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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 34

by Lacoste, G. G.

  “Don’t say that, I’m sure they loved you in their own way.” Sam commented.

  “You would think, but they didn’t. My mother would tell me all the time she hated me and wished I would never have been born. My father never once said he loved me, or told my mother to stop. He would stand there and let her say it, and not say a thing. So I’m sure he felt the same way as she did.” Sally stated.

  “Oh wow, I’m really sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine parents being like that to their child. Well you know how my mother is, and you saw a bit of how my father was. Though I’ll be honest with you, my mother wears the pants in that house.” Sam laughed.

  “I noticed that from the second I walked into their house. Your parents are so sweet. I couldn’t imagine having someone like those two in my life. I wouldn’t have hooked up with Jack if I had them as my parents.” Sally stated.

  “Who’s Jack?” Sam asked.

  “He was the man who I was going to marry at one time. But the war happened and he died during a battle.” Sally explained.

  “Oh I’m very sorry to hear that.” Sam said and put his hand on her arm.

  Sally smiled at the contact. “I’m not sorry, he was mean to me. He was like my mother; he beat me, and put me down. I was happy when he left. I only stayed with him because there were times here and there he would be nice to me.” Sally said looking down as shame washed over her.

  “I’m sorry Sally; it sounds like your life has been horrible. I can tell you one thing; I will never raise my hand to you. I don’t know where we will go from here, but I won’t do that to you. I’m not that kind of person.” Sam said.

  He really wanted to stop the wagon and simply hug her. He could feel the pain that emanated from her body as they made their way to the claim.

  Sally didn’t say anything about his comment. Sam stole a look at her out of the corner of his eye. She was really a frail person, the protective nature of his personality wanted to keep her safe. He felt himself being pulled into having feelings for her more and more.

  “I can’t do that to her, he thought. I’ll be gone all the time, she needs someone who loves being with her and wants to spend their time with her”, he considered this as well. These thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to think of what Sally was to him.

  “Here we are.” He said as he pulled the wagon over under a tree and tied up the horses. He went to a little building and grabbed some buckets and feed for the horses.

  She looked around, this area was beautiful. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. The whole trip she had seen the contrast from dessert to mountain ranges. It had all been within such a short distance too. “I love this area, it’s simply amazing.” Sally commented as she looked around in wonder.

  Sally walked over near the stream and looked down. “I can see the fish the water is so clear. Oh that one’s so big; we should catch it and have it for supper.”, she said excitedly.

  Sam could do nothing but laugh. “You are so unique. I swear I’ve never met a woman like you.”

  “Can we catch one of the fish? I’ll find the materials; just give me a few minutes. Do you like fish though? I love it.”, she rattled quickly.

  “Slow down, the fish will still be in the stream for a while.” He laughed again.

  “I’m sorry; I’m just overwhelmed by the beauty.” Sally commented.

  “Me too, I know the feeling.” He said as he stared at her. She was unaware as she was still looking down at the fish in the stream. Sam felt himself wanting to hold her again, but he also wanted to kiss her now.

  “I don’t blame you for not wanting to come back to town if you are here all day.” Sally said and looked back at him.

  It took him a moment to understand that she was saying the scenery was amazing. He had been so focused on thinking about her that he didn’t hear anything she had said, if she had spoken.

  “I’m sorry, I was just day dreaming.”, he said and refocused his mind to the present.

  “How, when you have all this around here to look at, would you day dream?” Sally asked confused.

  “It’s you Sally, you’re the distraction, but a very nice one indeed. You are not what I would have ever expected. Perhaps my mother knows me better than I thought. Did you tell her you loved the outdoors?” Sam asked.

  “Yes I told her how much I loved being outside. I said that I would rather be outdoors than in a house. I think she figured that I would love being out here with you, so it would be nice for you as well.” Sally answered. “She said something to that affect when she wrote me back. I’m not going to lie to you; it was something that interested me in you even more.” Sally admitted.

  Sam just stood there his mind spinning in disorder. He just looked at her, wondering if his mother had succeeded in finding a perfect match for him.

  Sally turned back and looked into the water, and tried to bend over and catch a fish with her bare hands. He watched as she lifted one out of the water. “Still have my touch!”, she laughed as she saw the shocked look on his face.

  “Did you really just catch that with your two hands?”, he asked unbelievingly.

  “Yeah it’s all about timing it just right!” Sally explained.

  “Do you know how to clean it as well?”, he questioned.

  “Of course, I used to camp on weekends as I got older. My mother would go crazy when I came back, but it was so nice to be out in nature.” Sally said.

  “Here’s a knife.” He grabbed one off his belt and handed it to her.

  “Do you have something to fry it up in? Also I need to start the fire as well.” Sally commented.

  “I’ll start the fire and get the pan for you.” Sam headed off to gather up some wood after he grabbed the pan and put it beside her. “Wow that’s a big fish! Nice job.”, he said and walked off.

