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Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4)

Page 6

by Janet Lane-Walters

  The lessons learned that day had ruled his dating life. He’d always made sure to let any woman he dated know there was nothing possible beyond a short hot ride.

  He sucked in a breath. Everything about Cassie appealed to him. Her independence, her ability to recover from a blow to her self-esteem and the way she made him laugh. Most of all he was hooked on the way she responded to his touch.

  His hands clenched. He was inches from sliding down a steep slope and crashing on the rocks. Love was a state he’d vowed he would never embrace. Not after watching his mother’s silent cries over his father’s casual caring. Matt had watched her fade away rather than fight for life.

  What now? The urge to speed away struck hard yet an equally strong yearning called for staying. He certainly had no intention of confessing how he felt. Just a week ago Cassie had been ready to walk down the aisle with another man, one she must have loved. She was on the rebound. He needed an escape, one that wouldn’t give her confidence another blow.

  He gulped a deep breath. Tomorrow was Saturday. He wanted to show her the Smiton house and make an offer. He could manage another day with her. Once the house was his he could walk away.

  He tugged her close. “I’m ready for a nap.”

  She covered a yawn with her hand. “Sounds good.” She slipped from the bed and brought their clothes from the living room. “Your phone’s vibrating.”

  “I’d better take it.” He hit the answer. “Matt here…Yes…He did…Tell him to ignore my last request…Damn…He was to call. Did you tell him?...Why not?...” He cut the call.

  Cassie touched his arm. “Do you have to leave?”

  Although he’d been looking for a reason to escape he shook his head. “Some people can’t follow simple instructions.”

  “Was it a costly mistake?”

  “I needed to talk to a…consultant and his secretary failed to pass along my message.” He pulled her to the bed. “It’s nothing vital but some rest is.”

  The strident buzzing of the doorbell woke him. Cassie slipped out of bed and grabbed a robe. She scurried away. Matt pulled on his jeans and strode to the living room.

  Cassie held two large bags. “Dinner is served.”

  “What do I owe you?”

  She laughed. “No reason for you to pay for everything. I’m an equal opportunity date.”

  Matt closed his eyes to hide the desire to speak words he’d never thought to say…words doomed to cause pain. His problem was Cassie’s perfect match to a woman he could be with forever. A state he didn’t want.

  Tomorrow they would visit the Smiton house. He would tell her about the changes he wanted to make and what the improvements would mean to the economy and to the owners of other aging homes. He would offer to buy the house at market value. He wanted to own the house his mother had loved. Sometimes he wondered why. He recalled the sadness in her eyes the first time she’d taken him there. “This house held my dreams.” She had whispered the words he hadn’t been meant to hear. On that day he’d vowed the house would be his.

  Cassie opened the bags and set containers on the table. As she moved the robe opened allowing tantalizing glimpse of her long legs. Matt ignored the stirrings of his body and brought plates and glasses from the kitchen. He opened a bottle of wine.

  From the first of the tapa containers he took bite sized tuna pies and held one for her to taste. She returned the gesture offering him a bite of red pepper sprinkled with garlic. Cassie dove into the black olives marinated with pearl onions. When she touched a morsel to his lips he sucked the bite along with her fingers into his mouth. They shared clams in tomato sauce and shrimp with garlic and pepper. They finished the meal with a flam covered with a raspberry chocolate sauce.

  Matt fed her the last spoonful and dipped his finger in the remaining sauce. He held the sweetness to her lips. When she drew the digit into her mouth he opened the belt of her robe. He drew her to her feet. “I want you.”

  Her smile warmed him. A sound rumbled through his chest like a purr. Perfect meal. Perfect woman. Perfect bliss to end as these encounters always did.

  He drew her down the hall to the bedroom. For a moment they stood at the window. A crescent moon cast halos of light on the dark waters of the river.

  Matt turned. “Sure wish I’d bought those silk ropes to tie you. I would like to hear you beg.”

  Cassie ran her tongue over her lips. “Maybe I’d rather see you helpless. There is an idea we can try.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Tell me.”

  “One of us should lie on the bed and grasp the spindles of the headboard to see how long the near-bonded one can last.”

  “You’re on. You first. Let’s play.”

  Cassie went to the bed. She left her robe tied and buttoned. She grasped the spindles.

  Matt sat on the food of the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head. His hands slid to his belt. He kicked off his shoes and turned away to remove his jeans. He paused at her dressing table and looked at the assortment of oils and lotions. He selected one and strode to the bed. He untied and opened Cassie’s robe. His eyes narrowed. He opened the lotion, put some in his hands. He knelt and spread the cream over her body.

  Just his nude presence raised desire in her eyes. He touched her skin as he moved his hands from her neck over her body brought the reactions he had wanted. Her nipples beaded. Her eyes glossed with need.

  Matt grasped himself and pumped until he could sheathe his erection. He knelt on the edge of the bed and measured more lotion into his hands. He lifted one of her legs and massaged her foot and slid his hand along the calf to mid-thigh. Slowly he lowered the right leg and began on the left.

  Cassie moaned. Her body moved as though she wanted him closer. She groaned.

