The Penguin Book of American Verse

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The Penguin Book of American Verse Page 53

by Geoffrey Moore

  HOWARD NEMEROV – reprinted by permission of Margot Johnson Agency.

  CHARLES BUKOWSKI – ‘No Lady Godiva’ and ‘Something for the touts …’, copyright © 1974 by Charles Bukowski, published in Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame: Poems 1955–1973. All poems included in this volume are reprinted by permission of Black Sparrow Press.

  RICHARD WILBUR – three poems from Poems 1943–1956, ‘On the Marginal Way’ from Walking to Sleep, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  ALAN DUGAN – from Collected Poems by Alan Dugan, reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

  DENISE LEVERTOV – ‘O Taste and See’ from O Taste and See, copyright © 1964 by Denise Levertov Goodman. ‘What Wild Dawns There Were’ from Relearning the Alphabet, copyright © 1970 by Denise Levertov Goodman. ‘The Malice of Innocence’ from Footprints, copyright © 1972 by Denise Levertov Goodman. All reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  KENNETH KOCH – two poems, copyright © 1960 by Kenneth Koch, reprinted by permission of International Creative Management.

  FRANK O’HARA – ‘To the Film Industry in Crisis’ from Meditations in an Emergency by Frank O’Hara, copyright © 1957 by Frank O’Hara. Reprinted by permission of Grove Press, Inc. ‘The Day Lady Died’ from Lunch Poems by Frank O’Hara, copyright © 1964 by Frank O’Hara. Reprinted by permission of City Lights Books. ‘Why I am not a Painter’, copyright © 1958 by Maureen Granville-Smith, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank O’Hara, and ‘Ave Maria’, copyright © 1961 also by Maureen Granville-Smith, from The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

  w. D. SNODGRASS – from Heart’s Needle, reprinted by permission of The Mar-veil Press.

  A. R. AMMONS – from Selected Poems, copyright © 1968 by Cornell University. Reprinted by permission of Cornell University Press.

  JAMES MERRILL – from Nights and Days by James Merrill, reprinted by permission of Chatto & Windus Ltd.

  ROBERT CREELEY – ‘I Know a Man’, ‘The Operation’, ‘The Whip’, ‘The Rain’, ‘Something’, ‘I Keep to Myself Such Measures …’ and ‘The Rhythm’ from Poems 1930–65. ‘Morning (8.10 a.m.)’ and ‘Blue Skies Motel’ from Later. All reprinted by permission of Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.

  ROBERT BLY – ‘Waking from Sleep’ from Silence in the Snowy Fields, Jonathan Cape Ltd, ‘The Executive’s Death’ from The Light Around the Body, reprinted by permission of Rapp & Whiting Ltd.

  ALLEN GINSBERG – ‘Mugging’ from Mind Breaths, copyright © 1977 by Allen Ginsberg. All poems included in this volume are reprinted by permission of City Lights Books.

  JOHN ASHBERY – from The Tennis Court Oath, copyright © 1959 by John Ashbery. Reprinted by permission of Wesleyan University Press. ‘Bird’s-Eye View …’ is reprinted by permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. ‘Here Everything is Still Floating’ and ‘Joe Leviathan’ from Shadow Train, copyright © 1980, 1981 by John Ashbery. Reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press Ltd.

  w. s. MERWIN – from The Lice, Hart Davis MacGibbon, 1969, reprinted by permission of David Higham Associates Ltd.

  JAMES WRIGHT – from The Branch Will Not Break, copyright © 1961 by James Wright. Reprinted by permission of Wesleyan University Press. ‘A Blessing’ first appeared in Poetry.

  ANNE SEXTON – ‘Unknown Girl in the Maternity Ward’ from To Bedlam and Part Way Rack; ‘All My Pretty Ones’ from All My Pretty Ones, copyright © 1961 by Anne Sexton, both published by Houghton Mifflin Co. Reprinted by permission of The Sterling Lord Agency.

  EDWARD DORN – from Slinger published by Wingbow Press, reprinted by permission of the author.

