The Price of Love

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The Price of Love Page 4

by Adrienne Perry

  Though, Abby thought, he knows what I look like when I come. “Anyway,” she went on, “it’s not like I’ll ever see him again. So…it was nothing really.” Abby conveniently “forgot” to mention that even though they’d barely talked, he had stripped her practically naked in the bathroom, slid his fingers inside her, and rocked her to an orgasm in about two minutes flat.

  “That’s too bad, because he was seriously hot. And he was totally into you. Did you blow it by being weird with him? You didn’t talk about how antiquated it is for men to buy women drinks in bars, did you?” Leah asked pointedly. “Or how it’s a socially acceptable, thinly-veiled form of prostitution?”

  “I did not!” Abby yelped back, giggling. “I thanked him with a nod, and that was it.”

  “Hmmmm….” Leah responded. She still sounded suspicious, but thankfully let the subject drop so she could go back to gushing about Jackson. Abby was grateful for the reprieve, and threw herself into her friend’s excitement about her budding romance.

  After hanging up the phone, Abby sighed and folded her newspaper. Whatever chance she’d had for concentrating this week was shot now that she’d been forced to talk about The Suit with Leah. No way could she go back to reading about the latest in a series of controversial military maneuvers in the Middle East. All her thoughts now were focused on how he’d looked at her, still quaking from her climax, and whispering that she was beautiful. No moment, even the best first kiss moment, could hold a candle to that memory.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Monday morning, the sky was as gray as yesterday’s was sunny. A thick blanket of humidity had settled over the coastal town, leaving the air still without even a hint of the normally ever-present ocean breeze. Abby found it was a struggle just to draw the heavy air into her lungs. If I believed in omens, Abby thought to herself, this would be a bad one for sure.

  The silence that greeted her when she pushed open the door to the building that housed the magazine offices could be interpreted as another bad omen. If she bought into in such things, which she didn’t. But even Abby had to admit that the eerie quiet was a stark contrast to the customary noise of Monday morning’s mix of catching up, sharing of details about weekend antics, and the good-natured grumbling about having to be back at work after a too-short weekend. Instead, everyone seemed to be working extra intently. The only sounds were those of fingers tapping on keyboards mingled with low-murmured conversations that actually sounded like they were about work.

  What is going on? Abby wondered as she crossed the main open-plan workspace towards her own small office in the corner. After dropping her purse off and flicking on her computer, Abby marched over to Max’s office to find out what was up. His door was closed. At one time that would have been unusual, but lately she had become accustomed to the sight of it shut tight against the curious eyes and ears of the magazine staff.

  Despite the uninviting vibe given off by a closed door, Abby was still used to rapping a cursory knock before walking in without waiting for a response from Max. Today, determined to uncover what was going on in the office, Abby strode purposefully towards the door, ready to barge right in. She faltered as she approached and Max’s assistant nervously stood to block Abby’s progress.

  “I’m sorry Abby,” the woman said, “but you can’t go in there now. Max is in a meeting and he said he didn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t mean to include me in that, Lorraine.” Abby replied patiently, maybe even a bit patronizingly.

  Lorraine blushed. “Actually, Abby, he specifically said that even you weren’t to be allowed in.” Abby could practically see the poor woman’s knees trembling with this pronouncement, but Lorraine stood firm in her position blocking the door. Abby saw that she’d have to physically move Lorraine to gain access to that room, and feeling the eyes of everyone in the office watching her next move, she chose to back down.

  “No problem, Lorraine. Could you let him know I need to see him when he finishes up?”

  Lorraine nodded, and her shoulders slumped with relief. A nervous ball began forming in Abby’s stomach, and a quick glance through the window at the gray sky had Abby wondering if maybe there was something to omens after all.

