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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 46

by Lacoste, G. G.

  A lot of the time he had chosen to ignore the comment. But as he sat out on what was his new claim his mind wandered into that part of his thinking.

  He had to admit at these few moments that he was nervous as well. He knew that she could be someone besides who she seemed like. But he hoped that he had gotten the right feel for her through the letters. He had read the all more than one time.

  Dex was positive that she was the woman he thought she was, so usually he could push those thoughts out quickly. But tonight it was easier for them to come back into his mind. He had done a little more searching as the night wore on, but finally sleep took over him.

  He felt bad about missing the next day of work, but it was supposed to be his time off anyway. They had told him the day before that they didn’t really need him, but if he really needed the money they would let him work a bit. He smiled happy that they helped support his dream of bringing Betsy out here.

  But none the less he decided to stay there tonight. He wanted to find a lot more gold. Maybe even a nice vein in the mountain. He had found a spot that he could access a nice little alcove of the mountain. The opening had gone some 100 yards into the mountain. He had a really good feeling about this spot, even though he hadn’t found a ton yet. It had been one of the biggest hauls he had in some time.

  Dex finally let his mind relax enough so that he could sleep. As he dreamed he imagined her coming to town and getting off of the train. He could picture what he was almost certain she would look at according to her descriptions.

  He dreamt of her all night and woke up as the sun came over the mountain. It felt warm on his skin; he felt a pulse of possible happiness pass through him. He decided to go inside and try his hand there for a while.

  Chapter 5

  Betsy felt worn down. It had seemed far too long waiting on his last response. She had the nightmare again last night. Her heart felt as if it had broken in the dream, it had seemed so real.

  Finally the mail came and she had gotten his letter. She read it more than one time, to make sure she had seen the words right. By the time she was done, her heart was light and happy once again. She felt as if she had a chance at a life once more.

  Not for the first time she wondered why it had made her turn immediately to the worse thing that could happen. Why would I not give him the benefit of the doubt? Why would he change his mind after all this time? “Really Betsy it would have made no sense.”, she said not for the first time to herself since she had first taken the letter wrong.

  She hugged her arms around her upper body and wished instead they were his arms. She wanted to see Dex so badly. Betsy was tired of being alone, and looked forward to someone who she could talk to and kisses and love.

  It did scare her a bit to think of having sex, but there was a part of her that was looking forward to it. Some of her friends, who had married, would talk to her of how much they enjoyed the activity.

  She blushed now as she thought of a few of those conversations. They wouldn’t happen very often, but she could remember the few times they had talked to her about it. Betsy tried to put those thoughts out of her mind. But then she remembered his comments of how much he wanted to kiss her, and be more intimate with her. She had wished for more details of what he wanted to do. But she knew that whatever he would explain she wouldn’t know what it meant.

  Betsy had thought about asking him to write details and then going to one of her married friends and asking them to explain what he meant. But that had made her quite embarrassed to consider, so she had simply not said a word and only imagined.

  She knew she was far off on what it would probably feel like between the two of them. All she could think of was smiling and screaming. That was how the one friend had explained it. The funny thing had been how much the friend had smiled as they explained sex to Betsy.

  Betsy took the paper out and sat down to write a response back to him.

  Dearest Dex,

  I am so happy to have received your last letter. I find myself smiling as I read your words over and over again. I feel that you are by far sweeter then I could ever imagine. I look forward to seeing you and finally receiving that hug and of course the kiss (and more).

  She added on the last part and then sat and wondered about asking him for details once more about the “more” part. Instead she decided to skip it for now. Again she knew it wouldn’t be worth the time for him to write it. Instead she would have to wait to experience it in person.

  I hope that our time together will happen soon. I love you.

  Yours forever,

  Betsy Harden

  Her smile didn’t fade the whole day and she took the letter out several times to read it again and again. She wished she could go to him right now. As her eyes closed at the end of the day she was positive that she wouldn’t have the nightmare.

  Chapter 6

  Dex couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked at the yellow color more than one time. It was about 3 feet across. He had uncovered it with the last chisel of the wall. “There is no way.” He said out loud.

  He went out into the fresh air and looked up at the sky. “Is it real? Or am I only wishing for it to be real?”, he asked out loud.

  All he could picture was getting a big chunk of the gold out and selling it, then buying Betsy her ticket. He would buy her a first class ticket on the train, and she would be here in just a couple of days! Dex could barely focus on the task at hand, he was so excited.

  He knew that no one knew about his claim yet, but once he showed up in town with this all the people would hear about his strike. He would face congratulations from many in town, but also he would face danger. With a claim like this he would be willing to share with one good person. He immediately thought of the old prospect who had told him how to search for the perfect spot.

  But first he had more important things to do, he wanted to get Betsy’s ticket. However, he stopped and tried to figure out if finding the old man was a better idea. They would need to protect this land. The only reason he trusted the old man was because he had known him for 5 years now.

