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Until Sadie: Happily Ever Alpha World

Page 14

by Sarah Curtis

  Aww. “Well, Alec is handsome, but you’re much better looking.”

  His scowled deepened. “Why am I finding it hard to believe you mean that?”

  Sadie laughed harder. “Oh, they’re taking a break. Maggie would kill me if I didn’t get their autograph.” She pulled at Dean’s hand.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Dean growled under his breath.

  Butterflies in her stomach, Sadie approached the royal couple. Alec had an arm around River’s waist and was leaned in close, either whispering in her ear or nuzzling it—Sadie couldn’t tell. Her steps slowed, hating to interrupt and ruin the moment.

  It was River who noticed her creeping and staring. She gave Sadie a radiant smile. “Hello.”

  River’s greeting got Sadie Alec’s attention. Icy blue eyes speared hers, and she became tongue-tied. “Um… rugh… gah…”

  Dean to the rescue! He stepped forward, holding out a hand. “Dean Conner. My fiancée is a big fan and would love an autograph for her and her friend.”

  Sadie vigorously nodded.

  Alec grinned, taking Dean’s hand and shaking it. “It would be a pleasure.” Alec turned back to Sadie, and she almost melted into a puddle when he winked at her. “Do you have a pen and paper?”

  “Er… ug…”

  Dean’s hand went up to cover his mouth at the same time his shoulders started shaking. When he recovered, he said, “I’m afraid we weren’t expecting to run into celebrities.”

  “I’ll go find something,” River supplied.

  Sadie finally found her voice. “Please don’t go to the trouble. I’ll find something.”

  “How about we go together.”

  Sadie’s mouth fell open. “Together. As in you and me?”

  River had a great laugh and used it, taking Sadie’s arm. “Come on. The front desk should have something.”

  Sadie looked over her shoulder as River dragged her away. Dean and Alec were chatting.

  “How long are you in Vegas for?” River asked.

  Starting to feel a little more like herself, Sadie replied, “Just for the night. We’re on our way to Tennessee.”

  “Oh, is that where you’re from?”

  “Dean is. I’m from California. Well, I was. I guess I’m from Tennessee now. You see, I’m moving there because we’re getting married.” Okay, so she wasn’t entirely back to normal. She wasn’t sure which was worse, not being able to talk at all or the word vomit she’d just spewed.


  “Thank you,” Sadie mumbled.

  They reached the front desk, and River asked for two pieces of paper and a pen. She was just getting ready to sign the first page when she paused. “I’m sorry, Dean didn’t mention your name. Who should I make these out to?”

  “Oh, right,” she nervously laughed. Dean introduced me as his fiancée. While it sounded nice, not helpful for you.” Sadie, stop rambling and give her your name. “You can make one out to Sadie and the other to Maggie.”

  “And you’re Sadie?” River asked as she scrawled across one paper and then the other.


  River put the cap on the pen. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Sadie. We better get back to the boys. The break will be over soon.”

  By the time they got back, Alec had just enough time to sign before he needed to sit back down to play.

  “Well, I better go pop upstairs and check in with the nanny,” River said. “It was a pleasure meeting you both and congrats again. You’re a beautiful couple, and I know you’ll have a long and happy life together.”

  Dean raised their clasped hands and kissed Sadie’s knuckles. “That’s the plan.”

  “It was nice meeting you, too. And tell Alec good luck at the next Omega One. We’ll be cheering for him.” Sadie raised the autographs in the air and waved them.

  Sadie waited until River walked away before saying, “Let’s go put these in our room. I don’t want them to get ruined at dinner.”

  “We go back to the room, we’re ordering room service.”

  Sadie gave Dean a sly smile. “I’m sure the Bellagio fountains will look just as lovely from our window.”

  Three days later, they hit Murfreesboro. Her new home.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “So, are you nervous?” Ellie asked as she did a fancy twist with the top section of Sadie’s hair that she would’ve never been able to execute.

