Book Read Free

Marshal Law

Page 6

by Kris Norris

  He smiled. “God, I love the way you say my name.”

  “What did I tell you? Dangerous.”

  Her eyes drifted shut, but he gave her shoulder a firm shake.

  “No, no, McKenna. I need you to keep your eyes open. We need to talk.”

  A frown marred her luscious lips as she looked up at him, her eyes barely open. “Tired.”

  “I know, but Ethan and I need to ask you something. It’s important.”

  Her gaze narrowed as she seemed to look between the two men. “I don’t think I’m going to—”

  He stopped her with a finger over her lips. “You’re going to make it. But you need help. We can help you. Give your body a boost, if you’ll let us.”

  “H…h…how?’ Her jaw clenched from obvious pain, stuttering the words.

  “There’s no time to ease you into this so I’ll just say it. I know you’ve felt the pull between us. The need.”

  Her eyes widened. “You two f…feel like that, too?”

  “More than you know. And there’s a reason it’s happening now…with you. You’re our mate. Normally, we’d wait to tell you this, but…” He cupped her face with both hands. “If we bond with you, it could save your life. But we need to know you feel the same. That you want this.”

  McKenna blinked a few more times, looking at both of them. “Mate? But that means…” Her voice faded as she moaned.

  “We know what it means. The question is…do you?”

  She nodded, hissing out a sharp breath. “Damn.”

  “Please. McKenna. Let us help you. We can work everything out once you’re stronger. I promise. We won’t rush you. As long as it takes, just…” He brushed his mouth across hers, giving her a ghosted kiss. “I’m begging you…let us save you.”

  Ethan moved in behind him, leaning over McKenna. “Just one word, sweetheart. I think you know we’d never hurt you. Quite the contrary, really.”

  She pursed her lips then visibly relaxed, eyes drifting shut again. “Yes.”

  Relief washed over Jude as the single word seemed to echo through the room, finally settling in his chest. He glanced at Ethan, noting the man’s guarded smile. They may have gotten the opportunity to test their theory, but he knew his friend was worried it wouldn’t be enough. Hell, Jude didn’t know, either, but he wasn’t about to pass up what could be their only salvation. And it wasn’t just healing her wounds he was talking about.

  Ethan’s hand landed on his shoulder. “You heard the lady. Just…”

  Jude nodded. He knew what Ethan was trying to say. “She’s going to be fine.”

  “Of course she is. You ready?”

  “Guess we’ll find out.”

  Jude shuffled forward, tucking her hair off to the side as his wolf surged forward. Her pale flesh gleamed in the lamplight as he dropped his mouth to the soft hollow where her shoulder threaded into her neck. He gave her skin a tentative lick, the subtle taste spiking his need. He closed his eyes, allowing his wolf complete control as he locked onto her muscle, his canines breaking the skin. McKenna sucked in a hard breath, arching upwards as a guttural moan escaped her lips. The sound made his wolf howl, and he drew back with a light flick of his tongue.

  Ethan leaned in on her other side, mimicking Jude’s actions, groaning as his mouth pressed against her skin. McKenna arched again, this time rasping their names before collapsing, a hint of a smile curving her lips. Jude closed his eyes, feeling her heartbeat echo in his head. Already he sensed her presence stronger than he had moments before, and he knew he’d spend the rest of his life proving her decision hadn’t been misjudged. That they could be the men she needed them to be. That they wanted to be.

  Ethan patted his shoulder again, looking more than a little confused. “Why don’t you rest? You’ve been watching her for hours. And there’s nothing more we can do until she wakes up. And she will…wake up. I…feel it.”

  Jude laughed. “You okay? With that? With this? I know you weren’t convinced about the entire mate concept.”

  Ethan sighed. “Guess our little gunslinger changed my mind. Now go lay beside our girl. I’ll sit in the chair…for now.”

  Jude smiled his thanks, climbing over to the other side of the bed, careful to give McKenna plenty of room. The last she needed was for him to knock her. But just being this close…

  His wolf settled for the first time since he’d walked into the saloon, content in just being close to its mate. He studied her face, wondering if he’d ever tire of staring at her face.


