
Home > Other > Uncaged > Page 19
Uncaged Page 19

by Paige Notaro

  “Oh yeah? What’s that one?”

  “To never put you in danger again.”

  He sank into me with a deep kiss. “Right now, you’re the reason I’m getting out of it for good.”

  I nodded, but kept a hand on the gun.

  The wood door creaked open and the coyote came back out, looking bored as ever. I gave up trying to read his face. “Come,” he said.

  Andre stepped up, but the coyote held up a hand and mimed lifting his arms. Andre’s back tensed, but then I saw him remember that he really was unarmed. He went up and the coyote patted him from armpit to knee. My heart raced as I stepped up, but the Coyote just waved me on.

  My heartbeat didn’t slow any. I was being let through without a weapon check. They trusted me? Or they were worried about Andre?

  The pane of light from the open shack shifted. Someone else was inside. A guard for this side of the tunnel? Why would anyone just sit here and wait for people to leave if the coyote had the keys.

  Suddenly everything felt wrong. “Andre,” I said, but he had sensed it too. He pushed me back behind him, just as a man stepped out of the light.

  “Hi there, sweetheart.”

  His mouth moved under shadows but the voice ran down my spine like poison: Mr. Tarly.

  More men followed out, two more, then a third, fanning out at the back. One stepped up in dark jeans and a leather jacket and I knew him just from his short angry movements: Hector.

  “I love reunions,” he said. “Bello, you should have told me you belonged to my friend here. I would have arranged this sooner instead of harassing you and your gorilla.”

  My hand was already curled around the gun grip, but it was trembling and as likely to drop it as get off a shot. There were so many of them, just a couple footsteps away. I stayed frozen, only half by choice. Maria huddled in close but, for once, her nearness made me more tense.

  “We don’t have any business with you,” Andre said.

  “In that, we are in agreement,” Mr. Tarly said. “You have something that’s mine, and handing her over’s the only play you got.”

  Andre glared at the coyote who was standing off some distance. The man shrugged.

  “Oh, come on,” Hector said. “You think such a passage is not under Cartel control? That gringo who arranged this is as smart as he is your real brother.”

  Andre’s shirt rippled, but there was no wind. His muscles were gearing up for something. We were all standing less than a body length’s apart and I realized how short that distance must be to a fighter. Andre was coiling up to explode into all four of them.

  A flash of metal rose and glinted in the moonlight. “Easy, son,” Mr. Tarly said, now from behind the barrel of a very large gun. It made the one tucked into my pocket feel like a toy. The darkness at its center seemed deeper than the night itself.

  I placed a hand on Andre’s shoulder and felt the tightness relax a bit. “Please,” I whispered. The air carried my voice far.

  “Listen to her, boy,” Mr. Tarly said. “All that speed and strength ain’t got much on a tried and true 6-shooter.”

  Andre’s muscles unbunched, but I could still feel the wildness in him. I would do anything to keep him safe, but the problem was he would do the same for me. And Maria, would they just let her go if something happened to us? I couldn’t give myself quietly. I had to do something while Andre still had their attention. I began easing the gun out of my pocket.

  “So this is how it’s gonna be,” Hector said. “You hand this blanca over and walk away and we’ll be good. I’ll bury my beef with you and even let you use this tunnel to get you and the other bitch out of my country.”

  “Andre, it’s ok,” I said, softer.

  “Like hell it is,” he growled, tensing again.

  “We are not leaving her to you dogs,” Maria said, at my side. She clutched my arm. I tried to shift her off and pull the gun out, but she leaned in harder. I glanced over and saw her slowly shake her head.

  “Well, there’s the other option, then,” Mr. Tarly said. “You fight for her.”

  “Fight you?” Andre asked.

  “Fight us,” Hector said, shuffling out of his leather jacket. “Me and my boys.”

  “I put you three on the ground and you let Georgia go?” Andre asked.

  “Much as I’m loathe to, I will. Give me a good show and I’ll consider us even.”

