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The Willows: Haven

Page 12

by Hope Collier

  “Ash,” he started to speak but an unexpected grin flashed across my face, interrupting his sentence.

  His eyebrows pulled down. “What?”

  Gabe never called me anything but Ashton and the occasional Grace or Gracie. I didn’t know why it moved me, but I loved it.

  “I just love you,” I said.

  He locked his gaze on my upturned mouth. Squeezing me tighter, he lifted my chin and touched his lips to mine. A moment longer, and he gently pushed my face away. I conceded with a defeated pout. He grinned at my predictable reaction.

  “Let’s get some fresh air, shall we?” he asked. I gestured for him to lead the way.

  Gabe led me around a wishing well and beyond a towering sycamore. We eased down the hillside to a place where the river cut through the mountain. Gabe picked a flat boulder jutting out into the water and sat down. I curled up into his side and sat in silence as he hummed a familiar tune.

  “What has you so quiet?” Gabe murmured against my hair as the song came to an end. “Still contemplating my name change, I imagine?”

  I hesitated, not sure I wanted to say anything.

  “You don’t want me to know?” I finally asked.

  “It isn’t that I don’t want you to know,” Gabe wavered. “I only wonder if it will … upset you.”

  “What do you mean?” I looked up at him.

  “Would my past, my prior motives or intentions, influence your opinion of me?”

  A barrage of potential scenarios flooded my mind. But deep down I knew nothing he could say would affect my love — though plenty that could cause me any amount of heartache.

  “Don’t worry, love.” Gabe squeezed my tight shoulder. “It’s nothing too devastating,” he teased, but there was a note of uncertainty in his eyes.

  “Gabe,” I spoke confidently. “It doesn’t matter who you were or what you did, my feelings for you are absolute. I can’t love people in slices. You, who you are in here—” my fingers swept across his heart “—that’s the Gabe, or whatever name you choose, that I adore. And as long as you want me, that’s all I care about.”

  “Thank you,” Gabe offered, his eyes crinkling into a smile.

  “Well, you look better,” Harry interrupted, pausing at the top of the hill.

  “You think?” I responded playfully as Gabe helped me to my feet.

  “Most certainly, I’d say you’re pretty much back to normal.”

  “She’s dealing with everything exceptionally well, wouldn’t you say, Harry?” Gabe brushed the back of his hand down my cheek. My heart fluttered, and I blushed.

  “Yeah,” Harry muttered, the line of his mouth hardening. “I’m going to head inside and scrounge us up something for dinner tonight.”

  “Do you need any help?” Gabe offered, shielding his eyes as a gust of wind whipped the leaves from the trees and thunder rumbled in the distance.

  Harry paused, pivoting to meet Gabe. “Nope.” He smiled peculiarly. “I’ve got this just about all wrapped up.”

  I glanced at Gabe, trying to get a read on their bizarre exchange, but he seemed as baffled as me.


  After dinner, Gabe and I lingered on the covered veranda. The sun nestled behind the mountains, abandoning the sky to ominous clouds. I snuggled beneath Gabe’s arm as we sat on the wooden porch swing, soothing folk music humming in the background over the falling rain.

  “Just coming to check on you, Ash.” Harry emerged from the shadowed archway leading from the house. “I’m retiring to my study for the evening, but I’ll be awake for a while if you need anything.”

  I stood, and Harry kissed my cheek.

  “I’m fine, thanks.” I hugged him.

  “I’ll keep an eye and ear on everything tonight.” Harry turned to Gabe when he stood beside me. “I trust Ashton explained your room is on the third floor?” He shook Gabe’s hand and clapped him on the shoulder, still wearing an expression I couldn’t make sense of, though I thought I saw a hint of fatherly-like caution there.

  Gabe nodded, apparently sensing the warning. “Yes, she did. Thank you again for everything.”

  “You take good care of me.” I smiled at Harry.

  “I don’t know about that.” He shifted an appraising glance toward Gabe. “I guess we’ll see. Good night, you two.”

  I stared into the crackling fire burning on the outdoor hearth and relished in my small piece of near perfection. Two smooth arms wrapped around my waist as a pair of lips brushed back and forth against the curve of my shoulder.