  He let the thought linger, closing his eyes, listening to the steady whisper of her breath. Their bond was gaining strength. He just prayed it’d be enough to save her. It had to be enough.

  Chapter Five

  McKenna sucked in a sharp breath as she opened her eyes, awareness tingling down her spine. The old homestead room blurred into view, the light streaming in through the window harshly bright. She vaguely remembered waking in the night only to pass out again from the burning sensation in her side. But the deep, stabbing pain had eased, more of a dull ache than the incessant throbbing from before. A strange thrumming sounded in her head, almost as if there were twin heartbeats echoing inside her mind.

  She took a chance and shifted her gaze when Ethan and Jude’s combined scent hit her. Spicy and hot, it prickled goose bumps along her flesh, making the room dip once before equalizing. Memories flickered like ghosted images in her head, purging what little breath she had from her chest—Jude trying to stem the bleeding, the boys talking to her in the night. Their teeth piercing her flesh.

  “Oh, god.”

  McKenna bolted upright, hissing as the sudden movement pulled against her wound. She glanced down, finally noticing Jude sleeping on the far side of the bed. He was still dressed in his pants from the previous night, his chest bare against the scratchy blanket. Desire flooded her system as his eyes blinked open, the blue color reminding her of the sky at sunset, just before the sun burnt the clouds into a deep orange.

  His brow furrowed, his perfect mouth turning down at the edges. “McKenna? Darlin’, you okay?”

  His voice flowed over her like a cleansing rain, soothing something raw inside her. It coiled low in her belly, fluttering it with anticipation as he pushed onto his elbow, staring at her as if he could sense her body’s every reaction.

  She fumbled to get off the bed, her feet hitting the floor just as a set of hands cupped her waist, steadying her as her balance shifted. Her back hit a wall of solid male flesh, his wide shoulders and strong arms encircling her.


  She breathed in his spicy scent, the aroma wrapping around her. She leaned into him, the press of his torso against her back coaxing a low moan from deep inside her chest. The man made her feel sheltered. Safe. She tensed. She hadn’t felt anything since…

  Ethan held her close, his grip gentle. Loving. “Careful, sweetheart. Your wound is still raw and you lost a lot of blood. Your balance is bound to be off. And the last thing you need is to reopen that side or get a new injury.”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder, his body encompassing her entire field of view. Those brown eyes drew her in, crushing anything she might have said into a low growl. Ethan raised his brow at the gravely tone, a knowing smile lifting his mouth.

  “Trust me. We feel the same. But you need more rest.”

  She stared at him, finally shaking some sense back into her head. She took a determined step away, moving to the far wall when he released his hold, his arms falling to his sides. She palmed the rough wood, bracing her weight as she turned to face them, chest heaving, stomach still fluttering. Jude had shuffled off the bed, standing beside Ethan as the two men watched her, similar concerned expressions on their faces.

  God, they were handsome. Jawlines shadowed with growth, hair tousled about their heads, they were the perfect complement to each other. Dark and light. Ethan was slightly taller, his shoulders broader, whereas Jude exuded tightly coiled power, no doubt mimi
cking the streamlined physique of his wolf.


  She’d known there was something different about the two men when she’d first spotted them in the tavern. The flash of red in their eyes she’d thought she’d imagined—it all made sense, now. Though she hadn’t known many in her life, the few she’d met had exuded the same dominating presence.

  Jude cocked his head to the side, a grim smile curving his lips. “We don’t have to be able to read your mind to understand that expression on your face. Do you remember anything from last night?”

  She resisted the lure of his voice, the need that burned in her gut. “Some. I remember getting shot. Ethan carrying me.” She paused, trying to shuffle the images playing in her head. “I remember tellin’ you I wasn’t going to make it.” She stared at each man, noting the flash of pain in their eyes. “I’ve always healed faster than most folk. But this… How is it I’m still breathin’?”