  I knew just how much Mr. Tarly kept to his word. His tongue always left a gap to fall into. Andre studied his face for a long time and whatever conclusion he came to, he turned and faced Hector and his men square on.

  “Option two it is,” he said. He yanked his t-shirt off, and the moon revealed the full strength of his body.

  “Shit, man that skin ain’t fair. It’s almost camouflage.” Hector grinned wickedly. “No, worry, eh? We’ll make him more visible.”

  Metal hatches clacked and the Cartel mens’ hands rose holding something sharp. Switchblades. Maria gasped and released her hold, but I had no strength in my arms. I couldn’t shoot one of them if I wanted to, never mind all three of them. Plus, Mr. Tarly and his big ugly gun were still extended my way.

  Andre’s body rustled under gentle breaths. I had seen him in this mode while fighting. He didn’t see the odds, just the opponents at his front. Even with all the tools of death arrayed, his calm blanketed me.

  The two sides stood just feet apart regarding each other in silence.

  Andre’s lips curved up ever so slightly, and I found my own mouth matching it. We still had a chance.

  “Alright,” he said. “Let’s dance.”



  Andre shot forward like a cannon ball. He finished fights like this, but I had never seen him start this way. His shadow of a fist thumped into one of the goons and set him down on the earth. The knife tumbled out of his hands and rattled somewhere into the shack, but Andre ignored it and turned to the other man and Hector.

  Hector roared and sliced in but Andre slid back.

  The guy on the ground groaned, but his form started to rise. He wasn’t out of the fight. I couldn’t stop him but at least I could take his knife. I moved toward the shack.

  “Where you think you’re going sweetie?” Mr. Tarly drawled. “No assists.”

  “You didn’t say anything about knifes, you ass.”

  “My, where’d you learn such filthy language?” he said. “I’ll have to clean you up later. Just step back.”

  I spat evil thoughts at him but did as I was told. My gun waggled against my waist, like it might take a shot at Mr. Tarly on its own. I was too close to miss, but then again, I had never shot before. His slimy blue eyes darted to the fight here and there, but I held most of his attention. If I wanted any chance, I needed to take him by surprise.

  A soft tearing sound came like a zipper opening. I snapped to the fight and cringed as I saw Andre’s face cross with pain. He looked whole but his arm shone a bit deeper from the tunnel light. My eyes adjusted and I saw the bloom of red crossing it.

  “Oh, Jesus,” Maria said.

  All at once it became real. I’d been afraid that someone might stab him or cut his neck, but no, they would just bleed the life out of him bit by bit. Andre still looked fierce, his grin cut short to bared teeth, but that fight would leave him if the blood did. It was just biology.

  Andre knew it too, that’s why he’d started off fast. Speed was his only option. Even still, the third guy was back on his feet now with his knife - a third needle to draw blood. He roared and sliced, just barely missing Andre. Andre let him stumble forward, then twisted him around in a hold. Hector circled around him, raising his knife.

  I used the full force of my lungs and screamed. “Hey, pendejo.”

  I’m sure I said it wrong, but all heads still glanced my way. My eyes were on Andre and recognition passed between us.

  Go, I willed him.

  He turned and slammed a fist into the man he was tangled with. A satisfyin
g crunch came back, like grinding glass. The guy dropped to his knees and tumbled to the earth. Hector screamed in anger and came in but Andre managed to take the slice by his elbow. My own body winced as the knife came back up in red.

  I screamed all the swears I knew, but the remaining Cartel men were now completely immune to my voice.

  “Move,” Maria whispered from behind me.

  I glanced back just as her arm whirled past.

  “Hey,” Mr. Tarly shouted, but something was already flapping through the air. I saw the shoe right before it hit Hector’s knife arm. He snapped our way, snarling in rage. Andre cut past and thumped the other henchman twice. The guy went staggering back but not down.

  “Wetback bitch,” Mr. Tarly said. The gun cocked crisply in the air. “No more warnings. Sit quiet or I put you down.”

  I’d rarely seen that friendly mask crumble before and never like this. His large round face trembled like an angry echo of the full moon above. He would shoot Maria, I had no doubt. There was no way I could shoot him first.

