Walter Isaacson Great Innovators e-book boxed set: Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Einstein
Page 68
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abby Road (Beatles), 412
ABC, 219, 436, 438
Academy Awards, 244, 248
Adams, Ansel, 105, 277, 330
Adams, Scott, 523
Adobe, 241, 247, 381, 518
Apple and, 514–16
Adobe Director, 363
Adobe Flash, 380, 514–15, 517
Adobe Illustrator, 242
Adobe Photoshop, 380
Adobe Premiere, 380
Advertising Age, 165, 418
Advocate, The, 280, 282
A4 (microchip), 492–93, 496
Agnelli, Susanna, 126
Aguilera, Christina, 418
Agus, David, 550
Airborne Express, 359
Air Force, U.S., 23
AirPort (base station), 466
Akers, John, 219, 231, 569
Akon (performer), 479
Aladdin (film), 439
Alcorn, Al, xiii, 42–43, 45, 52, 54, 67, 72, 74, 195
Ali, Muhammad, 307
Alinsangan, Susan, 391
Allchin, Jim, 403
Allen, Gary, 376
Allen, Paul, 59, 61
Allen, Tim, 432
Allen, Woody, 429
All One Farm (commune), 39, 50, 53, 59, 63, 103
All Things Digital conference, 463
“All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” (Brautigan), 57
Alps Electronics Co., 146–47
Altair (personal computer), 59, 173
Alto (computer), 95
Amazon, 410, 531, 533
Kindle of, 503, 534
SJ on, 503–4
Amelio, Gil, xiii, 296–97, 327, 332, 335, 336, 341
Apple-NeXT deal and, 299–303
Macworld gaffe of, 307–8, 339
media and, 311–12
Newton crisis and, 309, 338
ouster of, 305–15, 324, 326
ship parable of, 310
SJ’s first meeting with, 297–98, 304, 316–17
American Express, 410
Ames, Roger, 398–99, 401, 402
Ames Research Center, 8–9
Anderson, Fred, 313, 316, 317, 332, 349, 459
backdated stock options controversy and, 450–51
Angelou, Maya, 330
“Annie” skunkworks project, 94, 109
Ansen, David, 290
“Antennagate,” 519–23
Antz (film), 427–30
Anywhere but Here (Simpson), 4, 254–55
AOL, 502
AOL Time Warner, 394–95, 398, 407
Apollo 13 (film), 290
Appel, Richard, 250, 274, 548
Apple Computer Co., 54, 90, 132, 207, 239, 295, 306–7, 308, 317–22, 394–95, 409, 512
Adobe and, 514–16
Apple Corps lawsuits against, 419–20, 523–24
applications controlled by, 516–17
art-technology connection and, 526–27
badge controversy in, 83
Blue Box and creation of, 27–30
business plan of, 76–77
collaborative culture of, 362–63
Cook Doctrine and, 488
Cook’s role in, 360–61
design mantra of, 127
design philosophy of, 344–45
design studio of, 345–47
desktop concept and, 98–99
desktop publishing and, 295–96
incorporation of, 77–78
Intel chips adopted by, 446–48
IPO of, 102–4
logo of, xviii, 68–69, 79–80
Macintosh deal and, 324–25
Microsoft out-competed by, 562–63
motto of, 69
name of, 63
NeXT and, 213–15, 217–18, 221–22, 298–300, 305–6
original partnership of, 63–66, 73
origins of, 61–63
product review process of, 336–39
products of, 565–66
retreats of, 142–45, 147, 154–55, 175, 398–99
Sculley’s reorganization of, 205–7
showcase headquarters of, 534–35
SJ as interim CEO of, 332–33, 364–65, 367
SJ ousted from, xvii–xviii, 202–6, 215–16, 217
SJ’s aesthetic and, 126–27
SJ-Scott dispute in, 83–84
SJ’s resignations from, 215–16, 217, 303–4, 557–59, 563–64
SJ’s return to, 306–8, 317–21
stock options controversy and, 365–66, 448–51, 477
turnover of board of, 318–20
uniforms idea and, 361–62
Wozniak’s departure from, 192–93
Xerox “raided” by, 96–97, 98
Apple Corps, 419–20, 523–24
