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Into the Darkness

Page 13

by Kat T. Masen

  “Another shot?” Lex asked.

  He knew what I was like when I got drunk. Hell, I knew what I was like when I got drunk but for some reason it didn’t stop me.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Edwards?” Oh fuck, my tone sounded too flirty but I couldn’t help it. The tequila was in full-on assault mode and Lex was so close my body was in overdrive. It didn’t help that I was barely wearing anything under my dress. I squirmed, the look on his face amused. Yes, I wanted to tell him, I’m fucking soaked and I’m sure your mouth on my pussy would scratch the itch, but instead my face remained poker-straight. What the hell was I thinking to ask him that?

  “The last time I recall you drinking this much, it ended up being a very interesting night indeed,” he teased. And with that, I was dead…

  I made the mistake of looking at his pants: his cock was hard. I could see him squirm as well. Two could play this game. I was just about to say something when I felt my bag vibrate. Welcoming the distraction, I pulled out my cell. The caller ID flashed: Batman. Lex leaned over and saw the cell lighting up. His face furious, he grabbed my phone and hit reject.

  “Lex, what the hell?” I was fuming. Not once had I said to Lex we were back on. Just because I kissed him, it didn’t give him the right to go all caveman on me. In fact I told him to leave me alone. The cell vibrated again but this time a message appeared on the screen.

  Hey Gorgeous,

  Just wanted to make sure you got home ok

  Sorry I had to leave. Can I make it up to you tomorrow night?

  Dinner at my place. I’ll make sure Alfred has the night off.

  Lex grabbed the cell and read the message. I could practically see the steam coming from his ears, his knuckles white as his grip tightened around my phone. He bowed his head, refusing to look at me. I was beyond pissed. How fucking dare he do that!

  “Mr. Edwards?” A tall lean man came up behind him and started whispering in his ear. Lex’s demeanor changed and I couldn’t be any more grateful. I had calmed down slightly but it still didn’t stop my need to warn him that if he ever did that again I would go Lorena Bobbitt on him. Well, not really, because he did have the most perfect cock. What the fuck, now I’m thinking about his cock?

  “I have to take care of something. Don’t even think about responding to that message,” he warned before quickly following the man down the stairs.

  Arrogant prick! He had no right telling me what to do. I wasn’t his anymore. How dare he tell me what to do! Julian was nothing but good to me. He was everything I had been looking for. So why was I sitting here in Lex’s club flirting like a fucking sixteen-year-old? I grabbed another shot in front of me and downed it in one go. I walked to the entrance of the VIP area, running into Eric at the top of the stairs.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Lex was going to be here?”

  “Because you basically said you were over him and that Julian was the love of your life, yada yada yada.” Is that what he got from our earlier conversation?

  “I am over him. It’s just awkward because there’s a lot of history there and I’m not perfect, you know! Seeing him is very…uncomfortable.”

  “Well, Charlie, you would have to be blind to not see how much he wants you. Julian’s a great guy but why not play the field a little?” He raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

  I laughed to myself. Lex was the not the field-playing type and that was evident two minutes ago. Back in high school someone had spread a rumor that Carter, another senior at school, and I had sex in the janitor’s closet during our study break. It took weeks to calm Lex down and I had Carter openly admit to the biggest school gossip, Stacey, that it was another girl – not me.

  I needed to do what a girl does best: dance my troubles away. I loved to dance. I was one of those people that no matter where the music was playing, I was the first one shaking my booty. It started with my unhealthy obsession when I was ten watching Dirty Dancing every day after school before my mom came home. I would pretend I was Baby and my pillow was Johnny. I had to admit, for a ten-year-old I did the dive routine pretty well on my couch.

