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Sold on Valentine’s Day: A Virgin and a Billionaire Romance

Page 19

by Juliana Conners

  “Because you’re kissing an enlisted airman, in public.”

  “Well, that’s true.”

  We both laugh.

  “You need a ride. Let me drive you home. To my place.”

  “What if we get in trouble?”

  I can’t help but wonder.

  “It’s nothing. People do this. You know they do. Tomorrow we’ll act like we don’t even know each other. Everyone came here and had a drink and then went their separate ways. That’s all that anyone will know about tonight. Nothing else will have happened, as far as anyone else is concerned.”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling crazy, but also excited.

  He’s right. What’s one night of passion— of freedom?

  Do I not deserve that? I haven’t been with anyone since Peter. And I will never have to see Ramsey again. There’s something exhilarating in that knowledge, bringing me back to college. Just like the last time I drank Long Islands.

  “You’re right,” I tell him. “I need a ride.”

  And some hot, random sex.

  “And we can’t really go to your hotel,” Ramsey says. “I know there are a lot of old of town airmen and officers staying there for the training, who could see us. And that wouldn’t be good. We’ll have to go to my house.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say decisively.

  My heart pounds as we walk towards the door, and Ramsey keeps a tight grip on my waist.

  We’re really going to do this. I’m really going to do this. This is happening.

  I’m going to love it, and then I’m going to forget about it. Or keep it as one of those crazy things I look back on when I’m an old, lonely lady, with only my memories to keep me company.

  Chapter 5

  As I drive Monica to my house, close to the base, the air feels light and fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so carefree, so excited.

  To make the mood even better, a David Bowie song starts up on my random MP3 player shuffle.

  “Oh, I love this song,” I say, turning it up. “Heroes.”

  I start signing, under my breath, about how he can be a king and she can be a queen.

  “I love it too!” she exclaims.

  I look at her, skeptical, until she joins me in singing the refrain, about how they can spend twenty- four hours together, as heroes.

  “What?” she says, upset that I was initially dubious.

  “There aren’t many girls who like Bowie,” I say. “May he rest in peace.”

  “Oh come on. Labyrinth? Every young girl liked that movie.”

  “All right. Well, that’s not exactly the same.”

  “I’ll admit I only initially heard of a lot of his music from Moulin Rouge,” Monica says, with a laugh. “Including this song. But I liked them so much I went and looked him up, back in the Napster days, and downloaded a bunch of his music. I really do like this song.”

  “That’s awesome,” I tell her, reaching across the center console of my Jeep to hold her hand. “I love to play the refrain on my bass.”

  “You play the guitar?”

  She seems surprised.

  “Just a little.”

  “You’ll have to play something for me! That’s amazing.”

  “I’m not very good yet,” I tell her, embarrassed. “I played at Jensen and Riley’s wedding, but it was simple, cheesy stuff.”

  “Wow. I bet they loved that.”

  “I’m not good like Bowie. I’ll let this song play itself, much better than I can. George Murray plays the bass on this, and it’s great.”

  I blast the music, with the windows down.

  “This song could be my theme song when it comes to love,” she says, loudly, trying to be heard over the music. “I mean, it even describes tonight.”

  “How so?” I ask.

  “Oh you know. In real life, we’d never work out. We’d do things to drive each other crazy and drive each other away. We wouldn’t stay together. But hey, we have a day, right? That’s more than enough.”

  I laugh, amazed to find someone who feels the exact same way as I do about relationships. Still, it makes me a bit sad to hear her being so cynical.

  “Well, we do have tonight, right?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she agrees. “Let’s change the lyrics to ‘Just for one night!’ To be each other’s heroes. Although no one else in the world knows about it, or they’d be discouraging it. So we’d best enjoy it.”

  The chorus comes back on and we both shout out about how we’re each other’s heroes “just for one night!”

  It’s refreshing to say it like it is, without the games and the manipulation that usually goes along with getting a girl into bed. We have one night, it’s great, we’re heroes, and then it’s over.

  And it’s a reminder, too. A pact among ourselves, that better hold up stronger than the no- commitment pact my brothers and I entered into so long ago, and that the two of them recently broke. Monica may look awesome at first sight, but we both know we can’t get too involved.

  We’re still exuberant, like two giggly kids, as we head up my front walkway and I open the door to my house.

  It’s not until I hear the sharp, confused voice calling out, “Ramsey? Is that you?” that I realize there’s something— or someone— who could put a crinkle in our nicely laid- out plans.

  “Mom?” I ask, squinting to see her sitting on the couch in the living room, in the darkness. “You’re still awake?”

  Oh great. Just what I need, to ruin my game. I’m sure Monica’s going to stay hot for me when she thinks I’m a guy who still lives with his mom.

  Chapter 6

  Monica looks at me quizzically, and I can only hope she’ll give me the chance to explain later, instead of bolting out the door. I really thought my mom would be asleep, since it’s so late. But her habits and actions are becoming less and less predictable lately, which is why she’s been staying with me in the first place.

  “Who’s your friend?” Mom asks, a large, almost creepy smile spreading across her face.

  “This is Monica, Mom,” I say. “We’ve had a late night. We’re headed to bed.”

