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Page 6

by Harmony Raines

  She stood and looked at him, shocked that he had seen so much of her, so much she thought she had kept hidden from everyone, even her sisters.

  “I want to find that part and see what happens when it’s freed.” He looked at her directly. “Not what you wanted to hear?”

  “No. Well yes, but it was not what I asked, not what I was thinking.”

  “Oh, what were you thinking?”

  “How a man like you would want a woman like me.” She held her hand out and pointed at their bodies each in turn, and he got her meaning.

  “I’m not so shallow that I only go on looks alone, Anna. I have dated all kinds of women. It’s what makes you tick that attracts me, the rest of your wonderful curves are simply a bonus.”

  He came to her then, having disarmed her with his words. She prayed they were true as he used his hands to rub the soap suds all over her body, his fingers lingering on her breasts, tweaking her nipples, before moving lower.

  She closed her eyes and let her other senses take over, her hands sliding over her skin to capture some of the bubbles and then transferring them to his body. Her hands blindly explored him, enjoying the contrast of his taut smooth skin that gave way to springy hair over his chest, leading down like a line drawn on a map to the treasure below.

  Curling her hand around his cock she used the soap to make her hand nice and slippery, sliding it up and down his hard shaft. He groaned and pressed forward, and then his fingers slipped inside her wet sex and he mimicked her rhythm.

  He leaned forward and kissed her, the water from the shower spraying into their faces. He turned her so his body shielded hers, and his tongue pressed for entrance and she allowed it. Her orgasm grew, intensifying when his thumb brushed her clit and rubbed the sensitive little nub.

  Anna spread her legs wider, shuffling her feet apart to allow him to insert another finger into her aching sex. He pushed nice and deep, stretching her inner walls. She was so close, and when his cock began to twitch she knew he was too.

  Using both hands now she brought him to a shuddering climax. One hand wrapped around his cock while the other cupped his balls, fondling them, squeezing them just enough to gain some reaction. Then he exploded, his fingers working frantically inside her as he lost all control.

  His cries of satisfaction made her come, her sex gripping his fingers. Anna clung to him with one hand while the other milked him dry. He leaned forward, bracing himself against the wall of the outside shower, completely spent.

  They stayed like this, neither speaking until their breathing had returned to normal. Then Douglas raised his head and kissed her gently on the cheek.

  “That was incredible, I can’t wait to explore further with you.” He kissed her lips, and she responded to him. Then he said, “I’m starving, shall we go and eat?”

  She nodded, still not trusting her voice. They both showered off the suds, Douglas was ready before Anna.

  “You go ahead,” she said. “I’m going to wash my hair.”

  “OK,” he said, pulling a towel out of locker on the furthest wall. He had obviously been here before, because he knew where everything was. Anna pushed the thought of him entertaining other women here out of her mind. She had slept with other men, and would have to accept his past, and not judge him.

  Anna did not hurry; she took some time alone to think over everything that had happened between them. It had come out of the blue, when she had spoken to Susie this morning she had no idea this was what Douglas had planned.

  Had planned.

  This thought struck her. Their lovemaking had not been spontaneous, not for him, he had planned this trip. It made her feel better; this was not some drunken one night stand that they would wake up in the morning and regret. He had put all his cards on the table, thought over the consequences, and promised there would be no negative repercussions, whatever that meant.

  “Stop dissecting it and have fun,” she told herself before rinsing her hair one last time and wrapping the towel around herself.

  The image of broken hearted Susie popped into her mind. What if she ended up like that? And then she remembered what Susie had told Rachel when she was worried about her relationship.

  It was worth taking the risk. It was always worth taking the risk.

  Feeling better she went inside, and was greeted by a delicious smell. Her stomach rumbled in expectation, she had not eaten properly all day, and now it was late afternoon.

  “It will be ready in about half an hour,” Douglas said from the kitchen, where the aroma was drifting out from. “I’ve taken your bags to our room, so get yourself changed and I’ll set the table. Shall we eat outside?”

  Anna was still stuck on “our room”, as if it was an everyday thing, but she managed to say, “OK, outside would be lovely.” Then asked, “Where is our room?” as normally as possible.

  “Oh, down the hallway and third door on the left.”

  She followed his directions, opening the door to find a light spacious room looking out over the beach and sea beyond. Going to the first door leading off it she found a walk in closet, but didn’t feel comfortable hanging her clothes in there. The next door she tried led to the bathroom, she grabbed her wash bag and make up and headed inside.

  Anna cleaned off every last scrap of make up before adding the least amount she could get away with. Her sex sessions with Douglas had given her a healthy glow, and so a little eye shadow and liner would do.

  She resisted mascara, if she didn’t wipe it off before they went to bed she would look like a panda in the morning, a thought that horrified her. This would be the first time she had ever actually spent the whole night with a man. Waking up in the morning with someone next to her would be a totally new experience.

  After brushing out her long hair she decide to leave it loose around her shoulders, rather than putting it up in the severe knot she wore for work. Next she tried to find something in her suitcase that did not look business like; even the token dress she had shoved in just in case they had gone out to dinner did not fit the evening.

