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Cross Keys

Page 29

by Ally Shields

  When Caleb escorted Kam to the dinner table, he gave her an appraising look. “You really look lovely, Kam. I will be the envy of every man tonight.”

  She smiled at him. Sweet of him to say so, but she only hoped he’d be envied by one man. It would be nice to know Seth Lormarc wasn’t as indifferent as he seemed.

  * * *

  The Winter Ball was a crush. They had to wait several minutes to get inside the ballroom, but that wasn’t entirely unexpected. It was always the best attended of the king’s three balls. In a month when the snow and cold kept everyone inside except when they had to venture out, the kingdom looked forward to one big night of social entertainment. Women wore long gowns; the men were in suits and neck scarves. By tradition, the men wore the scarves associated with their houses: Ryndel blue, Lormarc green. Kam spotted a few white scarves, a red and a yellow that belonged to some of the smaller houses.

  Caleb was resplendent in a navy blue suit and pale blue scarf. As Kam and Caleb swirled around the floor on their first dance, her cousin Leila swept past and glanced pointedly at Kam. No scarf? she mouthed.

  “I guess the cat’s out of the bag.” Caleb smiled down at Kam. “I shouldn’t have made my intentions so definite last fall.”

  “You told them you’d asked me to marry you?” She couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “I might have mentioned to a friend or two that I hoped we would be promised by the ball.” His shrug was nonchalant. “Plans change. They understand that.”

  Kam wished Caleb hadn’t shared so much, but the change in their relationship would have come out eventually. People were bound to notice.

  And notice they did. During the next half hour Kam had more bachelors asking to be dance partners than she’d seen in the last year. Even without a scarf, everyone had presumed they’d be promised soon. Caleb’s declaration had made their status rather public. When the attention and pointed looks got to be embarrassing, she finally left the dance floor to find something to drink. Her mother intercepted her at the refreshment table.

  “I have known Caleb’s plans for months, but I had sensed something wasn’t right between you. You aren’t wearing his scarf, so I assume you said no. Are you all right?”

  “Oh, yes, perfectly fine. We actually made the decision weeks ago. I love him, Mother, but not in the way he deserves.”

  Her mother’s smile was gentle. “I thought as much. I would have you settled, Kameo, but not with the wrong person. You know you will always have my support, and your father’s.” She leaned forward and kissed Kam’s cheek. “I hope you get what you want, my dear. I must go, your father is waiting for his dance.”

  Kam watched her mother walk away. Was that last comment casual or did she suspect what was in Kam’s heart?

  Unfortunately, it didn’t matter. Seth hadn’t looked at her all night. He and Rhyden had arrived as part of a group of several young men and women. Kam wasn’t sure who was with whom, but both men had danced with every woman in the group. At one point Rhyden had smiled and nodded at her, making Seth’s lack of attention even more apparent.

  Not that she wanted or expected anything different.

  Seth was currently dancing with a woman in an elegant black and white gown. He bent his head close to her and laughed at something she said. Kam wondered what it would be like to whirl around the ballroom in his arms.

  “You’re staring,” Esty whispered, coming up beside her. “Someone will notice.”

  “Oh, I was just watching the dancers for a minute.” Kam brushed a curl back from her face and smiled at her sister.

  “You were watching him.”

  “I don’t know who you mean, but I noticed you’ve been very popular tonight. Even with some of the other houses.”

  “OK, change the subject if you want.” Esty tossed her curls. “It’s been a terrific night. My friends and I have decided the families’ past disagreements are archaic. Don’t you agree?” she asked slyly.

  “Esty.” She drew out her name. “Let’s not talk about that tonight. I guess you’ve gotten over your embarrassment from Mariel’s party.”

  “The fight wasn’t really my fault.” Esty pouted for a moment, then grinned. “But you can’t believe what it did for my popularity.”

