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Page 4

by Shameek Speight

Natalie knew he was about to ejaculate, she threw her ass back at him.

  “Ugh! Ahhhh! Yesss!” Trevor grunts while breathing heavy, releasing thick white semen like bullets shooting from a gun.

  Natalie quickly eased his dick out of her and turned around. She gets on her knees and took his dick in her warm wet mouth, “Mmmm,” she moaned while sucking it. She let him slide deep down her throat, swallowing as much of his cum that she could.

  “Ugh! Damn baby, I can’t take it, I can’t take it!” Trevor bellowed as his body quivered then he pushed her away.

  Natalie wiped her mouth and smiled, “Don’t ever forget who makes your body shake; only your wife can do that shit,” she said.

  “You ain’t ever lied, ain’t nobody got nothing on you honey, but now I’m all sticky. I have to clean up and you better not call me a damn metrosexual just because I like to stay clean and take care of myself,” Trevor said gazing at her then took off toward the staircase.

  “Because you are a metrosexual,” Natalie mumbled while shaking her head side to side in a childlike manner and stopped when Trevor turned around and looked at her. She smiled all innocently knowing she had gotten caught.

  “So are you coming or what,” he asked while staring at her beautiful face.

  She watched his perfect brown skin, muscular body and tight ass cheeks as he walked up the stairs, holding the white rail. Their en suite bathroom shower was huge enough to fit four people in it. It has three shower heads; one for a steam shower, one that gave you different settings and the third one was the best, it came from the ceiling and poured water down on you like big rain drops. It gave you the feeling of taking a shower in a rain forest and was the one they were using now.

  He poured Dove shower gel on a blue wash clothed and bathed Natalie seductively from head to toe.

  Her heart couldn’t help but melt as she thought how truly blessed she was; ‘A perfect, handsome husband, my dream home and we’re both successful. Thank you God,’ Natalie thought to herself as two tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “What’s wrong baby? Why are you crying?” Trevor asked.

  He washed between her toes and noticed her facial expression, and made out the tears through the flow of the shower water.

  “Nothing baby, I’m just so happy, I feel I have everything I could’ve ever dreamed of,” Natalie said.

  “That makes both of us,” Trevor replied and kissed her deeply as the water from the shower flowed down on them like rain.

  Natalie broke their embrace and squeezed his tight ass cheeks.

  “Hey, I told you not to do that,” Trevor said with his face balled up.

  “Hahaha,” Natalie giggled, “If you squeeze and slap mines, I should be able to do the same thing to you,” she said while still smiling.

  “No you can’t do it to me, it’s different. Your butt is meant to be touched mines ain’t,” Trevor said while squeezing her thick ass cheeks. ‘Money well spent,’ he thought to himself.

  “That’s not fair. I should be able to touch any part on your body, you’re my husband, it don’t make you gay,” Natalie said while pouting.

  “Well, every part of me is yours, but my ass is off limits,” he said smiling.

  “Honey, I think it’s time we had a baby,” she said out of the blue.

  “What? A baby, sweetie I just got out of med school and started working at the hospital. We have been living off your online marketing business and our savings. I don’t think it’s a good time to have a baby,” Trevor said watching her facial expression change.

  “But there is never a perfect time to have children. I want to stop taking birth control and have a baby because I get lonely. You work at night now in the emergency room as a surgeon and sometimes you stay at the hospital for three days at a time, working all kinds of crazy hours and there’s nothing for me to do,” Natalie said as she ran the wash cloth across his chest.

  “Babe, just give us a year or two, we only been here for a month. Let’s build and save a little more and I promise you we will start our family,” Trevor said while kissing her on the forehead then her lips.

  “Okay, I’ll accept that if you let me get a puppy to keep me company,” Natalie said.

  “You know I’m allergic to fur, but I’ll take some medication, so yes, get the puppy if it will make you happy. We can head to the pet shop as soon as we get out of the shower, but first,” Trevor said then kissed on her neck seductively.

  His lips sent chills through her body. He slowly turned her around and kissed down her back and between her legs. Natalie felt like she was in heaven as her pussy throbs.

