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Promise Me: A Novella (Rivers Edge Book 3.5)

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by Lacey Black

  An hour later, we step off the stage after a quick wave to the crowd and prepare ourselves for the encore. I grab the towel and wipe off my sweaty face, turning to scan the small crowd backstage for Phillip. When I finally spot him with his hand resting on the hip of some too-young woman with her fake tits in his face, I quickly make my way to him.

  “Hey, I need a favor,” I say as Phillip turns his attention from the cleavage to me.

  “Hey! Great show, man. I’d love for you to meet Monica,” he says with a big toothy smile. Monica steps forward away from Phillip’s hand and slides her fake boobs against my chest.

  “Hi, there,” she purrs as she winds her arms around my neck.

  “Yeah, hi. Listen, Phil -” I start but am cut off.

  “I hope it’s okay if I keep you company tonight,” she coos so sickly sweet I think I have a cavity.

  Unfortunately for her, I don’t have time for her brand of shit. “Not now,” I grind out through gritted teeth. “Phil, those four girls who were backstage with us before the show, I need you to go get them. Bring them backstage after the show.”

  “Four girls?” Phillip laughs. “You dog, you!”

  It’s such a stupid comment that it doesn’t even warrant a response. The guys are heading back onstage for the encore. “Don’t let them leave, Phil. I mean it. Bring them backstage to me,” I say as I disengage myself from the blond tramp rubbing against me like a cat in heat and turn to walk back onstage.

  “But what about Monica here?” Phillip hollers behind me.

  “Entertain her yourself,” I throw over my shoulder without even a backwards glance.

  I step back onstage to start our three song encore, hoping that Phillip does his damn job and brings Holly and her friends backstage following the show. My eyes seek her out completely on their own as if she’s a target and my eyes are heat seeking missiles. I find her right where I left her, smiling and laughing with her friends. She looks so carefree and happy. I envy her. What I wouldn’t give to feel like the old Jase again. Let go of the inner demons that taunt me; the ghosts that haunt me.

  I’m just finishing up the final song when I catch movement of a security guard heading towards her. Good.

  Now to just finish my job, smile for a few photos, and head backstage to meet up with Holly. It’s strange, you know? I’ve known her for five minutes, but it feels like I’ve known her a lifetime already. I feel different when I’m around her.

  Like I can be myself.


  Chapter Five


  Some big burly mammoth of a man pushes his way through the throngs of people down the brightly lit hallway and into the large backroom. There are a handful of people milling around, drinking beers or whatever hard liquor fills their plastic cups. I scan the room but don’t see any sign of Jase or the rest of the band.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask quietly to myself.

  “Well, I think we were summoned by the God of Rock,” Avery says with a sassy smile. “Relax. You’re acting like you’ve never talked to a boy before.”

  “Boy? Yes. Rock God? No. This is crazy, Avery. What could he possibly want to talk with us about anyway? It’s not like we would have anything in common. He’s him, and I’m me,” I mumble under my breath, not really wanting to draw attention to myself. The women back here are beautiful with long, bare legs and perfect hair. They probably spend more money in one trip to the salon than I make in a week at the hospital.

  “Don’t be silly, Holly.”

  “But, we probably need to get back. You and Joss have babies at home waiting for you.” Excuses, yes, I know. I’ve got more in my back pocket ready to fly on a whim.

  “I just got a text from Maddox a few minutes ago and the kids are sleeping. Everything is fine so stop trying to conjure up some silly excuse to leave,” Avery replies.

  “But, -” I start, but am cut off by the feisty blond in front of me.

  “No buts. Jase freaking Bentley invited you - us - to come backstage and hang out for a little bit. So pull up your big girl panties and suck it up,” she demands sternly. “Wait, you’re wearing cute underwear, aren’t you?”

  I sigh and roll my eyes at my best friend. “Of course I’m wearing cute panties. I was considering going over to Paul’s after the concert.”

  “Paul’s? Why?” Avery asks as she grabs a bottle of water from the large tub filled with drinks and ice.

  “Well, if you must know, we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks and I know he’s been anxious to get horizontal. I thought maybe tonight I’d stop by and surprise him,” I say in a quiet voice as I watch Josselyn and Erin retrieve drinks from the tub and continue their wedding talk.

  “There’s a reason you haven’t gotten horizontal with him yet, Holly. Don’t waste your time on him. It’ll probably be bad anyway. You know, like ‘file your nails or mentally make your shopping list’ bad,” Avery says between swigs of water.

  “You’re probably right,” I start to reply when my spidey-sense starts to tingle. Well, more like my girly parts start to tingle. I swear I can sense his presence before I even catch sight of him, but I just know. Jase is in the room.

  “Ladies, thanks for coming back and hanging out for a bit,” Jase says from behind. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my body is instantly covered with goose bumps from the sheer closeness of his body and the deep timber of his voice. His voice sounds like sex. Again with the tingly girly parts.

