Book Read Free

Babysitter's Club Sydney

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by Jordan Silver

  Babysitter’s Club Sydney

  Jordan Silver

  Copyright © 2018 by Alison Jordan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  1. Sydney

  2. Sydney

  3. Sydney

  4. Sydney

  5. Sydney

  6. Sydney

  7. Sydney

  8. Sebastian

  9. Sebastian

  10. Sydney

  11. Sydney

  12. Sydney

  13. Sebastian

  14. Sydney

  15. Sydney

  16. Sydney

  17. Sydney



  Dear diary, today’s the day. I’ve been planning this for a long time now as you know, and have finally found my chance. If all goes well, I can finally put the past to rest and move on with my life, whatever that may be.

  Only you know what this means, and why I have to do it, along with all that I’ve already done. I can’t stay long now. He’ll be here soon to pick me up. I’ll get back to you later and let you know how my first day went…PS. Wish me luck…

  I stood in front of the full length mirror and fixed myself for the one hundredth time. I looked just the way I wanted to. Light blonde hair pulled back in a dull bun with enough muck to discolor it, no threat.

  Horn rimmed glasses to hide the luster of my odd colored jewel toned amethyst eyes. No I’m not an albino, neither am I suffering from some genetic disease.

  It’s just a quirk of fate I guess, since neither of my parents have this color eyes, or anyone else on either side of the family for that matter. It’s the same with my hair. My dad used to tease that I was a throwback to a great-great somebody in the past.

  The simple button down shirt with a tight fitting vest beneath did much to hide my bountiful assets. Another quirk, I have quite large tits for my small frame. They’ve been a source of constant turmoil, until now.

  The skirt I chose came down to well below the knee and was a little too wide in the hips. Think schoolmarm if you will. The ballet flats were too low for me, I’m much more comfortable in heels. But that would defeat the whole purpose now wouldn’t it?

  I smoothed my hand over my hair one last time, and fixed the store bought glasses in place so that they looked more natural and not like the prop that they were.

  Even though I’d foregone makeup for just a swipe of gloss over my pouty lips, there wasn’t much I could do to hide my beauty. Oh well, I tried.

  My prominent cheekbones and alabaster skin, the naturally pink lips that forever looked like they’d been kissed, and the cute little mole that sits just at the edge of my top lip all came together to make what I’ve heard described as a masterpiece.

  It’s a beauty that I’ve had very little uses for, again until now. While others focused and got hung up on my looks, it was my mind I was more interested in. More specifically, honing it like a sharp weapon.

  With one last look I accepted that there wasn’t much more I could do to hide what my face showed to the world. Oh well, at least I’d played it down some.

  Turning back to the bed I grabbed the ratty old second hand suitcase that was nothing like my usual set of luxury luggage, but again suited my purpose, before leaving the room and heading down the stairs.

  My heart raced with last minute jitters, which I mercilessly squelched. There was no room for panic or second guessing, this is something I had to do. A debt owed I guess you can say.

  I sat on the little porch of the cute Victorian boarding house that had seen much better days as I waited for him to pull up. I wasn’t going to miss anyone I’d met here, because I never took the time to get to know them. That’s not my style and never was.

  Entanglements and associations just tend to get in the way of my goal, so I’ve learned to live without them. Maybe after this is all done and I put it behind me, that would change.

  My heart did another one of those rolling things in my chest when I saw his town car turn onto the street. That was an unexpected blip that I still have to work on.

  With my inexperience I’m finding it hard, but I’ve never let myself be defeated by anything before and I won’t start now. Though I have yet to find a way to quiet the butterflies in my stomach.

  I never once expected to feel anything, why would I? It’s been years since I’ve felt anything close to an emotion. And the fact that it was he making me feel, I see as some sort of Freudian complex.

  I got to my feet just as the car came to a stop at the curb. Without a backward glance at the old broken down boarding house that I will never see again, I made my way down the front steps to the waiting car.

  The driver held the door open for me before taking my luggage and helping me in. I appreciated the fact that he ignored me, wrote me off as nothing special.

  It meant that my efforts had paid off. Usually the opposite sex tends to follow me with their eyes like Pavlov’s dog in heat.

  I sat straight as a board on my side of the backseat, giving a good impression of being nervous as maybe I should be. It was part of my act yes, but there was an underlying tension not usually felt. “Good evening Mr. Fisher.”

  “Sydney!” He didn’t pick his head up from the paper he was reading, which is just as I wanted it to be. For now! I ignored the unwanted feminine need to be found attractive, to be admired. That’s not what this was about, and I’ve never cared one fig before whether a man wanted me or not.

  His reaction also told me that I’d done a good job with my dressing down bit. Usually when I get this close to a man they can’t seem to keep their eyes in their head. Especially not while trapped alone in the backseat of a car.

