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Page 12

by Shameek Speight

  “Listen, you can stay here if you want with your freaky ass dog, but as soon as he goes to sleep, I’m going to make a run to the front door. Why the hell did you get such a big ass dog, anyway?” Felicia asked.

  Natalie couldn’t help but to smile through all the pain she was in, “My husband asked me the same thing,” she said out loud, “You tried to run for the front door before. You seen how well that went for you,” Natalie said sarcastically.

  “I have to try something. No way am I just going to lay around naked in shit and urine waiting for your dog to decide if he wants to rape or eat me. If you’re not going to help me with a plan, just shut the hell up and stay out of my way,” Felicia replied.

  Natalie and Felicia both sat quietly on the floor with their backs against the living room wall as they watched Brock eat. A half hour had passed and Brock walked around in a circle next to what was left of Trevor’s body and lays down, slowly shutting his eyes with his head was facing the women. Once in a while, his eyelids would pop open and he would stare at them making sure they didn’t move out of there spot before he closed his eyes again.

  Felicia waited for another hour and a half with her back against the living room wall sitting next to Natalie before she made her move. She slowly starts to crawl.

  “Wait! Not yet!” Natalie said while grabbing her arm.

  “Get off me. I’m not about to stay and do nothing. I’m not letting a damn dog continue to rape me and control my life. If you want to stay, that’s your choice, but I’m going to try to get away. Even if Cujo over there gets me, at least I tried,” Felicia said smacking her arm free of Natalie’s grip.

  “Wait! I’m going to come with you, but I have a plan,” Natalie replied.

  Felicia sat up and leaned back against the wall, “Okay, I’m listening. What’s your plan?” Felicia asked.

  “If we just try to run or sneak straight to the door, he will hear us and there’s no telling what he might do. He’s still hungry and that makes him even more dangerous. So, we have to do the unthinkable,” Natalie stated.

  “What you mean?” Felicia replied.

  “Trevor always kept a small 3.80 handgun on him,” Natalie said.

  “What the hell a small gun like that is going to do to that big ass, monster of a dog? That thing is the size of a baby horse. What good is that going to do us now talking about a gun we don’t have access to?” Felicia asked.

  “Shhhh, whisper, we do have access to the gun. It may not do much to Brock, but it will slow him down a little bit. That’s all we need to get away. The gun is inside Trevor’s blazer pocket over there,” Natalie pointed to the blazer that had been ripped to shreds, not too far from what was left of Trevor’s upper body and where Brock was laying.

  “How in the hell are we supposed to get the gun out of his blazer pocket by your monster dog that’s sleeping?” Felicia said sarcastically.

  “That’s the disgusting part. You see that right there,” Natalie pointed to a long leg bone that had been stripped of all of its flesh, “You take that end and we sneak over to the blazer. We grab the gun. If Brock wakes up before I grab it, you hit him on the head or nose hard. We can make a break for the front door escaping,” Natalie said.

  “You want me to touch what is left of Trevor’s leg and use it as a weapon? Ewww, I don’t know who’s sicker, you or the damn dog,” Felicia replied.

  “What other choice do we really have? The longer we sit her debating about this only leaves more time we run out of to actually put the plan in action,” Natalie said.

  They both got on their hands and knees cautiously and began to crawl. Felicia turned her head and looked at Natalie with fear in her eyes as she prayed the plan would work. She turned her head straight and slowly grabbed the long leg bone. Natalie and Felicia’s heart raced and felt as if they were going to pound out of their chests. Their stomachs bubbled up in fear as Brock made a grunting noise in his sleep. They both sighed in relief when he didn’t open his eyes. Felicia gripped the leg bone tightly as she waited for Natalie.

  Natalie’s body trembled as she crawled towards Brock getting closer and closer to him. She finally reached the shredded up blazer and dug her hands around inside the pockets. She could feel the small handle of the 3.80 handgun. As she started to pull it out, something told her to look ahead of her. When she did, tears started to stream down her cheeks as she seen Brock’s eyes open wide staring at her only a few inches from her face.

  Grrrr! Brock let out deep growling sound that came from his stomach as he snarled showing off his large teeth.

