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The Penguin Book of American Verse

Page 50

by Geoffrey Moore


  Songs for a Summer’s Day (1915); Tower of Ivory (1917); The Happy Marriage (1924); Streets in the Moon (1926); The Hamlet of A. MacLeish (1928); New Found Land (1930); Conquistador (1932); Before March (1932); Poems 1924–1933 (1933); Frescoes for Mr Rockefeller’s City (1933); Public Speech (1936); Land of the Free (1938); America Was Promises (1939); Act five (1948); Collected Poems (1952, rev. 1963); Songs for Eve (1954); The Wild Old Wicked Man and Other Poems (1967); The Human Season: Selected Poems, 1926–1972 (1972); New and Collected Poems 1917–1976 (1976).


  Signi Falk, Archibald MacLeish (1965); Edward J. Mullaly, Archibald MacLeish: A Checklist (1973); G. Smith, Archibald MacLeish (1971).


  Think Black (1967); Black Pride (1968); Black Again, Home (1968); One-Sided Shoot-Out (1968); For Black People (and Negroes too) (1968); Don’t Cry, Scream (1969); We Walk the Way of the New World (1970); Directionscore: Selected and New Poems (1971): Book of Life (1973); From Plan to Planet (1973); Killing Memory, Seeking Ancestors (1987).


  Eugene E. Miller, ‘Some Black Thoughts on Don L. Lee’s “Think Black” ’, College English (1973).


  Dreams and Dust: Poems (1915); Noah an’ Jonah an’ Cap’n john Smith (1921); Poems and Portraits (1922); The Awakening (1924); Sonnets to a Red-haired Lady (1927); Love Sonnets of a Caveman (1928); Archy and Mehitabel (1931); Archy’s Life of Mehitabel (1933); Archy Does His Part (1935).


  The Book of Verses (1898); The Blood of the Prophets (1905); Spoon River Anthology (1915); Songs and Satires (1916); Toward the Gulf (1918); Starved Rock (1919); Domesday Book (1920); The New Spoon River (1924); Selected Poems (1925); The Fate of the Jury: An Epilogue to ‘Domesday Book’ (1929); Lichee Nuts (1930); The Serpent in the Wilderness (1933); Invisible Landscapes (1935); The Golden Fleece of California (1936); Poems of People (1936); The New World (1937); More People (1939); Illinois Poems (1941); The Sangamon (1942).


  Kimball Flaccus, The Vermont Background of Edgar Lee Masters (1955); Lois Teal Hartley, Edgar Lee Masters: A Study (1950).


  Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (1866); Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876); John Marr and Other Sailors (1888); Timoleon (1891); Collected Poems (1947).


  N. Arvin, Herman Melville (1950); W. Braswell, Melville’s Religious Thought: An Essay in Interpretation (1943); R. Chase, Herman Melville: A Critical Study (1949); Brian Higgins, Herman Melville: An Annotated Bibliography (1979); Vincent Kenny, Herman Melville’s ‘Clarel’: A Spiritual Autobiography (1973); L. Mumford, Herman Melville: A Study of His Life and Vision (1962); W. E. Sedgwick, Herman Melville: The Tragedy of Mind (1944); William H. Shurr, The Mystery of Iniquity: Melville as Poet (1972).


  The Black Swan (1946); First Poems (1951): Short Stories (1954): The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace (1959, rev. 1970); Selected Poems (1961); Water Street (1962); Nights and Days (1966); The Thousand and Second Night (1966); The Fire Screen (1969); Braving the Elements (1972); The Yellow Pages (1974); Divine Comedies (1976); Metamorphosis of 741 (1977); Mirabell: Books of Number (1978); Ideas, Etc. (1980); Scripts for the Pageant (1980); Marbled Paper (1982); Santorini: Stopping the Leak (1982); The Changing Light at Sandover (1982); From the First Nine: Poems 1946–1976 (1982); Souvenirs (1984); Bronze (1984); Late Settings (1985).