  “Hi.” Gabe’s warm breath tickled my skin.

  I turned to face him, my arms curling around his neck. Even in the faint glow of the dimming flames, his eyes smoldered. My pulse quickened, carrying the heat to my skin. Gabe’s hand rested lightly on my face, his thumb stroking the blush that colored my cheeks.

  “Breathe,” he murmured with a smile, reminding me that it was a necessity. I drew in a quick breath hoping to alleviate the spinning.

  Gabe backed away, pulling me toward the source of the music, never breaking our gaze. I shivered as he drew me into his chest. His fingers slid down my arm, leaving a trail of heat along the way. Warmth spread from the place where his hand pressed just above my jeans, his fingers grazing the skin at the small of my back. An almost painful ache drummed inside my chest. I looked away, trying to lessen the pull that encouraged us to close the distance.

  “Is something wrong?” Gabe’s lips brushed against the curve of my ear, his voice a whisper.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I whispered. “I always need more.” I dropped my forehead to his chest, feeling his rapid pulse beneath the cotton. Gabe’s warm scent filled my lungs. I nuzzled into his neck and drew a slow breath. His fingers tightened around the fabric at my back as I rose on my toes, my wandering lips dancing toward his.

  “I think we should sit down now,” he murmured against my mouth, his tone contradictory to his words. My lips stilled, but I allowed them to linger, pressing myself into him. Gabe’s breathing hitched. His hands knotted in my hair as he pulled me closer, but hesitated, his eyes closed.

  My hands trailed down the front of his shirt. I paused for a moment before catching the top button then flipped it open. Gabe sighed as I traced the open seam down his smooth skin to the next button.

  “Stop,” he huffed, his hands over mine.

  “Why?” I whispered and tried to close the gap he’d made between us. His hands moved to my waist. Confusion set in as he pushed me away.

  “Harry is just inside, love.” Gabe took another step back, his mind made up.

  My shoulders slumped, and I sulked back to the corner.

  Gabe laughed at my diplomatic surrender. “Thank you, nonetheless, for being gracious about it.” He peeked down at me from the corner of his eye. “I’m in no frame of thought for negotiations.” He settled into the swing and opened his arms in an irresistible invitation.

  I sighed, disappointment warring with desire, but curled up in his side. The music continued softly in the background as we swung. Several verses later, my pulse slowed, and I began to yawn. At last, I drifted off, barely noticing the melancholy notes that’d begun in the background.


  The dawn brought with it an air of excitement. Today was brand new and unpredictable. That thought had me smiling when Harry wandered out to the veranda where I sat under a blanket, drinking a glass of sweet tea and relaxing in the same swing as last night.

  “Well, you’re up early.” He moved the quilt aside and sat down beside me.

  “I guess I am,” I chimed, and bit down on my lip to keep the dopey grin off my face.

  “You seem especially cheerful this morning. Sleep well?” He lifted an eyebrow and sipped at his coffee.

  “Yeah, I did. There’s something about this place.” I sighed, my focus on the light angling though the trees. “Must be the mountain air.”

  “Or Gabe,” he stated bluntly. I ignored his gaze and kept my attention on the r
ustling leaves.

  “That’s another possibility,” I said through a smile. “I guess you’re wondering about that, huh?”

  “Does Kevin know?” His question hung heavy in the morning mist.

  My smile fell away as I pulled the blanket around me a little tighter. “I haven’t spoken to him since I left.”

  How was I supposed to broach that subject?

  “Do you want to go back to California when everything is settled?” Harry looked at me from the corner of his eye. I considered his question and slumped against the back of the swing.

  “I hadn’t thought about it.” I sighed. “I really don’t know what to do.”

  “Putting it off won’t help the situation. This is all yours now.” Harry gestured around the area “It would be relatively simple to—”

  “Mine?” I jerked my head up. “What do you mean it’s mine? This house?”

  “This house and the countless other properties your dad owned. Everything belongs to you now.” He took a deep breath. “And Kevin would know what to do with it. His family comes from a long line of successful businessmen, after all. He can help you take care of everything. And you never know how he might take the news of your … nature. With his connections, he can help hide you.”