  “Ahhhh!” Natalie lets out a piercing scream as Brock popped up and stood on his four legs ready to pounce on her.

  “Ahhhh!” Felicia stood up off the floor and let out a war cry as she charged him. Before Brock knew what was happening, she swung the leg bone whacking him across the face with it. Brock let out a whimpering cry as Felicia swung the bone repeatedly with all her might hitting him in his jaw, nose, and the top of his head.

  “Ahhhh! No fucking dog is ever going to rape me. I’ll kill you!” she hollered and swung once more. The blow was so powerful it knocked Brock sideways to the floor.

  His large body made a thumping sound, “Shoot him! Shoot him!” Felicia shouted once she saw Brock down on the floor. Natalie’s heart continued to race as she tugged at the gun until she pulled it out of the blazer pocket.

  “Ahhhh shit! Shit!” Felicia screamed as she saw Brock stumble a little before he stood right back up with a deranged look in his eyes.

  He growled and leaped up in the air toward Felicia, “Oh God, oh God!” Felicia screamed as she swung the bone knocking him down. He stumbled sideways while standing on his feet. He shook his head from side to side while snarling. Natalie jumped off the floor.

  “Run!” Felicia shouted as she took off running for the front door with Natalie behind her, “Shoot him! Shoot him!” Felicia screamed as she tried to open the door.

  Natalie and Felicia turned and saw Brock growling loud and started charging them. Natalie aimed and squeezed the trigger hearing a clicking sound.

  “Oh Lord, oh God! It’s not working!”

  She screamed realizing there were no bullets in the chamber of the small gun. She pulled back the chamber making a bullet jump in the head of the gun, and then squeezed the trigger twice. The first bullet flew past Brock’s face and slammed into the living room couch ripping it open and sending pieces of cloth up in the air. The second bullet slammed into Brock’s shoulder.

  Arrrr! He let out a loud cry, but it did little to stop him.

  “That damn gun is too small to do any real damage to that big ass dog. I knew your plan wouldn’t work,” Felicia shouted as she swung the bone hitting Natalie on her back.

  Natalie grunted in pain as she dropped to her knees and fell to the floor on her back dropping the gun. Felicia opened the front door and started running at top speed straight for the elevator and pressed the button, “Come on! Come on! Open the fuck up,” she said continuing to look behind her.

  Brock jumped up and landed over Natalie. Blood leaked from his shoulder as he stared down at her as if he wanted to tear her to pieces. He snarled showing off his teeth dripping drool on to her face. Natalie’s eyes opened wide and she knew this was the end.

  Ding! The elevator sounded as it reached the third floor and opened up, “Thank God!” Felicia said as she let out a sigh of relief. She pressed the lobby floor button repeatedly, “Yes,” she said out loud as she heard the ding sound letting her know the door was closing.

  The dinging noise caught Brock’s attention. He looked up and seen the elevator doors slowly closing. He let out a loud growl and hopped over Natalie, who was crying with her eyes closed.

  “Shit, shit, oh God, oh God!” Felicia screamed as she continued to press the button praying that the elevator door would shut even faster.

  Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr! Brock growled as he jumped in between the elevator doors. They closed half way on his ribs and reopened.

  “Noooo! Noooo! Help me! Ahhhh!” Felicia screamed in panic seeing Brock only a few inches away from her. She swung the leg bone over and over hitting Brock in the face as she continued to scream, but it did little to stop him now as his anger rose.

  Brock charged her jumping up in the air, using his 200 pounds of body weight to knock her to the elevators marble floor, making her drop the bone.

  “Ahhhh!” she hollered and kicked Brock wildly.

  Grrrr! Brock snarled and opened his large mouth and sunk his teeth into her left leg. The Pit bull blood inside him kicked in as his jaws locked up and he shook his head from side to side ripping even deeper into her leg.

  “Help, help me! Oh God! Ahhhh!” Felicia screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  She was in incredible pain with his amazing strength. He ripped her leg from her body sending blood splashing and spraying all over the elevator walls, floor and on Brock’s face. He released his grip from her detached leg and licked his chops licking most of the blood off his face.