  “Uhhhh!” she grasped for air as she felt the stiffness of his dick ease inside her, working deeper in.

  He moved her long blonde hair to the side and tossed it over her shoulders and it rest on the left breast.

  “Mmmm, yes baby, God,” she moaned while leaning on the marble shower wall.

  He kissed down her back slowly and gave her long slow strokes, teasing her pussy and pleasing it at the same time. Trevor held her waist as she arched her back even more, pushing her ass against his pelvic, forcing his dick deeper inside her, up to his balls.

  “You’re such a freak,” he groaned as he bit his bottom lip and began to pound faster.

  Water from the shower splashed everywhere as his dick repeatedly tapped her vaginal walls.

  “Ooooo, ohhh shit, I’m cumin baby I’m cumin!” she hollered as her body shook.

  Trevor looked down to see thick white cum over his dick and then get washed away by the shower water. He pound away even faster and this drove Natalie even more insane. She turned her head and seductively looked at him with lust filled gray eyes.

  “Sssss, I’m fucking cumin again, this dick is so good,” she moaned as a tear of pleasure escapes from the corner of her eye.

  Trevor made a growling sound that came from deep within his chest as he released; cumin all inside her. They both were out of breath with his dick still inside her wet hotness. Natalie stood up straight and twists her head around, kissing him. It was so deep and so passion-filled that she felt his seven inch dick grow inside her and stretch her walls even more, but she pulled away because they had things to do.

  Chapter 6

  After making good love, they found it hard to focus and get it together. Concentrating, Natalie and Trevor were able to get fully dressed. He was dressed with a sky blue, short sleeve Armani shirt with the matching slacks and blue Armani gator shoes. Being with Trevor for over seven years, Natalie had learned to match his fashion sense of style, appearance was everything to him.

  She had on the same color Louis Vuitton shirt, and a matching skirt with a pair of Jimmy Choo high heels. Her long hair was combed out, and it flowed naturally.

  They stopped at Starbucks for two, strawberry Frappuccino’s and hopped back in her Audi A6. Words couldn’t describe how they felt about living in San Diego. Unlike living in Chicago and being judged by strangers and even worse, their so called friends and family, about being in an interracial marriage. People would stare at them with disgust when they shared PDA, ‘Public Display of Affection’. To them it was crazy that racism still exists in this day and time. Lots of people frowned upon interracial relationships, but in San Diego, there were thousands of couples that dated outside of their race and nationality. They were happy to finally be in a place where they belonged. Without judgmental eyes on them, they were free to be themselves.

  Natalie pulled into the parking lot of Pet Smart and found a parking spot right away. As they exit the car, Natalie smiles as she watched women and children walk in and out the pet store with their dogs and supplies. She saw a an interracial couple; the woman was a dark skinned beautiful African American with box braid weave in her hair, and her husband was a short Caucasian man with brown hair. He looked like the typical lawyer type. The woman was pushing a stroller, and Trevor and Natalie could tell that the baby was mixed right away. She had her mother’s nose and eyes, but had a light brow
n skin complexion with her father’s curly brown hair. She had to be no older than a year.

  “Awww she is beautiful, God bless you both,” Natalie said to the couple.

  Her heart melts, she yearned for a child of her own.

  “Thank you so much,” the woman said with a smile, and then the husband and Trevor gave each other head nod.

  “Come on honey,” Trevor said.

  He gently touched her hand and led her towards the pet store as she continued to look at the couple’s baby as they walked to their car.

  “I want a baby so bad,” she said in a sad tone.

  “And you shall have one, just give it a year and I’ll make you a happy mother. For now, we’re getting you a baby puppy sweetie,” Trevor said while kissing her on the cheek.

  “You promise?” Natalie asked in an innocent voice filled with hope.

  “Yes I promise,” Trevor replied, and watched the cheese smile spread across her face as they held hands and entered the pet store.

  Natalie lit up as she walked through the doors. First she looked at fish and then made her way to the rabbit cages.

  “Awww, they’re so cute, I might want one,” she said.

  Trevor shook his head at his wife and smirked, she was like a kid in a candy store.