  Matt chuckled. “Ready to give up? The past ten minutes has seemed like an hour.”


  He leaned closer and blew on her clit. She whimpered. His head moved toward her belly. When he reached her breasts, she cried. “Give up?”

  “Not yet.”

  An instant later her hands left the headboard. She touched his cock and he pulled free. “You are so very wet.”

  She touched his lips. “Now. You’re hard to resist.”

  Did that mean more than desire? He almost asked. Would she tell him what he wanted to hear? He drew her close. He plunged inside and the soon became her now. Her body shuddered in climax at the same time as he spewed. He drew her close and fell into a deep sleep.

  Kisses brought him to the present. Morning light filled the room. In unison their stomachs gurgled. Laughter rose.

  “Shower,” she said.

  “A quick one. I’m starved.”

  She grabbed clothes and hurried to the bathroom. Matt followed. They washed quickly. All thoughts of play were pushed aside by hunger for food.

  Moments later they reached the kitchen. Cassie put cinnamon rolls in the microwave and started coffee. She gathered ingredients for omelets and the moment the rolls were thawed put slices of bacon to replace the rolls.

  Matt watched her. Being here with Cassie seemed so good and so right. Could the affair last?

  After they finished the hearty meal Matt clasped her hand. “Let’s take a ride.”


  “To look at a house. I’m interested in. I’d like to do a series on converting older houses into energy efficient ones.”

  “I’d enjoy hearing about your plans.”

  Matt found his jacket and hers. Once she’d seen the house and heard his plans he would tell her she was the owner and offer to buy. Maybe he would tell her about his mother’s dreams and how he wanted to share them.

  Outside he steered her to his car. She turned to him. “Where’s your bike?”

  “Under repair. Should be finished in a week or two.”

  * * *

  Cassie sat in the passenger’s seat of the bright red sports car. Her thoughts raced with possibilities and improbabilities. What did the trip mean? Was Mat
t’s excitement for the project or did the house hold some special meaning? Like a commitment? Do not jump to conclusions.

  “You’ll love the house,” Matt said. “I remember the first time my mother took me there.” A hint of grief entered his voice. “She died before I found a way to buy the place for her.”

  “Wouldn’t your father do that?”

  Matt shrugged. “She never asked.”

  “Were you and your mother close?”

  “Very close. I’m the oldest.” He set the car in motion. “Enough about me. Let me tell you about my plans for the magazine and the house.”

  Cassie wondered what he avoided. Had something happened to his mother that made him fear commitment? She listened to what he said about the house. Her thoughts drifted to a future she couldn’t imagine coming to pass.

  He pulled into a driveway and parked near a low wall guarding the sleeping garden. Cassie studied the house built of stone. “Interesting structure,” she said. “When was the house built?”

  “It’s Early Victorian in the Gothic Revival style. Two bedrooms on the first floor, three on the second and the attic divided into a number of rooms.”

  Though the grass had been mowed the house appeared deserted. “Has the house been empty long?”

  “The owner left years ago but there were tenants. They left two years ago.” He walked toward the door. “The first thing I’ll do is work on the windows.”

  Cassie cocked her head. “So you won’t change the house much.”

  He nodded. “There will be some changes. Part of the reason for the upgrade is the house has been empty for so long, is the cost of heating and cooling. Solar panels will help those costs.”

  “Do you own the house?”

  “I wish I did. The owner died. I thought it would come on the market but the attorney needs to locate the heir.”

  Cassie frowned. “How long ago did he die?”

  “Four months.”

  A musical chime sounded. Cassie pulled a small rectangle from her pocket. “Hi, Mom.” She turned and stared. Was Matt scowling? Before she could ask he strode away.

  “Mom, slow down. I’m fine. I know you didn’t like Tim…Crushed, no. I was hurt and angry about his lies…When should I expect you? Surely you’ll stop before you head to Pittsburgh.”

  Her mother’s voice calmed. “We’ll be staying until Tuesday. On Monday there’s a legal matter.”

  “What?” She couldn’t imagine her mother or step-father doing something illegal.

  “Nothing exactly serious. I’ve been left some money. You’ll need to speak to the attorney as well.”


  “Your father is dead.”

  Cassie’s forehead wrinkled. “Why would that be a problem? I never saw him.”

  “He seems to regret having abandoned us. He’s left me money and the family properties and other assets to you. You’re a wealthy woman.”

  “You’re kidding.” Cassie walked toward Matt.

  “For once Bradley Smiton did something right.”

  Cassie halted so suddenly she stumbled. “Did you say Smiton?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I’m at the house with a man who wants to buy the property.”

  “Who is this man?”

  “An old acquaintance.” She hesitated to speak Matt’s name. After that rebuff ten years ago her mother had been furious and wanted to confront Matt and his father. Only Cassie’s tears had prevented a scene. “Matt Blakefield.” She forced his name out.

  “Do not let him have the house. He had an investigator meet our plane. The man demanded your phone number and address. You will not let that man ruin your life again.”


