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His One Sweet Thing tpa-1

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by Jordan Silver

  His One Sweet Thing

  ( The pregnancy affair - 1 )

  Jordan Silver

  Jordan Silver

  His One Sweet Thing

  Chapter 1

  This was going to get out of hand fast and I didn’t know how to stop it, or moreaptly put I wasn’t sure I wanted to. My cock twitched in my pants as I watched her tight little ass under the terry cloth short shorts she wore. Her long black ponytail bounced against her neck and her braless tits bobbed up and down just adding to my torture. I was almost tempted to go rub one out in the bathroom but seeing as I had a backyard full of guests that probably wasn’t the smartest move I could make so I stayed seated and feasted with my eyes.

  Taking a sip from my ice-cold beer I tried tuning back into the conversation going on around me, my ex in laws were scattered around my massive backyard enjoying my annual fourth of July barbecue the same as they’d done every year for the last five; there was one glaring difference now though, we were no longer related, not since I’d found my darling wife with another man’s cock in her mouth while another ass fucked her. Needless to say our marriage died a quick and sudden death that day. The bitch at least had had the decency to carry out her torrid bullshit in the guesthouse. I’d calmly snapped away some pictures with my smartphone as evidence always the forward thinker that’s me.

  Whatever, those pictures went a long way to helping me keep everything that was mine, I guess she forgot in her haste to bag me she’d signed a prenuptial agreement. She never would’ve had to worry about me doing her wrong either prenuptial or not because that’s not the kind of guy I was, until that day.

  After that day something inside me changed and I’m still not sure if it was for the better or not; I’d gone hard when I’d told my lawyer I wanted her to have nothing, that’s right not even the gifts I’d given her in the six years of our marriage, not the clothes she’d bought with my money, nothing. In the end the judge had taken pity on her and awarded her ten thousand dollars to tide her over until she got on her feet again. Ten thousand fuck, she had handbags that cost more. I gave all her shit away to a homeless woman around the corner from my office building and directed her on how to make a killing. That woman now owns a little bakery with a nice apartment upstairs so you see it wasn’t all a waste.

  Anyway after I was rid of her scuzzy ass I took things slowly, there was no mad rush back into the social scene though I had plenty offers. I’m not a bad looking guy if I do say so myself. At six four one eighty five with black hair and pewter grey eyes that glowed silver at times I’ve been told I should model for GQ. The fact that I was loaded didn’t hurt any; when the judge had asked Jenny why she’d done what she had knowing the consequences if caught she’d said that she couldn’t help herself, apparently according to her she had a sickness, she was a sex addict. I can attest to that but stupid me, I thought that as long as I was scratching her itch on a regular basis things would be fine. Silly me.

  Its been six months now and like I said her family are all here enjoying my hospitality, I had no problem with that her family was cool we’d always got along and when her brother and his wife and then her parents had contacted me after the divorce to say they didn’t agree with her actions and had no intention on losing me as part of their family because of her stupidity I had seen nothing wrong with keeping the connection. At thirty three I’m pretty much alone in the world, my parents had gone down in a commercial flight when I was in my first year of university leaving me with one distant great uncle who I never knew. I had no living grandparents and my parents were both only children so that was pretty much it.

  The money from the insurance plus what the airline paid out was set aside. I had to choose whether or not I wanted to leave school and run dad’s company that was now mine or finish my classes and let the board run things for the next few years. In the end I decided to finish school, it had always been the plan for me to work with dad before eventually taking over at the helm, I was just being made to do it sooner than either of us would’ve liked.

  Now here I am sitting comfortably in a lounge chair in my very well kept backyard and fighting a hard on brought on by a little cock tease who was trying her best to drive me crazy. Natalie or Nat as she was fondly called was a sweet and what I used to think shy nineteen year old college student; I’m not quite sure where she fit into the Johnson family or maybe I should say it’s a bit confusing. Let me see, how does it go again? Right, Paul, that’s Jenny’s older brother who is forty three had an army buddy who’d died in a car accident when the daughter that he was raising alone after her mom had run off was barely five.

  Paul had taken little Nat because of some pact the two men had made while stationed together. I think I got that right all I know is that when I came into the family six years ago she was a shy introverted thirteen year old who liked to trail after her uncle Marc whenever we visited her grandparents. Marc that would be me it’s short for Marcus Dalton.

  I never thought anything of the young girl with her too big eyes behind her glasses and braces on her teeth, though it used to give Jenny fits. Jenny was always horny and it didn’t matter where we were she was always trying to find the best place to fuck, and having what she called a moony eyed twit trailing after us on our visits cramped her style; I guess I should’ve known from that. Anyway it had been some time since I’d seen Natalie, even before the divorce from one thing to the other we’d been missing each other and she hadn’t been to the last two barbecues or come to think of it any of the other get-togethers we’d had either.

