Page 30
46 'As'es phrases beginning with "as" (puns on "asses")
46 charge importance/burden (continuing the play on "asses") 50 shriving-time time for confession and absolution from sin 52 ordinant in control
53 signet signet ring which acted as a seal
54 model ... seal exactly the same as the seal used to secure the commission 55 writ letter/written command
56 Subscribed signed (in Claudius' name)
56 th'impression the seal
57 changeling substitution, i.e. false letter (literally a fairy child substituted for a human one) 58 to ... sequent followed this
61 make love to court, entreat
62 defeat destruction
63 insinuation ingratiating behavior/intrusive involvement 64 baser of lower social status/inferior
65 pass sword thrust
65 fell fierce
65 points swords
66 opposites opponents, enemies
68 Does ... upon do you not think that it is now incumbent upon me 70 th'election i.e. the designation as king
71 angle fishing-hook and line
71 proper own
72 cozenage deception (puns on "cousinage"--i.e. kinship)
73 quit requite, repay
74 canker spreading ulcer
74 come In spread to, generate
77 issue outcome
79 no ... 'one' is only as brief as the time it takes to say "one"
82 by ... his i.e. in my situation (having a murdered father) I recognize his also 84 bravery extravagance, ostentatious display
88 water-fly i.e. buzzing insect
90 gracious blessed, fortunate
91 let ... mess even if you are an animal yourself, provided that you own a lot of livestock you shall eat at the king's table (mess) 92 crib animal's food receptacle
93 chough jackdaw (i.e. chatterer)/chuff (i.e. rustic, churl) 94 if ... leisure i.e. if the two of you have finished talking 97 bonnet hat (usually worn indoors when in company)
100 indifferent moderately
101 complexion constitution
106 remember probably "remember your courtesy," a way of asking someone to put on their hat 107 for mine ease a polite way of resisting Hamlet's request 111 Rapier long, pointed, double-edged sword (the flexible epee of modern fencing had not yet been invented) 112 well very well, never mind
113 Barbary horses valued North African horses, noted for their speed 114 imponed wagered (impawned; or an affected coinage from the Latin imponere, meaning "to pile or lay on") 115 poniards daggers
115 assigns accessories
115 as such as
115 girdle sword belt
115 hangers loops on sword belts, from which the sword was hung; often richly ornamented 116 carriages an affected word for hangers
116 dear to fancy pleasing to the fancy/delightfully tasteful 117 responsive ... hilts well-matched to the sword handle 117 delicate finely made
118 liberal conceit elaborate design
119 call you do you mean by
121 germane relevant
122 cannon ... sides "carriage" is the word for the wheeled support on which a cannon is mounted 127 laid wagered
127 in ... nine famously incomprehensible and much-debated wager; Claudius bets that, in a series of twelve rounds, Laertes' total number of hits will not exceed Hamlet's by three or more, but it is unclear what is meant by "twelve for nine," where "he" may be Claudius or Laertes 127 passes rounds
128 him i.e. Laertes
130 vouchsafe the answer be pleased to accept the challenge (Hamlet interprets answer more literally as "reply") 132 opposition ... trial presenting of yourself as an opponent in a contest 135 breathing time time for exercise
138 odd occasional/extra three
139 re-deliver you report back what you say
140 after what flourish according to whatever lavish gesture or manner of speaking you choose 142 commend entrust (part of a standard phrase, but Hamlet responds to the sense of "recommend, praise") 145 for's turn to do it for him
146 lapwing bird proverbial for youthful precocity as it left the nest soon after being hatched; shell ... head may suggest that Osric has just put his hat on 147 comply ... dug pay courteous compliments to his mother's (or nurse's) nipple 148 bevy company/group of birds
149 drossy worthless, impure
149 tune i.e. fashionable speech/general style
150 habit of encounter custom of social inter action/fashionable dress 150 yeasty frothy
150 collection i.e. of fashionable words and manners 151 carries them through enables them to successfully pass off/enables them to hold their own among 151 fond foolish
152 winnowed selective (literally refers to the blowing away of chaff from grain) 152 and ... out yet test them by blowing on them and the bubbles will burst/test their opinions and they are lost for words 156 at the odds given the odds that have been laid
160 gain-giving misgiving, foreboding
163 repair coming
164 augury prophecy (literally, making predictions based on an interpretation of the behavior of birds) 164 there's ... sparrow i.e. God's hand is in every slightest thing--alluding to Matthew 10:29
165 it i.e. his own death
167 readiness i.e. to meet death
167 has aught of really owns, can take with him
168 betimes early
168.1 gauntlets protective gloves used for fencing 172 presence assembly/royal company
175 nature natural feeling/filial loyalty
175 exception disapproval, objection
182 faction party
185 disclaiming from disavowal, denial of
185 purposed intentional
186 generous noble-minded/magnanimous
187 That I have as to think that I have
191 my ... honour where my honor is concerned
192 will want, will have
194 voice (authoritative) endorsement
