The Battle of Britain

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The Battle of Britain Page 86

by James Holland

  French army

  and counterattack (i)

  and Meuse defence (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and Sedan (i)

  condition (i)

  command issues (i), (ii)

  communications issues (i)

  logistics issues (i)

  tactical issues (i)

  defending Dunkirk (i), (ii)

  dug in at canal line (i), (ii)

  evacuation (i)

  First Armoured Division, destroyed (i)

  First Army (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  II Corps, repositioning to hold front (i)

  IX Corps trapped at Le Havre (i)

  retreat (i), (ii)

  trapped at coast (i), (ii)

  giving up (i), (ii)

  Meuse defence (i)

  French fleet

  Britain asks for (i)

  Britain destroys (i)

  to remain inactive (i)

  ‘Freya’ German radar system (i), (ii)

  Fricke, Konteradmiral Kurt (i)

  and Operation SEALION (i), (ii)

  fuel, and fighting time (i)

  fuel injection systems (i)

  Fuller, Colonel John (i)

  Furnes, attack on (i)

  Galland, Hauptmann Adolf (Dolfo) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  and Bader’s Big Wing (i)

  and Biggin Hill (i)

  and communications issues (i)

  and gunnery (i)

  and ‘Jafü’ (i)

  and Spitfires (i)

  asks Göring for Spitfires (i)

  Geschwader commander (i)

  on Beppo Schmid (i)

  on civilian Berlin (i)

  on pilot training (i)

  Gamelin, Général Maurice Gustave (i), (ii)

  16 May meeting with Churchill (i)

  demands RAF fighter squadrons (i)

  refuses to believe in German advance (i)

  replaced by Weygand (i)

  Garland, Fg Off (i)

  General Post Office

  Defence Teleprinter Network (DTN) (i)

  RAF telephone network (i)

  George, Barclay (i)

  George VI King of England

  broadcast 23 May (i)

  on Dunkirk (i)

  Georges, Général Alphonse (i), (ii)

  and German advance (i)

  misinforms Churchill (i)

  German army

  18th Army

  advance to Ghent (i)

  and Belgian surrender (i)

  attacks BEF bridgehead (i)

  20th Motorized Division (i)

  24th Artillery Battalion (i), (ii)

  43rd Assault Engineer Battalion (i)

  56th Infantry Division (i), (ii)

  171st Regiment (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Operation SEALION, planning issues (i)

  attacks BEF bridgehead (i)

  condition at western offensive (i)

  Group A (i), (ii)

  Group B (i), (ii)

  resentments (i)

  westward advance (i)

  see also panzer divisions


  economic blockade proposals (i)

  communications failure (i), (ii)

  financial issues (i), (ii)

  German/Soviet non-aggression pact (i), (ii)

  intelligence, rivalry (i)

  mistakes against Britain (i)

  rearmament programme (i)

  resources need (i), (ii)

  vulnerability (i)

  see also German army; Göring; Hitler; Kriegsmarine; Luftwaffe; panzer divisions

  Ghormley, Admiral Robert, visits Dover (i)

  Gillies, Fg Off (i)

  Gloucesters, (i)nd, hold line at Cassel (ii)

  Gloster Gladiator (i)

  Goebbels, Josef Propaganda Ministry (i), (ii), (iii)

  and press (i)

  on Britain (i), (ii), (iii)

  on British bombing (i)

  on Churchill’s piracy (i)

  Göring, Feldmarschall Hermann (i)

  and fighter commanders (i)

  and Hitler (i), (ii)

  and intelligence (i)

  and Jeschonnek (i)

  and London bombing raid (i)

  and Luftwaffe birth (i), (ii)

  and Luftwaffe procurement (i)

  and Milch (i), (ii), (iii)

  armada (i)

  blamed Ribbentrop for war (i)

  blames fighters for raid failure (i)

  expecting peace (i)

  ‘General Directive … Luftwaffe against England’ (i)

  lost interest (i)

  meetings at Carinhall (i)

  on attacking England (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  on escorting bombers (i)

  preparing for air battle (i)

  proposes Luftwaffe destroy BEF (i), (ii)

  rearmament programme (i)

  takes personal command (i)

