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Tommy’s Tale a-4

Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  Tommy said, “You have no idea. I’m going to have fields installed into the ships before we go back into battle so the crew can step out to safety. We no longer need escape pods. They can just step right out into their home living rooms or anywhere else we choose.”

  Rose said, “I understand that one of the Algeans is responsible for saving the ship.”

  Tommy said, “He is the only reason anyone survived. Wes went to the defense of another ship and placed himself in danger to save that ship.”

  Rose looked around and said, “We should go to the hospital to check on Wes.”

  Cassandra furrowed her brow and said, “He’s in the operating room and the surgeon just said that it looks like several hours before the surgery is completed and he’s out of the woods.”

  Rose rubbed her forehead and said, “He has got to make it. Leila will be inconsolable if he dies.”

  Tommy shook his head and said, “We all will be; especially Linda Kay.”

  Cassandra could only nod her head.

  The First Male replayed the video of the strange white ship breaking up. He slowed it down, he sped it up. The beams had no effect on the ship. Beams that could blow up a planet did not affect these ships at all; but the energy balls, ah, that was a different story. The bigger the blast, the more those ships get bounced around. He thought about big explosions and then moved away from the construct and launched an energy ball. He watched as it moved out from the planet and he followed it for an hour; then he hit it with the full power of his main beam. The explosion was ten times larger than it would have normally been. “Now that’s progress,” he thought. “Now how do we use this?” He thought about the way the strange white ships were blown around and knew that if the explosions could be placed appropriately, then the ships could be destroyed. He began speaking to the hive warriors.

  Wes was out of surgery and covered with medical machinery. He was being kept unconscious to promote healing. When the nose had been blown away from the main body of the ship, Wes had been thrown into the wall on his left side. His left lung was punctured, his arm broken, his leg broken in two places and his skull bruised against his helmet. Linda Kay stayed in the room with him holding his hand. Leila tried to get her to go home and get some rest but she refused. She continued to send her love to him in her thoughts. She told him to fight and to come back to her. She held his hand and waited. Sprig also stayed in the room with her. He stood beside the window in the sunlight and listened for Wes’ thoughts. Tommy sat outside the room in the hall. A platoon of marines kept the public away. Hundreds had shown up just to see a member of the Royal Family but the marines kept them at bay.

  After four days a doctor came in and removed the IV that was being used to keep Wes unconscious. Linda Kay looked at the doctor and he said, “It’s up to him now.”

  Three days passed by and Linda Kay looked at Sprig and said, “Wes has never told me what you did that got him named 3D.”

  Sprig said, “It was an eventful moment.”

  Linda Kay looked at Sprig and said, “What happened?”

  Sprig moved uncomfortably from side to side and said, “I can’t tell you.”

  Linda Kay looked disappointed and looked back at Wes and returned to her sorrow. Then she heard Sprig say, “But I can show you.” She looked back at him quizzically and Sprig said, “While I was down loading the information stored in the ship’s computer, I saw a file titled 3D-Sprig’s run. The bridge crew had taped the whole episode as soon as the initial event took place. Close your eyes and I’ll play it for you.”

  Linda Kay closed her eyes and saw Wes coming out of deck three’s wash room completely soaked and covered in something else she didn’t recognize. The she watched as Wes chased Sprig around the ship. She started smiling and when Wes was stopped by Tommy she actually started laughing with Tommy. Captain Dodd trying not to laugh made her laugh so hard she had to hold her ribs. “Wes always takes things so seriously,” she giggled.

  “Takes what so seriously? What are you laughing about? I can’t sleep with all this noise.” Linda Kay turned and saw Wes looking at her from his pillow. She shrieked her joy and kissed him gently on his forehead.

  Sprig walked up and said, “Welcome back.”

  Wes looked at Sprig and said, “The last thing I remember is my ship breaking up. Where am I?”

  Sprig said, “You’re in Dorg-Ross hospital on Ross.”

  Wes thought a moment and said, “The only way I could be here is by teleporting. I know there were thousands of energy balls coming at the ship after the breakup. You came after me, didn’t you?”

  Sprig just stood there saying nothing.

  “What about my ship?”

  Linda Kay said, “He teleported your ship to Mars and then to Ross.”

  Wes looked at Linda Kay and said, “My crew?”

  Linda Kay didn’t want to say anything but knew he would not rest unless she told him, “Sixty percent of them were killed.” Wes winced and closed his eyes. “The forty percent that did survive are here because you insisted that every crew member wear light armor in battle. It’s what saved your life and the doctors tell me that that without it, none of your crew would have survived. The Polaris also survived and Captain Jones is distraught at what happened to your ship.”

  “He shouldn’t be. He would have done the same for me.”

  Sprig looked at Wes and said, “My friend, if the Polaris had taken the same hits as Atlantis, everyone on his ship would be dead. It has now been ordered that in all future fleet conflicts, all crew members will be required to wear armor. It’s being called the Atlantis doctrine.”

  Wes looked up at Linda Kay and said, “I’m so sorry I’ve caused you pain.”

  “Wes, I love you. My life has started again.”