  Natalie heard the screams and cries for help. Finally, she had gotten enough courage to move. She rolled over to her stomach and could see straight into the hallway as Brock attacked Felicia. She eased up off the floor and saw the small handgun next to the kitchen table. She walked over and picked it up. She walked back to the front door and slowly crept out of the condo while leaning on the hallway wall. She turned her head left and could see the exit sign for the staircase, ‘If I can reach the staircase, I can run down the stairs to the lobby and I’ll be free,’ Natalie thought to herself.

  Felicia noticed Natalie’s naked body leaning on the hallway wall, as she coughed up blood, “Help me, help me!” she mumbled while stretching out her right arm as if she was reaching out for Natalie to grab her hand and pull her out the bloody elevator, freeing her from Brock.

  Natalie raised the small 3.80 hand gun and aimed at Brock’s massive back. She took a deep breath knowing once she squeezed the trigger it would only turn Brock’s attention on her and barely harm him, ‘Wait! What the fuck am I doing? This is the same woman that has been fucking my husband that he had an affair with. The same woman that just sucker hit me in the back and left me to die so that she could get away. Why should I jeopardize my life to help her?’ Natalie thought to herself as she lowers the gun.

  Felicia seen her lower the gun and she cried hysterically, “No please, please help me,” Felicia begged with her arm still stretched out.

  Brock released her detached leg and chomped down on her forearm.

  “God stop him, shoot him! Ahhhh! Shoot him, please! Help me, I am pregnant!” she hollered as Brock tugged and pulled on her forearm ripping the meat from her bone. Her flesh peeled off her arm like string cheese.

  “Ahhhh!” she hollered as Brock snapped her forearm off and began to devour it. Blood gushed out of what was left of her left arm, “Ahhhh! Oh God help me, someone please,” Felicia hollered in excruciating pain. Brock ripped all the meat off her forearm in a matter of seconds.

  Natalie stood on the hallway as her body trembles. She stood there frozen in fear mixed with horror watching the whole thing, not believing that this was the small dog she had grown to love. Now he turned into a wild, out of control beast. She placed her hands over her ears to block out Felicia’s agonizing screams of pain for help.

  Felicia’s body went into tremors shaking uncontrollably as if she was having a seizure, “Ahhhh, Lord please help,” she screamed as her body had gotten weaker. Her eyes opened wide as the last thing she saw was Brock’s huge mouth open up wide. She stared at the rows of razor sharp teeth as they locked on to her face, “Ugh! Ugh!” her screams came out as mumbling sounds as Brock’s teeth sunk deeper in to her skull and cheek bones.

  Brock shook her face from side to side until he heard the snapping sound of her neck and her body stopped flopping around like a fish out of water. Brock released his grip off her face and licked his chops tasting the warm blood on his lips. He wastes no time to open his large jaws and rip into her stomach tearing her insides up, devouring her flesh and intestines sucking them up like they were spaghetti noodles.

  “Ahhhh!” Natalie let out a light scream from the sight she was now seeing and quietly covered her mouth so Brock wouldn’t hear her, but it was too late.

  Brock turned his head while sucking up another piece of Felicia’s intestine. His eyes showed pure rage seeing Natalie outside of the condo in the hallway. Grrrr! he snarled showing off his teeth dripping thick red blood. Natalie panicked as her body trembled as she thought of her next move. She knew if she back stepped back inside the condo, Brock wouldn’t attack her. Brock barked at her and tilted his head towards the condo door.

  Natalie knew what he wanted. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she hesitated on what to do. She remembered she had the gun in her hand. She raised it and aimed it at his forehead. Brock’s face twists up in rage. Raghhh! Raghhh! Grrrr! he growled and took off towards her.

  “Ahhhh!” Natalie screamed and squeezed the trigger twice, the loud sound from the gun going off echoes in the hallway. She closed her eyes as she flinched in fear.

  Arrrr! Arrrr! Arrrr! Brock made a whimpering sound when one of the bullets nipped his ear.