  Now it seems she was here solely to torment me; when the hot young thing had come through the door with Paul and his wife Judy earlier I’d questioned Judy’s sanity for allowing this hot number anywhere near her husband but when the fox had smiled and thrown herself in my arms with a ‘Hi uncle Marc long time no see,’ and I’d recognized those big bluer than blue eyes I’m ashamed to say I sprung a boner right then and there.

  Shit, I couldn’t believe little Natalie had grown into this, this fucking sexpot. I had no doubt she’d felt my wood rising either because when her grinning parents had walked away she’d mashed her tits into my arm and her leg had come into contact with my now throbbing cock. I looked down at her, eyes sparkling and that look of mischief in her eyes I remembered so well.

  “How are you lil bit?” I found myself grinning down at her tiny height for no apparent reason other than that it suddenly felt really good.

  “I’m not so little any more am I uncle Marc?” With that she’d kissed my cheek a little too long if you ask me and walked into the house. I took another few minutes to get my raging cock under control before joining the others. Judy was busy making margaritas in the special machine I had in the full bar that was part of the back yard kitchen. Paul was fiddling around the grill and his parents as well as other assorted cousins and siblings milled about. There were about thirty people here with still more to come. A full house, last July fourth as with the others before it I’d fucked jenny hard and fast in the pool house around the corner from where everyone had been eating and laughing. She liked shit like that, situations where we were in danger of being caught, I have to admit it was hot but I draw the line at the sharing shit.

  My eyes kept darting to Nat, as she seemed to be making a point of staying in my line of vision. Now Natalie is a petite little thing, a mere five one or so with grapefruit sized tits that bore high nipples and no give that I could see. Her ass was a little bubble with a slight flare to her hips, her long black hair with hints of red fire now out of the ponytail hung in waves down to the small of her back. Her eyes were a clear blue with black centers and she was just stunningly gorgeous. If I had passed her on the street I would’ve
never mistaken her for the same awkward teen I’d seen the last time we’d met. Not only has she changed physically but it seems she had changed in other ways as well if the signals she kept sending my way were anything to go by.

  It got me wondering how long she’d had these feelings? As well as what hell my ex brother in law would put me through if I even thought of fucking his little girl. Okay she wasn’t really his daughter but he’d raised her from a small child and what the fuck was I thinking? Was I seriously contemplating fucking this girl? Just because the invitation had been made doesn’t mean I had to RSVP. Since the divorce I haven’t exactly been sitting at home pining away after the slut. Fuck no, I had as much pussy as I wanted but after a while that shit got stale, pussy with no attachments wasn’t as fun as some would have you think, that’s why I’d gotten married in my twenties, I wanted the closeness, that feeling of building something with someone. I’d wanted the kids the minivan all that happy shit, I’m glad now that I didn’t reproduce with that beast what a fucking mess that would’ve been.

  I had to make a bathroom run after three beers and decided to go into the house instead of using the closer pool house. I dropped trou and took my semi erect dick in my hand and couldn’t help stroking once, twice before taking aim. I had a nice buzz going yes but I was nowhere near drunk and yet I could swear I saw a shadow pass the door. I had the presence of mind not to react but turned my head ever so slightly so I could see out the side of my eye and sure enough she was standing there, her body hidden behind the door as she peeked in at my cock. What you would expect to happen happened and my cock sprang from his half interested state to almost fully erect in a split second. The horsepower in my new sports car had nothing on this bad boy, talk about one to eighty in less than a second. It’s a good thing I was through pissing because trying to piss with a boner hurts like fuck.

  I shook it out and struggled to push my now hard cock back into his hiding place then casually walked over to the sink and washed my hands before drying them. I barely discerned the sound of retreating feet as I made my way to the door. My fucking heart was beating the shit out of my chest as I tried to piece this shit together, what did it all mean? Why was she now making these moves when she never had before? Would people think I’d messed with her as a kid if I answered the call now? All these things ran through my head as I headed back to the backyard.

  Even though it was my house and they were my guests we didn’t stand on ceremony my ex father in law and my brother in law loved messing around with my high powered grill so I usually left them to it, the women liked fixing the salads so really all I did was provide the ingredients needed and the space. There was enough beer and liquor to go around which was a good thing because these things usually lasted until the early morning with this bunch.

  She was sitting with a group of younger cousins when I made it back outside looking innocent, no one would ever think she’d just been spying on my dick. I decided to play it cool and see where things went. I think somewhere between catching her checking out my cock and walking down the stairs I’d decided that if she was willing I was going to fuck the shit out of the hot young thing, but I had some soul searching to do before I took that final step if things should ever get that far.

  The steaks were grilling the sweet earthy scent permeating the air as conversations were carried out in little pockets all across the backyard and even around the front on the lawn. Everyone was relaxed and having a good time, I seemed to be the only one not completely relaxed and that had a lot to do with the constant hard on I was sporting and the hot little number that kept passing by my chair with sultry looks.

  “She’s not going to give up until you give her what she want you know.”

  Judy’s voice coming from my other side while I was busy checking out Nat’s ass almost had me falling off my chair and then her words sunk home and I looked at her with a mix of wariness and disbelief.