  Eventually she settled on a skirt with a loose shirt, it was about as casual as she could get. The thought that she might not be spending too much time in her clothes anyway, both shocked her and made her body react in a wonderfully sensuous way. What she was going to do when he dumped her she didn’t know, because her body could sure get used to this kind of attention.

  She went out to find Douglas opening a bottle of wine; he had two glasses out ready, and began to pour as soon as he saw her.

  “Here, perfectly chilled,” he said, handing her a glass.

  She took a sip, the alcohol hitting her hard due to her empty stomach. Then much to her mortification her stomach growled in complaint.

  “Sorry,” she apologised, taking a big gulp of her wine to hide her embarrassment.

  To her relief he just laughed. “Don’t worry about it, you must be starving. We’ve certainly worked up quite an appetite.”

  She instantly knew what he meant, and took her glass, now almost empty, and stood by the open door, letting the breeze cool her face. Once she had composed herself again she turned back to him and asked, “Do you need any help.” Not that she felt up to doing anything in the kitchen, her head was already buzzing nicely from the wine.

  “No, I think everything is ready,” he said, carrying out some fresh bread rolls and the bottle of wine. He paused to refill her glass and kiss her on the neck, then told her, “You look incredibly sexy, Anna. I hope I can keep my hands off you through dinner.”

  She nearly choked at his words, and her knees felt weak at the feel of his warm breath teasing her skin. His point made, Douglas took the wine outside and set the bread down on the table.

  “Come and take a seat, enjoy the view and I will bring out the rest of it.”

  She did as he told her. Two minutes later he came out with beautifully cooked local fish, so fresh it seemed to melt in her mouth. There was salad, and warm potatoes with a garlic dressing.
Anna tried to keep her manners in check, but all she wanted to do was eat it all as quickly as she could.

  “This is wonderful,” she said, thinking her praise fell too short.

  “Thank you, Anna. I enjoy cooking, and my mother taught me to look after myself. When I was at college she insisted I mucked in with everyone else, like a normal kid, and I am glad she did.”

  “So am I,” Anna said. She paused to sip her wine, savouring the food he had cooked.

  “What about you, Anna. Do you enjoy cooking?”

  “I do, when I can be bothered, but when it’s just me, I tend not to.” She did not go as far as telling him how many take outs she had on speed dial.

  “Have you ever had a long term relationship?”

  The question was a bit sudden, and caught her unaware. That, coupled with the wine, made it easier for her to share her personal life. “Not really, I concentrated on my career.”

  “And now?”

  “My career is very important to me, but now my sister has become engaged I’m beginning to wonder if I might be missing out.”

  “Does it have to be a choice of one or the other?” Douglas asked.

  She thought for a moment, lifting her fork to her mouth. Anna had never considered that.

  “Don’t men get upset if their woman earns more than them or are more successful?”

  “That might be an old fashioned view. On the other hand you could simply find someone rich and successful. I might know someone who fits the bill.”

  She laughed. “Are you applying for the job?”

  “If you would take me seriously. I get the feeling you think this is all a joke to me.”

  “Isn't it? I can’t decide why you asked me to agree to handing myself over to you.”

  “I told you; because I want to see you open yourself up to things you’ve never experienced.”

  “For my own good, or yours? Am I an experiment to you?”

  “An experiment?”

  “Yes, you know, a bored business man, looking for a bit of entertainment.”

  “Do you think I would take a risk like this simply for my own entertainment?”

  “What risk is there for you?”

  “Sexual harassment for one. This is not the way an employer is supposed to behave with his best employee.”

  “Best employee. Is that because of my extracurricular activities with you?”

  “Sex, you mean?”

  “Yes, sex.”

  “No, Anna, don’t sell yourself short. You have no idea how close my grandfather was to handing the business over to you.”

  She placed her glass down on the table, wishing her head was clearer. This was big news. She had no idea Mr Stanhope had even considered her running the business.

  “Yes, that’s why I came in to test you. The fact that he would hand you such a chunk of power had alarm bells ringing in the rest of the family.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “I realise that. I also realise that the business would have been quite safe with you at the helm. In fact I told my grandfather it was a good idea. But then I found I couldn’t walk away from it, or you. Despite the fact I should have, to make the most of my other interests.”

  “So I would have been better off if you had never fallen for me.”

  “Yes.” Douglas looked at her closely. “Does that affect your feelings for me?”

  “No. Surprisingly. I have spent many years trying to be successful and ignoring my personal life. It’s crazy that if I did that now, and ignored my feelings for you, I could be more successful than I ever dreamed of.” Yes, the wine and good food had made her more open than she had ever been about her feelings before, even with her sisters.

  “I want to see where this leads, Anna. We’re the same, in that business has always come first. I always wanted a woman who could be my equal.”

  “Funny, because I thought you had me agree to do whatever you desired. That is not equal in my book.”

  He laughed. “Only for your own pleasure, Anna. And talking of which, perhaps its time we went to bed.”