  She smiled as he walked off, it was nice that he appreciated her skills and wasn’t putting her down. Sally could get used to this type of relationship. It was just making her love him more by the minute. She could only hope that he was finding that he liked her and wouldn’t mind having her around. Being married was just an additional plus to the situation, if it happened. Of course she hoped it would work out that way.

  Sally could picture what it would be like to have his arms around her. She would fit perfect in his arms, she was sure of it. She knew that his hug would be something she would never want to end. What about a kiss? She thought quickly. Sally blushed at the thought that crossed her mind as she pictured what a kiss could lead to between them.

  “Fire’s going.” He came up behind her and looked down at the fish that was now in the pan and cut up. “My mouth is watering already and you haven’t even cooked it!” He laughed.

  “I need to find a few plants to season it. I hope you don’t mind I love using herbs when I cook.” Sally said.

  “I love food, if it tastes good I’ll eat it!” Sam laughed.

  She laughed as she put the pan over the fire and began to make them a meal. She finished the fish and put a portion on each of the plates he had set beside her.

  He took a bite and closed his eyes. “Oh this is amazing, I mean better than my mother’s fish even, and that’s saying a lot.”But if you tell my mother I’ll deny it!”, he added and laughed.

  Sally laughed as well. “I’m sure your mother’s is good too! I just really love fish and have done this for years now.”, she stated.

  “So how long did you go out and camp, I mean when was the first time, and how did you learn all of this?”, he asked her.

  “There was a man who lived around our house in the woods. He showed me how to make the fire and cook fish. I first went out when I was 10 years old. The next time was a couple of years later though. My mother had beaten me pretty bad after that time. So I tried to behave most of the time. I would still go outside, but not stay gone for a night or more. I was shocked she even cared, I thought she would be happy when I wouldn’t come home.” Sally said.

ly your mother sounds like a piece of work. I am so sorry to hear that she was so nasty.”, he said.

  “You don’t need to apologize for her. I’m fine now; most of the wounds have healed over time.” Sally stated.

  He knew she was talking about the wounds that were hidden on the inside, the ones’ that would stick around for years.

  “So you told me before you knew hurt, tell me what happened to make you scared of love?”, she asked.

  “I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of love, just cautious of what I do.”, he said.

  “If that’s how you want to see it, fine. So what happened?”, she asked again.

  “There was one girl I liked when I was a lot younger, it’s been almost 10 years now. I was young and thought that she was the perfect one for me. But she didn’t like the fact I was up here at the claim all the time. So she decided to use my money to woo other men in town. I found out after she was pregnant from one of them. There was no way it was mine; she wouldn’t let me sleep with her. I don’t know she just did a lot of messed up things besides that, and I know some of it was my fault. I just wanted to make enough money to be able to give her anything and everything she wanted. But when the money didn’t come quickly enough she left. Last I heard she moved to California, good riddance as far as I’m concerned.” Sam replied.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I know I didn’t know if I wanted to try after Jack either. It’s been about 3 years now since he died. I just thank my lucky stars every day that he didn’t come back. I know that sounds so bad, but I would have been miserable with him. That is if he hadn’t killed me by now from beating me.” Sally looked down at the ground.

  “Maybe we’ve both been given a new chance, with people who are more like us?”, he wondered aloud.

  It was the first indication to Sally that Sam might be more interested in her then he had really let on. Or perhaps she was simply too involved in the fact she was in nature he was missing the signs. That was very possible she realized. The outdoors was her playground and she would always be more comfortable in nature than inside.

  “Maybe we have been and all thanks to your mother.”, she said.

  “Yes, for once I think I don’t mind that she stuck her nose into my business. I must thank her for this chance.”, he admitted. “I don’t know how she did it though, really it confuses me.” Sam said.

  “She knew you needed someone who liked the outdoors and would be willing to be with you. You were right when you said that a woman who wanted a man who would come home wouldn’t be right for you. She would feel like you never wanted to be around her, and she might look for that attention in another place. Kind of like what happened to you.” Sally said.

  “Yeah I guess I never thought I would be able to find a woman who liked it outside, or liked to wear trousers!” He laughed as he looked at her outfit once more. “You know I must admit that I really like that look on you. It looks like you are comfortable, and they are a little baggy and make you look smaller!” Sam laughed.

  “It’s because of the big rolls at the end of the pants because I’m shorter than you by quite a bit!” She laughed. She picked her let up and showed him the numerous rolls.

  “You’re really adorable, I think you’re fantastic! I have to say if I were to fall in love with anyone, it would be you.” Sam commented.

  Sally didn’t say anything back, but she enjoyed the compliment. She looked into the fire and enjoyed the heat that came off of the flames. “So does it get very cold out here at night?”, she asked.

  “Yes actually we’ll have to keep the fire going, though I have a jacket. If you get too cold, you can wear it!”, he said. “The tent has some blankets in it too. But it doesn’t always keep you super warm at night.”, he added.

  “Oh can we sleep out under the stars? I love it.” Sally asked.