Apple Foundation, 263
Apple I computer, 56, 63, 66, 163
early competition to, 69–70
first sales order for, 66–68
Wozniak and, 60–61, 67–68, 534
Apple II computer, 91, 93, 94, 109, 114, 125, 137, 138, 154, 173, 189, 192, 200, 207, 565
brochures of, 79–80
capitalization of, 72, 75, 77
circuit board of, 74–75
Commodore company and, 72–73
launch of, 80–81
Markkula and, 80–81
packaging of, 73–74
PC sales and, 160
peripherals and, 74–75
power supply of, 84, 146
sales of, 84, 92, 160
SJ’s vision of, 71–72
Snow White ad for, 132–33
VisiCalc feature of, 84
warranty of, 84
Wozniak and, 80–81, 84–85, 92, 534, 562
Apple III computer, 92–94, 154
failure of, 92–93, 160
AppleLabs, 196–98, 203, 204–6
“Apple Marketing Philosophy, The” (Markkula), 78
Apple products, see individual product names
Apple Stores, 368–77, 368, 461, 470, 472, 566
checkout design of, 372
on Fifth Avenue, 376–77, 514
first opening of, 374
floors of, 375
Gap and, 370
genius bar in, 375–76
minimalist nature of, 370
product organization in, 372–74
prototypes of, 371–74
staircases of, 375
success of, 374, 376
Apple University, 461
Arab Spring, 258
Architectural Digest, 276
ARM architecture, 492–93
Arnold Worldwide, 328
Aspen Institute, xvii, 126
Associated Press, 293
AT&T, 27, 136, 521
Atari, 42–45, 52, 53, 57, 63, 72, 74, 81, 217
SJ hired by, 83–84
Atkinson, Bill, xiii, 93–94, 95, 96–97, 99, 101, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 122–23, 128–32, 134, 144, 179, 181, 207, 385, 470, 474, 555
Lisa Computer and, 99–101
overlapping windows concept of, 100, 323
QuickDraw program of, 169–70, 180
SJ’s worldview described by, 119–20
Atom (microchip), 492
Augmentation Research Center, 57
Auletta, Ken, 256
Autobiography of a Yogi (Yogananda), 35, 46–47, 527
Avon, 321, 481
Axelrod, David, 497, 547
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 413
Badu, Erykah, 479
Baez, Joan, 57, 153, 168, 261, 269, 412, 415
SJ’s romance with, 250–53
Ballmer, Steve, 375, 474, 569
Bank of America, 83
Barnes, Susan, 204, 212, 216
Barnicle, Mike, 312
Barrett, Craig, 448
Bartz, Carol, 545
BASIC (computer language), 59, 61, 66, 84, 94, 173, 174–75
Batman Forever (film), 290
movement, 126, 265, 372
Baum, Allen, 26, 60, 67, 77
Bay, Willow, 438
Bayer, Herbert, 126, 127
Beatles, 402, 412–13, 415, 418–19, 570
in move to iTunes, 523–24
Beauty and the Beast (film), 439
Beck, Glenn, 508
Be company, 297–301
Be Here Now (Ram Dass), 34, 37, 52
Belleville, Bob, 99, 145–47, 190, 200, 204
Bellini, Mario, 126
Bell Labs, 9
Bell System Technical Manual, 27–28
Berg, Paul, 211–12
Berkeley Barb, 61
Bertelsmann, 395
Bertolucci, Bernardo, 126
Betrayal (Pinter), 204
Bewkes, Jeff, 506–7
Bezos, Jeff, 503
Big Mac (computer), 212, 214
Billboard, 418, 423
bitmapping concept, 95, 97, 111
BlackBerry, 469
Black Eyed Peas, 392, 413
Black-Scholes valuation, 449
Blade Runner (film), 163
Blood on the Tracks (Dylan), 52, 208, 412
Bloomberg News, 479, 497
Blue Box design, 27–30, 73
SJ-Wozniak partnership and, 29–30
Blue Van, 498
Bob Dylan (Dylan), 412
Bohlin, Peter, 430
Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, 375
Bohr, Niels, 171
Boich, Mike, 177
Boing Boing, 563
Bono, 58, 180, 402, 406, 411, 424, 459–60
iPod deal and, 420–23
“Book of Macintosh, The” (Raskin), 109
Boston Globe, 312