  Max and his mystery guest remained sequestered in Max’s office for over an hour. Sixty-three minutes to be exact, which Abby knew, because she had spent the entirety of that time looking between the office door and her clock. A few people had tried to ask her to give input on a story, or to sign off on an expense report, or something…but a distracted growl from Abby had them scurrying away. Finally, the door to Max’s office cracked open, and Max stepped out. Abby was half out of her seat on her way to demand answers from him, when, impossibly, he was followed out a step later by The Suit.

  Abby’s legs literally gave way beneath her, and she crumpled back into her office chair. While her mind struggled to make sense of this, she realized she’d stopped breathing. Breathe, she ordered herself. In, out…in, out. Keep it up. What the hell was The Suit doing here? Was he trying to find her? But he didn’t know her name. Oh god, what if he’d told Max what she’d done!

  Though it seemed unfathomable, Abby’s heart sped up more than just a little at the possibility that The Suit had been so enthralled by her he was seeking her out. Or was that creepy and stalker-ish? Abby was too stunned to know what to think, and as she struggled to slow her racing heart and get her system to kick in and take over her breathing again, she became aware that Max had stepped to the front of the room. The Suit had followed him, and was standing just behind Max. Nothing good was about to happen now, Abby couldn’t help but think.

  Max cleared his throat, and began speaking.

  “Good morning, everyone. I’d like a few minutes of your attention, please.” While it usually took the effort of a small army to get the raucous staff to quiet down for an announcement, today everyone was already dead silent, watching and waiting for Max to talk.

  “It’s been a heck of a few years around here, and we’ve all put in everything we had to keep this magazine going. I want to thank you all for that effort, for your dedication, and loyalty, to me, and to this company. We all know the fate of many small market newspapers and magazines these days, and you all are aware that we’ve been fighting a losing battle to keep this place going for the past few years. It’s been all of your hard work that has kept us alive for this long.

  “But the time has come for us to accept what’s happening, which is that we cannot continue to run this magazine profitably. We could stagger on for a few more years, go through layoffs, and still end up shutting our doors. But I have chosen a different route for the company and brand I started so many years ago. I’d like to introduce to you all Carter Price, CEO of Price Publishing, the East Coast’s largest publishing firm.” With that, Max gestured towards The Suit, Carter, who now stepped forward to join Max in addressing the group.

  Max continued, “Without drawing out the suspense any longer, allow me to announce that Price Publishing is now the owner of our magazine here, In Depth News.”

  A shocked gasp ran through the room. Abby sat paralyzed with disbelief. She struggled to take in the words that Max was saying while also coming to grips with the fact that The Suit, and she supposed she ought to be thinking of him as Carter now, was going to be her new boss. The sounds of muttering grew until Max cleared his throat again, and continued, “Our next issue will be our final stand-alone issue. After that, we will be incorporated as a feature in the nationally acclaimed publication from Price Publishing, National Life.”

  Another, louder, startled gasp spread through the room. But Max ignored it and continued, “This means, of course, significant changes for all of us. I know you’re all wondering about your jobs and your future, but let me assure you that Mr. Price and I have given great consideration to each and every one of you, and we will take care of you all as best we can. I wish that I could have prepared you all, but our deal had to remain confidenti
al while we were negotiating the sale. Like I said, Mr. Price has been very understanding of my commitment to take care of all of you, and we have included in the terms of the contract provisions to keep you all on your feet as you decide the next step in your professional careers. “Perhaps it’s best for you to hear directly from Mr. Price on this issue. Carter?”

  At this, Max stepped aside, and Carter stepped up.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Carter began. Abby fought back her rising panic and disbelief. Carter looked cool and collected in another perfectly-fitting suit. His broad shoulders radiated confidence and self-assurance that every eye in the room was on his and every ear was hanging on his every word. Must be nice to inspire such blind obedience, Abby thought snarkily.

  “I know that Mr. Roudden’s announcement has taken you all by surprise,” he continued.

