The Penguin Book of American Verse

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The Penguin Book of American Verse Page 52

by Geoffrey Moore


  The Green Wall (1957); Saint Judas (1959); The Branch Will Not Break (1963); Shall We Gather at the River (1968); Collected Poems (1971); Salt Mines and Such: Poems (1971); I See the Wind (1974); Two Citizens (1974); Moments of the Italian Summer (1976); Old Booksellers and Other Poems (1976); To A Blossoming Pear Tree (1977): This Journey (1982); The Temple in Nimes (1982); A Secret Field (1985).


  55 Poems (1941); Anew (1946); Some Time (l956); Barely and Widely (1958); ‘A’ 1–12 (1959); Found Objects (1964); I’s (1963); After I’s (1964); IYYOB (1965); An Unearthing (1965); I Sent Thee Late (1965) All: The Collected Short Poems, 1956–1964 (1966); ‘A’ 13–21 (1969); Autobiography (1970); All: The Collected Shorter Poems 1923–1964 (1971); ‘A’ 24 (1972); ‘A’ 22 and 23 (1975); ‘A’; Complete Version (1978).


  C. F. Terrell, ed., Louis Zukofsky: Man and Poet (1979); Celia Zukofsky, A Bibliography of Louis Zukofsky (1969).

  General Works of Criticism

  Allen, D. M., and Tallman, T., eds, Poetics of the New American Poetry (1970)

  Allen, Gay. Wilson, American Prosody (1935)

  Alvarez, A., The Shaping Spirit (American ed.: Stewards of Excellence) (1958)

  Berke, Roberta, Bounds out of Bounds (1981)

  Bewley, Marius, The Complex Fate (1952)

  Bigsby, C. W. E., ed., The Black American Writer: Volume 2. Poetry and Drama (1969)

  Blackmur, R. P., Language as Gesture (1954)

  Bode, Carl, The Great Experiment in American Literature (1961)

  Bogan, Louise, Achievement in American Poetry 1900–1950 (1951)

  Bové, Pam A., Destructive Poetics: Heidegger and Modern American Poetry (1980)

  Bradbury, J. M., The Fugitives: A Critical Account (1958)

  Brooks, Cleanth, Modern Poetry and the Tradition (1939)

  Cambon, Glauco, The Inclusive Flame: Studies in American Poetry (1963)

  Carroll, Paul, The Poem in its Skin (1968)

  Ciardi, John, Mid-Century American Poets (1950)

  Coffman, Stanley K., Imagism, A Chapter for the History of Modern Poetry (1951)

  Cook, Bruce, The Beat Generation (1971)

  Davenport, Guy, The Geography of the Imagination (1981)

  Dembo, Lawrence S., Conceptions of Reality in Modern American Poetry (1966)

  Deutsch, Babette, Poetry in Our Time (1952, rev. 1963)

  Dodsworth, Martin, ed., The Survival of Poetry: A Contemporary Survey by Donald Davit and Others (1970)

  Donoghue, Denis, Connoisseurs of Chaos: Ideas of Order in Modern American Poetry (1965)

  Duberman, Martin, Black Mountain: An Experiment in Community (1972)

  Ellmann, Richard, and Feidelson, Jr, Charles, eds. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature (1965)

  Faas. Ekbert, Towards A New American Poetics (1979)

  Feidelson. Jr, Charles, Symbolism and American Literature (1953)

  Fender, Stephen, The American Long Poem (1977)

  Frankenberg, Lloyd, Pleasure Dome (1949)

  Fussell. Edwin, Lucifer in Harness: American Meter, Metaphor and Diction (1973)

  Gayle.Jr, Addison, The Black Aesthetic (1971)

  Gibson, D. B., Five Black Writers (1970)

  Ginsberg, Allen (ed. Donald Allen), Composed On The Tongue (1980)

  Gregory, Horace, and Zaturenska, Marya, A History of American Poetry, 1900–1940 (1946)

  Hamilton Ian ed. The Modern Poet: Essays from The Review (1968)

  Howard, Richard, Alone with America: The Art of Poetry in the United States since 1930 (1969)

  Hughes, Glenn, Imagism and the Imagists: A Study in Modern Poetry (1941)

  Hungerford, Edward B., ed., Poets in Progress: Critical Prefaces to Ten Contemporary Americans (1962)

  Jarrell, Randall, Poetry and the Age (1953)

  Jones, Peter, Imagist Poetry (1973)

  Kenner, Hugh, A Homemade World (1975)

