast to the lustful lovemaking that was happening with the rest of their bodies.

  "I love you, Ben," whispered Rachel. "I just want to take care of you."

  He could hear the truth in her words, and for some reason, it made him feel aroused almost to the point of sickness. Ben used all of his arm strength to begin bouncing her up and down on his shaft, listening to the tiny, lewd noises that would escape her lips with every thrust.

  "Rachel," whispered Ben. "I... I love you, too."

  Those words had always been so difficult for him to say. It had been weird with Rachel when he'd first settled in with her, and it was weirder than ever now that their relationship was twisting into something new. But through the weirdness, through the perverse pleasure, he could still see how he felt and what they had.

  They began to move faster, fucking with furious speed and caressing each other's bodies as they went. Ben licked and sucked on Rachel's nipples, and she ran her hands through his hair in the same motherly way that she'd always had. The two of them began to cry out in unison, feeling each other from the inside out.

  "Oh god, Ben!" Rachel pulled his head tight against her chest as her body began to tense up. Ben was right there with her and felt as though a bomb was going off inside of him as his cock began to blast out strings of sticky cum deep inside of her.

  It was beyond any orgasm he'd ever experienced before, beyond anything he'd thought possible. He had just fucked Rachel, the only woman in his life who had ever truly loved him like a son, and his body was shocked by the unbelievable pleasure of it.

  The two of them breathed in rhythm, clutching each other tightly for several long minutes of afterglow. Even after Rachel had slid off him, back to her side of the bed, she still pulled Ben up against her bosom, into a cuddle.

  "I don't mind running," whispered Ben. "As long as you're with me, Rachel, I don't mind."

  She caressed his hair and kissed him on the forehead.

  "I'll always be here with you Ben," she said. "I took you in, and I'll keep you safe."

  Ben suddenly thought of Emma and what had happened right before she'd taken her life.

  She loved me, too. But the way she chose to express it, the choice she made in the end, it was completely different.

  Ben kissed the space in between Rachel's breasts and then buried his head against her. He felt sleep approaching, and for the first time in over a week, he welcomed it with open arms.


  If you enjoyed this story, please leave a review! Th
e rest of the series is on the way, check it out here on Amazon. Also, click here to sign up for my mailing list to hear about the next one, and check out my Tumblr for free erotica and images. For a free excerpt from another one of my books, skip to the very back.

  Thanks for reading!

  Anya Merchant

  For other stories by the same author, check out

  Off-Limits MILF Mega Collection (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Illicit Inheritance (Taboo Erotica)

  Temptation Island (Taboo Erotica)

  Forbidden Fire (Taboo Erotica)

  EI: Erotic Intelligence (Taboo Erotica)

  Hotel Desire (Taboo Erotica)

  Depths of Desire (Taboo Erotica)

  The Ritual (Taboo Erotica)

  Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

  Taboo MILF Mega Collection (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Woman of the House (Taboo Erotica Collection)



  Leon still had a hangover from the night before. It was hard for him to shake it off, and made even harder by the rough waves and bouncing of the speed boat. He sat in the back of it, watching the driver shoot the craft forward across the open ocean as though he was in some type of movie chase scene.

  “Yeah, we got lucky with the weather today,” said the man sitting next to him. He had been Leon’s escort ever since they had debarked from the small, remote Polynesian island which he had been flown out to the day before.

  Leon didn’t say anything. The man was loud, brutish, and had a case of body odor that seemed to make his headache flare up every time he caught a whiff of it.

  “The captain wouldn’t tell me why we were bringing you out, least you could do is speak up, boy,” said the man. “It’s pretty rude to take a free ride without respecting your elders.”


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