The Battle of Britain

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The Battle of Britain Page 85

by James Holland

  Brothers, Fg Off Pete (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x)

  aircraft improvements (i), (ii)

  and 15 September raid (i), (ii)

  and 257 Squadron (i)

  on pilot (i)th sense (ii)

  Buchanan, James (i)

  Buckingham Palace, garden bombed (i), (ii)

  Bulscamp, action at (i), (ii)

  Bulson ridge (i)

  Busch, General (i)

  Bushell, Roger (i)

  Butler, Richard Austen [Rab], on peace talks (i)

  Bütow, Korvettenkapitän Hans (i), (ii)

  cadet forces, UK schools (i)


  10th Panzer sent to (i)

  reinforced 23 May (i), (ii)


  French counterattack (i)

  taken by (i)th Panzer (ii)

  Camm, Sidney (i)

  Canada, declares war on Germany (i)

  Canadian Division, (i)st, to new BEF (ii)

  Canadian troops (i)

  Canal line

  German attacks on (i), (ii)

  German consolidation (i)

  Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm (i), (ii)

  spies in Britain (i)

  Canewdon Chain Home station (i)

  Carinhall [Göring’s house] (i)

  Case Red (i), (ii), (iii)

  Castle Bromwich, Spitfire production issues (i)


  Luftwaffe pilots and (i)

  RAF pilots and (i)

  Chain Home System see RDF Chain Home System

  Chamberlain, Neville

  and 26 May War Cabinet (i), (ii)

  and emergency powers (i)

  and German offensive (i)

  and home air defence (i)

  and Ireland (i)

  and leadership crisis (i), (ii), (iii)

  Churchill and (i), (ii), (iii)

  defeatism (i)

  Lord President of the Council (i)

  moves out of No. 10 (i)

  on Chiefs of Staff memo (i)

  on discussing terms (i)

  on French (i)

  on Lloyd George (i)

  terminally ill (i)

  Channel, Luftwaffe pilots and (i)

  Channel convoys see convoys protection

  Channel Guards, convoy protection (i)

  Channel Islands, partial evacuation (i)

  Channel Mobile Barrage Balloon Flotilla (i)


  Blenheim attacks (i)

  evacuations from (i)

  S-Boats (i)

  Chiefs of Staff (i)

  anticipate immediate invasion (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  on further help for France (i)

  Christmas 1939, Germany (i)

  Church Fenton, 87 Squadron (i)

  Churchill, Clementine, at Park’s HQ (i)

  Churchill, Randolph (i), (ii)

  Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (i)

  and airfield repairs (i)

  and Beaverbrook (i)

  and Berlin bombing (i)

  and Chamberlain (i), (ii), (iii)

  and convoy attacks (i)

  and Dowding (i)

  and France (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  and German offensive (i)

  and Halifax (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  and Hitler’s ‘appeal to reason’ (i)

  and Ireland (i)

  and Kennedy (i)

  and Knickebein system (i)

  and leadership crisis (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Middle East (i)

  and old destroyers sale (i)

  and proposed heavy bomber campaign (i)

  and public information (i)

  and RAF fighter squadrons for France (i)

  and US (i), (ii), (iii)

  becomes PM (i)

  becomes Defence Minister (i)

  Hitler on (i), (ii)

  interns Italians (i)

  leadership (i)

  on approach to Italy (i)

  on Bomber Command (i)

  on continuing alone (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  on invasion warning (i)


  broadcasts to nation (i)

  effect on morale (i)

  never surrender (i)

  ‘Finest hour’ (i)

  ‘The few’ (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)


  Bentley Priory (i)

  East End (i)

  Park’s HQ (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ciano, Count Galeazzo (i), (ii), (iii)

  City of Benares (i)

  civilian boats, Dunkirk (i), (ii)

  civilian life, Germany (i)

  civilian morale

  and bombing (i)

  and invasion threat (i)

  imperturbable (i)

  Nicolson and (i)

  civilian bombing, Hitler forbids (i), (ii)

  Civilian Repair Organization (CRO) (i)

  Clark, Kenneth, and If the invader comes (i)

  coal shortage, Germany (i)

  coastal defences (i), (ii)