  I got a better idea. I put myself between her and his revolver.

  “Go on,” I said. “Help Andre.”

  “Honey,” Mr. Tarly drawled. “You are playing a dangerous game. I don’t want to ruin that pretty face, but don’t think I ain’t in the mind to shoot you somewhere less deadly. Heck, it might even save us the trouble of having to run you down.

  Maria’s hand squeezed my shoulder. I shook my head. “Do what you can,” I said to her, still staring down Mr. Tarly. “He’s not going to shoot me. I bet he doesn’t even know how.”

  The truth had hit me. Not that he wouldn’t fire – he would. He was sick. But we had to keep escalating if we wanted to surprise Hector and his goon. Another shoe wouldn’t do any better than more curses.

  “Don’t test me, child,” Mr. Tarly growled.

  “I’m not,” I said. “I already know you’re a fat coward. Can your finger even fit on that trigger?”

  His face condensed in rage. Time went still as his finger moved.

  A wall of force knocked into me. Thunder clapped and my world exploded.

  The world had gone black. Was I dead? No, my eyes were just closed. I opened them and to my shock I was still on my feet. Nothing hurt but my ringing ears.

  “Now that’s your only warning,” he said. “On account of that hot little body. I didn’t want it to break given what I plan to do to it tonight. I want to –“

  A tearing scream rang out. We all turned to see the other henchman grab his mouth and go staggering back, Andre pressed in right up to him. Hector rushed in swinging from the side, but Andre caught his arm and sent him spinning back towards the tunnel shack. He closed in on the wincing henchman, grabbed his arm and then twisted it until it snapped like cracking wood. The man screamed even higher until Andre slammed an elbow into the face and dropped him.

  He smiled at me and turned to Hector.

  The little Cartel prince was back up, but his face had anything but confidence. He tried looking angry but his eyes glowed a bit too wide in the light of the entrance. “Fucking mayate,” he said and tried to dance back from Andre’s advance. Mostly it was just him retreating into the desert darkness.

  Andre flashed his mightiest smile. As he stepped before the light it was all I could do not to yelp. He had so many streaks of red on his arms. It was lucky I didn’t see much of it happen. I might have crumbled into the dirt and then he might have joined me.

  Hector swiped again. And Andre….Andre raised his arm like a shield and let the knife bury into his forearm. He swung back and the knife flew off into the sands.

  “Wait,” Hector said, but the dark mound of a fist was already on a collision course. It crunched into his cheek. Hector swayed back, but Andre caught him. He held his neck so they were facing each other. Then he started smashing. One, two, three times like he were grinding ice.

  Hector tumbled to the desert floor.

  “Interesting,” Mr. Tarly said, the word rolling out. Andre glared at him, then smiled at me. Exhaustion crept on his face. I wanted to run out, but the ugly gun was still aimed at Maria.

  All of a sudden, Mr. Tarly started to laugh. Big booming belly laughs that thrummed through the desert and made even the crickets shut up.

  “Damn, boy,” he said. “You know how to fight.”

  “I’m glad you’ve been paying attention.” Andre took a step toward us, and the gun snapped to him.

  “Easy now,” Mr. Tarly said. “I’ll stand by what I said. Take the girl and go.”

  “Come on,” Andre said. He held out a hand for us, still watching Mr. Tarly.

  Maria gripped me and I started heading towards the warm glow of the tunnel entrance.

  “No, I said you can have Georgia. I guess I’ll have to make do with the Mexican one.”

  “What?” Andre said.

  “You take Georgia and you run on north.”

  Andre fell dangerously still. “That’s not what we agreed on.”

  Mr. Tarly swayed like an amused weed. “That’s all I offered. You fought for Georgia. I’ve given her up, despite her being my property. Now I’ll just take over the girl you don’t need.”

  “You don’t own anyone here,” Andre growled. He leaned in, like a cat about to pounce.

  “Not another step,” Mr. Tarly whispered. His finger curled on the trigger. His gun was aimed right at Andre’s chest.