  But Mom is already up, lumbering towards us with an off- balanced walk. I’m certain she’s been drinking, although I have no idea where she found alcohol. I got rid of all of mine before asking her to come stay with me, precisely to avoid her tendency to overindulge like this.

  “I’m glad you have a girlfriend, Ramsey,” Mom says, reaching out her hand.

  “Hello… Mrs. Bradford?” Monica says hesitantly. “Nice to meet you.”

  She gingerly shakes Mom’s hand, but soon Mom is reaching up to Monica’s hair and face, petting her like some kind of animal.

  I’m horrified, but Monica just says, “Thanks. It was really windy in Ramsey’s jeep,” as if Mom is petting her in order to fix her hair.

  I can’t believe how chill Monica is playing this. More points for her.

  “Mom, do you need any water or anything?” I ask. “Anything I can get you before we head to sleep? I have to be up early tomorrow, for training.”

  I specifically leave out the fact that Monica is part of the training or that I know her from work, because the less Mom knows, the better. I can just imagine her telling my brothers that I brought home the female fighter pilot. That wouldn’t go over so well.

  “He’s going away soon,” Mom tells Monica. “He goes away a lot. And then I’ll have no one.”

  “I’m sorry,” says Monica. “But it’s for a good cause.”

  “Yes,” Mom agrees. “I’m proud of him. Of all my boys.”

  My heart swells a little bit when I hear this, even though I give all credit to my dad for the way that my brothers and I turned out.

  “All right, Mom, thank you,” I tell her. “If you don’t need anything, we’re headed off now.”

  “Good night,” she says, and I’m grateful when she toddles back over to the couch.

  “You don’t want to sleep in your room, Mom?” I a
sk her.

  “No, it’s too lonely. I like it out here.”

  “All right. Good night.”

  I hurry to my room, pulling Monica along with me. I don’t want any more diversions. I want it to be just Monica and me, and to be able to leave all worried or embarrassed thoughts about my mother behind.

  Once we’re in my room, I flop down on my bed and Monica sits down beside me.

  “I am really sorry about that,” I tell her, in a low tone of voice. “I should have warned you that my mom is temporarily staying with me. I really thought she’d be asleep.”

  “It’s no problem,” Monica says, and shrugs. “I know what it’s like to have roommate relatives.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure. My sister- in- law and her two kids live with me.”

  “Oh okay. Mom is just living with me until I can figure something else out. She’s not in the best health and I’m beginning to think she’s kind of losing her mind. I’ve been looking at assisted living places Mom can stay at while I’m gone.”

  “What about your brothers?”

  “Well…” I take a deep breath. I hadn’t really expected to get into such a deep conversation tonight. “They’re not huge fans of my mom’s. Understandably so.”

  “Because…?” Monica prods, squeezing my hand, which I realize she’s been holding ever since I grabbed hers and pulled her back to my room.

  “She left our dad— and us, I guess— when we were young. He was a great guy, too. A local politician, but not one of the smarmy ones, really.”

  She laughs.

  “We had a good life, and he was well respected, and completely in love with her. They were high school sweethearts. But she met some loser and ran off with him. In addition to falling in love with him, supposedly, she also fell in love with drinking, drugs, being a drifter…”

  “Oh, man,” Monica says softly, sounding sincerely sympathetic. “That really sucks.”

  “Yeah. The only loves that have lasted in her life are her addictions. She’s bounced around from loser guy to loser guy ever since. My dad used to wait around for her senses to come back to her. He’d bail her out, give her money, let her live with us after she’d had a break- up and begged and pleaded enough for him to take her back in. He loved her until the end, but she just kept breaking his heart over and over again.”

  “And that’s why love sucks,” Monica announces, with conviction.

  “Tell me about it. I think my dad literally died of a broken heart. They say it was undiagnosed hypertension, but to me that just sounds like stress and heartache.”

  “Wow. That’s awful.”

  “Sure was. Jensen and I practically had to raise Harlow. My mom came back into the picture for a while, out of guilt, and because she wanted some of dad’s money, but it was almost better when she wasn’t around. Things were chaotic and none of us had stable lives for a while. We were all on bad paths— especially Harlow— but the Air Force really saved us. Gave us a purpose.”

  “I know what that’s like.”

  “I guess I understand why Jensen and Harlow are pretty much done with my mom. They think ‘she’s made her bed’ and all of that. And I have to admit it can be frustrating, because no matter how much we help her, she seems to ruin everything all over again. But then again, it’s my mom.”

  “Right,” she says. “You feel obligated. I think it’s noble of you. Although a balance might be good. Some boundaries maybe.”

  I have to agree with her. I make a mental note to find out where and how my mom got a hold of alcohol, and institute a strict no tolerance policy.

  I’m not sure if I can actually follow through with it— I don’t want her to be homeless, or living with some vagabond, like she has in the past. But I can’t let her live without consequence, either.

  There’s a long pause, and I feel like I’ve been a conversation hog. I wipe a strand of hair from her eyes, which was probably put there by my mom.

  “So what about you?” I ask her. “Is there a particular reason you have extended house guests?”