  “Sure if you want too, but you know there are things that can hurt you out here that come out at night, right?” Sam questioned.

  “Well we can build a little platform so the things that crawl won’t necessarily reach us. The old man taught me that when I was younger. He always told me to keep my sleeping bag up off the ground. Here I’ll build it.” She offered and started to search for pieces of wood she could use.

  Sam watched as she worked, he was so shocked at her. He was having a hard time figuring out where she came from and how his mother found her. “If I would have found you years ago it would have been so nice!”, he stated.

  “Excuse me, I couldn’t hear you if you were saying something.” Sally said coming from behind him.

  “Here let me help you bring the pieces you need back.” Sam got up to help her.

  She directed him to move a few of the bigger branches, but still did most of the work. “Do you have an axe?”, she asked him.

  “Sure, let me get it.” He moved to the little building he had gotten the feed out of and came back with an axe. “Here you are.” He handed it to her and stood back to watch her build their platform.

  “Can you help me lift that end and put it in there?” Yes there.” Sally directed him.

  “This is really neat. Wow you’re amazing, really you know more than I do about being out here.” Sam laughed.

  “It’s really because of the old man who lived in the forest, he taught me a lot. He had to be about the only friend besides Mary I ever had. But unfortunately he was run off when my mother found out about him. She tried to make me tell the authorities that he did bad things to me. But I ran out to tell him to leave, and what my mother was planning. So by the time her plan was in the works they couldn’t find him. I think she did it on purpose just because she hated to see me happy.” Sally commented.

  “I would love to always see you smiling like you are right now.” Sam said. “Sally I don’t know for sure where our relationship will go, but I would love to have you as my wife. Honestly, there are so many things about you that are different. I think you may surprise me for years with the things you know.” Sam said.

  Sally looked at him. “So I’m confused. Was that just a proposal, or just a comment?”, she asked.

  “Oh I’m sorry; I’m not really ready to propose, just because I don’t have a ring right now. But I don’t want you to think I’m not interested in you, because I am. As far as I’m concerned you are the right girl for me. I hope that you will do me the honor of saying yes and be my bride. I know that my mother will be thrilled, and most likely won’t let me live down the fact she picked you out!” Sam said.

  “Oh she’ll make sure you know who choose me. But in the end it was you who picked me. Not her. Just remember that, I’m really happy that you aren’t telling me I can’t do these things. You’ve let me show you more than Jack would ever think about. I used to try to share these things with him, but he would laugh at me. He would tell me that I was just a woman, and a man was better at everything. He would show me just how strong he was by beating me when he was mad too. Jack was a mean man; I wish I would never have met him.” Sally stated.

  He came over to her and held her. “Come here.” She walked into his arms and he wrapped them around her. She fit nicely into his embrace, just like he knew she would. Sam kissed the top of her head and smelled her scent. He could feel his body reacting to her breasts that were pressed against his lower chest area.

  Sally sighed, it felt good his kiss and his touch. She felt that she was truly loved by this man. “I will marry you, I’d be happy too. I have a confession to make though.” She looked up at him.

  “What is it?”, he asked.

  “I actually fell in love with you when your mom was telling me about you. I knew as soon as I saw you that my feelings were love. I was only hoping that you would accept me for who I am and love me back.” Sally confessed.

  “Well I have a feeling if my mother would have told me about you beforehand I wouldn’t have given you the chance you needed. I’m glad that she took this into her hands and contacted you. Sometimes it takes the people we love to do something that we keep
putting off. I can tell you now though I love these things about you that are different. You are unlike any other woman I’ve met for sure. That will never change, and Sally you have my heart firmly in your hands. So please be kind and remember that I only want to be happy and make you happy. “Sam told her.

  “I will always try to make you happy Sam. I love you.” Sally said the words out loud the way she felt they should be said.

  “I love you too. Should we play a trick on my mother though?” Sam asked and got a suspicious look in his eyes.

  “No, she only had your best in mind. We shouldn’t tease her.” Sally laughed. “But I know you’re tempted.”

  He pulled her closer. “So just in case it gets too cold tonight, you can snuggle up with me!” He laughed.

  “Good, though I doubt it will get that cold.” Sally said.

  Sam showed her how he did his prospecting for a bit, and she tried it as well. “Oh look I found a huge piece!” She pulled out a big stone of gold.

  “Wow nice one! Seems like your bringing me good luck!” Sam smiled.

  Sally yawned a little while later and went to lie down on the platform. He joined her and covered them up with the blankets he had in the tent. “Scoot closer.” He pulled her to him.

  She snuggled in and felt his lips press against her neck under her ear. She moaned. “I’m not really too experienced just so you know.” Sally said to him.

  “It’s okay, I’ll lead the way.” Sam moved his hands down her front so they were cupping her breasts. He stroked her nipple and it soon was erect under the manipulation of his thumb and finger.

  He rolled her over towards him and lifted up the shirt she had on and removed her undergarment.“They are beautiful just like the rest of you.”, he said and covered one of her nipples with his mouth.


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