  Ethan’s lips pulled tight, those brown eyes darkening slightly. “We…enhanced your ability.”

  “Enhanced?” She lifted her hand, brushing her fingertips across the muscles at each side of her neck, the faint memory of their teeth grazing her flesh sending shivers along her spine. She took a series of quick breaths, more than aware her efforts didn’t stop the panicky feeling from swelling inside her. She looked them both in the eyes. “You bit me. Both of you.”


  “Do you have any idea what that does?”

  “Stop!” Jude stepped forward, slowly stalking toward her. “We’re intimately aware of the ramifications of mating with you, but—”

  “Mating is for life! God, it’s like marriage only with no option to simply bow out one day.” She shook her head, her vision starting to fade at the edges as her lungs seemed to refuse to draw in enough air. She’d mated—with both men. And judging on her body’s response, she was already completely bound to them.

  Hands gripped her shoulders, the feel of skin-on-skin sending a rush of desire straight to her core. She snapped her gaze upward, pinned by the heat in Jude’s eyes. His wolf had shared that same look when he’d crept out of the shadows and confronted the outlaws.

  He kept his touch firm, but gentle, cupping her flesh when he could have easily clenched. “You need to relax.” A stunning smile claimed his mouth. “And breathe. We’ll explain everything if you calm down enough not to pass out on us.”

  He rubbed his thumbs back and forth along her skin, the easy motion soothing the unsettled feeling coursing through her. She managed a few deep breaths, relaxing as her vision cleared.

  Jude’s smile widened. “That’s our girl. Better?”

  She huffed, backing away from his touch, ignoring the desolate expression on his face and the echoing reaction inside her. “I was until you said ‘our girl’.” She glanced at Ethan when he moved in behind her. “Why…”

  “Besides the obvious, simple fact we’re mates?” Ethan sighed. “You were dying. We didn’t have a choice.”

  “You could have let me die.”

  Anger colored his features as his hands fisted at his sides. “You’re not naïve, sweetheart. You obviously know something about shifters, what with your great-grandmother being one. You know how strong the instinct is to protect one’s mate. Simply watching you die without trying everything within our power wasn’t an option.”

  “How do you know about my family?”

  “You talked a lot last night.”

  Fear ran cold through her veins. God, what else had she told them? She firmed her jaw. “I know that mating is supposed to be a mutual decision.”

  Jude closed in but didn’t touch her. “We asked your permission. You said yes.”

  “I was obviously hallucinating. You should have waited until the fever passed.”

  “The fever was the reason we rushed you. Damn, McKenna, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, you wanted us to help you. Even if that decision was subconscious. Your body recognizes us as your mates.”

  “You two biting me made me your mate.”

  Ethan moved forward, trapping her between them. “That’s a lie, and you know it. Mating is revealed, not made. If you weren’t destined to be ours, nothing would have happened.” His raspy breath feathered across her skin. “And you’d be dead. As it is… Shit, even we’re surprised at the strength of the bond this soon. We’d hoped, but…”

  Jude cupped her chin, drawing her attention. “We know you’re scared. That Bret and Frank did something to you—to your family—that makes you cringe at the slightest physical contact. But that doesn’t negate the fact you belong to us as much as we belong to you. You’re the other half of us. Not sure I can explain it any other way.”

  McKenna closed her eyes, the touch of their hands, the scent of their skin, confirming every word. She fought the urge to nuzzle into Jude’s palm, trying to hold on to the uncertainty swirling inside her head when warm lips brushed across her forehead. She jumped, slamming against Ethan as she stared up at Jude.

  The man frowned, drawing back without moving away. “We’re not like the men that hurt you. We’d never touch you like that. Never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You know that, don’t you?”

  She opened her mouth, but nothing more than a timid murmur made it past the thick feeling in her throat.

  Ethan leaned in over her, his mouth caressing her neck. “We realize this was rushed, and we’ll wait as long as it takes for you to believe in us. A day, a week, a year. We won’t pressure you into our bed. Being mates is about love, about trust, not simply sex.”