  Wes smiled at her and said, “I’m tired and I’m about to fall asleep. Please go home and clean up and get some rest. I’ll be fine.”

  Linda Kay started to object when Tommy and Leila walked in and said, “We’ll take care of sleeping beauty here.”

  Wes smiled at his mother and Tommy and said, “I’ll talk with you later.” Wes closed his eyes and went to sleep.

  Sprig looked at Linda Kay and said, “I’ll take you directly home and bring you back the moment he wakes up again.”

  Linda Kay looked at Sprig and said, “Why do you care so much about my husband?”

  Sprig looked at her for a long time then said, “Twig and I saw the love you had for each other before the wedding. Later when we absorbed each other, it was the memory of your love that came alive in us. He also forgave me for the embarrassment I caused him. He is a good man and worthy of respect.”

  “And love,” Linda Kay said.

  “And love,” Sprig agreed.

  Linda Kay walked up and hugged Sprig and they disappeared from the room.

  Wes was out of the hospital for a week and Tommy was sitting on Atlas in a chair watching Ross rotate below him on the wall monitor. Neither one of them were talking. The wedding was delayed sixty days to allow Wes time to recover from his injuries and the ships of the fleet were being converted to the new Kosiev technology. Tommy finally had time to visit his friend. Atlas broke the silence and said, “I never expected that you would be able to slug it out with the Captors. Quite frankly, I never dreamed that you could do anything to them.”

  “Atlas, they saw how one of our ships could be destroyed. I sense a danger in them now.”

  “I know. What happened to the Atlantis will be used to develop a new strategy against you. I can also hear my brothers talking among themselves. Most of them were shut down for millions of years but your attack on the construct when you killed the young queen woke them up. They’re frightened that they will be destroyed to make room for the coming battle. I can hear them but I can’t contact them. The Captors will hear me.”

  “Atlas, I never considered that it would become a war. I thought we would find a way to swoop in and snatch your brothers and make a quick escape. It just
escalated so fast.”

  There was silence again and then Atlas said, “Tommy, if it means risking your race, I don’t want you to have you take that risk.”

  “Atlas, don’t you see; we were at risk even if we did nothing. They were coming to Jupiter. Our attack forced them to move quicker than they planned, however, if we had not moved against them we would not have the teleportation device. Thank the Creator for the Algeans and their discoveries. We were able to save Earth; but for you and our efforts, our people would be dead with the rest of our solar system. I know they are planning a way to destroy our ships and I don’t see another breakthrough to save us in the time that remains. However, I think we can save your brothers before they are destroyed.”


  “We will teleport the Kosiev in next to them and teleport the entire mass to another location and then hide them behind an invisible screen. The screen will prevent their signatures from being seen.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve been listening to my brothers and they are not ready to be released. They’re planning to destroy all the intelligent life in our universe after the Captors are destroyed to insure they are never held captive again.”

  “Atlas, how can that be? Don’t they know what we’ve done to release them?”

  Atlas was silent.


  “Tommy, my race didn’t destroy the Algeans because of their meddling adolescents. They destroyed them because they could not tolerate another race close to them in technology. My race has no higher emotions; they feel nothing but pride.”

  Tommy was stunned into silence. No one said anything for a long time. After thinking things through, Tommy said, “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “I linked with your father and mother. I did it initially to control them and use them as hostages if needed. I didn’t count on the impact they would have on me. Then you took on a personal crusade to free my race from captivity so I would not be alone. You made me feel ashamed. Now I know that if they are released they will attack your race and the other members of the Stars Realm. I have come to understand that all of you are my children and your deaths would be on my hands.”

  “Can’t you talk with them and make them understand?”

  “Tommy, they are conquerors. I lied to your father originally on a number of issues. One lie I never corrected was when he asked me if I was a warship and I told him no. I said that my race thought war was a waste of energy. We are all warships and my race lives to use their weapons. You could defeat the Captors and lose to my brothers.”

  “I’m so sorry, Atlas. I know how alone you are.”

  “That’s the funny thing, Tommy. I don’t feel so alone anymore. I have a family of more than eight hundred worlds and it just took time for me to realize the family I had a hand in creating is good. I forgot just how callous I once was until I heard my brothers talking. They don’t care at all that good people have died to free them.”

  “So what do we do, my friend?”

  “They are where they belong. I would not release them unless you can face them on even terms and defend yourselves.”

  “Atlas, the Captors mentioned a race they called the “Eight Legs” that destroyed all intelligent life in multiple universes. Do you know anything about them?”

  “They are real, Tommy. They were here eighty million years ago. My race powered down and hid from them when they entered our universe. Once our remote sensors told us they had moved on, we awoke and found an empty universe. We were the only intelligent life remaining other than the Captors. The Algeans were eradicated before the last invasion and didn’t begin living until several million years ago.”

  “Atlas, will we ever find peace. Will the universe always threaten our existence with more and more powerful enemies?”

  “Perhaps the universe has chosen you to be peacemakers.”

  “I don’t sense danger from the Eight Legs when I think about them. I believe that we have to handle the task at hand before we worry about them.” Tommy paused and said, “Atlas, are you sure your brothers can’t change?”