  “C’mon Eric, let’s dance!” I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the dance floor. As I made my way to the middle, sweaty bodies pressed and rubbed against me. It was even more crowded than I thought. I moved my body in rhythm with the music, closing my eyes, intoxicated by the beats and the sway of bodies around me. I opened my eyes to find that Eric had turned around to dance with some guy. I knew I didn’t want to watch Eric play who’s-the-bigger-tease so I attempted to turn around, then I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I closed my eyes again, this time inhaling his scent, forgetting what happened upstairs and surrendering myself to the moment. It’s only one moment, Charlie, and then it’s over.

  He moved in rhythm with me. Usher’s Scream blared through the club. Just what I needed, a song that made me want to scream Lex’s name while I fucked him till my body gave up. He continued to slowly grind himself against me. I felt his erection pushing against my ass. He sung the lyrics in my ear and every word was sending my body into a frenzy. His hands slowly moved to the front and I felt them graze over my breasts. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I reached my arm behind me and grabbed his head, pulling him into me. I knew I was losing this battle. I was losing every part of me that had pushed him away at the ball and upstairs. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was what I wanted all along, and that frightened me the most.

  It was then I realized I could have fucked him on the dance floor. I was so horny it felt like I had Niagara Falls between my legs. I couldn’t even remember the last time I felt this overwhelmed by desire. I wanted him to fuck me harder than he had ever fucked me before. The angel and devil were arguing on my shoulder and the devil was winning…

  It all happened fast. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. We entered a door marked “staff only.” The doorway opened into a dark hallway that led to a kitchen. The kitchen was dark but I could see the large stovetops backing against the wall, the rows of stainless steel benches creating an island in the middle and the refrigerators lined up side by side. He pushed me against the fridge and crushed his lips against mine. The fridge was cold and made me shiver but my skin was on fire, melting away the moisture. His tongue was desperate, wanting more. His hands gripped my face then travelled down my chest. There was no wasting time as he slid his hand beneath my dress. I felt my body convulse as his skin made contact with my breasts. His grip was tight, his fingers tugging my nipples as I moaned into his mouth, my legs threatening to give way.

  “Charlotte, can’t you feel how right this is?”

  I wanted to give him all of me and take everything he had to give me, seven years worth of suppressed sexual desire. I wanted it all. He greedily sucked my lips while tugging on my hair, then continued kissing down my neck till his mouth was on my breasts. He sucked the left one hard, pinching the right nipple and quickly alternated. I was lost, drowning in a pool of pleasure. My hands were running through his hair, guiding his head as he tasted me. As I opened my eyes to watch him, the sparkle in my ring nearly blinded me. Like a splash of cold water, I was faced with reality, forcing me to push him away.

  “Fuck you, Lex. How dare you think you can have me!” I said, but my body was betraying me, convulsing with every touch.

  “I’m taking back what’s mine.” And with that he pulled my dress up, pushing my panties aside and plunging his fingers inside me. I screamed in pleasure, biting into his shoulder as he went in deeper. Every thrust brought me closer. His perfect fingers slid inside, then he pulled them out and placed them in his mouth, tasting every drop of my pussy. What a dirty bastard but it didn’t stop my hands from fumbling with his belt because I needed his cock to ease the fire that was ravaging through me. I was lost in the intensity of it all and was on the verge of an orgasmic finish when I heard a commotion.

  Quickly pulling away from each other, I straightened my dres
s, double-checking my breasts were positioned back behind the fabric. Trying to catch my breath, I was left on edge. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck! It was a blessing and a curse. Ten seconds later and I probably would have had one of the most intense orgasms of my life. The silver lining was that I didn’t fully succumb to the temptation that was Alexander Edward’s.

  A cleaner opened the door to the kitchen, pushing his mop and bucket. “Apologies, sir. I was sent to clean the floor.”

  “That’s fine, you can continue,” Lex ordered, barely able to speak.

  I quickly headed out the door. You can do it Charlie, just walk away and pretend it never happened, but he grabbed me again and pinned me against the wall. “We’re not finished, not until my cock has been inside every part of you, and only I will be the one to touch you. You understand that, Charlotte? You belong to me. You are mine and always were.” I closed my eyes as he trailed kisses down my neck. Then he continued. “This dress, Charlotte, what are you doing to me?” He let out a small whimper as he said it.