  Natalie reopened her eyes to see Brock still charging after her. She took off running firing the gun behind her blindly, “Ahhhh! Oh God, I’m not going back. You will have to kill me first,” she cried out as she tripped and fell dropping the gun. She quickly gets up and saw the gun on the right side of the hallway and knew she had no time to scoop it up. She ran towards the staircase and pushed open the door and slammed it shut using her body weight to keep it closed.

  Raghhh! Raghhh! Brock stood up on his hind legs and pushed on the door.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ugh! Hell no! Nooo!” Natalie cried knowing she couldn’t keep the door shut much longer.

  She was naked and barefoot. Her feet kept slipping on the floor. Brock crashed his body into the door.

  “Oh Lord! Oh Lord!” Natalie shouted as Brock tried to force the door open, “Ahhhh fuck! Why Trevor? Why did you have to leave me alone? I loved you. If you never left, none of this would be happening,” Natalie said out loud to herself as she cried hysterically, “Ahhhh,” she let out a short scream.

  Brock crashed into the door once more, knocking her forward. She stumbled and took off running up the stairs, ‘Damn, why didn’t I run down stairs to the lobby? I’m stupid…stupid,’ Natalie thought to herself while crying. She looked behind herself and could see Brock make his way through the door with his huge body. Natalie ran up two flights of stairs and pushed the roof door open.

  The roof of the condo building was designed as a lounge area with a six foot pool that took up most of the roof. There were spot lights around the pool and inside of it, brightening the roof up. Natalie panicked knowing she had nowhere to run.

  “Mmmm! Yes like that. I love this chocolate ass, mmm!”

  “How much you love it baby, mmmm.”

  Moaning sounds caught Natalie’s attention. She turned her head towards the direction the moans were coming from. Mr. Yang was stretched out on the side of the pool while Mrs. Yang’s chocolate, smooth ass was in the air as she lay down on his chest riding him. Mr. Yang palmed her ass cheeks while thrusting up and down sending his dick deep inside her, “Yes, oh God, baby! Yes, fuck my pussy,” Mrs. Yang screamed in between sucking on his neck.

  The Yang’s were the first interracial couple Natalie had met since moving to San Diego. They seemed very much in love, but stayed to themselves. They seemed more concerned about their relationship than hanging with friends. The few months Natalie lived in the building, she had only spoken to them no more than four times, even knowing they only lived on the second floor of the building.

  ‘They got to have a cell phone nearby that I can use to call the police,’ Natalie thought to herself as she watched the couple continue making love. They were so in tune with what they were doing that they never paid her
any mind. She noticed their clothes were not too far from them.

  Boom! A loud crash sent the roof door flying open. Natalie turned around to see Brock’s massive form standing on all fours in the doorway with blood dripping down from his mouth and his once gray bluish fur covered in dark red blood. He snarled showing his teeth with rage in his eyes.

  “Ahhhh!” Natalie screamed at the top of her lungs and took off running knowing she really had nowhere to go, running past the Yang’s.

  They sat up and looked at Natalie running passed them naked like an insane woman. Mrs. Yang turned her head to the left just to see a row of large razor sharp teeth. As Brock opened his mouth, she lost all control of her bowels. Urine and shit covered her husband’s dick and balls. She had no time to let out a full scream as Brock’s large mouth locked onto her face. Her scream came out muffled as Brock’s mouth covered her face and his teeth sunk deep into her skull and cheek bones. Brock applied more pressure until a loud cracking sound was heard. Brock crushed every bone in her face. He pulled with all his might slowly stretching her neck until he ripped her face from her body and spits it inside the pool. It splashed and sunk to the bottom of the pool.

  “Ahhhh! God no, not my wife! Not my wife!” Mr. Yang hollered. He had his eyes closed the whole time enjoying the sensation of his wife slowly riding his dick. When he opened his eyes, he saw Brock slowly ripping his wife’s head off and spits in the pool as if was a sun flower seed. All he could do was holler as blood from her neck was squirting out like an active volcano all over his body and face.

  “Ahhhh!” Mr. Yang hollered as he choked on her blood as it poured out flooding his mouth. He pushed his wife off of him and his dick. Before he could get up and run, Brock ripped into his chest, “Ahhhh, help! Help me!” he screamed as he swung repeatedly with a closed fist at Brock.


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