  Dex finally found the old man, he had hidden the bigger section of the gold before getting to the old man’s camp. But he had also brought along a huge bit of it to show the man.

  “Tom, I have a deal for you. I know you said this section was drying up now. But look at this, you see that I found a vein.” Dex said quietly to Tom, just in case there was another prospector close enough to hear him.

  Old Tom took the gold rock from Dex and bit it first. “That’s a nice nugget there, you said you hit a vein?” Tom asked.

  “I want to share it with you though. You know I have Betsy coming out to me, well now it’s going to happen sooner. I won’t be able to watch the stake all the time either. I trust you, and I don’t want anything but half of it. You get 50%, you are the one who told me how to search.” Dex stated.

  “Wow, that’s awfully nice of you. But I’m an old man, so just give me 30%. You have all your life ahead of you. Plus you’ll need it for those kids when they start popping out!” Tom laughed.

  “I’d rather give you more profit. But come on let’s go and I’ll show you where it is. It’s actually fairly close to your camp.” Dex said over his shoulder as he rode his horse to the stake.

  “Alright, you got a deal. We’ll talk about the percentage later. But trust me I’m old and stubborn!” Tom said.

  “Tom I’ll be back as soon as I can. Just let me go send Betsy the ticket and a telegram. I want to get her out here. I’ll bring up some axes, I’ll fashion a cabin quickly out here. I’ll make it a couple of rooms so that you can have a place to sleep as well.” Dex said.

  “I have my tent, I’m happy sleeping outside. Now get into town and get that ticket, you’ve been waiting forever for this!” Tom told him to go.

  Dex felt like the trip into town took forever. He had the huge piece of gold on him. Not many people knew exactly where he had searched for his gold. So he knew Tom wouldn�
��t have any visitors before he was back.

  The fact was there weren’t many other people in town in trusted enough to know the location. Those people who he wanted to know would find out from him later on though. He went straight to the telegram place and had him send a wire for ticket from South Carolina to Arizona.

  “Sir you know that ticket runs $560 dollars right?” The man asked Dex.

  “Yes, that’s fine, here’s the money.” Dex said and handed over the money he had gotten from the bank. They had given him a nice price on the gold he had brought in, and he had even made an account at the bank. He placed both his and Betsy’s name on the account.

  He smiled as he sent the telegram to Betsy, and knew that she would be shocked. But he couldn’t help but feel his blood beginning to pump faster as he thought about seeing her for the first time tomorrow early in the afternoon. As long as she got on the train that was, because he was counting on her to be home and able to quickly pack up. He had to admit he was more nervous about meeting her now that he knew he had the ticket for her.

  “I hope she likes me.” He said to no one in particular. Dex still didn’t feel that he could ever have a problem instantly loving Betsy. She seemed like such an innocent young woman in her letters, but there was an edge to her personality as well. It was that edge that really attracted him, but scared him a little bit as well.

  Chapter 7

  Betsy heard the tapping on her door, and opened it. “Hello I have a message for Ms. Betsy Harden?”

  She looked dumbfounded for a second and realized it had to be from Dex, no one else would use that last name. “Yes that’s me. How much do I owe you?” She asked.

  “Nothing ma’am it was already paid for by the sender.” He said.

  “Do I need to send a reply?” Betsy asked.

  “No ma’am. You just read it, and then I’m supposed to help you.”, the man said.

  Confused she looked down at the message and finally saw the words on it. She had to read it several times before she got exactly what it said.

  My sweetheart,

  You need to be on the train coming to Arizona by 3 pm your time. It is all paid for, you will be in first class. They have your ticket at the station. Just pack quickly and be sure to get on that train. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more time to get ready. The truth is that I am so happy to finally know that I will see you very soon.

  With all my love,

  Your husband Dex

  She smiled broadly and looked at the man. “How much time to I have before 3?” She said.

  The man looked at his wrist and said. “About 20 minute’s ma’am.”, he said.

  “Oh no, thank goodness I had most of it packed for a long time.” She panicked. She ran and got the two suitcases she had to take with her. Anything else she used on a daily basis that needed to go along, she quickly threw into one of the bags. “I think I’m ready, I don’t think either bag is too heavy for you.” She looked at the boy who didn’t seem like he would be too strong.

  “It’s okay, I’m actually a lot stronger than I look.” He picked up the bag with ease. Betsy laughed, she had struggled to get them to the front room of her small place.

  “I get it all the time.” He laughed, as he quickly led the way to the station.

  She arrived with a couple of minutes to spare, and was soon on the train moving towards Arizona and Dex Harden. Her new life awaited her just around the corner. Tomorrow in the early afternoon they would reach their destination.

  “What is he going to think about me?”, she wondered. A shock of fear rushed through her mind as she boarded the train. She felt her chest squeeze in fear as she pictured him looking at her like he didn’t like her. “It could happen that way too, I know it might happen.”, she said as the panic tried to attach itself fully to her mind.