  “Hey, thanks for inviting us back here,” Avery says.

  “Yeah, I’ve never been backstage before,” Erin adds.

  “Do you ladies need anything to drink?” Jase offers as he reaches in the tub and pulls out a bottle of water.

  Since I’m the only one without a drink, Jase hands me a bottle of water before reaching back inside and pulling another out for himself. He takes long, gulping pulls from the bottle. I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down with each swallow. I instantly want to step forward and run my tongue up that neck, tracing the long column of smooth skin with my tongue, maybe even sucking on that Adam’s apple. Get a fucking grip!

  “So,” Jase starts as he leads me towards a quiet corner of the room. I check over my shoulder and see Avery, Erin, and Josselyn all talking to the rest of the band members who just blew through the door. “How’d you like the show?”

  “It was amazing. When you wished Avery a happy birthday on stage, I think you could have pushed any one of us over with a feather,” I reply.

  Jase laughs that deep, throaty laugh. It’s a great laugh. I’d love to hear it again, and again, and again. “Yeah, you all seemed a little surprised,” he says before taking a long pull from the water bottle. Damn, I’ve never wanted to be a water bottle so bad in my life. “So, do you have a last name, Holly?” he asks with hopeful, sparkling eyes. Damn, those eyes are amazing.

  “I do actually have a last name,” I reply, fighting with everything I have to keep from smiling.

  Jase stares back at me, huge grin splits across his devastatingly handsome face. “Are you going to share it with me?”

  “Oh, you want to know what it is? I thought you just wanted to know if I had one,” I tease.

  “Sassy. I like it,” he says with that promising grin.

  “It’s Jenkins.”

  “Holly Jenkins,” he says as if trying it on for size. “So, Holly Jenkins, I know you’re not married or engaged. Is there someone else I need to worry about?”

  “Why?” I ask incredulously. No way is this rock star asking if I’m seeing anyone. Not possible. I wear minimal make-up and sometimes hate brushing my hair. I’m average, a size six. Not a toothpick with big fake boobs or a modeling contract. I love chocolate chip cookies and hot fudge milkshakes, for the love of God, and sometimes consume them for my supper.

  Jase leans in, completely invading my personal space, and I’m instantly assaulted with his scent. It’s all woodsy and sweaty and sexy as hell. His green eyes sparkle with s
eriousness as he says, “Because I need to know how many guys I have to get out of my way.”

  “Out of your way for what?” I whisper, completely lost in the sea of green eyes.

  He leans in further, so close I can feel his breath fan against my lips. “Out of my way until I have you all to myself,” he replies, his lips mere millimeters away from my own. I pray he kisses me.

  NO you don’t!

  “I’m seeing someone,” I whisper as I stare at those lush, lickable lips. Lips that promise to deliver so much more than a few lines of a song.




  “Uhhhh, Paul?” I stumble on the words, shaking my head as if trying to strengthen the connection between my lips and my brain. Why isn’t my brain working?

  “Was that a question?”

  “No. His name is Paul,” I finally get out.

  “Paul, huh? Well, I hope you’re not too attached to ol’ Paul, Holly Jenkins. Because Paul doesn’t stand a chance anymore,” he tells me confidently. Those words coming from any other man would appear cocky and arrogant – everything I’ve accused Jase of being. But those words right now coming from Jase Bentley seem more like a promise. I shiver at the thought.

  “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t Paul stand a chance?” I defend, crossing my arms at my chest in a defensive stance.

  Jase’s eyes drop to the cleavage I basically just offered up on a golden platter with my little temper tantrum. He ogles unapologetically for a few moments before returning his eyes back to mine. “Well, Paul doesn’t stand a chance because of me. You can pretend you’re into this guy all you want. Go on forced dates, maybe give him an awkward, uncomfortable kiss good night. But I promise you, honey, in the end it’s going to be you and me. I’m not saying that to be conceited. It’s a fact. I feel it deep down in my bones. I know it like I know my own name or the words to every song I’ve ever written.” His eyes are fierce and determined, and for some reason, I can’t help but believe everything he’s saying. Which is completely cray cray because he’s him and I’m…well, me. And our worlds don’t mesh.

  I stare back into those deep green eyes and fight the urge to lean forward, just a few inches, and taste those lips that just spoke the most intense, intoxicating words I’ve ever heard. I feel his gaze down to my core. My lady parts are alive once again and doing a hula dance.

  “Give me your phone,” he tells me as he reaches his hand forward.


  “Why do you ask so many questions?” he asks with a lopsided grin.

  “Because.” I say as I dig my phone out of my back pocket and hand it to him. Jase tries to wake up the phone, but it is password protected. One dark eyebrow rises up as he hands it back to me.


  “You’re so bossy,” I reply with an eye roll and a smile. I take the phone, type in my four digit code, and hand it back to him.

  Jase clicks on the camera and pulls me against him. He’s like a brick wall. His chest is hard and unforgiving. I inhale a sharp breath as electricity pulses through my entire body just from the sheer closeness of this man.