  I scowled at the trees at a loss for how to think or react. What was I supposed to do with Charlie’s properties, his company? I couldn’t run things; I hadn’t even gone to college. And Kevin? I didn’t want to spend my life in hiding with Kevin. I didn’t want any kind of life with him. Kevin’s capabilities ended at anger and control.

  Harry stared at the ground, thinking. “Ash, I don’t mean to intrude, but are you certain you’re making the best choice by Gabe? Are you sure he’s who you belong with?”

  The muscles in the back of my neck tensed. I drew a breath to answer, but Harry continued. “Gabe is a good guy, but being with him, you’re choosing a whole new world. You haven’t any idea what that entails.”

  “That world chose me, Harry, with or without Gabe.” My tone came out sharper than I meant. “I know it probably doesn’t make sense to you, but I love him. He’s different than anyone I’ve ever known. I’m sure it has something to do with our being alike, but more so he’s just different. He cares about me and what I want. It’s not like Kevin ever asked.”

  Harry sighed. “I can appreciate that. But so much has changed this past week; don’t you think this is all kind of fast?”

  “I know how it looks. Believe me. But what Gabe and I share is special, something I could never have with anyone else. And not just because we aren’t exactly human,” I added, sensing an accusation. “There’s more there. Something that ties us together.”

  “You’re binding yourself to a man, and you have no idea who he is.”

  I scoffed. “Binding myself? We aren’t walking down the aisle, Harry. We’re not even living together. I’m barely eighteen.” He lifted an eyebrow and started to speak, but I cut him off. “Look, I know Gabe, inside and out. I know his heart and his intentions. Learning someone’s history, their interests or pastimes, it doesn’t change who they are, just what they like.”

  Harry sighed again. “I’m not trying to tell you what to do. Things would just be much simpler if you would reconsider what you’re doing — or thinking about doing. There are some things that can’t be undone, if you know what I mean.”

  “Harry! It’s not like that.” I blushed.

  He sighed in relief.

  “Gabe and I have no permanent plans. We’re just taking things one day at a time.”

  “Permanent means something different in this world than it does in the nymph. You can’t … There are rules, Ashton. Boundaries you can’t step outside of. If Gabe wants to keep you safe, he’ll respect that.” Harry drew a breath. His face carried the familiar expression of trying to monitor his words. “Could you just not write Kevin off? Please. He can protect you from the Naiad’s rules. Take some time, don’t do anything rash, and consider the life you’re giving up. You’re still young — much younger than Gabe. There’s a lot you don’t know.”

  “Then please tell me, Harry.” I threw my hands up. “Tell me what I don’t know! Tell me why choosing your soul mate is somehow operating under flawed judgment?”

  Harry’s eyes fell. He swirled the coffee around in his mug and took a slow sip, his silence speaking volumes. “Look, I apologize. I don’t mean to come down on you and make it seem as if I don’t like Gabe,” he said, and I scoffed. “I’m telling you the truth, Ashton. I just want what’s best. There’s so much to learn about life and keeping yourself safe. Throw in Charlie’s wishes for you here, and it gets sticky.”

  My thoughts blurred with thoughts of nymphs and humans, businesses and employees. Panic swept around me, nearly taking my breath away. “I can’t do this, Harry. I don’t know anything about running a company. I can’t even balance a checkbook. I don’t fit it anywhere. I’m a mythical half-Naiad destined to live the rest of my life in hiding!”

  “Time-out, kid! I’m going to keep everything on the level. The business, I can manage for the time being. We’ll work around the half-Naiad/hiding part. Trust me. I know exactly what I’m doing.” His mouth curled into an assured smile.

  I took a deep breath. “You’re right. You can handle the business and the properties. I’m safe here. You and Gabe know how to keep me out of trouble.” I looked up and smiled ruefully. “I know you’ll take care of it.”

  Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave a squeeze. “It’s all going to work out beautifully. Just wait and see. This time next week, everything will look different.”

  I nodded.