  Kherdian, David, ed., Six San Francisco Poets (1969)

  Koch, K., and Farrell, K., Sleeping on the Wing (1981)

  Lee, Don L., Dynamite Voices: Black Poets of the 1960s (1971)

  Levertov, Denise, The Poet in the World (1973)

  Lowell, Amy, Tendencies in Modern American Poetry (1927)

  Ludwig, Richard M., ed., Aspects of American Poetry (1963)

  Lutyens, David Bulwer, The Creative Encounter (1960)

  Mazzaro, Jerome, ed., Modern American Poetry: Essays in Criticism (1970), Post-modern American Poetry (1980)

  Meltzer, David, ed., The San Francisco Poets (1971)

  Mills, Jr, Ralph J., Contemporary American Poetry (1965)

  Molesworth, Charles, The Fierce Embrace (1979)

  Nemerov, Howard, ed., Poets on Poetry (1966)

  Norman, Charles, ed., Poets on Poetry (1962)

  O’Connor, W. V., Sense and Sensibility in Modern Poetry (1948)

  Ossman, David, The Sullen Art: Interviews with Modern American Poets (1963)

  Ostroff, Anthony, ed., The Contemporary Poet as Artist and Critic (1964)

  Paris Review, Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews (1950, First series; 1963, Second series; 1967, Third series)

  Parkinson, Thomas, ed., A Casebook on the Beat (1961)

  Pearce, Roy Harvey, The Continuity of American Poetry (1961)

  Pound, Ezra, Make it New (1934), Polite Essays (1937), Literary Essays of Ezra Pound (1953)

  Quinn, M. B., The Metamorphic Tradition in Modern Poetry (1955)

  Raiziss, Sonia, The Metaphysical Passion: Seven Modern American Poets and the Seventeenth-Century Tradition (1952)

  Rajan, B., Modern American Poetry (1950)

  Revell, Peter, Quest in Modern American Poetry (1982)

  Rexroth, Kenneth, American Poetry in the Twentieth Century (1971)

  Rosenthal, M. L., The Modern Poets: A Critical Introduction (1960), The New Poets, American and British Poetry since World War II (1967)

  Schlauch, Margaret, Modern British and American Poetry: Techniques and Ideologies(1956)

  Shaw, Robert B., ed., American Poetry Since 1960: Some Critical Perspectives (1973)

  Simpson, Louis, Three On The Tower (1975)

  Solt, Mary Ellen, ed., Concrete Poetry: A World View (1968)

  Southworth, J. G., Some Modern American Poets (1950), More Modern American Poets (1954)

  Spears, Monroe K., Dionysus and the City: Modernism in Twentieth Century American Poetry (1970)

  Stepanchev, Stephen, American Poetry Since 1945 (1965)

  Tate, Allen, ed., Six American Poets from Emily Dickinson to the Present (1969)

  Taupin, René, L’Influence du symbolisme Français sur la poésie Américaine (1929)

  Tomlinson, Charles, Some Americans (1981)

  Turner, Darwin T., Black American Literature: Poetry (1969)

  Wager, Walter, American Literature – A World View (1970)

  Waggoner, Hyatt H., American Poets: From the Puritans to the Present (1968)

  Wagner, Jean, Black Poets of the United States: Racial and Religious Feeling in Poetry from P. L. Dunbar to L. Hughes, 1890–1940 (1963)

  Wagner, Linda W., American Modern (1980)

  Wakoski, Diane, Toward a New Poetry (1981)

  Waldman, Anne, and Webb, Marilyn, Talking Poetics From Naropa Institute, Volumes 1 and 2 (1978)

  Weatherhead, A. Kingsley, The Edge of the Image: Marianne Moore, William Carlos Williams, and Some Other Poets (1967)

  Weirick, B., From Whitman to Sandburg in American Poetry (1924)

  Wells, Henty W., The American Way of Poetry (1943)

  Williams, Stanley T., The Beginnings of American Poetry, 1620–1855 (1970)

  Williams, William Carlos, Selected Essays (1954)

  Wilson, Edmund, Axel’s Castle (1936)

  Winters, Yvor, In Defense of Reason (including Maule’s Curse, Primitivism and Decadence, and The Anatomy of Nonsense) (1947)


ks are due to the following poets, copyright owners, and publishers for permission to reprint poems and selections in this book:

  EMILY DICKINSON – thirteen poems from The Poems of Emily Dickinson, ed. Thos. H. Johnson, copyright © 1951, 1955 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, reprinted by permission of the publishers and the Trustees of Amherst College. ‘After great pain, a formal feeling comes’ from The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, ed. Thos. H. Johnson, copyright © 1929, 1957 by Mary L. Hampson, reprinted by permission of Little, Brown & Co.