  Gort, General John Vereker, Lord (i), (ii), (iii)

  and air support (i)

  and Arras counterattack (i), (ii)

  and demoralized French (i)

  and evacuation (i)

  Churchill orders to leave (i), (ii)

  French evacuation (i), (ii)

  moves HQ to La Panne (i)

  plans withdrawal with Blanchard (i)

  and German Canal Line halt (i)

  move to Wahagnies (i)

  on French performance (i)

  orders move to Menin/Ypres gap (i)

  Gosport, attack on (i)

  Government Code and Cipher School (GCSC) (i)

  Grandy, John (i)

  Gravelines, Germans take coastal batteries (i)

  Gray, Sergeant (i)

  Green, Paddy (i)

  Greenwood, Arthur (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Grossdeutschland Regiments, to Dunkirk (i)

  Grosse, Oberfeldwebel (i)

  Guderian, Oberstgeneral Heinz (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  and air support (i)

  and Canal Line (i)

  and Meuse bridgehead (i)

  and Mount Watten (i)

  and Panzer advance (i)

  anti-aircraft guns (i)

  at Sedan (i)

  crosses Meuse (i)

  insists on advancing (i)

  ordered to capture channel ports (i)

  Panzers in reserve (i)

  reaches Swiss border (i)

  Guernica, Luftwaffe bombing (i), (ii)

  Guines-South (i)

  gunnery, fighter pilots (i)

  Habarcq (i)

  Halder, General Franz

  and Hitler assassination plot, (i), (ii)

  and Canal Line consolidation (i)

  and halt order (i), (ii)

  and Luftwaffe success reports (i)

  and Operation SEALION (i)

  and western offensive (i), (ii), (iii)

  invasion plans (i), (ii)

  on Allies escape (i)

  on peace terms (i)

  Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl (i)

  and Italians (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and leadership crisis (i)

  believes Nazis unbeatable (i), (ii)

  Halifax, Edward (cont.)

  continues as Foreign Secretary (i)

  on appeal to Roosevelt (i)

  on further help for France (i)

  on peace talks (i)

  on war prospects (i)

  responds to Hitler’s ‘appeal to reason’ (i), (ii)

  split with Churchill (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Hamburg, bombed (i)

  Hampden heavy bombers (i)

  Berlin raids (i)

  production priority (i)

  Hanks, Flt Lt ‘Prosser’ (i)

  Harding, Plt Off Geoff (i)

  Hargreaves, Norman (i)

  Harling, Lt-Col Bill (i)

  ‘Harry Tate’s Navy’ (i)

  Hartlepool freighter (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hartmann, Gerhard (i)

nbsp; Harvard trainers (i), (ii)

  Hawker Aviation

  Hawker Hind biplanes (i)

  Hurricane see Hurricanes

  Hawkesworth, Brigadier Leslie ‘Ginger’ (i)

  Hawkinge airfield, attacked (i), (ii), (iii)


  Luftwaffe and (i)

  sidelined by Udet (i)

  Udet and (i)


  He (i)s (ii)

  He (i), Wever and (ii)

  He (i)s (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  procurement (i), (ii), (iii)

  He (i), rejected by Udet (ii)

  He 115 seaplane (i)

  He 177 heavy bomber (i), (ii)

  on hold (i)

  Udet and (i), (ii)

  He (i), rejected by Udet (ii)

  Henderson, Commander H. P. (i)

  Henschel (i)s (ii)

  Henshaw, Alex, on Beaverbrook (i)

  Herrmann, Oberleutnant Hajo (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and accurate bombing (i), (ii)

  and London bombing raid (i)

  and Spain (i)

  bombing Dunkirk (i)

  crashed (i)

  on drinking (i)

  on minelaying (i)

  High Frequency Direction Finding (i)

  Hillgarth, Captain Alan, and Spain (i)

  Hilse, Funkgefreiter Rolf (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hintze, Oberleutnant Otto (i)

  Hitler, Adolf

  and Britain (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  and Canal Line consolidation (i)

  and France (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and German vulnerability (i)

  and Göring (i), (ii), (iii)

  and halt order (i)

  and Italy (i), (ii)

  and Operation SEALION (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  and Poland (i), (ii)

  and U-boats (i)

  and USSR 432 and X-day (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  at Felsennet (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  enjoys himself (i), (ii)

  forbids bombing civilians (i), (ii)

  indecisive (i)

  popularity (i), (ii)