  She’d met Ellie the night before at her and Dean’s co-bachelor/bachelorette party and had liked her instantly. She’d been horrified to find out Sadie planned to do her own hair for her wedding and had offered to do it for her. During their chat, she’d also found out that Ellie worked at a salon in town and had promised to become a regular customer.

  Ellie hadn’t been the only new face she’d met in the past ten days. She’d gotten to finally meet Hadley and Harmony, both of whom she’d talked with on the phone several times prior to moving—Hadley to go over wedding plans, and Harmony had helped her get a position at the hospital.

  Then there had been Dean’s parents, Evie and Doug. Sadie had been most nervous meeting them. But her worry had been for naught. They’d welcomed her into the family with open arms and hearts. Sadie had a sneaky suspicion Evie was just relieved her only child was finally settling down as she’d managed to pepper the word grandchildren into several of their conversations.

  And last but definitely not least, she’d met the infamous Cobi. In fact, he’d been the first person she’d met as he’d been waiting for them at Dean’s when they’d rolled into town, delivering Mulder and Scully, who he’d been dog sitting. They’d all gone out to dinner with Hadley meeting them at the restaurant when she’d gotten off work.

  And Sadie would be meeting the rest of the Maysons later that day as the wedding was being held at Cobi’s parents’ house. She was good with names but wasn’t sure she was that good. The way Dean told it, there was a whole passel of them she’d need to keep track of. Maybe she should have everyone wear name tags. Was it too late to get some?

  Eyeing Ellie in the mirror, Sadie answered her question. “More excited than nervous. I am a little worried I’m going to flub up my lines.”

  Ellie giggled. “I think Dean may take offense to you calling your vows lines.”

  The bedroom door flew open before Sadie could respond. Both women turned as Maggie ran in, slammed the door, and threw herself back against it, arms and legs spread wide, chest heaving as though she’d run a mile.

  “What the—” Sadie started.

  But Maggie cut her off, panting, “Dean.”

  Forgetting Ellie still had hold of her hair, Sadie jumped up only to have her head wrenched. She plopped back down, and heart pounding, asked, “What about Dean? Is he hurt?”

  Maggie shook her head and managed to gasp, “He’s coming.”

  Heart rate slowly returning to normal now that she knew Dean was okay, Sadie asked, “Coming?”

  Maggie nodded. “Here.”

  She was still confused. “So?”

  Maggie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, almost causing her breasts to tumble out of the bodice of her bridesmaid dress. “So, it’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding.”

  Sadie finally smiled. “You don’t really believe that old superstition, do you?”


  The door suddenly opened, knocking Maggie forward a few steps. She teetered on her heels until she righted herself.

  Hadley craned her head around the door to see what she’d banged into. “What’s going on?”

  Harmony slipped through the opening, smooshing down the material of her puffy skirt to fit. It was the first time Sadie had seen all three of her bridesmaids standing side-by-side in their dresses, and she couldn’t be more thrilled. They were all so beautiful.

  “Why were you standing in front of the door?” Hadley asked.

ie was the one who answered. “She was worried Dean would see Sadie before the wedding.”


  Harmony leaned in and supplied, “You know, the old wives’ tale about it being bad luck.”

  Hadley’s eyes widened, turning Maggie’s direction. “You actually believe that?”

  Maggie tried again, “Well—” but was again interrupted.

  It was Harmony who explained. “Dean found his BOOM. Nothing—and I mean nothing—can get in the way of that.”

  Hadley snorted. “Yeah, not even Dean lying about his identity.” Her eyes shot to Sadie. “Oops, I know that’s still a sore subject.”

  Sadie waved a hand. “I’m over it.”

  Hadley’s eyes grew soft, and she smiled. “Good.”

  “Would somebody please listen to me!” Maggie placed her hands on her hips.

  “What in the hell’s going on in here?”