  EDGAR LEE MASTERS – from Spoon River Anthology, published by Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., reprinted by permission of Mrs Edgar Lee Masters.

  EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON – ‘Eros Turannos’, copyright © 1916 by Edwin Arlington Robinson, renewed 1944 by Ruth Nivison, and ‘Mr Flood’s Party’, copyright © 1921 by Edwin Arlington Robinson, renewed 1949 by Ruth Nivison, from Collected Poems, published by Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., and reprinted with their permission. ‘Reuben Bright’ and ‘Richard Cory’ from The Children of the Night and ‘Miniver Cheevey’ copyright © 1907 Charles Scribner’s Sons, from The Town Down The River are reprinted by permission of Charles Scribner’s Sons.

  ROBERT FROST – from The Poetry of Robert Frost, ed. Edward Connery Lathem, reprinted by permission of the Estate of Robert Frost and the publishers, Jonathan Cape Ltd.

  DON MARQUIS – from archy & mehitabel reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  CARL SANDBURG – ‘Limited’ from Chicago Poems, copyright © 1916 by Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc.; copyright © 1944 by Carl Sandburg. ‘The Copper-faces, the Red Men’ from The People, Yes, copyright © 1936 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; copyright © 1964 by Carl Sandburg. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

  VACHEL LINDSAY – from Collected Poems, copyright © 1920 by Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., renewed 1948 by Elizabeth C. Lindsay, reprinted by permission of the publishers.

  WALLACE STEVENS – from Collected Poems reprinted by permission of the publishers Faber & Faber Ltd.

  WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS – New Directions Publishing Corp. for ‘Spring Strains’, ‘Overture to a Dance of Locomotives’, ‘Spring and All’, ‘The Red Wheelbarrow’, ‘Poem’, ‘This Is Just to Say’, To a Poor Old Woman’, ‘The Term’ and ‘Paterson: Episode 17’ from Collected Earlier Poems, copyright © 1938 by New Directions. ‘Philomena AndronicO’. ‘Paterson: The Falls’ and ‘The Dance’ from Collected Later Poems, copyright © 1948 by William Carlos Williams. ‘The Ivy Crown’ from Pictures From Brueghel and Other Poems, copyright © 1955 by William Carlos Williams.

  EZRA POUND – ten poems from Collected Shorter Poems, ‘Canto I’ and ‘Canto LI’ from The Cantos of Ezra Pound, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  H. D. – from The Collected Poems of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), copyright ©1957 by Norman Holmes Pearson. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  ROBINSON JEFFERS – ‘shine, Perishing Republic’, copyright © 1925 and renewed 1953 by Robinson Jeffers, and ‘Hurt Hawks’, copyright © 1928 and renewed 1956 by Robinson Jeffers. Both reprinted from Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers. ‘The Eye’, copyright (©) 1941, 1944 and renewed 1969, 1972 by Donnan Jeffers and Garth Jeffers. Reprinted from Selected Poems of Robinson Jeffers. All poems reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc.

  MARIANNE MOORE – from The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  T.S. ELIOT – from Collected Poems 1909–1962, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  JOHN CROWE RANSOM – two poems from Selected Poems, copyright 1924 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. and renewed 1952 by John Crowe Ransom, by permission of the proprietors, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. and the publishers, Eyre Methuen Ltd. ‘Captain Carpenter’ is reprinted by permission of Laurence Pollinger Ltd.

  EDNA ST VINCENT MILLAY – ‘Sonnet xlii’, copyright © 1923, 1951 by Edna St Vincent Millay and Norma Millay Ellis, ‘Sonnet cv’, copyright, 1931, 1958 by Edna St Vincent Millay and Norma Millay Ellis, both from Collected Poems, Harper & Row, Inc.

  ARCHIBALD MACLEISH – from Collected Poems 1917–1952 by Archibald MacLeish, reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Co.

  E. E. CUMMINGS – from The Complete Poems of E. E. Cummings reprinted by permission of MacGibbon & Kee Ltd.

  CHARLES REZNIKOFF – from The United States 1885–1890, copyright © 1965 by Charles Reznikoff. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  HART CRANE – from The Complete Poems, Selected Letters and Prose of Hart Crane. Reprinted by permission of Liveright Publishing Corp., and Oxford University Press.

