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Tommy’s Tale a-4

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  Rose looked at Cassie and said, “Are you powerful enough to just destroy the Captors?”

  Cassandra answered, “I don’t sense that, Your Majesty.”

  Sprig said, “It’s not in your nature to just totally destroy a civilization is it.”

  Tommy answered, “No it’s not. We have been able to avoid it so far. Perhaps we will find a way to achieve a peaceful settlement this time, too.”

  Cassandra said, “It’s not going to happen this time. We will have to totally destroy them down to the last ship.”

  Rose asked, “Why do you say that, Captain Dodd?”

  “I think I can show you easier than I could tell you.”

  “Just how would you do that, Captain?”

  “I’ll set up a demonstration four hours from now. Can everyone agree to wait until then?”

  Everyone agreed and the conference ended. Cassandra said to the two Algeans, “I need your help; do you have a device that we can use to teleport a ship.”

  Sprig said, “Yes, the nose of the Kosiev will move anything you want to any place you desire.”

  Cassandra looked at Tommy and said, “Do we have a ship that is so old that we no longer use that design anymore?”

  Tommy thought a minute and said, “Let’s ask Lin.” Tommy pressed his com and Admiral Mikado appeared. “Admiral, do we have a ship that is a unique design that we no longer use?”

  “Good day, Duke Gardner. We have an old ship that was used during our early exploration. It has a primitive jump drive but it does still fly. We have it in the stock of live fire ships to use as target practice.”

  “Then it has remote control systems already installed?”

  “Yes it does. Why, do you need it?”

  “Yes we do, Admiral. Could you send it to us immediately?”

  Mikado looked off the screen and said something to someone and then looked back at the screen and said, “It will be at your coordinates in fifteen minutes.”

  Tommy said, “Thanks, Admiral. You’ve been a great help.”

  The Com screen turned dark and Tommy looked at Cassandra and said, “What are you planning?”

  “I need you to help me find a Captor ship and the route that it is traveling. I’ll tell you the rest later.” Tommy shrugged and closed his eyes. Cassandra turned to Sprig and Twig and said, “I need you to teleport this ship into deep space between galaxies. I’ll let you know when I need you to do it.”

  Sprig and twig left to find the coordinates of a deep space location and also to line up the Kosiev with the ship. Cassandra closed her eyes and reached out to the ancient ship. She felt it and then found what she was looking for; the old communication system. She looked at the frequencies and saw that they were so old that they were no longer used. She closed her eyes and felt her way around.

  Four hours later everyone was back but there were a few notable additions. Tag and Danielle, the Eldest Leader of the Algeans, Terl, and Misty Nicole were now taking part in the conference and it was no longer being done telepathically but with Com systems. Rose started the meeting by saying, “Captain Dodd you said you were going to demonstrate why we had to destroy this race. It’s now your show.”

  Cassandra said, “I want those of you who are telepathic to link in those of us who are not. I need everyone to then link into my mind; I want you to see what I’m doing.” Cassandra paused and felt the members of the conference link in to her mind. Then she said, “The view you’re seeing is from the front sensor of a two hundred year old Earth exploration vessel. I am expecting a captor ship momentarily. I am moving this ship psychically. The communication system will be operated psychically. We have determined that the Captors cannot see psychic phenomena. I have always envied Atlas’ ability to speak through speakers so a month ago I taught myself how to do it psychically.”

  Atlas said, “I’m impressed.”

  “Thanks, Atlas, I have jumped the ship into the system it is currently located from deep space where the Adolescents had teleported it. Are you ready?”

  Everyone thought, “Yes,”

  The group waited for forty minutes and nothing happened. Then, there it was; the giant red ship appeared on the old ships sensors. The group heard Cassandra think and send through the radio on the old ship, “Hello to the majestic ship traveling through our system. I wish you safe travel.”

  The Captor ship sent back on the old frequency, “Thank you and safe travel to you also.”

  Cassandra said, “I have never seen such a large and beautiful ship as the one you possess. You must be quite proud of it.”

  “Yes, I am. It has served me well.”

  “I imagine it has. Is there anything I can do to make your travel easier?”

  “I am looking for a bright white ship about fifty times your length. It has a pointed nose and is eight times longer than it is wide.”

  “I’m sorry; I have not seen such a ship.”

  “Well, thank you anyway.”

  “You’re welcome. Safe travel”

  “And to you.”

  Cassandra then thought to the group, “Seems fine, doesn’t it. Watch closely what happens next.” Cassandra then sent to the Captor ship, “I forgot to ask.”

  The Captor ship said, “What?”

  “Where is your home world?”

  The Captor ship fired so fast on the old ship that it was almost missed; the ship was totally disintegrated. Then the Captor ship jumped out to the place that the old ship had come from when it jumped into the system. The sensor buoy teleported there was surrounded by ten Captor ships and destroyed. The members of the Stars Realm that were watching were shocked by the sudden transformation of a friendly conversation to one that turned deadly.

  I want each of you to ponder what would have happened if that old ship had jumped through the Realm before it arrived in front of that Captor vessel. Also notice that ten ships arrived at the buoy simultaneously. It seems that they are connected in some manner and the trigger of the attack was heard by all.”