  She indicated Natalie with a wave of her wine glass and my eyes followed.

  “I’m not sure I get your meaning.”

  “Geez Marcus you can’t be that dense, the girl’s been practically eating you with her eyes ever since we got here.”

  Was she for real? It almost seemed as though she was giving me the go ahead to go after the young girl she’d helped raise from childhood. I had to be mistaken I looked down at the bottle in my hand and tried to count back to how many I’d had so far, maybe I should ease off.


  “Look she talked to us about it okay and though Paul wasn’t too jazzed about it in the beginning we brought him around, Nat’s a very smart girl always has been and she knows her mind, if she’s decided that you’re the one she wants then I think the only one who should stand in the way of that is you.”

  “What’re you saying?”

  “I’m saying that if you’re interested the coast is clear, just one thing though Marc, don’t hurt her, if you know things won’t go anywhere I think it would only be fair to walk away. She’s a very impressionable young lady and she wears her heart on her sleeve.”

  “But I haven’t seen her in almost three years where did all of this come from all of a sudden?”

  “That’s not my story to tell, maybe one day soon she’ll tell you.”

  I looked up just in time to see Nat looking away from us with a red face, she’d obviously guessed what the conversation was about and was feeling a little unsure ofherself now that the cat was out of the bag. I felt the familiar stirrings in my cock, there was no question of my interest but I had to be careful here, I didn’t want this thing to blow up in my face. The family might’ve beenunderstanding about the situation with Jenny but I don’t think they would look too kindly on me breaking little Nat’s heart.

  Chapter 2

  I caught her eye when the others were busy filling their plates and headed into the house for my basement walking slow enough that if she decided to follow she would see my direction without me being too obvious. My heart picked up speed when I heard her feet on the stairs. Turning to face her I watched her step down off the last step. She was absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t believe that this bright beautiful woman was interested in me. Suddenly she seemed so shy when all evening she’d portrayed a woman of great self confidence, was this beautiful amazing creature really that worried that I would turn her down?

  “We need to talk.” I walked over to her and took her hand leading her to the large off white leather sectional with the red and gold throw pillows. Seating her next to me I tried not to crowd her, to give her enough space to be comfortable while we talked.

  Keeping her hand clasped loosely in mine I turned to her.

  “Won’t you look at me beautiful girl?”

  She lifted her head shyly and made my cock jump behind the fly of my jeans damn she packed a punch. The last three years had been very kind to her, not that she was unattractive before, the fact is I wouldn’t have noticed because I’m not into kids and I always looked at her as a niece or something; that part still bothered me a little truth be known it just seemed a little too close for comfort to have been married to her almost aunt and now to be contemplating taking her to my bed.

  “Why do you want me?” There that question made sense that was a good way to start things off.

  “I always have.” Her voice was so soft I almost didn’t hear her but the telltale blush told me that I’d heard right. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with this new information. ‘I always have’ those three words spoken so quietly carried so much weight; what did she mean? All those times as a kid when she followed me around asking questions about any and everything? Those times when I thought she looked at me with stars in her eyes but played it off as some type of hero worship?

  “Natalie have you thought this through, do you understand the ramifications if things don’t work out?”

  “Why wouldn’t they though?” She seemed genuinely puzzled by this and I wondered if it was because she had s
uch faith in her feelings for me or was it her natural naivete?

  “Nat I was married to your aunt…”

  “She’s not my aunt.” Her little face got so red and angry looking it had me drawing back, what the hell was that about? There was something there but I’ll have to get to the bottom of that some other time, right now I needed to see where this thing was going if anywhere. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t completely intrigued not to mention turned on by the idea of her beneath me. Had she not been who she is I would’ve fucked her from the first invitation; she was hot with a ripe body that just begged to be fucked, those eyes of hers looked at me like I was the only man in the world and she wanted me. It made me feel lightheaded and full of energy all at the same time.

  “Okay we’ll save that for later, what about your family, how do you think they’re going to look at this thing?”

  “Mom and dad know already and I don’t care what anyone else thinks, do you?”

  She looked unsure there for a minute, like she expected rejection; I squeezed her hand reassuringly still not sure of what I wanted to do. I know what my cock wanted, he was making his choices known even now by leaking into my shorts but I wont be rushed, won’t be ruled by him.

  “I have to think about this…no don’t pull away, look at me Nat, I’m not rejecting you honey, I just don’t want us to rush into anything that we’ll regret later, there’s more at stake here than just hurt feelings babe, once we cross that bridge there’s no going back.” She still didn’t look convinced so I did the only thing I could in the circumstances. Turning more towards her I led her hand to my cock that was hard and ready.

  “Do you feel that? He doesn’t do that for just anyone, never doubt that I want you but I will not rush this for both our sakes.”

  She looked up at me then her eyes telling me without words what she felt, I wish I could just say fuck it and take her like she wanted me to but I was older and hopefully wiser.


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