  She gulped down the rest of her wine, nervous again now she had bared her soul to him.

  He got up and came over to her, kissing her neck before lifting her plate off the table. As he headed toward the kitchen he told her, “You go ahead; I’ll be there in a second.”

  She got up and felt rather light headed. Trying to walk straight, she headed for the bedroom, unbuttoning her shirt as she went. Quickly undressing and cleaning her teeth, she was in bed before he came in.

  “Keep the bed warm,” he said before heading into the bathroom.

  “Will do,” she said sleepily.

  The day caught up with her, and before his weight made the bed dip, she was asleep. She didn't feel him wrap his arms around her, or remember mumbling, “Please don’t make fun of me, Douglas.”

  Or his answer, “I won’t, Anna. You’re too precious to me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Anna woke up to bright sunlight streaming into the room. There was a dull continuous thumping in her head, making her feel more than a little nauseous.

  Turning over slowly she found the bed to be empty, Douglas was already up. Was he upset about her falling asleep last night instead of them having sex? She groaned inwardly. Damn, if she hadn’t spoiled the evening.

  Sitting up made her feel worse, but she knew she had to get moving, and take something for her head. The bathroom was a cool refuge. She ran water onto her hands and splashed it onto her face, groaning at the sight that looked back at her. Good job she hadn’t woken up with him beside her, because he wouldn't have liked what he saw.

  She went back out into the room to grab her wash bag, which she had placed back in her bag.

  “Morning,” he said from the doorway, his voice bright and cheerful.

  “Morning,” she replied, keeping her face turned away.

  “I’ve made breakfast, you hungry?” he asked.

  She wasn’t sure. The food might make her feel worse, but she doubted it. “I’ll be right there.”

  She grabbed her bag and headed back to the bathroom. He intercepted her, his arm going around her waist and pulling her close.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I wanted to wash first, that’s all.”

  “No kiss first?” he said, turning her to face him.

  Oh, morning breath. That coupled with her uncombed hair was almost too much. “I won’t be a minute,” she said, trying to struggle free.

  “Anna.” His voice was more forceful now. She turned and looked at him. “Remember our agreement?”

  She nodded, knowing what was coming.

  “Kiss me, and then come and have breakfast.” He saw her about to object. “Just as you are.”

  “I’ll be quick,” she said insistently.


  He put his hand into her hair, easing her head towards him. She closed her eyes, drawn to him, but trying to blot out how perfect he looked compared to her. However, when his lips touched hers it did not matter, the beating of her heart took over the thumping of her head. At once she felt feminine and desirable. Her body softened, moulding into his.

  When he broke the kiss she stood there like an idiot leaning forward almost begging for more.

  “Breakfast," he said, breaking the spell with one word.

  He held her hand and she followed him out of the bedroom. The sun was bright and the air warm as he took her to the little table outside where he had laid out a wonderful breakfast. She picked up some fresh fruit to eat, and after a few mouthfuls began to feel better, by the time she had finished off some warm pancakes, her head had begun to clear.

  After two cups of coffee she was feeling like her normal self. Or at least this new self she seemed to be changing into around Douglas. He made her feel that she could be herself, perhaps because she knew that he could not be scared or dominated by her, so there was no use trying.

  “What did you want t
o do today?” he asked.

  “I thought I was in your capable hands,” she said.

  “Ahh. In that case I think we should hit the beach.”

  “OK. I hope you have sun screen,” she said, wanting an excuse to feel his strong hands all over her body.

  “There is some in the main bathroom. I will go and get it.”

  “Great, why don’t I clear the breakfast things away? You've done all the work so far.”

  “Be my guest. I’ll be back soon.”

  He disappeared inside the villa, and Anna sat for a moment simply enjoying the peace and quiet surrounding her. She would have to put a loose shirt on again to go down to the beach, unless she could find a swimsuit inside the villa.

  With this idea in her mind she got up and began clearing the table. In no time she had everything sorted out. The unused fruit in the fridge and the dishes washed. Then she went to ask Douglas if he thought the owners would mind if she found a swimsuit to borrow.

  “There you are. I have sunscreen, and some towels. Let’s get going.”

  “I have to clean my teeth, and I was hoping to see if there was anything more suitable I could borrow to wear.”

  “I thought we had already established you would not need clothes.” He came towards her, and her eyes were drawn to the bulge in his pants.

  Swallowing down her desire to reach out and feel the hardness with her hand, she said, “I can’t walk down there naked.”

  “Why not?”

  “Douglas, please.”

  He came towards her and his hands covered her breasts, kneading them with his large palms. “I would love to see you walking naked on the beach. These wonderful breasts of yours free in the warm breeze.”

  “Douglas.” She barely formed the words, her mind turned to mush by his touch.

  “I guarantee you will enjoy the air caressing your skin.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes you can.”

  He lifted her shirt up and revealed her round breasts. His mouth descended and claimed her nipples, each in turn. Her hands went to his hair and cradled his head while he suckled her breasts, the heat between her legs growing in intensity.


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