  Surprise, ha…understatement of the year. Abby’s excitement was subsiding now that she knew he wasn’t here for her. Instead, she felt anger sparking inside her, and a growing feeling of intense dislike for this unbearably hot man speaking to the group. Dislike of what he was doing to the company, and dislike that even as she never wanted to talk to him ever again, she still wanted to feel his hands on her body. And she especially disliked the heat she could feel growing between her legs that sparked into a full-on pulse of desire as his eyes, which were roaming over the crowd, stopped on hers. She saw his pupils darken in recognition, and maybe, hopefully, awareness. Their gazes locked for a just a second, a heartbeat, before he continued addressing the group before him. In that moment, Abby had seen a predatory gleam and sensed he would be coming for her soon.

  “As Mr. Roudden said, we have worked hard to ensure that all of you will be taken care of during and after this transition. We will do our best to accommodate all of you on our new venture. Those of you who wish to continue working at In Depth News, or for National Life, may submit their resumes to our human resources department, and your applications will be given special attention. Those of you who wish to pursue other opportunities will be given a generous severance package, based on the amount of time you have worked for the company. We will also provide career placement and resume writing services. You’ll find that the package exceeds industry standards. To help with your decision, my assistant, Allison, will be handing out separation offers to each of you now.” Carter gestured to a woman standing off to one side.

  “Mr. Roudden, Allison, and I will remain on site for the remainder of the afternoon to answer any questions you have, and hopefully to calm any anxieties or uncertainties you have about this process.

  “As Mr. Roudden and I have talked these last few months, he has had nothing but wonderful things to say about each of you, and he talks about the dedication and hard work you have put into making In Depth News a success. Though you have faced a changing industry and are unable to continue as an independent news magazine, your brand remains strong, and your excellent work over the years has made you a trusted news source. One that gives a more…in depth…look at the stories making headlines today. I hope that many of you will choose to move to National Life so that we can revitalize In Depth News to prosper in today’s world, while keeping the integrity, knowledge and interest that you all have brought to it. Thank you all for your attention, and I hope to work with many of you soon.”

  With that, Carter stepped back, and Allison stepped up. She was now holding a large stack of manila envelopes: the severance offers. As Allison, with the help of Lorraine, began handing them out, Carter started moving around the room, saying hello and meeting and chatting with the staff. Abby felt her panic rise. Oh. My. God. I’m going to have to talk to him. As his eyes fell on her again, she realized that she absolutely couldn’t handle that conversation right now. With her arousal mixed with confusion and anger about the news she’d just received, Abby knew she needed time to process her emotions before she could converse with him with any semblance of professionalism. She needed reinforcing before she could take him on. So, she grabbed her purse from her desk drawer, snatched her cell phone off her desk, and…ran. Like a scared little girl. Even as she admitted that to herself, she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she could think about was making it out the door before Carter made it over to her.

  Miracles do happen, Abby thought to herself, when a block later she finally slowed her panicked steps to a more normal pace and took a deep breath. One more look behind her assured her that Carter wasn’t following her (of course he wasn’t!), and it was time for the reinforcing. Abby took out her phone and dialed. Leah picked up on the second ring.

  “What’s up, chickie?” Leah’s voice chirped into Abby phone.

  “Leah,” Abby croaked back. “Can you meet me? I need you right now.” Abby’s panic was swelling again, and her voice came out in raspy gasps.

  “Abs, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Yes, I can meet you, but tell me you’re ok. Did something happen?”

  “I’m ok…I mean I’m not really, but no one’s died or anything. I just…I need to talk to you now.”

  “Ok, I can leave here now. Meet you in ten at Olive Café?”

  “Thanks Leah. See you soon.”

  Abby put her phone back in her purse and began the short walk to the girls’ favorite spot to meet for lunch. It had an eclectic menu, the food was served quickly, and the servers didn’t care when they lingered over coffee after they’d finished eating and weren’t ordering anything more. Abby reached the restaurant first, and found a seat in the back. Leah came rushing in a few minute later, looking worried. Abby offered her friend a weak smile, and thanked her for coming so quickly.