194 peace reconciliation
195 name ungored reputation uninjured
199 frankly freely, with no ill will
202 foil background material used to set off the luster of a jewel (shifting the sense away from "sword") 204 Stick fiery off stand out and sparkle brilliantly
210 laid the odds backed
212 he is bettered Laertes is considered to be better
212 odds the advantage (Laertes is handicapped by having to score three hits over Hamlet) 214 likes pleases
214 have ... length are all of the same length
216 stoups cups
218 quit ... exchange repays Laertes (for winning the first two bouts) by scoring a hit in the third bout 219 ordnance cannon
220 better breath increased energy and vigor
221 union valuable pearl
224 kettle kettledrum
243 fat may suggest greasy/sweaty, but primary sense is corpulent, overweight 244 napkin handkerchief
245 carouses to toasts
256 pass thrust
257 make ... me toy with me/indulge me
257 wanton spoiled child
260 scuffling fighting at close quarters
260.1 change exchange, probably via the maneuver known as "left-hand seizure" (see Introduction, p. xv) 266 woodcock proverbially stupid, easily caught birds
266 springe snare
278 practice plot
287 Drink off drink up, drain
287 union pearl (plays on the sense of "marriage")
290 tempered mixed
296 chance mischance/event
297 mutes silent onlookers/actors without speaking parts 297 act event/theatrical performance
298 fell cruel
299 strict rigorously just/unrelenting, stern
299 arrest taking into custody/halting (of my words)
301 causes grievances, grounds for revenge
302 unsatisfied uninformed/those who wish to know
304 antique Roman one of the ancient Romans, who viewed suicide as a noble alternative to an unworthy
life 311 felicity happiness, bliss
318 o'er-crows triumphs over (an image from cockfighting) 320 th'election i.e. the selection of the next king of Denmark 321 voice vote/support
322 occurrents events
323 solicited prompted this
323 O ... o! a dying groan is represented thus in several plays of the period 326.1 Colours battle flags
328 would wish to
330 quarry pile of dead game after a hunt
330 quarry ... havoc mound of bodies proclaims total slaughter and destruction 331 toward imminent/being prepared
331 cell small dwelling
334 dismal ominous/calamitous/depressing
336 The ears i.e. Claudius' ears
343 jump precisely
343 question dispute/affair
346 stage platform
346 view general view
350 accidental judgements punishments happening by chance 350 casual occurring by chance
351 put on instigated/arranged
351 forced cause deliberate contrivance/false grounds
352 upshot conclusion, outcome
354 deliver report
358 of memory old/traditional/unforgotten
359 vantage advantage, favorable opportunity
361 voice speaking voice/vote
361 draw on encourage, rally the support of
362 this same i.e. the displaying of the bodies and explanation of events 362 presently immediately
363 wild bewildered/agitated
364 On on top of/as a result of
367 put on put to the test (as king)
368 passage journey into death
370 Speak i.e. let them speak
372 Becomes the field suits the battlefield
372 shows much amiss is very out of place
Second Quarto Passages That Do Not Appear in the Folio
1 e'en even, i.e. exactly
2 sort fit
4 question cause (of dispute)
5 mote speck, irritating particle
6 palmy triumphant, flourishing
7 ere before
7 Julius Julius Caesar, murdered by conspirators in 44 BC
8 sheeted shrouded
9 squeak ghosts were traditionally supposed to have thin high-pitched voices 10 As editors have speculated that a preceding line is missing 10 stars ... fire i.e. comets, signs of ill omen 11 Disasters unfavorable aspects (astrological term)
11 moist star i.e. the moon, which controls the tides 12 Neptune Roman god of the sea
12 stands depends
13 to doomsday as if it were Judgment Day (when, according to the Bible, the moon would grow dark) 14 even ... precurse exactly the same foreshadowing
15 As harbingers like forerunners
15 still always
16 omen calamity
18 climatures regions
20 petition entreaty
21 will plays on the sense of "legal document" (which Polonius fixed his seal on) 21 hard reluctant
22 east and west i.e. everywhere
23 traduced ... of dishonored and censured by
24 clepe call
24 with swinish phrase by calling us pigs
25 addition name, reputation
25 takes removes
26 though ... height even though they are outstanding
27 pith ... attribute very essence of our distinguished reputation 29 for because of
29 mole blemish
30 As for example
32 o'ergrowth ... complexion excessive growth of some natural trait 33 pales fences, safeguards
34 too much o'erleavens spoils (as too much leaven ruins dough) 35 plausive pleasing, praiseworthy
37 nature's livery uniform designating one's servitude to nature 38 virtues else other virtues
39 undergo sustain
40 general censure public opinion/view of the man as a whole 41 the ... scandal unclear; the general sense is "even a tiny portion (dram) of polluting matter can bring a noble substance into disrepute" (or perhaps "... corrupt a noble substance to its own shameful nature") 41 eale ale
44 toys wild thoughts
44 desperation the hopelessness or spiritual despair preceding suicide 46 fathoms a fathom is approximately six feet
51 anchor's cheer the provisions or lifestyle of an anchorite (i.e. hermit) 51 scope limit