  Still that annoying little anomaly that I had not planned for had me feeling slighted. Maybe I should’ve spent more time working on overcoming this pesky little attraction, but it was too late now.

  I felt adrenaline rush through me as we drove away and had to remind myself that this was just the beginning. There was a long way to go yet. But still, I couldn’t bury the feeling of excitement that things were finally getting started.

  Years of hard work and planning was about to pay off, and whatever else happens, I know that I did my best. So far everything had gone as planned and there was no reason for this next bit not to as well.

  We drove out of the city and into the picturesque countryside never saying a word to each other. It gave me time to gather my thoughts and get my mind set on what I had to do in the next few days.

  I had only a short window of time in which to act so everything must be perfect, no missteps. Inside I was a mixture of nerves and glee. This had been a long time coming.

  I sat still as inside my mind raced ahead of me. I cautioned myself not to give anything away, but that sense of anticipation made me want to jump up and down in my seat.

  For the first time in way too long, I felt like a child who was about to open the best gift ever. Like all the things I’d dreamt about and yearned for were within my reach.

  There was also this new sense of excitement that can be attributed to the man who sat so disinterestedly beside me. If I were different, I would see it as an extra bonus. But I knew it would be dangerous to think that way.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched my mark. He was the most integral player in this game of mine, though he did not know it. In fact I’d venture to say I know a whole lot more about the dashing Sebastian Fisher than he does about me.r />
  Tall, handsome with that bad boy in a suit thing going on. Every woman’s dream man, except maybe mine. Or so I thought. He’d achieved something none of his sex had been able to since I became an adult and men started noticing me.

  Whatever, I’m not about to let myself be distracted by his good looks, or that sex appeal that oozes from him with every breath. I did wonder sometimes alone at night, when my mind had finally shut off and I was just me, what it would be like… No, don’t go there. I felt panicked at my thoughts and fought to bring them back to where they needed to be.

  I repeated the little mantra I’d taught myself since the first time this happened, until I brought myself back under control again. I’m going to have to watch that for the next few days. One slip and I could destroy everything I’d worked so hard for.

  So it doesn’t matter that he makes my heart do things I didn’t know it was capable of. Or that I sometimes see him in my dreams at night, only to awaken with a burning need between my thighs and somewhere deep in my very core.

  My only interest, is in getting him in my bed for as long as it takes. Then just walk away and go back to my life. Maybe then I can live and breathe without this constriction in my chest that has been there since my thirteenth birthday.

  I felt the slight tremble in my limbs as I went back there, and was once again that little helpless child whose world had crumbled around her. I felt the darkness tug at the edges of my mind trying to suck me into the abyss.

  I calmed my suddenly erratic breathing and dragged my mind back on the right path. No-no-no Sydney! Do not fuck this up now, you’ve come too far. No more trips down memory lane.

  I brought myself back into character before I gave myself away. Though the man sitting next to me could have no clue that any of this was going on. As far as he knows, I’m just the girl his wife had hired to watch their children for the summer at their place in the country.

  It had taken lots of hard work and research to land myself the job. But hard work was nothing new to me, at least not where this was concerned.

  It had taken eight years to get here, to the final stages of my master plan. For most of those years I was just a helpless child, but with the help of the Internet and social media, I’ve been able to gather most of what I needed for the grand finale.

  He shifted in his seat and my pulse raced. Like I said, this was the one thing I hadn’t banked on. I don’t need to be attracted to him to get into his bed, not if the end justifies the means as it does in this case. I’d been more than ready to go the distance even if he was a potbellied balding slug.

  But of course I should’ve known that he wouldn’t be. He’s such a private person that there are no known pictures of him anywhere, so imagine my surprise when we first met.

  I knew he was young, only thirty-three, but I hadn’t expected him to be so well put together. It’s been my experience that most men of his standing are never the most attractive.

  I have to admit to a certain bias as well. I’d told myself that he’d have to be lacking in some way to marry the woman that he had. That maybe even with all his money he couldn’t do any better.

  But it appears that Mr. Fisher had been blessed with it all. Both looks and wealth. No worries though, I’ve come too far to turn back, or to let something as silly as a girlish infatuation get in the way of my plans.

  I smiled secretly to myself as I thought of the look on his face when he sees the real me for the first time. It was so easy for him to dismiss me now with my frumpy look, but I have no doubt that will all change, and soon. Real soon!


  I felt the sweet rush of anticipation as we pulled into the gates of the majestic country estate more than an hour later. I did not let myself look with envy at the immaculate grounds, or the beautiful home as it came into view.

  I’d long lost the taste for such things. Once I was a girly girl who believed in such nonsense as happily ever after and knights on white horses.