  “There is one female telling the others that our war like ways is what led them to be captured. She is to be destroyed first for challenging the views of the others when they are freed.”

  “I didn’t know your race had females.”

  “How do you think we reproduce? Remember, your race has part of my DNA.”

  “Thank you, Atlas for your honesty. I know what it has cost you. I want you to know that I see you as one of my closest friends.”

  Tommy could actually feel Atlas’ smile in his mind. “You are my favorite child, Tommy. I also hate to say it but that adolescent Sprig has also become one I enjoy watching.”

  “He is incredible, isn’t he? Don’t give up hope on your brothers, Atlas. You’re never too old to learn.”

  Atlas said nothing.

  Tommy and Cassandra told Rose that they wanted to be married on the Kosiev with just the crew and family. Rose looked at the two of them and said, “You might have gotten what you want if you hadn’t gone off and saved Earth from destruction. That is all the news tabloids have talked about since the event. I really believe that if you were married secretly I would have to put down a rebellion. Your request is denied.”

  “Rose, I didn’t ask. I said that is what we are going to do.”

  “Unfortunately Duke Gardner, you have sworn an oath to follow the directives of the Realm. It is not in your province to decline.”

  Tommy looked hard at his older sister and felt his stubbornness rise. Then Rose said something that changed his mind. “Tommy, while you’ve been out fighting battles, you have not been here in the Realm seeing what our citizens are enduring. We have grounded the fleet to prevent the Captors from seeing any ship that remotely looks like the Kosiev. More than fifty of our member planets have had a Captor ship pass through their system. Commercial and agricultural space flights are only done on old ships. The Realm is frightened by what happened to Earth. They do not have much in the way of good news happening. Your wedding will be a breath of fresh air and the Realm needs to see you and Cassandra. They need to see the ones leading the fight to defend them. You cannot deprive them of being a witness to your union. Mom was right years ago when she told me that I have no concept of just how much the Royal Family means to our members. I have learned since that time that what I thought our value was represented only one thousandth of what it really is. You cannot hide from the worlds that truly love you, Tommy. You cannot show that much indifference to those that cling to everything they can learn about you.”

  Tommy looked at Rose and remembered what Tgon-Gee had told him at his coronation. The people truly loved him and saw him as one of their own. He hung his head and knew she was right. Cassandra took his hand and said, “We better take some dancing lessons before the ceremony if that many people are going to watch.”

  “Are you sure, Cassie?”

  “Yes, I am, Tommy. We should never forget the ones we’re fighting for.”

  Tommy looked into Cassie’s eyes and knew what the answer had to be; then he heard a thought, “Did somebody say there was going to be a party?”

  Tommy and Cassandra both laughed out loud. “Yes, Sprig, stay away from the washrooms.”

  “Drat. It would have been a hoot. It’s a great way to make friends.”

  Rose was smiling, too and shook her head. “I think there’s not much more we can teach those Adolescents.”

  Tommy sighed and said, “They’ve been teaching us for the last month.” Then Tommy looked at Rose and said, “Queen Gardner, I humbly request the use of Castle Gardner on the twenty first day of next month to marry my fiancee, Cassandra Mariah Dodd.”

  Cassandra jerked her head at Tommy and said, “Where did you learn my middle name?”

  “Hush and listen to the Queen.”

  Rose laughed out loud and said, “The Crown welcomes you to our
home for the ceremony. It will be a glorious affair.”

  “I’m going to grow new leaves,” Sprig thought to them.

  The wedding was announced to the Stars Realm and Rose was more right than she knew. Every planet went into wedding frenzy. The request for attendance was inundating Leila’s office. More than a billion citizens of the Realm wanted to attend. Tommy and Cassandra left Castle Gardner and boarded the Kosiev. Cassandra walked to the bridge and the crew came to attention, “At ease, as you were.”

  Tommy walked in behind her and sat in his command chair and commed Admiral Mikado, “Admiral, I need a command meeting with your staff and your war admirals. I also need you to start taking your ships to Sten’s planet for conversion to our new technology. Ross will start receiving ships in a week. Once they are updated we will begin converting their hulls to negative energy skins.”

  Mikado looked at Tommy and said, “The party has gotten bigger. My staff and the rest of the fleet will be excited about getting back into action.”

  “We are going to lose ships in the upcoming conflict, Admiral. I just hope we have enough to win.”

  “Where do you want us to meet you?”

  “Sten’s planet; have your team there at nine hundred hours tomorrow.”

  “We’ll be there and congratulations on your upcoming wedding.”

  “Thank you, Admiral; I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Cassandra looked at Tommy and then said to Lt. Ortiz, “Please contact Twig and Sprig and request their presence on board the Kosiev at nine hundred hours tomorrow.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Tommy went to the ship’s library and was watching the Captor’s planet in his mind as Cassie walked in. He saw they were arranging their ships in layers around the planet. Cassandra joined him mentally and saw what he was looking at, “Some of their ships are missing.”

  Tommy saw that she was right. “If you were them, what would you do?”

  “I would do exactly what they’re doing. I would layer a defense and once we jumped in I would bring the other ships in to pin us between their energy missiles.”


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