  “Too late!” Maggie threw her hands into the air.

  Dean could just be seen around the partially opened door. He placed a palm to it, pushing it open and yanking it from Hadley’s grasp.

  Sadie couldn’t pull her eyes away. Dean had never been more handsome. He was hot in his jeans and tees, sexy as hell in a suit, but in a tux? In a tux, he looked magnificent.

  He searched the room until his eyes landed on her and widened as they took her in. It was then Sadie remembered she only wore her bridal corset, lace panties, and garter hose.

  He stepped into the room, uncaringly pushing between both Hadley and Harmony in his single-minded pursuit to her. He stopped, not a foot away, his eyes doing another sweep, pausing at the juncture of her thighs and the swells of her breasts on their trip back up.

  He raised a hand and traced a path down the laces holding her corset together. “This what I have to look forward to tonight?”

  “I’m not sure if you can look forward to something you’ve already seen,” Sadie said.

  “Believe me, darlin’,” his finger glided over the swells of her breasts, “this image will be with me all day. All through the ceremony, the fucking reception, until the moment I get to take it off you. And then I’ll be a very lucky man indeed because I’ll have an entirely different view to lust over.”

  Sadie felt her cheeks heat at the same time wetness hit between her legs. “We have an audience.”

  “And that’s our cue to leave,” Someone—possibly Hadley—said.

  “Try not to mess her hair up too badly,” were Ellie’s parting words as she made for the door.

  The door clicked, and Dean said, “Now, where were we?”

  “I think I was naked,” Sadie deadpanned.

  Dean chuckled but didn’t say anything, just steered them around the vanity and walked them until her back hit the wall.

  “Maggie said it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Do you believe that?”

  He raised a brow. “Clearly not, or I wouldn’t be here right now about to finger you.” He pressed into her.

  “And what about you?” She dipped her eyes, indicating the proof of his arousal that she could feel even through the boning in her corset.

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Even if I fucked you now, I’d still be hard again five minutes later.”

  Her eyes widened. “That will be uncomfortable for you.”



  “Looking at you all day. Being hard. Pure anticipation. And you’ll benefit from that when I finally get you alone tonight.”

  “Well, when you put it that way.”

  A laugh rumbled from his chest after which there was no more talking as his mouth covered hers. There were only lips, tongues, and, oh yeah…



  “You nervous, bro?” Cobi slapped a hand on Dean’s shoulder.

  Dean looked behind him. Cobi, Talon, and Sage, his three groomsmen, all wore the same goofy grin, and it was contagious. He found himself grinning back. “Nah, just…” He searched for the right word and realized the simplest one was the best. “Happy. Just fucking happy.”

  He scanned the sea of family and friends, sitting in the rows of chairs that had been lined up, feeling blessed. He was about to marry the woman of his dreams in front of the people he loved.

  Yeah, he was fucking happy.

  His parents were in the front row, sitting next to Liz and Trevor with Nico and Sophie next to them. Across the aisle—front row—sat Asher and November and Cash and Lilly with James and Susan sandwiched between. All their offspring and offspring’s spouses filled the rest of the seats.

  They might not be his family by blood, but they were his family of the heart—the best kind of family.

  Music started playing and all eyes turned.

  There she was.

  His Sadie.

  A vision in cream and lace.

  Her mom walked her down the aisle. Not traditional, but with Ray unavailable, it was who she’d wanted. And whatever Sadie wanted, if it was in his power, he’d give it to her.

  Being an impatient man, he stepped from the dais and met her halfway.

  The smile she gave him reached her eyes. She was happy, too.

  “You were supposed to wait for me to come to you.”

  “Darlin’, I’ll always come to you.” He kissed her because he couldn’t resist, and then he was more than happy.

  He was home.

  “When can we blow this joint?” Dean nodded to July and her husband, Wes, as they glided past.