“Both Sides Now” (song), 414
Bourke-White, Margaret, 330
Bourne Ultimatum, The (film), 527
Bowers, Ann, 121, 537
Brand, Stewart, 58–59
Brandenburg Concertos (Bach), 413
Braun company, 132, 343
Brautigan, Richard, 57
Breaking Away (film), 126
Breakout (game), 118
Brennan, Chrisann, xiii, 5, 31–32, 41, 49, 86, 103, 104, 119, 257, 259, 265, 279, 280–81, 486
pregnancy of, 88–90
SJ’s relationship with, 86–91
Brennan-Jobs, Lisa, xiii, 90, 140, 256, 257, 270, 542
Mona Simpson and, 282
SJ’s relationship with, 259–61, 265, 266, 278–81, 315, 486, 542, 551–52
Brilliant, Larry, 47, 106, 453
Brin, Sergey, 511–12
Brother Bear (film), 437
Brown, Bryar, 477, 549
Brown, John Seeley, 471
Brown, Tim, 32
“Brown Eyed Girl” (song), 411
Buffalo Springfield, 413
Buffett, Warren, 442
Bug’s Life, A (film), 427–30
Bumiller, Elisabeth, 411–12
Burge, Frank, 79
Burroughs company, 20
Burton, Bill, 497
Bush, George H. W., 209
Bush, George W., 411, 516
Bushnell, Nolan, xiii, 42–44, 52–53, 54–55, 72, 75, 217
BusinessWeek, 141, 160, 166, 225, 236, 311, 320, 374, 406
Buyer, Lise, 463–64
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 224
Byte Shop, 66–67, 68, 71, 368
Calder, Alexander, 151, 183
Calhoun, Greg, 5, 39, 51, 86–87, 88
California Motor Vehicle Department, 24
Callas, Maria, 330
Callaway (publisher), 502
Campanile, The, 279
Campbell, Bill, xiii, 164, 202, 206, 212–15, 320–21, 481, 482, 515, 557, 558
Cannavino, Jim, 232
Canon, 294
Cat computer of, 113
Capps, Steve, 144–45, 161
CAPS (Computer Animation Production System), 242, 284
Captain Crunch, see Draper, John
Carey Mariah, 399
Carlton, Jim, 307
Carroll, Lewis, 235
Cars (film), 435, 441
Carter, Matt, 182–83
Cash, Berry, 138
Cash, Johnny, 413, 487
Casone, Il (quarry), 375
“Catch the Wind” (song), 414
Catmull, Ed, xiii, 238–39, 238, 240, 241, 243, 245–48, 284–85, 287, 288, 430, 440–41, 442
Cave, Ray, 140–41
CBS News, 400
cell phones, 465–66
“Centerfield” (song), 411
Cera, Michael, 499
Chambers, John, 545–46
Chang, Gareth, 319
Chaplin, Charlie, 330
Chapman, Tracy, 280
Chariots of Fire (film), 167, 169
Charlie Rose (TV show), 290
Chart (app), 176
Chiat, Jay, 187–88, 262
Chiat/Day advertising agency, 162, 164, 225–26, 327
Chicago Tribune, 233, 423
China, People’s Republic of, 200, 201, 546
Chinatown (film), 527
Chino, Kobun, xiii, 49, 50, 86, 87, 262, 274
Christensen, Clayton, 408–9, 532
Christie’s, 69
Chrysler, 321, 482
Cinderella II (film), 435
Cingular, 466
Cisco, 545
CIT, 6
City of Hope (charity), 479
Clinton, Bill, 39, 278, 323, 330, 553
Clinton, Hillary, 278
Clow, Lee, xiii, 162, 164, 187, 327, 364, 374, 391, 392, 417–18, 452, 458, 462–63, 498, 500, 521, 524, 547
iMac and, 351, 352–53
“Think Different” campaign and, 328–32
CNBC, 474
CNN, xvii
Coast Guard, U.S., 1–2, 6, 106
Coates, George, 233
Cocks, Jay, 139
Cohen, Larry, 463
Coldplay, 410, 413
Cole, David, 404
Coleman, Deborah “Debi,” xiii, 119, 122, 124, 145, 183–84, 187, 189, 202, 204–5, 252
College Track, 543
Colorado, University of, 24
Comcast, 439, 489
Commodore, 72–73, 135
PET computer of, 73
Compaq Computers, 232, 360, 369, 374, 381, 446
CompuServe, 502
Computer Animation Production System (CAPS), 242, 284
computers, computing, 57–59
closed-open debate and, 513, 554, 561–62
desktop concept and, 95, 98–99
digital hub and evolution of, 379–81