  “Captain Dodd, how did you know the attack would happen,” Rose asked.

  “I have been watching the Captors during our clashes and their behavior was not intelligent. The way ships would jump ahead of us to cut off our escape was not done in an organized fashion. It looked like each ship was acting individually. I did some reading on bees. These creatures are acting very much like a hive of bees. Anything that comes close to the nest is attacked. The difference here is that these entities are intelligent and anyone that even thinks about the Captor nest is a target. Atlas’ race was destroyed because a ship jumped into their system. The reality is that Atlas mentioned having conversations with them before they turned violent. The same attack would have happened if any of the Alfont had asked an individual Captor where he lived. What do you think the chances are of our civilization being able to completely avoid saying something that would trigger their attack behavior? These creatures do possess extraordinary technological ability, but so do bees. I believe that they are totally controlled by their instinctive behavior and their intelligence is pushed aside when instinct takes over.”

  Terl said, “The Algeans attacked every race they encountered and they were able to change.”

  “That’s true, but they did not do it without thought. They deliberately chose to attack to gather the food necessary for survival. These creatures give no thought what so ever. They flew around Earth’s solar system destroying every place they found intelligent life. They went about it in a coldblooded fashion almost like they were sweeping a room of pests. The Captors didn’t need Atlas’ race for food. They didn’t need to kill that old ship; their sensors clearly told them that it was absolutely not threat to them. Just how successful do you think you would be trying to convince a swarm of bees coming to sting you that you have no intention of hurting them?”

  Tag said, “She’s right. I can sense these creatures, too, and I can see that we mean nothing to them. They would destroy a world just to make sure they don’t att
empt to find out where they came from. Unfortunately, we only have one ship that can stand up to them.”

  Sprig tentatively thought, “That may not be necessarily true.”

  The entire conference stopped what they were thinking and turned their attention to the young Algean. Tag said, “What may not be true; them destroying a world or us only having one ship?”

  Sprig said, “As most of you know, I destroyed a megaship by accidently releasing a black hole from one of its reactors. I learned a lot from that event. I’ve also absorbed all the information available on the Alexander Kosiev. I need a couple of ships to work on but I think I can recreate the event that brought the Kosievs’ surface into existence.”

  Tommy stood up and said, “Are you serious? Do you know how many scientists have tried and failed?”

  Sprig tilted to the side which was the Algean equivalent of a shrug and said, “I do, but Twig and I believe they were going about the process incorrectly. We may be wrong, but as you humans sometimes say, “It feels right”,”

  Rose said, “Four Megaships will be sent to you immediately.

  Twig said, “There is a real possibility of damaging or destroying them while we run our experiments.”

  “Then we’ll send you four more,” Rose said. “I don’t care if you destroy half the fleet if you can solve that problem.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. We will begin work at once.”

  Tommy said to the conference, “Let’s get back to the issue at hand. How does everyone feel about Captain Dodd’s feeling about the Captors?”

  Tag said, “We have no choice but to destroy them all.”

  “Everyone who feels that way, tell me now,” Rose said.

  The votes were reluctant but the vote was unanimous; it was war to the death.

  Rose announced, “So be it; we will meet with the Realms leaders two weeks from today. This meeting is adjourned.”

  Danielle thought to Tommy and Cassandra, “You have to offer them one chance. If they refuse then it will be their choice. However, they must be offered a choice.”

  “If they can offer the choice without placing themselves and the ship in danger, then I agree,” Rose said entering the conversation.

  Tommy looked at Cassandra and the adolescents and said, “Mom is right. We will take every precaution but there is no safe way to approach them; however, some risks should be taken and I agree with her. We will make the offer.”

  Danielle said, “Thanks, Tommy.”

  Tommy sat with Cassandra in the conference room with the Sprig and Twig after the conference ended. Tommy looked at Cassandra and said, “I’m troubled, Cassie.” Cassandra stared to say something but Tommy held up his hand and said, “Let me finish.” She sat back in her chair. “We have not been allowed to touch except for limited contact since the wedding. I learn more about you through touching you than I do by sharing our thoughts. Somewhere during the last few weeks, I’ve lost you. I’ve watched you and I’ve seen that warrior side of you take control even when we are not fighting the Captors. The Kosiev gives you away; it almost starts growling.” Tommy looked at the two Algeans and said, “You’ve seen it, too.” They leaned forward showing their agreement. “I’ve seen a hardened person. I don’t know who you are any more. Every cell in my body wants you and I know that it’s caused by our

  DNA screaming for each other. I don’t want you because of that; it’s not enough. I want who you are, not what you are. I know that you are stronger than me psychically and that doesn’t bother me. I don’t completely understand why your power waited for my touch but it did. Now I sense that your power is taking control of you and you’re different. I understand why you were cruel at the academy and I’ve truly forgiven you for that. I felt your sorrow and sensitivity at the wedding and my heart went out to you. I’m afraid that we will not be able to make a relationship work.”

  Cassandra said, “Oh, Tommy. I can’t live without you and it’s not my DNA saying that. I live for the time we can be together and this separation is killing me inside. Please, please, be patient.”