  ADRIENNE RICH – ‘Diving into the Wreck’ and ‘Rape’ from Poems Selected and New, 1950–1974, copyright © 1966 by W. W. Norton & Co. Inc., copyright © 1951 by Adrienne Rich. ‘Toward the Solstice’ from The Dream of a Common Language, Poems, 1974-1977, copyright © 1978 by W. W. Norton & Co. Inc. Reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Co. Inc.

  GREGORY CORSO – from The Happy Birthday of Death, copyright © 1960 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of the publishers.

  GARY SNYDER – ‘A Walk’ from Riprap reprinted by permission of Laurence Pol-linger Ltd. on behalf of New Directions Publishing Corp. ‘Things to Do Around a Lookout’ reprinted by permission of the author. ‘Vapor Trails’ from The Back Country, copyright © 1968 by Gary Snyder. ‘I Went into the Maverick Bar’ from Turtle Island, copyright © 1972 by Gary Snyder. Both poems reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

  SYLVIA PLATH – ‘The Colossus’ from Colossus, copyright © 1967 by Ted Hughes, published by Faber & Faber Ltd. ‘Lady Lazarus’, ‘Daddy’, ‘The Applicant’, ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ and ‘Blackberrying’ from Ariel, copyright © 1965 by Ted Hughes, also published by Faber & Faber Ltd. All reprinted by permission of Miss Olwyn Hughes.

  ETHERIDGE KNIGHT – from Poems from Prison, copyright © 1974 by Etheridge Knight. Reprinted by permission of Broadside Press.

  IMAMU AMIRI BARAKA (LEROI JONES) – ‘Horatio Alger Uses Scag’ is reprinted by permission of Ronald Hobbs Literary Agency. ‘At the National Black Assembly’ from Selected Poetry of Amiri Baraka/Leroi Jones, copyright © 1979 by Amiri Baraka. Reprinted by permission of William Morrow & Co., Inc.

  RICHARD EMIL BRAUN – from Children Passing, University of Texas Press, copyright © 1962 Richard Emil Braun. Reprinted by permission of the author.

  ROBERT MEZEY – from The Door Standing Open, copyright © 1970 by Oxford University Press. Reprinted by permission of the publishers.

  SONIA SANCHEZ – from We a BaddDDD People, copyright © 1973 by Sonia Sanchez. Reprinted by permission of Broadside Press.

  DIANE WAKOSKI – from Inside the Blood Factory, copyright © 1967 by Diane Wakoski. Reprinted by permission of Doubleday & Co. Inc.

  CHARLES SIMIC – ‘Poem without a Title’ from Dismantling the Silence, copyright © 1971 by Charles Simic. Reprinted by permission of Jonathan Cape Ltd. ‘Brooms’ from Return to a Place Lit by a Glass of Milk, copyright © 1974 by Charles Simic. Reprinted by permission of George Braziller, Inc.

  HAKI R. MADHUBUTI (DON L. LEE) – from Don’t Cry, Scream, copyright © 1973 by Don L. Lee Reprinted by permission of Broadside Press.

  ALTA – ‘I Never Saw a Man in a Negligee’ from The Shameless Hussy, Selected Stories, Essays and Poetry by Alta, copyright © 1980 by Alta Gerrey. Reprinted by permission of The Crossing Press. ‘I Don’t Have No Bunny Tail on My Behind’ is reprinted by permission of the author.

  NIKKI GIOVANNI – from Black Judgment, copyright © 1973 by Nikki Giovanni. Reprinted by permission of Broadside Press.

  JAMES TATE – from The Oblivion Ha-Ha, copyright © 1969 by James Tate. Reprinted by permission of Little, Brown & Co. in association with the Atlantic Monthly Press.

  AI (FLORENCE OGAWA) – ‘Woman’ and ‘The Sweet’ from Cruelty, copyright © 1970, 1973 by Ai. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Co.

  Where no acknowledgement is made, every effort has been made to acquire permission for the right to include the poems.


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  First published in Penguin Books 1977

  Revised edition 1983

  Reissued in this edition 2011

  Copyright © Geoffrey Moore, 1977, 1983

  The Acknowledgements on pages 598–603 constitute an extension of this copyright page

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-241-95991-6

  Philip Freneau 1752–1832

  * Harvard College, at Cambridge in Massachusetts – Freneau’s note, edition 1788




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