  Defence Areas (i)

  coastal defence radar, Admiralty (i)

  Coastal Command

  and Adlertag (i)

  reports invasion preparations (i), (ii)

  Cock, Johnny (i), (ii)

  Cockett, Olivia (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  on London bombing (i), (ii)

  code words, RAF Operations Rooms (i)

  codebreaking information, UK/US exchange (i)

  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) (i)

  Colville, Jock (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and war leadership (i)

  on aerial battles (i)

  on Churchill’s no surrender speech (i)

  on convoy HX72 losses (i)

  on Operation Catapult (i)

  on Vuillemin (i)

  Comely, Peter (i)

  Commonwealth, supports Britain (i)

  Commonwealth pilots, volunteer for RAF (i)

  Commonwealth troops (i)

  communications issues, Luftwaffe (i)

  communications systems, RAF (i)

  concentration camps, Göring and (i)

  Condor Legion (i)

  convoys protection (i)

  channel convoy CE8 (i)

  Channel Guards (i)

  Channel Mobile Barrage Balloon Flotilla (i)

  coastal convoy CW8 (i)

  convoy HX72, U-boats and (i)

  Dowding and (i)

  protection (i)

  minesweepers and (i)

  transatlantic convoy OA178 (i), (ii), (iii)

  Cooper, Alfred Duff, Minister of Information (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and public information (i)

  broadcast 22 May (i)

  on not blaming allies (i)

  Coquelles airfield

  III/JG 52 at (i), (ii), (iii)

  I/JG 52 at (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  18 Squadron bombs (i)

  Corap, Général André Georges (i)

  Corbin, Sgt Jimmy (i), (ii), (iii)

  Courtrai, Belgians at (i)

  Cowley, Sgt James (i)

  Craven, Sir Charles (i)

  Crook, Plt Off David (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii)

  and Stuka 1 (i)

  on Portland attack (i)

  shoots down Blenheim, (i)

  Spitfire training at Drem (i), (ii)

  ‘Cromwell’ signal, issued to Home Guard commanders (i)

  Croydon, attacked (i), (ii)

  Cunningham, John ‘Cat’s Eyes’, and Dowding’s night interception (i)

  Curchin, Johnny (i)

  Curtiss, Glenn, Hawk dive-bomber (i)

  Czech RAFVR pilots (i), (ii), (iii)

  310 Squadron, and 15 September raid (i)

  Daladier, 16 May meeting with Churchill (i)

  Dallas City, hit by Stuka (i)

  Dalton, Hugh, and SOE (i)

  Damm, Unteroffizier H
ellmuth (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and advance to Ghent (i)

  at Dixmunde (i)

  attacks Bulscamp (i), (ii)

  Daranowski, Gerda (i)

  Darley, Sqn Ldr George (i), (ii)

  Darlin, Admiral François, and French Fleet (i)

  Dawson, Joe (i)

  DB601 engine, Me (i)E (ii)

  de Gaulle, Général Charles

  and French Fleet (i)

  attacks Panzer Corps Guderian (i)

  Dakar invasion fails (i)

  seeks formal union with UK (i)

  de la Laurencie, Général, makes for Dunkirk (i)

  de Valera, Eamonn, rejects Irish union (i)

  Deal, attack (i)

  Defence Committee meetings 25 May (i)

  Defence Teleprinter Network (DTN) (i)

  Deichmann, Oberst Paul (i), (ii)

  destroyers for bases deal with US (i)

  DeTe Dezimator-Telegraphie [German radar] (i), (ii)

  Dietrich, Obergruppenführer Sepp, takes Mount Watten (i)

  Dietrich, Otto (i), (ii)

  Dill, General John (i)

  Dinant bridgehead, Rommel and (i)

  Dinort, Major Oskar (i), (ii), (iii)

  Dishforth, 10 Squadron, Whitley Mk Vs (i)

  dispersal, waiting stressful (i)


  and moving targets (i)

  Luftwaffe and (i)

  Dixon, Plt Off (i)

  Doggersbank [Dutch skoot], at Dunkirk (i)

  Dominions see Commonwealth

  Dönitz, Admiral Karl (i)

  in Western Approaches (i)

  and U-boats (i), (ii)