  After they finished their current dance, the festivities would officially be over. Food had been eaten, the cake cut, toasts made, and first dance claimed. He was done. All he wanted now was his new bride in their bed.

  Sadie executed a spin under his raised arm. “Just say the word. I’m sure none of these people would mind partying without us.”

  He pulled Sadie flush to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “The word.”

  She tipped her head back and laughed. It was a sound he’d never grow tired of hearing.

  “We need to find Trevor and Liz to thank them and make sure mom is okay before we leave.”

  Dean searched the area. “Your mom is good. She’s sitting with James and Susan. They’ll be there chatting all night.” He kept scanning the area. “Liz and Trevor are by the punch bowl.”

  When the song ended, he guided her over.

  Trevor watched their approach with a sly smirk. “Leaving so soon?”

  Sadie turned her radiant smile on Liz. “Thank you so much for opening your home to us. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful location for my wedding.”

  “It was our pleasure. Dean is family. We wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

  Dean leaned in and kissed Liz on the cheek then shook Trevor’s hand. “You guys need to come to dinner sometime next week. We’ll have a barbecue.”

  Liz slanted her eyes to her husband, and they shared a laugh. Trevor’s words revealed what they thought was so funny. “We’ll wait a couple of weeks.”

  “A couple of weeks for what?” Nico asked, joining the conversation. He had an arm wrapped around Sophie, and she had her head resting on his chest.

  “A couple of weeks before we go and visit them,” Trevor answered.

  “Ah. Yeah, I’d make it at least a month.” He wiggled his eyebrows and had everyone laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Cobi and Hadley added themselves to the group.

  Dean rolled his eyes. With the number of people there, that could go on all night.

  He took a step back, taking Sadie with him, before anyone else decided to join what was fast becoming a horde.

  “Trying to sneak away?”

  Dean all but groaned at hearing Harlen behind him. And where Harlen was…

  “You guys aren’t leaving already, are you? The party’s just starting,” Harmony said, slipping her arm through Sadie’s.

nbsp; “Um…” Sadie got out right before Talon and Mia showed up.

  “Who’s leaving?” Mia asked.

  Dean dropped his head to contemplate the toes of his shoes. Things were not going according to his master plan.

  A hand landed on his shoulder and he looked over to find Harlen grinning at him. “Want me to cause a distraction?”

  Dean wasn’t sure what that would entail, but he was up for anything.

  And that’s when Sage and Kimberly arrived.

  “So, this is where the party is.” Sage looked at everyone in turn until his eyes landed on Dean. “Hey, man. Thought you’d be long gone by now.”

  Dean figured that was his out. “Yeah, we were just on our way.” He took another couple of steps back, pulling Sadie with him. When no one else showed up to stop them, he pivoted and headed toward the side gate. “I don’t think we should chance going through the house.”

  Sadie giggled as she trotted to keep up with his long strides. But he wouldn’t slow down. Not until they were clear of the house. They’d been one of the first to arrive that morning so had prime parking right out front. He helped Sadie into the cab of his truck and made sure her dress was free of the door before slamming it.

  Blissful silence greeted him as he got in and quickly hit the lock button. That’s when he heard it.

  Sadie’s laugh.

  He looked at her. She had an arm wrapped around her waist and was doubled over.

  Dean felt a chuckle slide up his chest until it burst free, and he was full-on laughing, too. Once they got themselves under control, they both looked at each other in turn and started laughing all over again.

  Sadie raised a hand, waving it, and took a deep breath. “For the love of God, Dean, start the car!”

  But that only made him laugh harder.

  On the drive home, Dean couldn’t help but think that a marriage that started with laughter had to be a good thing.

  A very good thing indeed.


  Two Years Later


  “Mom, please don’t give Beth another cookie. She’s going to get a stomachache,” Sadie said from the front seat as they drove down I-40 on their way to the Federal Correctional Institution, Memphis. Ray was being released, and they were on their way to pick him up.


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