  Kam hid her amusement as her sister rattled on about the gossip and the dates that had followed. Esty was still young enough to believe anything was possible, that people could change their attitudes, if you just wished hard enough. And who’s to say she wasn’t right? When had Kam become so jaded?

  She stole another look at Seth. He was still dancing. She could almost imagine those solid arms around her, his touch sending shivers up her arms. What would happen if she suddenly walked across the room and tapped on his shoulder? She closed her eyes for a second, seeing those green eyes lit with fire and staring down at her.

  By the gods, she was losing it. She peeked at Esty, hoping she hadn’t been caught daydreaming with some silly smile on her face. She needn’t have worried; her sister was still watching the dancers and going on about some young man she had danced with earlier in the evening.

  Kam sighed, relieved she hadn’t given herself away, but when she looked at the dancers again, she found she hadn’t entirely escaped scrutiny. Seth was staring at her, a slight smile on his face, as if he knew what she’d been thinking. Kam dropped her eyes, her face flushed. Why did she keep giving them both such mixed messages? Her head and her heart just weren’t in sync, and seeing Seth here had been harder than she’d thought.

  She considered leaving, until she remembered the King’s Dance. Because of her success in protecting Elvenrude, she was being honored with the first dance of his favorite waltz. The only time the king would actually dance all evening. She had to stay until then.

  “Esty, how about a glass of punch?” she suggested.

  “Allow me.” The familiar warm voice just behind her held a welcome dose of good humor. “What is wrong with the Ryndel men that they have left such lovely ladies alone for even a moment?”

  Kam turned to give Rhyden a smile. She really was glad to see him. “We haven’t been neglected, but I would love your company. What do you say, Esty?”


  With a sister on each arm, Rhyden proved a charming escort. After providing them with drinks, he squired them around the room, their progress raising only a few eyebrows. He kept them both entertained with commentaries on the various dancers, including who were in committed relationships and who weren’t. “I was happy to hear that both of you remain unattached. Dare I think there might be hope for me?”

  Esty giggled. “There’s always hope.”

  Kam laughed at her sister’s blatant flirting.

  The orchestra finally stuck up the familiar music of the King’s waltz, and Kam turned toward the dance floor. “I hear my cue.” She smiled at King Seliwyn as the crowd parted.

  “I believe this is my dance, Ms. Ryndel.”

  Kam curtseyed, and he took her hand, sweeping her onto the dance floor.

  “You look delightful tonight. I wish all my guards were as pretty.”

  “Thank you. But I doubt if Captain Brunic would be flattered to be called pretty,” she said playfully.

  The king hooted in amusement, and they made two circuits of the ballroom. “I cannot continue to monopolize your time, when another is waiting impatiently. Allow me to find your next partner.”

  “Of course, your majesty.” It was traditional, and Kam stood quietly by his side while he motioned for someone to join them. She expected it to be Caleb.

  The king squeezed her arm and chuckled. “I believe you are somewhat acquainted with the young man I’ve chosen.” He nodded toward someone, and she followed his gaze.

  Kam raised a hand to her throat as Seth Lormarc detached himself from the crowd and strolled across the ballroom. Confident, exuding sensuality. Kam was speechless, and a warmth curled in her stomach. Never before had the king chosen someone from a competing house.

  It seemed like she stood there forever. Then Seth was in front of her, his eyes just as captivating as she had imagined.

  “Ms. Ryndel.” The soft words made her pulse flutter as he claimed her hand, immediately swinging them into the rhythm of the music. Kam averted her eyes, resisting the wild impulse to throw her arms around him, faint or commit some other equally inappropriate social faux pas.

  As Seliwyn led out another partner and a handful of preselected couples joined them on the dance floor, Seth pulled her close enough she could smell his musky cologne. “Breathe, Kam. The sky isn’t going to fall in.” He twirled her around, his strong arms guiding her easily. “You look beautiful this evening.”

  She finally met his eyes. “Why did he choose you?”