  I didn’t think. My hand dove to my waist and the gun slipped right out into the air. I aimed at Mr. Tarly’s giant profile.

  “Hey,” I said. “Leave him.”

  Mr. Tarly waggled his eyebrows at me, more amused than ever. “You handle anything like that before, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “Every other day since I got away,” I said, surprised by the strength of my lie. “I’m more than good enough to hit your fat face.”

  The mask dropped off him again. “Fair enough,” he said. “But it ain’t gonna stop me from ending your little black friend here.”

  “He’s not my friend. I love him. And he loves me. It’s not a feeling you’ll ever know.”

  Andre’s eyes met mine and I felt the affection radiate out of them. Worry too, but it bounced right off my righteous anger.

  “Aw, that’s sweet. True love. Ain’t gonna stop a bullet though, honey.”

  “It doesn’t need to,” I said. “All it means is that if you pull that trigger I am going to shoot every single bullet I have into your body.”

  Mr. Tarly raised his gun and now it lay level with Andre’s eyes. “He’ll still be dead.”

  “And so will you.”

  “Do you think I’m just gonna roll over then?”

  He was talking, talking but focused intently on Andre, not me. All of a sudden I knew why. I knew exactly the feeling I would see on that slimy face: fear. Men like him never did anything for themselves, they only got their power from tricking others into doing what they wanted. It’s what he’d almost done to me.

  But it wasn’t happening this time.

  “You are going to roll over,” I said. “You’re a coward. You prey on the weak and the innocent and the young. You like to toy with people when no one can hurt you. That’s why you brought three friends to fight for you today. But they’re down, and you have nothing to back up your words. You’re just an empty man. Don’t think for a second I won’t let all that hot air out of you.”

  The words burned through the air like I were some Aztec goddess. Everything lay still after that, and then off in the distance, like the desert itself had heard me, a coyote wailed.

  Mr. Tarly heaved a few times and adjusted his grip. His mind whirred in that fat head: I could hear it doing the calculations and figuring out that I was a bad investment. He blew out a cloud of breath. “Alright,” he said. “Fine. Have it your way.”

  I wasn’t buying it. “Drop your gun.”

  The revolver tumbled to the earth. “Ok, fine. You’re free see?”

  “Not yet,” Andre said softly.
He crossed the gap and slammed a knee right into the man’s big gut. The guy wheezed and tumbled into the earth. Andre picked up the revolver, then turned his feet on Mr. Tarly, stamping his chest over and over until Maria and I rushed over and grabbed him by the shoulders.

  Andre spit on the blubbering, broken mass as we dragged him away. The anger fell from his face and he turned and swept me up in a hug. We kissed deep into the night. I wiped some of the blood off his cheek and he cleared hair from my face. I was soaked with sweat.

  “Jesus, Georgia,” he said, pocketing the revolver. “Where the hell did all that noise come from?”

  I clasped my heart. “Here, I think.”

  “That was not Georgia,” Maria said. “That was love in human form.”

  A hot gust of wind swept through us and I glanced back at Mr. Tarly, still curled up like a wounded dog.

  “I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

  “Agreed,” Andre said.

  The open tunnel door glowed like a portal to heaven and we moved into the light.



  I took a step through, but Andre grabbed my hand.


  “What?” My legs kept going until he stopped me with both hands.

  “This is a high level Cartel tunnel,” he said. “I’ve never heard of anything like it.”

  “Yeah?” I said. “It must be a really good way to cross over then.”

  “For Cartel, maybe. But you think the other end is empty? Or does it make more sense that they got guys over there to keep tabs on who’s climbing out of that hole?”

  I glanced past the entrance at the handrails leading out of sight. The train of lights going down was clean and the walls looked like they’d just been painted. It would be so simple to just walk down that long hall. I just wanted us all to be through and safe - to end this chapter of my life with only this confidence and the people I wanted to keep. He was right though. Going in there was just half the battle.

  I pictured that narrow lane leading down again, this time as the coffin from my nightmares, squeezing us in, leaving us no escape. The fire in me faded to an ember.

  “What do we do then?” I asked, desperately.


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