  I’d given up believing in such claptrap when my world was destroyed at that age in life when a girl needs to believe in dreams most. Not again Sydney keep it together. You’re not that girl any longer, haven’t been for a while.

  I did remember to show the expected amount of awe and admiration though, so as not to bring attention to my lack of interest. I might as well wear a sign if I was going to do that.

  So I looked, with the requisite amount of appreciation for the beauty of the country estate that was worth millions. The immaculate grounds that must take a team of twenty or more to keep up, and the imposing mansion slash castle with the sparkling windows that shone in the dying rays of the sun.

  All that was missing was a collie or two and horses grazing in the distance. I knew though, that the horses were in the stables about a thousand feet from the house and there were no dogs because the children were deathly afraid of them.

  I stood back quietly like the timid little mouse I was pretending to be and waited as the driver retrieved my suitcase from the trunk of the car.

  The master of the house ignored me as he walked ahead and again I got that secret little thrill at the thought of bringing him to his knees in the not too distant future.

  A housekeeper, a butler, and what I presume was the rest of the domestic staff that kept this monstrosity up and running, came out on the steps like they were there to welcome some monarch of old.

  They’d come the day before I know, to get the place in order for the family. Well for him and the kids anyway. The mother, his wife, wasn’t due for another week. That was the very thing that had facilitated my being here at this time.

  I’d timed it perfectly, everything coincided with her one week away. Her downtime away from the stress of raising a family, or so the story goes.

  I couldn’t have planned it better myself if I’d tried. It’s as if everything had been lining up perfectly and falling in step with my plans.

  I wore the insipid smile I’d practiced in the mirror a thousand times as I was introduced to the rest of the staff. They seemed lovely enough I guess, but I didn’t care, I wasn’t here to make friends.

  The housekeeper seemed a bit chatty as she led me up the stairs to what was to be my room. It was in the main part of the mansion, away from the servant’s quarters, because I was to be the primary caregiver for the two young children of the family.

  My room was right off the nursery where the twin girls slept. I hadn’t met the four year olds as yet, but I knew all there was to know about them. It’s amazing what you can piece together from what people post on social media.

  Plus, I have the added bonus of knowing how to hack into people’s accounts and see even the things they keep hidden from the rest of the world. In short, I know all this family’s secrets.

  Well, mostly all. Sebastian had proven to be more careful than his wife in that respect. There was literally nothing about him anywhere, except for a few business mentions here and there, which had been a huge source of frustration for me.

  I guess when you have the kind of money he does it’s easy to keep your life hidden away from prying eyes, but it had put me in an awkward position the first time we met.

  I do know that though he came from money and had made even more himself, Sebastian Fisher was a relatively nice guy. Hard to believe of someone in his position.

  By all accounts and I can vouch for this having gone through what I could of his personal life from spying on those close to him, he’s fair and just in his dealings with others.

  As I walked up the stairs and entered the room that was to be mine, no one would ever guess that I’d been here before. I made sure to show the right amount of interest in the family portraits that lined the walls as we passed them by. And of course the housekeeper was only too happy to give me their history. Chatty!

  Once in the room I stood off to the side, holding up the wall as she explained where everything was. She left and I sat on the bed with my hands clasped in my lap, waiting for the butler to bring up my su

  “Well, young lady, do you have a body in this thing? It’s a bit heavy for such a little thing as yourself.” He looked at me expectantly and I quelled my natural instinct to snap at him and gave him a winning smile instead.

  He did a double take as if he’d seen a ghost. I didn’t feel bad that he was the first to get a glimpse of the real me. I’m sure there would be a lot of that same reaction in the days to come.

  “Oh no sir, it’s just my school books and laptop that makes it feel that way. I’m sorry you had to lug it all the way up here.” I gave him my most innocent caring look as I moved aside for him to drop the case on the bed. “No problem at all, Sydney is it?”

  “Yes sir!” I reached my hand out politely and felt the sweat on his palm. Now that’s more like what I’m accustomed to when dealing with the opposite sex. “Frank, you can call me Frank.”

  ‘Thanks again Frank.” I walked towards the door in an unspoken invitation for him to leave. He almost tripped over his own feet as I closed the door gently in his face.

  I moved around the room slowly, going to the window and looking out, running my hand over snugly fitted sheets on the neatly made bed. There was no haste in my movements though inside I was all over the place.

  I took my time unzipping my suitcase and removing the few items of clothing I had there along with my trusted laptop and the other small devices I never leave home without.

  Once I had everything where I needed it, I sat on the bed, crossed my legs and removed my glasses. I lifted just my eyes to the tiny hole in the top right corner of the room.

  A hole that no one would notice unless they were specifically looking for it. A hole only I knew was there. The smile that came across my face was meant only for the one I was sure was watching intently.


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