  ERNEST HEMINGWAY – ‘Oklahoma’ and ‘The Ernest Liberal’s Lament’, copyrignt © Mrs Ernest Hemingway, and reprinted with her permission. ‘The Age Demanded’ from 88 Poems by Ernest Hemingway, copyright © 1979 by The Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Nicholas Georgiannis. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace lovanovich, Inc.

  ALLEN TATE – from Poems. Reprinted by permission of The Swallow Press Inc.

  KENNETH FEARING – from New and Selected Poems, copyright © 1965 by Kenneth Fearing. Reprinted by permission of Indiana University Press.

  LANGSTON HUGHES – ‘Theme for English B’ from Montage of a Dream Deferred, copyright © 1951 by Langston Hughes, published by Henry Holt. ‘Brass Spittoons’ from Fine Clothes to the Jew, copyright © 1927 by Langston Hughes, renewed, published by Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Both poems reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates Inc. ‘The Weary Blues’, copyright 1926 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. and renewed 1954 by Langston Hughes. Reprinted from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes, by permission of the publisher.

  OGDEN NASH – ‘You Bet Travel is Broadening’ from Versus and ‘Very Like a Whale’ from Many Long Years Ago published by, and reprinted by permission of, J. M. Dent Ltd.

  COUNTEE CULLEN – from On These I Stand by Countee Cullen, copyright © 1925 by Harper & Row, Inc.; renewed 1953 by Ida M. Cullen.

  LOUIS ZUKOFSKY – ‘Catullus viii’ from All: The Collected Short Poems, 1923–1958, published by Jonathan Cape Ltd. ‘All of December Toward New Year’s’ is reprinted from All: The Collected Short Poems, 1956–1964, by permission of W. W. Norton & Co., Inc. Copyright © 1966 by Louis Zukofsky.

  RICHARD EBERHART – from Collected Poems 1930–1960 published by Chatto & Windus Ltd.

  ROBERT PENN WARREN – ‘Revelation’ from Selected Poems 1923–1975, copyright © 1976 by Martin, Seeker & Warbug Ltd., and reprinted with their permission. VIII from Promises, published by Random House Inc., copyright © 1955, 1957 by Robert Penn Warren. Reprinted by permission of William Morris Agency, Inc. on behalf of the author.

  KENNETH REXROTH – from In Defense of the Earth. Reprinted by permission of Laurence Pollinger Ltd. on behalf of the proprietors New Directions Publishing Corp.

  THEODORE ROETHKE – from The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke published by, and permission of, Faber & Faber Ltd.

  CHARLES OLSON – from The Maximus Poems published by Cape Goliard Press. Reprinted by permission of Jonathan Cape Ltd. on behalf of the Estate of Charles Olson.

  ELIZABETH BISHOP – ‘In the Waiting Room’, from Geography III by Elizabeth Bishop. Reprinted by permission of the author’s Literary Estate and Chatto & Windus Ltd.

  DELMORE SCHWARTZ – from Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge, copyright © 1938 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  KARL SHAPIRO – from Person, Place and Thing, reprinted by permission of Laurence Pollinger Ltd on behalf of Random House Inc.

  RANDALL JARRELL – ‘Thinking of the Lost World’ from The Lost World by Randall Jarrell, published by Eyre Spottiswoode Ltd. ‘Death of the Ball Turret Gunner’ from The Complete Poems, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  JOHN BERRYMAN – six poems from 77 Dream Songs, ‘From the French Hospital in New York, 901’ from His Toy, His Dream, His Rest, ‘Oly
mpus’ from Love and Fame, and ‘Henry’s Fate’ from Henry’s Fate and Other Poems. All reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  ROBERT LOWELL – four poems from Life Studies, ‘For the Union Dead’ from For the Union Dead’, ‘T. S. Eliot’ and ‘Ezra Pound’ from History, and ‘The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket’ from Poems 1938–49. All reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  GWENDOLYN BROOKS – from The World of Gwendolyn Brooks copyright © 1960 by Gwendolyn Brooks. Reprinted by permission of Harper & Row Inc.

  ROBERT DUNCAN – from The Opening of the Field published by Jonathan Cape Ltd.

  LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI – from A Coney Island of the Mind, copyright © 1958 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  REED WHITTEMORE – ‘Clamming’ from Reed Whittemore, Poems New and Selected, copyright by Reed Whittemore. Reprinted by permission of the University of Minnesota Press. ‘Our Ruins’ from The Fascination of the Abomination, copyright © 1961, by Reed Whittemore. Originally appeared in The Carleton Miscellany. Reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc.


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