  HMS Basilisk, lost at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Codrington, sunk (i)

  HMS Foylebank, bombed (i)

  HMS Havant, lost at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Hebe, at La Panne (i)

  HMS Icarus (i), (ii)

  at Dunkirk (i), (ii), (iii)

  minelaying (i)

  HMS Intrepid, at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Ivanhoe, at Dunkirk (i), (ii)

  HMS Keith, lost at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Nelson (i)

  HMS Royal Oak, sunk by U-boat 47 (i), (ii)

  HMS Speedwell, at La Panne (i), (ii)

  HMS Victory (i), (ii)

  HMS Wakeful, lost at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Warspite (i)

  HMS Windsor, at Dunkirk (i)

  HMS Wolfhound (i), (ii)

  HMS Worcester, at La Panne (i), (ii), (iii)

  HMS York (i)

  HMT Dalmatia (i)

  HMT Darthema (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Hoare, Sir Samuel (i), (ii), (iii)

  and leadership crisis (i)

  on rumours in Spain (i)

  Holland, Bob (i)

  and benzedrine (i)

  home defences, Dowding and (i)

  Home Guard, called to arms (i)

  Hore-Belisha, Leslie (i)

  Hornchurch, attacked (i)

  Hotel Adlon, Berlin (i)

  Houwald, Wolf-Dietrich von (i)

  Houx bridgehead

  Rommel and (i)

  French army and (i)

  Howell, Frankie (i)

  Hozzel, Major Paul-Werner (i), (ii)

  Hughes, Plt Off Arthur (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  bombs (i)th Panzer Division (ii)

  on refugees (i)

  recce missions (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hurricanes (i), (ii), (iii)

  6 Operational Training Unit (i)

  at Dunkirk (i)

  at Louvain (i)

  BEF Air Component (i)

  Me (i)E compared with (ii), (iii)

  merits (i)

  production (i), (ii)

  strength after Dunkirk losses (i)

  Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transmitters (i)

  Ihler, Général, surrender (i)

  intelligence, German, misinformation (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  intelligence services (UK) (i)

  cooperation (i)

  invasion fears

  alert 7 September (i)

  and civilian morale (i)


  building up (i)

  Bomber Command and (i)

  Churchill believes no longer imminent (i)

  Hitler to finish France first (i)

  immediate, anticipated (i), (ii)

  mediation offers, ignored (i)

  paratroop scare (i), (ii)

  transport preparations observed (i), (ii)

  Ireland, Republic of, hostility (i)

  Irene Maria, lost (i)

  Ironside, General William Edmund ‘Tiny’ (i), (ii)

  coastal defence preparations (i), (ii)

  replaced by Brooke (i)

  Ismay, General Hastings Lionel ‘Pug’ (i), (ii)

  against helping France (i)

  at Bentley Priory (i)

  in East End (i)


  4 Group bombs Turin (i)

  and North Africa (i)

  Churchill and (i)

  enters war (i)

  Hitler and (i), (ii)

  intentions (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  invades Egypt and Kenya (i)

  Ribbentrop and (i)

  Jabo pilots (i)

  Jackson, Andrew (i)

  and Berlin raid (i)

  attacking Channel ports (i)

  on bomb aiming (i)

  Jafü (i), and 15 September raid (ii)

  Jafü (i)

  and Portland attack (i)

  attacks Supermarine works (i)

  to Pas de Calais (i)

  Jagdfliegerführer [fighter corps] (i)


  and Far East (i), (ii)

  Germany, Italy, Tripartite Pact (i)

  Ribbentrop and (i)

  Jeff, Voase (i)

  Jeschonnek, Oberst Hans (i), (ii), (iii)

  and dive-bombers (i)

  and terror bombing (i)

  Jodl, General Alfred (i)

  and Operation SEALION (i), (ii)

  on Göring (i)

  Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) (i), (ii)

  Jolly Nights [merchant ship] (i)

  Jones, Dr Reginald ‘RV (i), (ii)

  and X-Gerät (i)