  “Well, my brother died,” she says, and lets out a long, slow breath.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.” I place my hand on her shoulder.

  I think about Harlow trapped in the helicopter when it was on fire, how I thought we’d lost him. I don’t know that I could have handled that.

  “Yeah, his name was Mark. He was in the Air Force too. A fighter pilot, like me. Except stronger, faster. I still can’t believe he got taken down.”

  “It happens to the best of us,” I tell her. “Fucking war.”

  “Yeah. It about broke my sister- in- law. I sometimes still don’t know if she’s going to pull through it.”

  “That would be so hard. And with kids, too.”

  “Yeah, she was very depressed, to the point of being non- functional. She’s still pretty depressed, but she’s on meds for it, and slowly getting better, I think. But her whole life was built around him. She doesn’t have a career, or goals of her own beyond taking care of her family. She really doesn’t have anyone or anybody. So I invited her to move down with me, temporarily. That was over a year ago and she’s still living with me. But she can take all the time she needs. It’s nice to have company, and I think it helps her.”

  “I’m sure it helps her to have your support.”

  “Definitely,” she says. “I consider her family. I mean, she is family, by law. But I’m closer to her now than I am to my own flesh and blood. I have two older brothers who are great, but they’re stationed elsewhere, and they’re deployed a lot.”

  “I know how that is.” I nod. “What about your parents?”

  “They’re still back in Minnesota, where I’m from,” she says. “They had us kids later on in life and I’m the youngest, so they’re older now. We get along pretty well but I don’t see them often. My dad had a stroke a couple years ago and my mom takes care of him full- time.”

  “That’s rough.”

  She sighs. I sigh.

  She says, “These are really deep issues…”

  “…for our one night together,” I finish, and we both laugh. “I really didn’t mean to get so depressing. The night was perfect. Our mood was great.”

  “It still can be,” she says, her knee bumping mine playfully. “We still have time left.”

  “Yeah, there’s something I’ve been wanting to do with my just one night…”

  “What’s that?” she asks, but I’m already kissing her, touching her.

  And she doesn’t seem to mind it one bit.

  Any bit of embarrassment I felt about my mother fades from my mind as my hands hurry to unbutton her uniform. And her sadness about her brother and sister- in- law always seems to fade away as she returns my kisses.

  Chapter 7

  Ramsey’s kisses are exactly what I need. They’ve been what I’ve needed for a long time, but I didn’t even know it. I was keeping my feelings, my loneliness, all bottled up. Now I open up to him, as he removes my uniform and then my bra, and his hands trace over my breasts.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says. “Stunning.”

  He wraps his hands around my waists and traces then up the curve of my breasts.


  He moves his hands up and down my body and then takes off my panties. I reach up to help him out of his uniform and admire his muscular, tattooed chest and arms.

  I don’t have the lovely words like he has. I just have a million racing thoughts, about how good this feels and how badly I want it. I can barely hold back my excitement, and I feel weak, almost embarrassed, next to Ramsey’s quiet yet nearly eloquently spoken strength.

  I want him in me, on me, all around me. I can barely think at all, but suddenly a rational thought does break through.

  “Ramsey,” I whisper. “Do you have a…”

  “Oh shit.” He stops kissing my stomach and takes a deep breath.

  “I have condoms, but they’re in the bathroom. I’ll go get
them but I don’t know if it’ll wake my mom…”

  “It’s not an issue of… pregnancy,” I tell him, trying to be careful of how I word things. We may have just had a really deep conversation and we may be in the middle of an intimate act, but I’m not ready to go there with him, or anyone.

  “Okay,” he says, sounding relieved. “I just had my tests done last week, and everything is clear…”

  “Me too. Well, pretty recently.”

  I’d definitely been tested since I’d last been with anyone, at least, but that’s been a while, and it’s another thing I don’t exactly wish to discuss with him. Some things are too painful to get into when a couple is only a couple for just one night.

  “All right,” he says, his breath quickening again as he lays me down on his bed. “But anyway, you were jumping the gun.”

  “I was?”

  “All I want to do is taste you,” he says, his mouth moving lower, slowly, as he kisses my breasts, my nipples, my stomach, my thighs.

  I sigh as his tongue flicks the outside of my vagina.

  “I want to taste your pussy so bad,” he says, and spreads my legs out with his hands. I raise myself up a bit, to meet his mouth, and his tongue gently licks my pussy hole.

  “Oh my god,” I say, grabbing a hold of his thick, beautiful hair.

  I hold onto his head as his tongue slides in and out of my pussy. He plays with my clit with one hand and one of my nipples with the other.

  He flicks my clit, then rubs it expertly as he licks all around it. He squeezes and plays with my breasts.

  Each time I feel on the verge of coming, he pulls back, licking around my lips or my thighs. At first I like when he does this, because I’m on the edge of something so overwhelming I can barely stand it.

  But finally I’m at the point of near ecstasy and I say, “Please Ramsey, please…” feeling helpless under his spell.

  “You want me to do this, don’t you?” he says, and closes his mouth tight over my nub. “You want me to suck on your sexy little clit?”

  “Yes,” I say, trying to keep my voice down. “I want you to make me come.”


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