  “Nothing you haven’t wanted since the moment we saw each other at the restaurant,” I murmured.

  He stopped kissing me and moved his head back up to my eye level. “That’s where you’re wrong, Charlotte. It’s not since the moment I saw you in the restaurant. It’s been since the last time I saw you on the cliff top.”

  “Don’t fucking do this, Lex! What happened back there meant nothing! It was just curiosity of what it would feel like again. Don’t go reading more into this.” I pulled away from him, suddenly finding my strength. “Yes, Lex, I would have fucked you, because I was horny – plain and simple. I’ve fucked you before so I knew what I was in for. But it would have been a mistake if we did. You aren’t my world anymore. My fiancé will be back tomorrow and I plan to continue that relationship. I am not yours and the quicker you realize that, the better.”

  I stormed out of the kitchen, searching for the nearest bathroom. I rushed in and closed the door behind me. My heart was beating fast as I touched my lips; they were swollen. He did it to me every time. But I asked for it. I allowed it. I craved it.

  What had I done? I spent seven years trying to forget him. In just one moment, time stood still and every part of me that had let him go was crying out for him. I calmed myself down as best as I could, knowing I couldn’t face him again. Walking out of the stall, I stood in front of the sink and splashed cold water on my face. I adjusted my dress and fixed my hair, then walked back into the main area to find a very disheveled Eric.

  “Charlie, where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you!”

  “Well for starters I wasn’t in Matt Damon look-a-like’s pants and that appeared to be the only place you were looking.” I chuckled, slurring my words. Eric blushed, knowing he had been caught with his pants down, literally.

  “Time to go?”

  “Yes please.”

  It was four in the morning and I was beyond ready to leave. Physically I was exhausted and everything seemed blurry. Emma left with boy-toy so Eric and I walked hand-in-hand as we headed out of the club. The cool night air felt refreshing against my skin. The streets were quiet with an occasional cab driving past. I heard commotion at the entrance of the club.

  “Why won’t you let me in? For old time’s sake?” The voice sounded familiar. I didn’t turn around to look, just continued walking down the street. Well, at least I tried to, stumbling a few times. The familiar voice laughed.

  “Look what the cat dragged back. Is she the reason why, Alex?”

  I stopped and turned around. Lex was standing at the entrance with that same tall man, and the familiar voice – I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  It was Samantha.

  Chapter 10


  I could have killed Samantha on the spot, that stupid bitch, for turning up like that at the club. The worst part was Charlotte was probably thinking I was still with her. Truth is I wouldn’t fuck Samantha with a ten-foot pole. Hmm, well maybe…there’s a thought.

  I sat on the balcony of my suite, twirling my blackberry in my hand. I wanted to call her, to tell her I hadn’t seen Samantha in seven years. Not since the night it was over.

  When I arrived at the club I spotted Charlotte immediately. How could I not in that dress? It did things to me I’m sure weren’t legal. It affected parts I assumed were long buried. I mean, fuck, the fact that I could see the curves of her tits made me horny as hell. Thank God I fucking controlled myself when we kissed; it was hard to resist fucking her brains out right there in that empty ballroom. She was standing at the bar and to see that beefed-up fucker trying to make a move, it was time to make my move. She didn’t look impressed, in fact more angry that I was there. It had to be the tequila riling her up. It either makes her angry or horny. For my sake I was hoping horny.

  I took them up to the VIP area. We were greeted by Marissa, one of the hostesses. Yeah, I had fucked her. It was a few months ago when we first opened up the club. I was tense and, well, she offered. The look she gave me indicated she wanted a repeat performance. No chance in hell, sweetheart. It would be like comparing diamonds to cubic zirconia. With Charlotte’s hand in mine, I wasn’t letting go. We sat down in the most exclusive booth in the club. Her friends talked, and I half-listened, watching her every move, studying her profile.