  Donnelly, LAC Larry (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  bombs Tempelhof station (i)

  Donovan, Colonel William ‘Wild Bill’, fact-finding visit (i)

  Dornier (i)s (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

  32 Squadron and (i)

  Beamont and (i)

  procurement (i), (ii)

  Douglas, Air Marshal Sholto (i)

  and Leigh-Mallory (i)

  on planning for worst (i)

  replaces Dowding (i)

  Douhet, Giulio, on unstoppable bombers (i)


  I/St.G 2 and (i)

  Americans visit (i)

  attacked (i)

  barracks bombed (i)

  Dover RDF station (i)

  attacked (i), (ii)

  Dowding, ACM Sir Hugh (i)

  and Beaverbrook (i), (ii)

  and BEF fighter support (i)

  and Channel convoys (i)

  and early-warning systems (i)

  and Fighter Command (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and home defence modernization (i)

  and night defence (i)

  and Park (i), (ii)

  and pilots shortage (i)

  and RDF (i)

  and strength after Dunkirk losses (i)

  and Supermarine Type (i) (ii)

  developing defence system (i)

  insists pilots rest (i)

  on help for France (i), (ii), (iii)

  on rescue aircraft as targets (i)

  on start of battle (i), (ii)

  planning for worst (i)

  radar night interception worked (i)

  see also Fighter Command

  Dowding System (i), (ii)

  Drake, Billy (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

  Drax, Admiral, and anti-invasion duty (i)

  Drem, Spitfire training (i), (ii)

  Driffield, hit by Luftflotte (i)

  Drummond-Hay, Peter (i), (ii)

  Dundas, Hugh ‘Cocky’ (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  and Dunkirk (i), (ii)

  and Luftflotte (i)

  on Dunkirk from air (i)

  on LDV (i)

  shot down (i)

  Dundas, John (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x)

  and 15 September raid (i)

  and Dunkirk (i), (ii)

  Dunkirk (Kent) RDF station, attacked (i), (ii)


  1st Panzer sent to (i)

  BEF withdrawal to (i)


  order (i)

  27 May (i)

  28 May (i), (ii)

  29 May (i)

  31 May (i)

  1 June (i)

  2 June (i)

  eastern mole embarkations (i)

  Gort plans defence for (i), (ii)

  Luftwaffe bombers and (i)

  Luftwaffe fighters and (i)

  pilots to learn lessons of (i), (ii)

  see also Operation Dynamo

  Dunn, Jimmy (i)

  Dunne, Eileen (i), (ii)

  Durham Light Infantry, (i)th, defends Bulscamp (ii)

  Dutch air force, 10 May losses (i)

  Dutch army (i)

  retreat (i)

  trapped at coast (i)

  Dutch surrender (i), (ii)

  Duxford wing

  and 15 September raid (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Osterkamp on (i)

  Dyle river (i)

  early-warning systems, Dowding and (i)

  East Coast Mine Barrier (i)

  East End, morale (i)

  East Lancashires, defend Canal line (i)

  Eastchurch, attacks on (i), (ii)

  Eastmore, hit by Stuka (i)

  Eben Emael (i)

  Eckersley, T. L. (i)

  Eden, Anthony, Minister for War (i)

  and Local Defence Volunteers (i)

  education, Nazis and (i)

  Edwardes-Jones, Humphrey (i)

  Egypt, fails to enter war (i)

  Ehrlich, Oberleutnant Lothar (i), (ii)

  Elementary Flying Training, reduced (i)

  Ellington, ACM Sir Edward (i)

  Elmbank (i)

  Elmcrest, sunk by S-Boat (i)

  Elmhirst, Air Cdre Tommy (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Berlin bombing (i)

  ‘Estimated Scale of Air Attack…’ (i)

  naval/air strength estimates (i)

  Emergency Powers (Defence) Act (i)

  enemy aliens, internment (i)

  enemy beacons, RAF navigators and (i)

  Engel, Major Gerhard (i), (ii), (iii)

  English understatement (i)

  Enigma code-breaking (i)

  Erdmann, Major (i), (ii), (iii)

  Erpro 210 (i), (ii)

  and fighter-bomber units (i)

  and Manston (i)

  attacks Martlesham Heath (i), (ii)

  attacks Supermarine works (i)

  mistakes Croydon for Kenley (i)