  “Cassie if he’s nosing around it’s because he wants to buy the house. He doesn’t want you. Run, don’t walk away. I’m sure he’s like his mother. If she hadn’t interfered you would have grown up with a father. She told Bradley I slept around. Two of her rich friends backed her lies.”

  “I need to think. We’ll talk later.” Cassie disconnected. Her thoughts whirled like a runaway Ferris wheel. Matt had told her how much his mother had loved the house. He had to know the entire story.

  Her chest tightened. She fought to catch a breath. She wouldn’t cry, not where Matt could see. She gulped several breaths and strode to him. “Nice try. Won’t work.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The house. Your romantic gesture. I’m not selling to you.”


  “My mother said you had an investigator meet her plane. He demanded to know my phone number and address. You knew I owned the property.”

  “I didn’t know until after our meeting at the cabin. Then I didn’t have your number and you weren’t there. I drove up on Monday. Then Allie found you and things were so hot between us…Guess I waited too long.”

  Cassie straightened. “And you intended to be with me as long as the fire burned. It’s ashes now. Take me to my apartment.”

  “We need to talk. I need to explain.”

  “Take me or I’ll call a cab.” She stared at the screen of her phone. “I’ll pack up your things and leave them in the lobby. I’m becoming an expert at removing unwanted men’s things.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Matters aren’t what you’re thinking. I never promised a commitment.”

  “I never asked for one. You could have told me about the house before we made love.” She pulled free. “Are you taking me home?”

  His shoulders slumped. “Yes.”

  Why did he look so defeated? He was the one who hadn’t told her tie truth. She stared out the window.

  When they reached the complex Cassie jumped out and hurried to the apartment. She left the door open. Inside she grabbed his duffle and crammed his clothes and the red bikini set in the bag. As he entered she reached the door.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  “Just go. I have nothing to say.” She dropped the bag at his feet.

  “I’ll call you.”

  “Don’t bother. If I decide to sell the house I’ll list it with a realtor and you can make an offer.” She closed the door before he said another work. With a sigh she slumped on the couch.

  * * *

  Matt shoved his duffle into the trunk of his car. Regret colored his thoughts. He slumped in the seat. He should have told her about the house the moment he knew she was the owner. Would the results have been different? Years ago he had laughed and insulted her. She had believed his crude remarks. He feared those words had emerged from where she had buried them. He could have…he hadn’t and he didn’t know why he’d been afraid to admit what happened between them had been more than sex.

  Their joining had been completely satisfying. Though he’d fought against stepping beyond the physical she suited him more than any woman ever had. He straightened. Years ago he’d searched for her. Her mother had refused to let him speak to her. Had he been seeking her in every encounter since then? Lord knows he’d never settled on another woman.

  He started the car. Instead of returning to the city he drove up the hill and parked in the town lot. He would give her time and space before he sought her again. How could he convince her he hadn’t meant to hurt her in the past or the present?

  Face it. You’ve lost. He pounded the wheel with his fists. Could he turn defeat into victory? Maybe there was a way.

  He remembered the ring she’d admired in the jewelry store window. The emerald matched her eyes. She’d mentioned buying the ring for herself. Would she accept the ring from him and the promise he planned to make. Ne nodded. Yes. He would try that method.

  Matt stared at the display and spotted the ring. As he entered a buzzer sounded.

  The man behind the counter put down a tool. “Can I help you?”

  “Could I see the emerald ring in the window?”

  The man unlocked the glass and brought the ring to the counter. “One of my favorite designs.”

�You created this?”

  “All the jewelry is of my design.”

  “Would it be possible to substitute four sapphires for the diamonds?”

  The jeweler lifted the ring to study the setting. He glanced at Matt and nodded. Matt wondered what the look meant.

  From a locked drawer the man took a velvet cloth and a small pouch. He spilled a stream of sapphires. He isolated several. “Ah, I have just two that match your eyes.”

  “As the emerald matches hers.”

  The jeweler removed one of the diamonds. He placed a sapphire in the setting. “Interesting. I hope you’re not in a rush. I’ll need a week to match the stones.”

  “I have time,” Matt said.

  “Her ring size?”

  Matt closed his eyes and thought of Cassie’s slender fingers. He almost felt them stroking his skin. To dislodge the memory he shook his head. “I don’t know and I want this to be a surprise.”

  “Her name. I may have her size on file.”

  “Cassandra Moore.”

  The jeweler moved to his computer. He typed and looked up. “You’re in luck. I remember the garish ring I made for her engagement. Huge diamond in a heavy gold scrolled design. Much too heavy for her slender finger. The man had no taste.” He arched an eyebrow.

  Matt stared at the jewelry case. “No taste is right. He broke the engagement.” Matt extracted a credit card. “I’ll make a down payment now and pay the balance when the ring is finished. I think she’ll be pleased.” After the card registered he signed the slip.

  The man winked. “And be surprised.” He handed Matt his receipt and a copy of the work order. “Good luck.”


  Matt left the shop and returned to the car. He drove across the bridge and reached his apartment. As he unpacked he found the red set of underwear. He placed them on his dresser as a reminder of what he’d lost and hoped to regain.


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