  A Mask for Janus (1952); The Dancing Bears (1954); Green with Beasts (1956); The Drunk in the Furnace (1960); The Moving Target (1963); The Lice (1967); Three Poems (1968); Animae (1969); The Carrier Of Ladders (1970); The Miner’s Pale Children (1971); The First Four Books of Poems (1975); The Compass Flowers (1977); Feathers from the Hill (1978); Finding the Islands (1982); Opening the Hand (1983).


  Seven Princeton Poets (1963).


  The Lovemaker (1961); White Blossoms (1965); The Mercy of Sorrow (1966); Door Standing Open: New and Selected Poems (1970); Book of Dying (1970); Couplets (1976); Small Song (1979); Evening Wind (1987).


  Renascence and Other Poems (1917); A Few Figs from Thistles (1920); Second April (1921); The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems (1923); The Buck in the Snow (1928); Fatal Interview (1931); Wine from These Grapes (1934); Conversation at Midnight (1937); Huntsman, What Quarry? (1939); Make Bright the Arrows (1940); Collected Sonnets (1941): Collected Lyrics (1943); Mine the Harvest (1954); Collected Poems (1956).


  Elizabeth Atkins, Edna St Vincent Millay and Her Times (1936); Norman A. Britten, Edna St Vincent Millay (1967); Jean Gould, The Poet and Her Book: The Life and Work of Edna St Vincent Millay (1969); James Gray, Edna St Vincent Millay (1967); Karl Yost, A Bibliography of the Works of Edna St Vincent Millay (1937).


  Poems (1921); Observations (1924); Selected Poems (1935); The Pangolin (1936); What Are Years? (1941); Nevertheless (1944); Collected Poems (1951); Like a Bulwark (1956); O To Be a Dragon (1959); The Arctic Ox (1964); Tell Me, Tell Me (1966); Complete Poems (1967).


  Craig S. Abbot, Marianne Moore: A Descriptive Bibliography (1977); Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore: Imaginary Possessions (1981); Bernard F. Engle, Marianne Moore (1963); Jean Garrigue, Marianne Moore (1965); P. W. Hadas, Marianne Moore: Poet of Affection (1977); Donald Hall, Marianne Moore: The Cage and the Animal (1970); Gary Lane, A Concordance to the Poems of Marianne Moore (1972); George W. Nitchie, Marianne Moore: An Introduction to the Poetry (1969); Eugene P. Sheehy and Kenneth A. Lohf, The Achievement of Marianne Moore (1958); Lawrence Stapleton, Marianne Moore: the Poet’s Advance (1978); Charles Tomlinson, ed., Marianne Moore: A Collection of Critical Essays (1969).


  Freewheeling (1931); Hard Lines (1931); The Primrose Path (1935); I’m a Stranger Here Myself (1936); The Face is Familiar (1940); Many Long Years Ago (1945); Versus (1949); Family Reunion (1950); Parents Keep Out (1951); The Private Dining Room (1953); You Can’t Get There From Here (1957); Verses From 1929 On (1959), (English ed. Collected Verse from 1929, 1961); Marriage Lines (1964); There’s Always Another Windmill (1968); I Wouldn’t Have Missed It: Selected Poems (1975)!


  The Image and the Law (1947); Guide to the Ruins (1950); The Salt Garden (1955); Mirrors and Windows (1958); New and Selected Poems (1960); Endor (1961); The Next Room of the Dream: Poems and Two Plays (1962); The Blue Swallows (1967); The Winter Lightning: Selected Poems (1968); Gnomes and Occasions (1972); The Western Approaches: Poems (1975); Collected Poems (1977); Sentences (1980); Inside the Onion (1984); War Stories (1987)


  Julia A. Bartholomay, The Shield of Perseus: The Vision and Imagination of Howard Nemerov (1971); Bowie Duncan, The Critical Reception of Howard Nemerov (1971); Peter Meinke, Howard Nemerov (1968); William Mills, The Stillness in Moving Things: The World of Howard Nemerov (1975).