  Her friends left; I’d have to thank Eric later. I finally had a chance to be alone with Charlotte and talk. She wanted to drink and I more than willingly kept handing her the shots. I reminded her of that last time she was wasted on tequila. Who could forget that night? Having her legs spread wide open for me under the bleachers, tasting every drop of her pussy. The memory of how it felt had me ready to blow in my pants at this moment but instead I drank a shot, teasing her by placing the salt on her arm and licking it off slowly. I could practically hear her heart thumping. I was ready to take her right then and there, not caring that she was drunk. I needed her.

  The buzzing from her purse interrupted the moment. I saw his name, and that thing I said about control, yeah well, that went out the window. I was ready to have it out with her when one of the security guards advised me there was a situation downstairs. I left her upstairs, warning her not to respond to Julian, and left. Then, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Samantha.

  “Alex, baby!” She slurred her words as she spoke. “They won’t let me in. Tell them I’m with you.”

  “Like fuck I will. What are you doing here anyway?” I tried to calm my voice because the last thing I wanted was an altercation between Sammy and Charlotte.

  “Oh, Alex, you know, I needed an escape. I need you.” She started to break down. I didn’t need this soap opera bullshit.

  “First of all, my name is Lex. Second of all, this isn’t the time or place to bring out the waterworks. Go back to your hotel or wherever you came from and get some rest. I am not allowing you in the club.” I walked away, hearing her voice echoing my name. Fuck, I needed to keep Charlotte in the club. Under no circumstances could I let her see Samantha or she would assume the worst.

  “She’s on the dance floor with Eric.”

  I turned to look at the person beside me; it was Charlotte’s friend, Emma. “Thanks. Emma, right?” I asked. She nodded and walked away with some young guy.

  I walked through the crowd, making my way to where she was dancing. Her back was facing me. I couldn’t resist, and I needed to feel her body pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. As Usher played, I sung the lyrics into her ear. I knew she was relaxed as I felt her body loosen and eventually she reached her arm back and pulled me closer. That was my cue, and I knew she wanted it as well.

  I grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the dance floor. I led her into the kitchen, taking her immediately against the refrigerator. Finally I was going to be inside her again. I lost all sense of control with her, kissing every part of her, finally taking her nipples in my mouth. I tugged on them with my teeth. Hearing her moan went straigh
t to my dick, which only made me take her harder. My cock was throbbing. I desperately needed this release, and I needed to feel her tight little pussy wrapped around my cock, but first I needed to feel it with my own hands. I thrust my fingers into her, she was soaked. I knew I was rough, but fuck, I was ready to explode and her body was screaming at me to make her cum and I needed to taste it, the taste of her pussy drenched all over my fingers, still exactly how I remembered. The best fucking taste on Earth.

  A creaking noise startled us both and we pulled away from each other. It was our cleaner. He apologized for the interruption and I allowed him to continue. She had already begun walking away from me and I didn’t hesitate to warn her that this wasn’t over as I pinned her against the wall. I didn’t get the release I was after and my cock ached. The dress was still driving me insane, and I dropped my guard. I showed my weakness. This situation between us I had no control over, and I told her. Her response sent me into a tailspin.

  “Nothing you haven’t wanted since the moment we saw each other at the restaurant,” she murmured. I pulled away, looking directly in her eyes.

  I told her she was wrong, that I have wanted her since the last time I saw her on the cliff top, back home. That my life had been full of nothing but regret. Every decision I thought was right led me to a lonely dead end. Only after I left Samantha did I start picking up the pieces. I made the decision that Charlotte was better off without me after being told she’d moved on. I buried myself in my work, building my empire, never taking a moment to feel the regret that constantly lingered, and here she stood in front of me telling me that what just happened was nothing but lust and curiosity – don’t read more into this. How the fuck could she think that way? Of course I was reading more into this, she was my fucking life! I fucked up so many times and now I just needed that final chance to make things right. She left me standing there, telling me that if we had fucked it would have been a big mistake.


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