52 Sense senses, feeling (in the following line the sense shifts to "reason") 53 motion the power of movement/emotions and impulses
54 apoplexed paralyzed
54 err err in this manner/err to this degree
55 ecstasy madness
55 thralled enslaved
56 quantity small amount
57 serve ... difference enable it to distinguish between the two men 59 sans without
61 mope be stupefied/wander aimlessly
62 sense ... devil destroys all sensitivity to devilish practices 64 use habit/undertaking
65 frock monk's clothing/man's coat/dress
65 livery uniform
66 aptly readily
68 use habit
69 [] a verb is missing here; editors often insert "master" or, more recently, "shame"
70 wondrous potency extraordinary power
74 sweep my way clear my path
75 marshal guide
76 enginer constructor of military engines (weaponry)/plotter 77 Hoist ... petard blown up by his own bomb
77 and't ... But unless luck is against me
78 delve ... mines i.e. countermine by digging deeper than and intercepting the enemy mines 80 crafts cunning plots
81 powers troops
87 main main part
89 addition exaggeration
92 farm rent
94 ranker higher
94 fee fee simple, i.e. sold outright, with no conditions 98 Will ... straw are not enough to fight out this trifling issue 99 th'imposthume abscess
102 buy i.e. be with
104 straight straightaway
105 inform against betray/bring a charge against
107 market profit
109 discourse powers of reasoning
110 Looking ... after able to look ahead and to assess what is past 112 fust molder
113 oblivion forgetfulness
113 craven cowardly
114 Of resulting from
114 precisely scrupulously
114 th'event outcome
117 to do i.e. yet to be done
118 Sith since
119 gross obvious/large/material, earthly
120 mass and charge size and cost
121 delicate fine/skilled/elegant
121 tender youthful
123 Makes mouths makes faces, i.e. is scornful 123 invisible event unforseeable outcome
125 dare can do/can threaten
126 Rightly ... great i.e. true greatness
127 stir i.e. take up arms
127 great argument a noble cause
128 greatly ... straw to find great cause for contention over a trifle 131 Excitements incitements, provocations
131 blood anger/passion
134 fantasy and trick illusory and deceptive whim
134 fame reputation, honor
135 plot plot of land
136 Whereon ... cause which is not big enough to hold the soldiers who are to fight for it 137 continent (sufficiently large) container; plays on the sense of "land"
143 organ instrument, agent (of Hamlet's death)
144 falls right fits well
147 your ... parts all of your other qualitites
150 unworthiest siege least importance
152 ribbon i.e. mere adornment/crowning accomplishment 153 becomes suits
155 sables garments trimmed with sable fur
155 weeds clothing/mourning garments
156 health well-being/prosperity
157 scrimers fencers (from the French escrimeur) 158 motion skilled and trained movements
158 eye quick perception
162 is ... still remains alway
s at the same degree of goodness 163 pleurisy excess/chest inflammation
164 too much excess
164 That that which
164 would wish to
167 tongues ... accidents i.e. tongues to dissuade one, hands to prevent one and chance events to get in the way 168 spendthrift i.e. wasteful; each sigh was thought to drain a drop of blood from the heart 169 hurts by easing harms the heart at the same time as it eases the immediate emotional pain of the sufferer 169 quick tender central part
170 absolute perfect, accomplished
171 differences fine qualities
171 soft society pleasant company/sociable manners
171 great showing fine appearance
172 feelingly to the purpose, with just perception
172 card or calendar map or guide
173 the ... see one who contains any quality a gentleman would wish to see 175 definement definition (Hamlet begins to mock Osric's affected language) 175 perdition loss
175 you i.e. your account of him
175 to ... inventorially to list his qualities, to itemize him 176 but ... sail merely swing unsteadily off course in comparison to his speedy sailing (i.e. Laertes outstrips attempts to define his virtues) 177 in ... extolment to praise him truthfully
178 of great article highly accomplished, with many qualities to list in an inventory 178 infusion essence (literally, what has been infused into him) 178 dearth rarity/costliness
179 make ... diction speak truly
179 his mirror the only person truly like him is his reflection in a mirror 179 who whoever
180 trace follow/imitate
180 his umbrage is his shadow
181 infallibly absolutely truly
182 The concernancy, sir? Why is all this relevant?
183 rawer breath crude words that cannot do him justice 185 in another tongue i.e. when someone speaks your own elaborate language 185 do't get there in the end
187 nomination naming
192 approve me commend me, be to my credit
195 I ... himself I do not dare to admit that I know just how excellent a man Laertes is lest I should seem to be comparing myself favorably with him: to know a man well one must first know oneself 197 for i.e. with
197 in ... meed in the estimation of those in his pay (i.e. servants/fencing-masters), he is unparalleled/in the estimation of others, he's unmatched by any man of comparable worth and honor 199 edified ... margent instructed by the explanatory notes in the margin 201 that if
203 if ... ready my readiness waits on his convenience 207 In happy time at an opportune moment
208 use ... entertainment give a courteous reception