  Ervine-Andrews, Captain Harold, defends Canal line (i)

  Evill, AVM Douglas (i)

  Ewald, Hauptmann Wolfgang (i)

  Fagalde, Général Marie-Bertrand-Alfred

  and channel ports (i)

  declines evacuation (i)

  Fairey Battle squadrons (i)

  Belgian (i)

  RAF (i)

  Fairey Battles (i)

  at Sedan (i), (ii)

  Fall Gelb (Case Yellow, western offensive) (i), (ii)

  Far East, Churchill and (i)

  Feary, Sgt Alan, destroys Ju 88 (i)

  Feis, Herbert, on Kennedy (i)

  Feisler Storch, Milch’s (i)

  Felkin, Grp Cpt

  and POW interrogation (i)

  and Knickebein system (i)

  Felsennet [Hitler’s western HQ] (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Göring in Asia near (i)

  Fermer, Herbert (i)

  field hospitals, German (i)

  Field, Lt Norman (i), (ii), (iii)

  at French border (i)

  at La Panne (i)

  at Nieuport (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  fifth columnists scare (i)

  fighter aircraft, comparisons (i)

  fighter escorts (German) (i)

  Göring’s tactics (i), (ii)

  Fighter Attack procedures, inappropriate (i)

; Fighter Command

  10 Group (i), (ii), (iii)

  11 Group (i), (ii), (iii)

  see also Park

  12 Group

  big wing, and 15 September raid (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  cooperation failure (i)

  aircraft shortage (i), (ii), (iii)

  and 15 September raids (i)

  and Adlertag (i), (ii)

  and Dunkirk (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Dowding and (i)

  see also Dowding

  HQ, Bentley Priory (i)

  losses (i), (ii)

  pilot losses (i)

  pilots to avoid sea (i)

  night defence, disagreements (i)

  Operational Training Unit, Sutton Bridge (i)

  Operations Rooms

  and Observer Corps (i)

  standardization (i)

  pilot shortages (i)

  radiocommunications (i)

  Schmid’s reports (i), (ii)


  19 May (i)

  after Dunkirk losses (i)

  23 August (i)

  Fighter Command (cont.)

  Dowding and (i)

  increased strength (i)

  structure (i)

  groups and squadrons xix–xx

  tension builds (i)

  see also squadrons by number

  Filter Room, Bentley Priory (i)

  Fimmen, Oberleutnant zur See Kurt (i), (ii), (iii)

  Fink, Oberst Johannes (i), (ii)

  firepower, Me (i)E (ii)

  flak, formation flying through (i)

  Flanz, Rudi (i)

  Fleet Air Arm

  Gosport, attack on (i)

  Skuas (i)

  Fleming, Boost (i)

  Fliegerkorps II (i)

  Fliegerkorps VIII, withdrawn from battle (i)

  Fock, Carin, Countess von (i)

  Focke-Wulf Condors (i)

  sink shipping (i)

  Forbes, Admiral Sir Charles (i)

  and invasion defences (i)

  on pointless anti-invasion duty (i)

  Forbes, Athol (i)

  Ford, Fleet Air Arm (i)

  Forschungsamt, Göring and (i)

  Fortune, General Victor (i)


  and armistice (i), (ii), (iii)

  Churchill and (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  Comité de Guerre 30 May (i)

  considering negotiation (i), (ii), (iii)

  defensive policies (i)

  Hitler’s invasion plans (i)

  mistakes against Germany (i)

  see also French …

  Franco, General Francisco (i)

  Frank, Erich (i)

  Fraser, Gunner Stan (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  at Bray Dunes (i), (ii), (iii)

  at Menin (i)

  free speech, and ‘Silent Column Campaign’ (i)

  Free French

  Dakar invasion fails (i)

  pilots (i)

  Freeman, Sir Wilfred, and Spitfire (i)

  French air force (Armée de l’Air)

  10 May losses (i)

  and Sedan (i), (ii)

  bombers, Bethke and (i)

  Curtiss fighters (i), (ii)

  disorganization, Brothers on (i)

  organization (i)

  strength (i)

  Zumbach and (i)


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