  Sprig interrupted saying, “May I make a suggestion?”

  Tommy and Cassandra looked at him and he said, “The temperature of the energy space has come down from the dangerous level it was after the wedding. If you will take the Kosiev to one of those nerve centers, we will monitor it while you do what I’m about to request of you.”

  Cassandra narrowed her eyes and said, “What is it you want?”

  “Tommy requested that Twig and I absorb each other for the purpose of learning and the teleportation device is a result of that. What we have not shared with you is that we were changed by the process.”

  Twig said, “It is a rather dramatic change, too.”

  Tommy looked at them and Sprig continued, “As you know, my race is plant life. We have families but they are primarily for economic and social reasons. We don’t nurture our young because they are seeds containing everything they will need to survive. The mating is primarily done to improve our race. Twig is the daughter of our eldest leader; her genes are far superior to my own.”

  “No, they’re not,” Twig interjected.

  Sprig looked at Twig and said, “Yes they are and it’s nice of you to disagree but she is on the highest level of our species. We could never end up together because of that difference. We have decided not to return to our people but to spend our lives together.”

  Tommy and Cassandra sat straight up in their chairs and Cassandra said, “You can’t do that. You must have the golden soil to live a full life. Your life span will be shortened dramatically.”

  Twig said, “We know that but I’ve told Sprig that if we can’t be together, I’d rather be alone. We discovered something when we absorbed each other.” Twig reached for Sprig with four of her limbs and wrapped them around him, “We found love. No member of my species has ever had that emotion for another member.”

  Tommy looked at them with furrowed brows and Sprig said, “We really didn’t know what the feeling was but we were in your minds at the wedding when you touched each other and we saw and felt what you were feeling. We now feel that for each other. I was going to be silent about my feelings after we absorbed each other but she had every thought and feeling I’ve felt. She knew.”

  “And I will not live away from him,” Twig said. “We have also decided that the names you gave us will be our names for the rest of our lives. But back to the point, when we were in trouble, you and Captain Dodd came and touched so we could survive the process. We would like to offer you our help in return.”

  “What help,” Tommy said.

  “Why help you absorb each other,” Twig said.

  Cassandra said, “Can we do that; we’re different from you.”

  “We believe you can. We also believe the shocks you’ve been having are due to the difficulty of your inner selves letting go to allow each other in.”

  Tommy looked at Cassandra then asked, “Is it dangerous; is there a possibility I might lose her?”

  The Algeans paused and finally Twig said, “Yes.”

  “I can’t run that risk, then,” Tommy said. “She is too important in the fight against the Captors.”

  Cassandra looked at Tommy with tears in her eyes and said, “We could win the war and if I lost you I would die. I cannot go on fighting this war without knowing you are mine. I can see I’m losing you now. Tommy, we have to do this, please.”

  Tommy looked into her eyes and saw her pain. The speaker on the wall said, “I would also rather never save my brothers from their captivity if it meant that you two were hurt like I know you would be if you lost each other,” Atlas said.

  Tommy looked at Cassie and said without taking his eyes from her, “Boy, you sure are nosey.”

  “Comes with the job.”

  Cassandra smiled through her tears and Tommy asked, “How long will it take.”

  “We don’t know,” Sprig said. “We will be with you helping you through the process but we a
re in unfamiliar territory.”

  Tommy keyed his com and said, “Lt. McAnn and Ensign Johns, report to the third deck conference room immediately.”

  Tommy continued to watch Cassandra cry until three minutes later Wes and Linda Kay ran into the room. “What’s wrong,” Wes asked?”

  Tommy looked at Wes and said, “Stand by for just a moment. Tommy then keyed his com to the ships general intercom and said, “Effective immediately, Lt. McAnn is promoted to executive officer and will be in command of the Kosiev.” Tommy then turned his com off and said to Wes, “Cassandra and I are going to attempt something that is dangerous. Until the situation clarifies itself, you will take command of the Kosiev and keep her safe until we return. Linda Kay, you will stay here and keep Wes informed about how we’re doing; othewise, he won’t stay on the bridge. Any questions?”

  “Yes, what are you doing?”

  Tommy reached forward and took Cassie’s hands and said, “Getting to know each other. Sprig, give Wes the coordinates of one of those nerve centers out in deep space and let’s get this started before I lose my nerve.”

  Sprig said, “Wes, the coordinates are on your board on the bridge. Please move us there quickly.”

  Tommy could see Wes’ fear but he turned and ran from the room.” After three minutes he heard over the intercom, “Jump in ten seconds, 4,3,2,1, execute.” Tommy held on to Cassie as the universe turned around them.

  As the ship settled next to the nerve center Sprig said to Twig, “I will lead them; you need to monitor the nerve center.”

  “Now way; I’m better than you at handling the process.”

  Sprig gave her a mental smile and said, “You just worry about me being damaged by this. You know that we both are equal in skills for this task but you are definitely better at field dynamics and that makes you more qualified at monitoring the nerve center.”

  Twig felt a stubbornness arise but knew he was right. “I’ll be checking on your progress. Be careful, Sprig. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Sprig felt her love and it strengthened him. How’s the nerve center?”


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