  “Of course I came,” Leah reassured her. “It’s what we do for each other. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

  Abby started her story. It came out in fits and starts at first, interrupted by the waitress taking their order, and then delivering their drinks. Abby wasn’t really hungry, but had ordered a seared scallop salad that was one of the day’s specials anyway.

  Finally, their food in front of them, and some measure of privacy guaranteed, Abby began again.

  “Okay, so remember that guy from the club? The one who bought me the drink?”

  “I knew it!” Leah exclaimed. “I knew there was something going on there. Spill it.”

  “I’m trying,” Abby protested. “But this is going to get confusing. So stop interrupting and let me talk.”

  Leah waved to indicate Abby should go on.

  “Anyway,” Abby continued. “When I said I barely talked to that guy, that was true. But what I didn’t tell you is that when I was leaving, he followed me into the bathroom…No, he didn’t attack me…” Abby noticed Leah’s look of concern and quickly assured her that Carter hadn’t done anything she didn’t want.

  “Just listen. So he kind of walked in on me, um, touching my boobs, because I was really hot for him and I was thinking about him.” Abby felt her cheeks grow warm in embarrassment at admitting her actions.

  She soldiered on, “And it ended with me being mostly naked letting him touch me. And he basically got me off, in the bathroom, and it was so fucking hot. And then his phone rang and he left. But not before telling me I was beautiful, which was…just wow. And even though it was kind of dirty and slutty of me, it was somehow more than that. And it felt big, and even romantic, though I know it doesn’t sound like it. But it was one of those things that happen, or that you do, that you remember forever. And it was pretty damn good.

  “But I figured that was it, right? Just a one-time thing. Except that he’s IN MY OFFICE right now, and his company just bought the magazine! And now he’s, like, my boss, and I am going to have to talk to him. And I CANNOT DO THAT!”

  Leah’s eyes had been bugging out farther and farther as Abby spewed out her story. Abby had a fleeting thought wondering if it was actually possible for someone’s eyes to pop out of their head from shock, like those people you sometimes saw in commercials, or in cartoons. If it is possible, she mused, Leah’s eyes are sure bets to
do that.

  “Whoa,” Leah broke in, her voice equal parts confused and shocked. “So you had sex with this guy in a bathroom, and Max sold the magazine to him and now he’s your boss? Yeah, that’s awkward. And you left out way too many details here. I can barely get past the whole bathroom hook-up to process the magazine news. It’s like a headline announcing aliens have invaded, and, as an after-thought, scientists have uncovered the secret of time travel. It’s too much. ”

  “Well, we didn’t really have sex. It was more that he was doing stuff to me. And the magazine stuff is huge, and I have so many emotions about that. As least I’m sure I do. I haven’t been able to think about it yet. First I need to process that this guy is back in my world. What happened in the club was so hot, and I know it was just a one-night thing…but it was something special too. Does that make me sound naïve? I know it wasn’t the start of a relationship, but as long as I never had to see him again, it was kind of romantic. It was the stuff of fantasies—hot hook-up with gorgeous guy. But we were just two strangers having a sexy encounter. It was supposed to end there. And now here he is, back in my life, and I guess, my new boss! I don’t know if I can even look him in the eyes. I have no idea how to handle this! Abby wailed. She thumped her head on the table, causing the plates and glasses to clatter loudly. A number of other customers gave the women a curious look.

  Leah patted Abby on the back. “Listen, it’s going to be ok. First of all, OMG, I cannot believe you did that. That is fucking amazing, and I am so proud of you, young Padawan. Soon you will be a sexual master like I am. Second, maybe he won’t recognize you? Which would be awful, of course, but also maybe a little helpful in this case?”

  “No, he looked at me, and I know he recognized me. Which I guess is better than if he didn’t know who I was, because that would be so humiliating, but how am I supposed to go back into the office and talk to him? Seriously, what do I do?”


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