  Finally she found her way over to where there was a crowd of people. Women and children looked at puppies in cages and were picking which one they wanted. Natalie walked over to a tiny cup Yorkie and picked it up.

  “Awww, she is so adorable,” Natalie said while petting the brown Yorkie.

  She put the puppy down and ran over to an all-white, small Pomeranian. She picked it up and smiled, but then put it down. Something else had caught her eye and she made her way over to another cage. Looking inside, she saw the most beautiful puppy she had ever seen. His fur was gray, it almost looked blue. His eyes were the same color as hers. The dog stuck his tongue out and licked her face through the cage then wagged its tail.

  “I want him,” she said out loud.

  A store clerk wearing a red shirt and tan khakis walked over to her.

  Trevor stood by his wife’s side; he stared at the dog, then at his wife as if she’d lost her mind.

  “Baby, are you thinking straight? That dog comes to your waist. I thought you said you wanted a puppy, don’t you want one of those cute, tiny, girly like dogs; a Yorkie or Shih Tzu, something like that. This dog looks grown already.”

  “Excuse me,” the store clerk said cutting in on the conversation, “No, he’s just a puppy, only four months old,” she went on saying.

  “What! He’s that big and only four months old, that means he’s only going to get bigger, and he looks kind of dangerous,” Trevor replied as he watched his wife open the cage and pet the dog.

  “Oh, he’s not dangerous at all, he’s a Great Dane. They grow very large, up to 7 feet tall and can weigh 180 lbs. easy. Great Danes are known to be friendly giants, more like teddy bears, and they’re good with children,” the sales clerk replied.

  “I’ve seen pictures of Great Danes online, and looking at this dogs face, he does not look like a pure breed,” Trevor replied.

  “Your right, this puppy is mixed with a Boxer and Pit bull,” the sale clerk said.

  “Oh, hell naw, ain’t Boxers and Pit bulls vicious and known to attack people? Natalie dear, I really think you should keep looking around and find another kind of dog,” Trevor replied.

  “That’s not true, sir. I have two Pit bulls and two children. My dogs are very friendly. If anything, they protect. Dogs only become vicious based on their owners. A dog is only going to do what they have been taught and trained to do,” the sales clerk replied.

  Trevor gave her a nasty look that read, ‘Shut up and stop butting the fuck in me and my wife’s business.’

  The sales clerk noticed the nasty stare and took it as her cue to back off and started to walk away, then stopped when she heard Natalie’s voice.

  “I want this puppy, I feel a connection with him and I don’t care what anyone says. Trevor, you promised me that I can have a puppy until you gave me a child,” Natalie said while petting the dog.

  “Shhh, keep your voice down,” Trevor said feeling a little annoyed, “I said you can have a puppy, one of those girly, little dogs. I never said anything about a grown ass dog that’s half the size of us,” Trevor said.

  Trevor looked around to see if anyone had heard him then made eye contact with the sales clerk who just stood there smiling, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. She saw it a million times, a real man just can’t say no to his woman and will do anything to keep her satisfied or there will be hell to pay.

  “Honey I pick him, you know a happy wife equals a happy life,” Natalie said while batting her eyes.

  Trevor melted as he stared at her beautiful face and became aroused. He could feel his dick growing and trying to break free from his Armani slacks. He felt like people in the store could see his dick print, he grew nervous. He turned his head away from looking at his wife’s beautiful face and seductive eyes, and thought of sports real fast and felt his dick go down.

  “Okay, you can have the damn giant monster looking puppy, if it makes you happy,” Trevor said while looking at the dog wiggling its tail.

  “Yay!” Natalie screamed like a big kid and kissed the dog on his mouth in excitement.

  “How much is it to buy him?” she turned around and asked the sales clerk.

  “Well it’s not called buying a pet here, its call adoption. It means the same thing if you ask me, but you can’t tell my boss that. A lot of these animals are rescued from bad homes, just follow me to fill out the paperwork, it’s only $150,” the sales clerk said.

  Trevor and Natalie followed her to one of the many desks in the middle of the store, where other customers were filling out papers and getting their new pets.