  Her mind began to begin to feel like it might short circuit. She could barely hold her hands still as she begun to shake as the fear took over in every core of her body. Betsy felt as if she might faint, thankfully they had seated her already. She didn’t know if she was happy to have a room all to herself or not. She had to wonder if talking to another person might help her feel better.

  She tried to slow her breathing and think of all of his loving words. She took the message out of her purse he had sent her today and read it one more time. Her heart began to beat a little slower and she started to feel a bit better.

  The fact was that the fear would come to her again within just a few seconds. She could hear her mind begin to whisper those words of fear again. Betsy tried to stop it as fast as she could. But again the thought of one of her nightmares rushed into her mind.

  Betsy knew that she would be a mess if she did this the whole trip. So instead she pulled out his letters and began to read them. His words always had a way to soothe her nervous soul. She knew there was a new hope for her world. Her life was going to change completely. Though she didn’t know how he had bought the ticket, she was happy he had.

  She had to wonder if he had found gold, he had written about it quite often. Betsy pictured what her life would be like if they married and he was rich. It had never mattered to her before, so even now she didn’t care about the money. She had been willing to struggle along with the man she had met through the mail.

  The thought of money didn’t do much for her, but the thought of Dex and that soon she would see him made her thrilled. Soon the day turned into night and though she would love to stay awake, her eyes became heavy with sleep.

  Her dreams were a mixture of one’s where he would turn her away, and where he would sweep her off of her feet. Even in her sleep the fear had plagued her, but thankfully a few times she had found happiness in her sleep.

  As she woke up in the morning she felt more tired than she had in some time. Betsy knew that soon they would pull into the station in Arizona and he would meet her at the station. Her heart pumped loudly in her ears as the fear tried to push its way into her thoughts, but she kept it at bay. She instead thought of only the peace she had come to have during the night when she had asked for it.

  Betsy had prayed that she would not be worried about this meeting anymore. It was from that point on that she had been able to think instead of how he would sweep her up into his arms when she got off the train.

  She wondered how far away they were from her seeing Dex for the first time. She felt a peacefulness pass over her when she thought of it now. Betsy smiled and felt the warmth of pleasure and happiness cross over her whole body. “Thank you for the peace.”, she said to the ceiling.

  “Ma’am we have just 5 more minutes.” A steward stock his head into the cabin after knocking.

  “Thank you very much.” Betsy got up and looked at the mirror that was in the small vanity room in her coach. “Dex went first class, that must mean something good.”, she thought. But in her heart she knew that it didn’t matter, she would spend the rest of her life with him anywhere he went. It had taken eight months for them to finally meet and now she was just a few minutes away from it.

  “Breathe damnit.”, she said to herself. Taking in a few deep breaths she held that fear at bay once more.

  The train stopped and the steward came to get her bags and help her out of the train. “I’ll take your bags ma’am.”, he said as she tried to help him drag them along. “I’ll be right behind you, go ahead.”, he said and motioned for her to go out of the train.

  Betsy took the steps slowly at first and then sped up. She was more excited about this meeting then anything she had ever been in the world. As she stepped onto the platform, she saw a big figure out of the corner of her left eye. Before she knew it she was swept up in the arms of this man who was a giant. “Betsy, I’ve waited so long to hug you. I’m so happy that you are finally here!” A deep voice said.

  She looked up at him, confusion crossing her face for a second. He still had her wrapped up tightly in what would be considered bear arms, with huge paws on the ends. Betsy had to admit the hug felt great,
and she smiled at him. “Dex, it’s so nice to see you. Now where is my kiss?”, she asked.

  He didn’t hesitate and lowered his mouth onto hers. She moaned in pleasure of the warmth of his lips on her lips. He deepened the kiss and pushed his mouth into hers. Then he pulled away shyly. “I’m sorry, it’s just been so long that I’ve waited for you. Now that your hear I just want to be near you.” Dex said, still he held her close to him.

  Betsy murmured and said. “I don’t think we need to wait to be married. I want nothing more than to be in these very arms for the rest of my life. Oh Dex there is not a doubt in my mind about my love for you.”

  Dex smiled and said. “Oh you have made me the happiest man in the world. I didn’t even give you the ring I bought for you yet either. Let’s go right now, and I got some news to share with you on the way to the cabin.”

  “Cabin, what cabin?” Betsy asked.

  On the way to the judges and then back to the cabin Dex explained what had gone in the past day. He was finishing the story as they pulled up to the small cabin.

  “You built that in one day?”, she asked shocked.

  “It isn’t as hard as it looks really, because it is a little small. I will build a bigger one soon, and it wasn’t just me, Tom helped me out.” Dex admitted.

  “He seems like a really nice man from what you’ve told me.” Betsy said. Dex had told her all about Tom as well and how nice of a man he was.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in when you first get here.” Dex said. “Hey Tom, I would like to introduce you to my wife, Betsy Harden.” Dex introduced the two when they got back to the stake.

  “Nice to meet you missus, I’ve heard a lot about you from Dex. Only good things of course, he loves you a bunch!” Tom laughed.


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