  McKenna sighed, allowing Ethan to shoulder some of her weight as her strength waned slightly, enjoying the play of his muscles against her back. “You don’t even know me. Hell, I’m a gunslinger. And you two…you’re marshals. You’re supposed to be taking me in to be sentenced before a judge.”

  Ethan’s growled against her ear, the sound conveying the same warning she’d heard in Jude’s the previous night. “As far as we’re concerned, Bret and Frank Wilson’s actions have justified yours. Hell, the mayor in Ralston only contacted us as a means of getting you to agree to be their damn sheriff. Consider yourself pardoned.”

  “You can’t—”

  “We can and as soon as you’re strong enough to ride, we’ll head to Ralston…make it official. It’s like you said. You didn’t murder those men. You were simply defending yourself. We both saw that last night. And don’t think we missed the fact you were willing to sacrifice your life to save us, not to mention those people in the saloon. A killer wouldn’t have done that.”

  Jude somehow got closer without intimidating her. “As for not knowing you…we know the important things. That you have an honorable heart. That you’re fearless. That your scent, your touch, your smile makes us feel more like men than we ever have.” He trailed a single finger along her jaw. “The rest will come in time. But we don’t have any doubts.”

  The honesty in his voice humbled her, the truth of his statements gleaming in his eyes.

  She took a deep breath, not quite sure how to answer. “I’m not a shifter.”

  “Not important, though you’re closer than you think.”

  “What if I have doubts? I haven’t stayed in one place long enough in the past ten years to make a friend let alone consider a permanent relationship.” She pushed a hand through her hair. “I don’t even know how to let you boys in without wanting to run.”

  Ethan released a slow breath, the whisper of air drawing a low moan from her. “All we’re asking for is some time. A chance. Rest. Heal. Once you’re feelin’ better, we’ll talk some more.”

  “That’s it? You’re going to be content just watchin’ me sleep?”

  Ethan slipped his hands around her waist, tugging her firmer against him. “Make no mistake. If we thought we could tempt you into our bed for more than just sleeping, we would. But we both know you’re not ready. To push you would make us just as guilty as the other men you’ve come across. We h
ave a lifetime together.” His tongue flicked across her nape. “But you’re foolin’ yourself if you think there’s nothing between us…that your desire doesn’t burn as hot and pure as ours. We can smell what we do to you. And sooner or later, you’ll have to address that.”

  Each word sent a tremble of longing through her, and she tilted her head in response, granting him access to where he’d marked her. The rasp of his lips across the small punctures made the room spin, and she reached for him before she’d even realized her legs had buckled. Ethan’s strong arms gathered her close as he covered the short distance to the bed. She looked up at him as he placed her on the mattress, a sinful smile making her heart race. The man was dangerously handsome, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to deny her feelings forever.

  “Jude and I will take turns checkin’ the surrounding area. I’m hopin’ Bret stays put in Tombstone until his brother’s wound heals…that’s if your shot didn’t kill the bastard outright. We should be long gone by the time they come lookin’. But either way, stay put. No going outside until you’re steady.” He pressed a finger against her lips. “And yeah, I know that sounds bossy, but it’s our best course of action until you’re fit and we can get those warrants on you taken care of.” He grinned. “You’re still worth quite a hefty sum to someone should they be able to bring you in.”

  She glanced at Jude as the man stood at the foot of the bed. “Are you boys sure you wouldn’t rather collect that money than wait for me to come to my senses?”

  Jude chuckled. “Trust me, darlin’, it’s tempting. You are all sorts of ornery.” He winked. “But we’ll wait it out, though it’s good to know we have options.”

  The easy teasing soothed the unsettled feeling still swirling in her stomach, and she relaxed back, allowing her eyelids to drift shut. She’d think about mates and love later—once she could stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time. When she’d found a way to tuck her heart back inside, instead of walking around with it exposed. Vulnerable. When she might have a chance at convincing herself she didn’t care.


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