  “So have you figured out what you want to name your new puppy?” the sales clerk asked as she took the $150 dollar payment from Trevor.

  “Ummmm, I think I’m going to name him Brock,” Natalie said as she bent down and pet his head, “Yes your name is going to be Brock, you like that don’t you boy,” she said as if she was speaking to a new born baby.

  Brock wiggled his tail from side to side.

  “Brock! I don’t even want to ask how and why you picked that name, as long as you’re happy,” Trevor said.

  A half an hour later, Trevor pushed a shopping cart filled with puppy supplies while Natalie held the leash that was connected to the collar on Brock’s neck, it had his new name engraved on a tag.

  Natalie loved the stares people in the parking lot gave her, as they looked at Brock. Natalie was 5’5” tall and the huge puppy came up to her waist. Brock wiggled his tail playfully as Natalie struggled to get him into the backseat.

  Trevor unloaded the shopping cart, placing the items in the trunk. He drove while Natalie sat in the passenger seat with her body twisted around playing with Brock who took up the whole back seat.

  “It would be nice if you could get him to sit, I can’t see behind him,” Trevor said driving slowly.

  “Sit Brock,” Natalie ordered and was pleased to see he that he listened and followed her command right away, “See, he’s going to be easy to train,” Natalie stated.

  “Yeah, you say that now; just wait until he’s shitting human sized shit all over our place. Then we’ll see you say something different,” Trevor replied as they pulled up to their condo.

  Chapter 7

  A month has passed and Trevor had to admit to himself that Natalie has trained Brock very well; no more accidents in the house. Trevor had even found himself starting love Brock like his wife did. The puppy was very unique, his eyes were intense, and no one else had a Great Dane with gray fur that almost looked blue.

  In the neighborhood, Trevor was being conceited and loved the attention he received when he and Natalie walked the dog or took him to the park. What Trevor couldn’t stand was all the love and affecti
on Natalie would give Brock. He was used to being the only one receiving all of her attention.

  He stood in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee in his tan suit, cautiously checking his watch. It was 5 p.m. and his night shift would start at San Diego hospital at 7 pm.

  “Baby don’t forget to take Brock to the vet it’s going on another month and you still haven’t taken him to get neutered?” Trevor said but Natalie didn’t pay him any mind, she hadn’t heard a word he said.

  She was on the living room floor playing with Brock, rolling around and tossing him a green tennis ball that he would bring back to her, and they fought playfully. On her knees Brock was taller than her; he had grown a lot in just one month. If he stood up on his hind legs, he was almost as tall as Trevor who was 5’9” tall, and the amount of food he ate in a week, had Natalie constantly running to the pet store. Brock knocked Natalie over while she was on the floor and started licking her face with his large tongue.

  “Hehehehe,” Natalie giggled like a little school girl, “Brock stop, okay, okay, I love you too,” she said and kissed Brock on the lips.

  Trevor shook his head, “Why the hell do you have to kiss him on the lips? And worse, let him lick you on the lips, it’s just nasty and I have to kiss you,” Trevor said in disgust.

  “Trevor, don’t you know dogs have the cleanest mouths in the world, so it’s no harm in me kissing him,” Natalie said while rubbing behind Brock’s ears, “Isn’t that right boy,” she said and kissed him once more on the lips.

  His long tongue ran across her lips and nose.

  “Ewww, I don’t care what you say it’s just nasty and disgusting, dogs put everything in their damn mouths, some of them eat their own feces, but anyway, I will be home in the morning. I ask that you take him to the veterinarian before he goes in heat and starts peeing all over the damn house, marking his territory,” Trevor said.

  Noticing that she still wasn’t paying him any mind while playing with Brock, Trevor shook his head and stormed out the condo slamming the door. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button repeatedly, feeling frustrated. ‘Seeing her kissing that dog with the same lips she kisses me with, hell no, and the damn dog gets more attention than me. I can’t believe I’m jealous of Brock,’ Trevor said out loud to himself as he shook his head and heard the beeping sound letting him know the elevator had arrived to his floor.


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