  “What’s on your agenda then?” Harry asked, but I didn’t get a chance to answer.

  Gabe rounded the corner of the veranda and jogged up the stairs.

  “Good morning, Gracie.” Gabe kissed the back of my hand before turning his attention to Harry beside me. “Harry.”

  Harry nodded by way of greeting.

  “Well, I guess I’d better get a move on. A lot to do today and it seems I have a few phone calls to make.” Harry stood and ambled to the stairs. “Think about what I said, Ashton. You have more authority now. Apply it wisely.”

  Gabe claimed the space next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He pushed off on the ground, setting the swing in motion. “What was that about?”

  I hesitated, not wanting to share Harry’s recommendation of dumping Gabe. “He was just notifying me of my new responsibility as the sole owner of Charlie’s company, investments, assets, you name it.” I looked up with a playful expression. “You’re now holding a very powerful girl.”

  Gabe smiled and ran his finger the length of my jaw. “Yes, I am. Though it has absolutely nothing to do with your capital or your corporations,” he whispered, his lips lightly brushing back and forth across the skin of my throat.

  I drew a tremulous breath. I definitely wasn’t the most powerful person in this scenario. “So you say,” I teased. “You’re just using me for my money, aren’t you?”

  “Money is fleeting.” He began another pass across my neck. “I have little need for funds … but lots of need for you.”

  I tried to think about that, but his mouth was working its way upward. The spinning made it all but impossible for my brain to form thoughts outside of my desire for him. Finally, I tucked my hands around his face and brought it to mine. The turquoise of his eyes was lost to dilated pupils. Our lips met and for that brief moment, nothing else mattered. Not Harry or anything he’d said, not my newfound wealth or responsibility. Nothing was important outside of Gabe and the passion he stirred inside of me.

  My hands slid along his muscled chest, gripping the fabric there in a worthless attempt to control their ventures. Gabe’s hand slid down my ribcage, tracing over my hip, and settled along my thigh. I gasped as his fingers wrapped behind my knee, and he pulled one leg over his. Our breath intermingled, his intoxicating scent sending me spiraling into a logic
-deprived longing.

  My palms slid beneath the fabric of Gabe’s shirt, exploring rise and fall of firm muscle. He shivered and pulled me onto his lap. I moaned as his teeth grazed my bottom lip and tried to pull the quilt away, but Gabe caught my wrists.

  “Not now, love,” he mumbled weakly and began to distance himself.

  My arms snaked around his neck, and I leaned forward to press my lips beneath his jaw. “I wasn’t doing anything,” I whispered, my mouth skimming his ear. “Just being friendly.”

  Gabe’s quick breaths fanned against my shoulder. His steady grip squeezed around my ribs, somewhere between the motion of pushing me away or pulling me closer. Gabe’s fingers tightened, and I anticipated the victory. To my surprise, he pushed me back.

  “Not now,” he repeated with more commitment. I huffed and fell against the swing, a frown etched in my face.

  “I wasn’t going to do anything, Gabe,” I spouted. “We’re on the stupid porch, in broad daylight for crying out loud.”

  An entertained grin played around his flushed lips. “You’re cute when you’re frustrated.”

  I rolled my eyes, not sharing his sentiment. I wasn’t feeling cute by any means.

  “Ash, it gets harder and harder to say no to you.”

  “Then why bother?” I crossed my arms.

  Gabe leveled a disapproving expression. “We have all the time in the world, love. I can’t coerce you into binding yourself to me. There’s other stuff to take care of.”

  What was with all this binding nonsense?

  Harry appeared at the back door and looked our way. “Ashton,” he called, capturing my attention. “Breakfast is on the table.”

  “Come on.” I sighed on a smile. “Nothing fun to do out here, we might as well head inside.”

  Gabe stood and pulled me to him. He tucked a stray curl behind my ear, his hand lingering as he leaned in, his voice low. “I’d love nothing more than to demonstrate the many ways you’re mistaken,” he began. I felt his lips curve into a smile as he nipped my earlobe. “But I don’t think that would be a wise decision at the moment.”

  Gabe backed away on a wink then pulled me toward the kitchen.


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