  A City Winter, and Other Poems (1952); Meditations in an Emergency (1957); Odes (1960); Lunch Poems (1964); Love Poems (Tentative Title) (1965); In Memory of My Feelings (1967); Collected Poems (1971); Selected Poems (1974); Poems Retrieved (1975); Standing Still and Walking in New York (1975); Donald Allen, ed., Early Poems 1946–1951 (1975); Early Writing (1977).


  Marjorie Perloflf, Frank O’Hara, Poet Among The Artists (1977); Alexander Smith, Frank O’Hara: A Comprehensive Bibliography (1975).


  To Corrado Cagli (1947); Y and X (1950); Letter for Melville (1951); This (1952); In Cold Hell, in Thicket (1953); The Maximus Poems 1–10 (1953); The Maximus Poems 11–22 (1956); O’Ryan 2 4 6 8 10 (1958); The Maximus Poems (1960); The Distances (1960); Maximus from Dogtown I (1961); Proprioception (1965); O’Ryan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (1965); Selected Writings (1967); The Maximus Poems IV, V, VI (1968); Archaeologist of Morning (1970); Maximus Volume III (1975).


  George Butterick, A Guide to the Maximus Poems of Charles Olson (1978); G. Butterick and A. Glover, eds, A Bibliography of Works by Charles Olson (1967); Don Byrd, Charles Olson’s Maximus (1980); Ann Charters, Olson/Melville: A Study in Affinity (1968); Ann Charters, Charles Olson: The Special View of History (1970); Paul Christensen, Charles Olson: Call him Ishmael (1979); Ed Dora, What I See in The Maximus Poems (1960); Robert von Hallberg, Charles Olson: The Scholar’s Art (1979); Sherman Paul, Olson’s Push: ‘Origin’, Black Mountain Poets and Recent American Poetry (1978).


  The Colossus (1962); Ariel (1965); Crossing the Water (1971); Winter Trees (1971); Child (1971); Pursuit (1973); Collected Poems (1981); Selected Poems (1985).


  Eileen Aird, Sylvia Plath (1973); Jacqueline Barnard, Sylvia Plath (1980); E. Butscher, ed., Sylvia Plath: The Woman and Her Work (1977); E. Butscher, Sylvia Plath: Method and Madness (1975); D. Holbrook, Sylvia Plath: Poetry and Existence (1976); Gary Lane, Sylvia Plath: A Bibliography (1978) ed., Sylvia Plath: New Views on the Poetry (1979); I. Melander, The Poetry of Sylvia Plath: A Study of Themes (1972); Charles Newman, ed., The Art of Sylvia Plath (1970); Jon Rosenblatt, Sylvia Plath: The Poetry of Initiation (1979): Nancy H. Steiner, A Closer Look at Ariel: A Memory of SP (1972): Margaret Dickie Uroflf, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes (1979).


  Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827); Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems (1829); Poems (1831); The Raven and Other Poems (1845).


  Vincent Buranelli, Edgar Allan Poe: an Annotated Bibliography (1974); K. Campbell, The Mind of Poe and Other Studies (1932); L. N. Chase, Poe and his Poetry (1976); Sherwin Cody, Poe: Man, Poet and Creative Thinker (1973); E. H. Davidson, Poe: A Critical Study (1957); T. S. Eliot, From Poe to Valéry (1948); J. P. Fruit, The Mind and Art of Poe’s Poetry (1975); Esther F. Hyneman, Edgar Allan Poe: an Annotated Bibliography (1974); Daniel Gerard Hoffman, Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe (1972); Elizabeth Phillips, Edgar Allan Poe: an American Imagination (1980); P. F. Quinn, The French Face of Edgar Allan Poe (1957); David Sinclair, Edgar Allan Poe (1977).