  Knickebein counter-measures (i)

  watches London bombing raid (i), (ii)

  Joubert, Air Marshal Sir Philip (i)

  Joyce, William (Lord Haw-Haw) (i), (ii)

  Junkers, Hugo (i)

  Junkers aircraft

  dive-bombers (i)

  Ju 52 (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ju 87 see Stuka

  Ju (i), development (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

  Udet and (i), (ii)

  Kanalkranheit (i), (ii)

  Keitel, Feldmarschall Wilhelm (i)

  Kellett, Sqn Ldr Ronald Gustave ‘Boozy’ (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Poles (i), (ii), (iii)

  Kempf, Generalmajor Werner, crosses Meuse (i)

  Kenley, 616 Squadron attack on (i)

  Churchill visit (i)

  Kennedy, Joseph P. (US ambassador) (i)

  15 May meeting with Churchill (i)

  against US involvement (i)

  and destroyers deal (i), (ii)

  anticipates German victory (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  learned nothing (i)

  on German food shortage (i)

  Kennedy family (i)

  Kesselring, Generaloberst Albert (i)

  and aircraft short
age (i), (ii)

  and Galland (i)

  and Heinkel (i)

  and inaction (i)

  and Milch (i)

  HQ underground (i)

  on communications failure (i)

  on German fighter superiority (i)

  warns of Spitfires (i)

  Killingback, Sgt (i)

  King, Martyn (i)

  King’s Own Scottish Borderers, (i)st, defends Bulscamp (ii)

  Kingcombe, Brian (i), (ii), (iii)

  Kleist, Generaloberst Ewald von (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Canal Line consolidation (i)

  and Guderian (i)

  Klipsch, Paul (i), (ii)

  Kluge, General Günther von

  and Canal Line consolidation (i)

  and halt order (i)

  Knappe, Leutnant Siegfried (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  crosses Meuse (i)

  enters Paris (i)

  Knapper, Sergeant ‘Nipper’ (i)

  Knickebein system (i)

  and accurate bombing (i)

  counter-measures (i)

  Knight’s Crosses, pilots and (i)

  Kociuszko Squadron see (i)

  Kociuszko Squadron

  Koppenberg, Heinrich (i)

  Korthals, Oberleutnant Günther (i), (ii)

  Kraft durch Freude (KdF) (i)

  Kriegsmarine Operation SEALION, preparations (i), (ii), (iii)

  landing craft, short of (i)

  Signals Research Department (i)

  see also S-boats; U-boats

  Krusche, Hauptmann (i), (ii)

  Kühle, Helmut (i), (ii)

  Kühnold, Dr Rudolf (i)

  La Pallice, evacuations from (i)

  La Panne abandoned for Bray Dune (i)

  evacuees attacked (i)

  French rushing boats (i)

  Lafontaine, Général (i), (ii)

  Laidler, Graham (i)

  Lancashire Fusiliers (i)

  LDV, John Wilson and (i)

  Le Havre, IX Corps trapped near (i)

  Learmond, Pat (i), (ii)

  Lebensraum policy (i), (ii), (iii)

  Leconfield, 616 Squadron (i)

  Lee, Colonel Raymond, US military attaché (i)

  and London bombing raid (i), (ii), (iii)

  on Bentley Priory (i)

  optimistic for Britain (i), (ii)

  tours coastal defences (i)

  visits Dover (i)

  Leeb, General Wilhelm Ritter von (i)

  Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler massacres POWs (i)

  to Dunkirk (i)

  Leigh-Mallory, AVM Trafford

  12 Group tactics (i)

  big wing concept (i)

  replaced Park (i)

  Liberty Ships, Churchill and (i)

  Liddell Hart, Basil (i)

  Life Magazine, Beaton’s bomb damage pictures (i)

  Light, Plt Off (i)

  Lille-Marcq, 87 Squadron (i)

  Lindemann, Professor Frederick (i), (ii)

  Liss, Oberstleutnant Ulrich (i)

  Lloyd George, David Beaverbrook and (i)

  Chamberlain on (i)

  Local Defence Volunteers (LDV) (i), (ii)

  Loerzer, Generalleutnant Bruno (i)

  and feint attacks (i)


  1st bombing raid (i)


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