first portable, 123
Consumer Reports, 520
Cook, Tim, xiii, 345–46, 358–59, 362, 408, 455, 460, 461, 473, 480–81, 485, 487, 489, 521, 526, 549, 557–58
“Doctrine” of, 488
role of, 360–61, 458–59
Copeland, Michael, 496
Copland operating system, 297
Corliss, Richard, 290, 429
Corning Glass, 471–72
Corzine, Jon, 270
Coster, Danny, 349
Cotton, Katie, 521
Couch, John, 95, 99, 101, 112, 116, 136, 141, 150
Cramer Electronics, 67
Crandall, Richard, 273
“Crazy” (song), 329
Cream Soda Computer, 25
Crimson, The, 280
Crittenden Middle School, 13
Crow, Cheryl, 402, 413
Crow, George, 117, 212
Cue, Eddy, xiii, 398, 403, 452, 460, 487, 524, 531, 533
Cuisinart food processor, 73, 129
Cult of the Mac (Kahney), 138
Cunningham, Andrea “Andy,” xiii, 93, 114, 188, 215, 218
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (Trungpa), 35
Daily, The, 507
Daily Show, The (TV show) 518
Dalai Lama, 332
“Dark Eyes” (song), 208
Darwin (operating system), 366
Dating Game (TV
show), 159
Dead Poets Society (film), 329–30
Dean, James, 1, 6
De Anza Community College, 24, 32, 354
Defender (video game), 142
Defiant Ones (film), 286
Dell, Inc., 232, 369, 371, 374, 381, 446, 515
Dell, Michael, 334, 360, 479
Desire (Dylan), 418
desktop publishing industry, 131, 187, 515
Desperate Housewives (TV show), 438
Devo, 498
Dido, 413
Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé), 36
Digital Equipment PDP-8, 24
digital hub concept, 383, 463, 489, 530, 532–33, 562
computer evolution and, 379–81
iPod and, 384–85
Dilbert (cartoon), 523
Disney, Roy, 242, 432, 434–36, 439, 441
Disney, Walt, 242–43, 248, 284, 434, 442, 443, 569
Disney Channel, 291
Disney Co., 248, 284, 321
ant movies rivalry and, 427–30
Pixar’s cobranding proposal and, 291–92
Pixar’s merger with, 432–43
Pixar’s Toy Story deal with, 284–88, 290–91
Toy Story premieres and, 289–90
Disneyland, 243, 439
Disney on Ice, 437
Disney Studios, 242–43
Disney World, 433
Doctorow, Cory, 563
Doerr, John, 275, 501–2, 544, 546
Dr. Dre, 402, 406
Donovan, 413, 414
Doonesbury (comic strip), 309
Doors, 413
Draper, John (Captain Crunch), 27, 29
Dream Act, 546
DreamWorks SKG, 427–29
Drexler, Millard “Mickey,” 321, 370, 371–72, 558
Dreyfuss, Richard, 330–31
Dudman, Jack, 40
DuPont, 310, 318
Dylan, Bob, 25–26, 52, 153, 168, 189, 207–8, 212, 251, 330, 400, 402, 403, 412, 413, 421, 494, 561, 570
complete boxed set of, 416–18
SJ’s visit with, 415–16
Dynabook project, 95, 475
Eames, Charles and Ray, 127
Earhart, Amelia, 330
Eason, James, 483–85, 487, 493–94, 550
eBay, 321
ebooks, 503
Economist, 493
Eddie Bauer (store), 369
Edge, The, 411, 411, 420, 421, 423
Edison, Thomas A., 330, 566
education reform movement, 543–44
Egan, Jennifer, 261–63, 438
Egypt, 258
Ehret, Arnold, 36, 548
Eichler, Joseph, 7, 125
Einstein, Albert, xvii, xviii, xix, 91, 119, 171, 330, 332
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 8
Eisenstat, Al, 122, 198, 201, 202–3, 209–10, 216, 221
Eisner, Michael, xiv, 242, 289–92, 428, 432–38, 441
Disney-Pixar merger opposed by, 442
ouster of, 426–27
Senate testimony of, 432–33
SJ’s feud with, 432–35
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 58
Electronic Data Systems, 227
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 280
Electronic News, 10
Elias, John, 469
Eliot, T. S., 98