  A Lume Spento (1908); A Quinzaine for This Yule (1908); Personae (1909); Exultations (1909); Provença: Poems Selected from Personae, Exultations and Canzoniere (1910); Canzoni (1911); Ripostes (1912); Lustra (1916); Quia Pauper Amavi (1919); Umbra: The Early Poems (1920); Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920); Poems, 1918–1921 (1921); A Draft of XVI Cantos (1925); Personae: Collected Poems (1926, rev. 1949); Selected Poems (1928); A Draft of The Cantos 17–27 (1928); A Draft of XXX Cantos (1930); Homage to Sextus Propertius (1934); Eleven New Cantos: XXXI–XLI (1934); The Fifth Decad of Cantos (1937); Cantos LII-LXXI (1940); The Cantos (1948, 1965, 1971); The Pisan Cantos (1948); Selected Poems (1949, rev. 1957); Seventy Cantos (1950); Selected Shorter Poems (1952, rev. 1973); Section: Rock-Drill: 86–95 de los cantares (1955); Thrones: 96–109 de las cantares (1959); A Lume Spento and Other Early Poems (1965); Selected Cantos (1967); Drafts and Fragments of Cantos CX to CXVII (1969); The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1975); M. J. King, ed., Collected Early Poems (1977).


  Agenda Special Issue (1980); Michael Alexander, The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound (1979); Walter Baumann, The Rose in the Steel Dust: An Examination of the Cantos of Ezra Pound (1967); Ian F. A. Bell, Critic as Scientist: the Modernist Poetics of Ezra Pound (1981); Michael André Bernstein, The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic (1980); Christine Brooke-Rose, A ZBC of Ezra Pound (1971); Peter Brooker, A Student’s Guide to the Selected Poems of Ezra Pound (1979); R. Bush, The Genesis of Ezra Pound’s Cantos (1976); Donald Davie, Ezra Pound: Poet as Sculptor (1964), Pound (1975); George Dekker, Sailing After Knowledge: The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1963); N. Christoph de Nagy, The Poetry of Ezra Pound: The Pre-Imagist Stage (1960, rev. 1968); Robert J. Dilligan, A Concordance to Ezra Pound’s Cantos (1981); Alan Durant, Ezra Pound: Identity in Crisis (1981); John H. Edwards and William W. Vasse, Jr, eds, Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound (to Canto 84) (1957); T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry (1917); Clark Emery, Ideas into Action: A Study of Pound’s Cantos (1958); John Epsey, Ezra Pound’s Mauberley (1955); Wendy S. Flory, Ezra Pound and the Cantos: a Record of Struggle (1980); G. S. Fraser, Ezra Pound (1961); Donald Gallup, A Bibliography of Ezra Pound (1964); K. L. Goodwin, The Influence of Ezra Pound (1966); Eva Hesse, ed., New Approaches to Ezra Pound (1969); C. D. Heymann, Ezra Pound (1976); Eric Homberger, Ezra Pound: The Critical Heritage (1972); Thomas H. Jackson, The Early Poetry of Ezra Pound (1968); George Kearns, Guide to Ezra Pound’s Selected Cantos (1980); Hugh Kenner, The Poetry of Ezra Pound (1951), The Pound Era (1972); Gary Lane, A Concordance to the Poems of Ezra Pound (1972); Lewis Leary, Motive and Method in the Cantos of Ezra Pound (1954); Peter Makin, Provence and Pound (1979); Eugene P. Nassar, The Cantos of Ezra Pound: The Lyric Mode (1975); William Van O’Connor, Ezra Pound (1963), (ed., with Edward Stone) A Case Book on Ezra Pound (1959); Daniel D. Pearlman, The Barb of Time: On the Unity of Pound’s Cantos (1969); Michael Reck, Ezra Pound: A Close-up (1973); M. L. Rosenthal, A Primer of Ezra Pound (1960); Peter Russell, ed., An Examination of Ezra Pound (1950); K. K. Ruthven, A Guide to Ezra Pound’s Personae (1969); J. P. Sullivan, Ezra Pound and Sextus Propertius: A Study in Creative Translation (1964), Ezra Pound: A Collection of Critical Essays (1963); Leon Surette, A Light from Eleusis: A Study of Ezra Pound’s Cantos (1979); Carroll F. Terrell, A Companion to the ‘Cantos’ of Ezra Pound (1981); J. J. Wilhelm, The Later Cantos of Ezra Pound (1977); Hugh Witemeyer, The Poetry of Ezra Pound: Forms and Renewal, 1908–1920 (1969); Anthony Woodward, Ezra Pound and the Pisan Cantos (1980).