  “Because I asked him.”

  Her heart hammered. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.” His smile grew. “I hoped if I had his approval, I’d win yours too.”

  “Oh, Seth.” She didn’t know what else to say. She closed her eyes and let the sensations carry her away.

  The dance floor continued to fill as all the guests were finally invited to join the popular dance. Kam saw Esty dancing with Rhyden, her parents were also on the floor, Caleb and Leila were together, but she wasn’t worrying about any of them or what they thought. It was enough that she and Seth were together. The rest of the world would have to sort itself out.

  * * *

  Twenty-four hours later, Kam was back in New Orleans. She hadn’t seen Seth since the dance, but she knew she would. Her skin almost tingled with the knowledge. Too restless to sit and wait for him to appear or call, she’d taken to the rooftops and chosen a spot looking down on Bourbon Street, busy with revelers carrying their go-cups from bar to bar in the pre-midnight hours.

  She sat cross-legged, completely relaxed by the laughter, the spicy aromas and the jazz drifting up from below. She closed her eyes, letting the music flow through her. Elvenrude would always be in her heart, but this city had become part of her. Wild, raw, sensuous, with a dark thread of the unknown. She smiled, a little smugly, thinking it was a lot like the man she loved.

  “I knew I’d find you somewhere on the rooftops.” His deep voice interrupted her musing. She’d felt his presence just seconds before he’d appeared, an awareness that sent a shiver across her skin. He dropped down to sit beside her.

  She looked at Seth’s strong features, softened by the moonlight. “I’m glad you came. I’ve been waiting.”

  “I’m here now.” He moved closer, and she uncurled her legs, leaning against him. Wrapping both arms around her, Seth rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “Incredible view, isn’t it? Looking out over the skyline as if it goes on forever.”

  She stirred. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “Because it has the same effect on me. It isn’t just New Orleans, you know. Although the city is a big part of it. But this world was our homeland. Before the portal. It’s in our blood.”

  “But that was thousands of years ago.”

  “Your point? Are you saying nothing lasts that long? Are you planning to stop loving me in a thousand years or so?”

  He was teasing, but Kam gave it some serious thought. Now that she’d found him, she couldn’t imagine any kind of life without him in it. Not now or ten million years from now.

  “Never,” she whispered.

  A group of partymakers burst from the bar across the street, the open door sending a fresh wave of music into the street, the sound subtly changing the mood.

  “Good answer, since I have no intention of letting you go.” He kissed the top of her head. “So, what shall we do with the first thousand years?”

  She looked up at him, suddenly earnest. “I’ve been thinking about that. Well, not about a thousand years, but about what comes next. I might resign from the King’s service.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Don’t tell me you’re ready to become a full time wife. Have I misread my ninja love that badly?”

  “Just the opposite. I want to spend more time Cityside. I’ve always wanted to do something exciting, something that makes a difference.” She hesitated to go on, wondering if he’d think she was crazy.

  “Like chasing bad guys?”

  “Exactly.” She sat up straight and turned to look at him. “Did you feel it? The energy, the rush. It was…I don’t know, exhilarating.”

  He grinned. “You just like running around the rooftops. But I’ve thought about it too, and come up with a couple ideas. What if we open a private inquiry agency? Can’t you see the sign?” He drew an arc in the sky. “Lormarc and Ryndel, Discreet Inquiries.”

  “Sounds like a service to catch cheating husbands or wives. How about Ryndel and Lormarc, Guns for Hire?” she countered, laughing at him.

  “I have it. We could give Noah Crain a call, see just what a part-time CIA asset might do. We’d still have our guild work and your artifacts to find, but in our free time—”

  She threw her arms around him. “No wonder I’m crazy about you. You know just the right things to say to me.” She kissed the side of his jaw.