  Poems About God (1919); Chills and Fever (1924); Grace Afier Meat (1924); Two Gentlemen in Bonds (1927); Selected Poems (1945, rev. 1963); Poems and Essays (1955).


  Robert Buffington, But What I Wear Is Flesh (1967); Karl F. Knight, The Poetry of John Crowe Ransom: A Study of Diction, Metaphor, and Symbol (1971); Thornton H. Parsons, John Crowe Ransom (1969); John L. Stewart, John Crowe Ransom (1962); Thomas H. Young, ed., John Crowe Ransom: Critical Essays and a Bibliography (1968).


  In What Hour (1941); The Phoenix and the Tortoise (1944); The Signature of All Things (1949); The Art of Worldly Wisdom (1949); The Dragon and the Unicorn (1952); In Defense of the Earth (1956); The Homestead Called Damascus (1963); Natural Numbers: New and Selected Poems (1963); Complete Collected Shorter Poems (1966); Collected Longer Poems (1968); The Heart’s Garden, the Garden’s Heart (1968); Sky Sea Birds Trees Earth (1972); New Poems (1974); On Flower Wreath Hill (1976); The Silver Swan: Poems Written in Kyoto 1974–75 (1976); The Morning Star: Poems and Translations (1979); Selected Poems (1984).


  Morgan Gibson, Kenneth Rexroth (1972).


  Rhythms (1918), Rhythms II (1919); Poems (1920); Uriel Accosta (1921); Five Groups of Verse (1927); By the Waters of Manhattan: An Annual (1929); Jerusalem the Golden (1934); In Memoriam. 1933 (1934); Separate Ways (1936); Going To and Fro and Walking Up and Down (1941); Inscriptions: 1944–1936 (1959); By the Waters of Manhattan: Selected Verse (1962); Testimony: The United States 1885–1890: Recitative (1965); Testimony: The United States 1891–1900: Recitative (1968); By the Well of Living and Seeing and The fifth Book of the Maccabees (1969); By the Well of Living & Seeing: New & Selected Poems, 1918–1973(1974); Holocaust (1975); The Complete Poems of Charles Reznikoff: Volume I: Poems 1918–1936 (1978); The Complete Poems of Charles Reznikoff: Volume II: Poems 1937–1975 (1978).


  Milton Hindus, Charles Reznikoff (1977).


  A Change of World (1951); Poems (1952); The Diamond
Cutters and Other Poems (1955); Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law (1963); Necessities of Life (1966); Selected Poems (1967); Leaflets (1969); The Will to Change (1971); Diving into the Wreck (1973); Poems Selected and New 1950–1974 (1974); The Dream of a Common Language (1978); A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far: Poems 1978–1981 (1981); Sources (1983); The Fact of a Doorframe: Poems Selected and New (1984); Your Native Land. Your Life: Poems (1986).


  The Torrent and the Night Before (1896); The Children of the Night (1897); Captain Craig (1902); The Town down the River (1910); The Man Against the Sky (1916); Merlin (1917); Lancelot (1920); The Three Taverns (1920); Avon’s Harvest (1921); Collected Poems (1921); Roman Bartholow (1923); The Man Who Died Twice (1924); Dionysus in Doubt (1925); Tristram (1927); Collected Poems (5 vols, 1927); Sonnets: 1889–1927 (1928); Cavender’s House (1929); Collected Poems (1929); The Glory of the Nightingales (1930); Selected Poems (1931); Matthias at the Door (1931); Nicodemus (1932); Talifer (1933); Amaranth (1934); King Jasper (1935); Collected Poems


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