  He gave a deep chuckle, the sound turning husky. “I know many more that should be said less publicly. Would you like to hear them?” His lips brushed her neck, leaving a trail of sensation as he continued across to the corner of her mouth. His kiss was soft at first, then hardened with growing need. Kam buried her fingers in his hair, her heart beating a steady tattoo.

  He released her and stood, offering her a hand.

  “Now?” Kam groaned in disappointment. “Where are we going?”

  “To the Lormarc lair…so I can have my wicked way with you.”

  She smiled and shivered as their fingers touched. “I think I’m going to like that very much.”

  ~ About the Author ~

  Ally Shields grew up in the Midwest and currently resides near Des Moines, Iowa. Writing has always been a part of her life, but in 2009, after a career in law and juvenile justice, she turned to full-time writing. Her first urban fantasy novel, Awakening the Fire (Guardian Witch Book One) was published in 2012 and that series continues. She loves to travel in the US and abroad and incorporates many of those settings into her books. Ms. Shields can be contacted through her website or you might find her on Twitter.

  Discover more about Ally Shields here

  Also by Ally Shields

  Try the thrilling Guardian Witch series!

  Awakening the Fire

  Guardian Witch Book One

  Ally Shields

  Arianna Calin has sworn to keep the peace in Riverdale. Most of the Otherworlders prefer to haunt the Olde Town district--partying at vampire strip clubs, dining in elegant supper clubs, and inhabiting the cliffside caverns along the Mississippi. Being a cop is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it, and Ari's got her derringer, a sharp stiletto, and a few handy charms against things that hunt in the night. She's also a fire witch--a pedigree that comes in handy, since her partner's only human.

  When a virtual reality drug hits the streets, people start to die, and an elusive pack of werewolves threatens the status quo. Ari and Ryan are drawn into a web of murder and evil that will lead sworn enemies to a confrontation. While the city simmers around them, Ari struggles to prevent an all-out supernatural war...

  Fire Within

  Guardian Witch Book Two

  Ally Shields

  A hidden evil stalks the city…

  Ari Calin refuses to believe her human friend Eddie murdered a vampire—in spite of his confession. Her human partner Ryan thinks the case is a slam dunk, even though there’s no weapon and no witnesses, but Ari’s not about to let her friend
take the rap without finding out more.

  When Ari attends a charity event on the arm of a handsome werewolf, she finds someone she never expected to see again—Andreas De Luca, the charismatic vampire she used to date. When their eyes meet across the room, memories come rushing back. His kiss, his touch, a savage death…and a terrifying magical bond. A reconnection is the last thing she wants. Only by staying away and forgetting Andreas can she hope to avoid the Legend of Ramora.

  But when vampires keep dying, one thing becomes clear: Riverdale has a serial killer on its hands, and Andreas could be next. Ari begins to fear there’s more to it, though. Something truly evil is stalking the city, waiting to take control…

  Burning Both Ends

  Guardian Witch Book Three

  Ally Shields

  Friend or lover. Life or death…

  Supernatural cop Ari Calin arrives at the hostile Toronto vampire court with an ultimatum from the Riverdale vampires: Sebastian, Toronto’s vampire prince, must stop his unprovoked attacks—or else. Ari wasn’t expecting a fight—the “or else” was typical vampire grandstanding. But even with vampire Andreas De Luca by her side for a show of strength, things get ugly fast. Toronto’s vampire world is in crisis, and surrounded by enemies, Ari and Andreas find themselves under attack.

  That’s when Ari gets the call from the Magic Council ordering her home. Steffan, a good friend and leader of Riverdale's werewolves, has gone missing during top secret negotiations with the US government, and is believed to have been kidnapped—or killed.

  Andreas can't abandon the Toronto vampires, and Ari can’t leave him to face impossible odds alone. But neither can she disobey her orders from the Council, or leave her friend Steffan to be tortured and killed. Ari's loyalties pull her in two directions—the closest thing to love she’s ever known on one side, and friendship and duty on the other. If she can stay alive long enough for the choice to matter…


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