  “But, I already have a picture with the band,” I tell him as I look up at him just over my right shoulder.

  “True, you do. But, this one is just for you and me, honey. Now smile that beautiful smile for me,” he says as he positions the phone in front of us, lining up the two person selfie.

  The smile I give him is easy, natural. We both smile at the camera, our bodies pressed tightly against each other, his front to my back. It’s comfortable. Genuine.

  One quick flick of his finger and the photo is snapped and saved to my photo album. Jase gets to work with his long, lean fingers and before I know it, he hands me back my phone.

  “What did you do?” I ask as I stare down at my phone.

  “I sent myself that photo and added my contact information to your phone. So now you have no reason to not contact me,” he adds casually.

  “What makes you think I’m going to contact you?” I question.

  “My gut tells me that you and I have only just started, Holly Jenkins,” Jase says with a beautifully cocky smile. His eyes twinkle and his entire face lights up. I almost forget that he’s a Grammy award winning artist. Almost.

  “Hey, Holly. Jake and Maddox are about to send out the National Guard and the Air Force. We should probably head back to Rivers Edge,” Avery says from behind me.

  I turn towards my best friend, her all knowing eyes sparkling with mischief. “We don’t want Mr. Protective and Mr. Overprotective to send out the cavalry.”

  “Which one’s which?” Jase asks with a chuckle.

  “Could go either way. They are two men struck from the same mold and fiercely protective of their women,” I tell him with a smile.

  “Sounds like my kind of men,” Jase replies.

  Avery grins from ear to ear as she links her arm within mine. “Ready?” she asks.

  “Yep,” I reply and give Jase one last glance. I’m not ready to go. Not even close.

  “One minute,” he says to Avery with a wink as he pulls me out of her grasp and away from prying eyes and perked up ears.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Holly Jenkins,” Jase says with a slightest rise of the corner of his lip as he extends his hand towards me.

  “You, too, Jase Bentley,” I reply as I take the proffered hand. It’s big, warm, slightly calloused from playing guitar, and feels oh so right wrapped firmly around my hand. I instantly want to feel those hands on other parts of my body.

  And then before I have any time to process it, Jase leans forward and places a feather light kiss on my cheek. I revel in the warmth and the firmness of his lips. My eyes flutter closed completely on their own as I bask in the sensations flooding my instantly too hot and aroused body. I hear him inhale against my ear and all of the blood in my body rushes south. Before I can act on this overwhelming need coursing through my body, Jase pulls away and stands directly in front of me.

  “Good night, Holly.”

  “Good night, Jase,” I manage to mumble as I struggle to get the words out of my parched throat.

  Avery links her arm back through mine, and we walk towards Erin and Josselyn who are waiting for us at the front of the room. The room is filling up quickly with girls flaunting their stuff and guys eagerly taking them in. When we get to the exit, I look back over my shoulder one more time, sure that Jase has already moved on to one of the half-dressed floozies running around the room. But, when I turn around, I find deep green eyes staring at me, watching me go. His face is serious, as if he’s deep in thought. He catches my eyes and gives me a quick smile before I’m half pulled, half dragged out of the room. Away from Jase. Into the cold April night. Into the waiting limo. Back to Rivers Edge. Back to my solitary condo.

  Back to real life.

  Chapter Six


  I make it maybe fifteen more minutes before I’m sneaking out of the big room and heading out to my tour bus. I’m supposed to be mingling with the VIP’s and sucking up to the corporate sponsors, but my mind isn’t in it tonight. Hell, my mind hasn’t been in it for quite some time. But right now, my mind is lost in a beautiful pair of hazel eyes. Sexy, curly brown hair that begs for my hands to dive in and tangle those luscious curls around my calloused fingers. An enticing, sassy mouth that is begging to be kissed.

  I step outside into the cooler April night and head straight for my bus. The fence line is still full of fans, mostly women, screaming my name; begging for me to invite them inside the bus with me. Not tonight. Not ever again. There’s only one person I want to invite on this bus, and she’s driving further and further away from me as we speak.

  I throw the fans a wave as I step up onto my bus. My driver, Tom, gives me a polite nod but maintains his position in the driver’s seat. I head to the back bedroom and grab my phone off the small chest of drawers screwed to the wall. I scroll through the new te
xt messages that I’ve received over the last four hours or so until I find the one I’m looking for. I bring up the photo that I sent myself from Holly’s phone and stare at her beautiful, smiling face. I’ve met thousands of women, dated dozens of starlets, actresses and supermodels. None hold a candle to this woman. I save the photo into my phone, setting it as my background photo, and recall the words I said to Phillip when he asked me who she was. My future wife. Damn right.

  I’ve spent a total of thirty minutes with this woman but she makes me feel more than I ever have. I feel alive. Like I’ve received my first drink of water after days in the desert. I feel like I could walk on water. I feel like I can finally live the life I want to have. The life I want, not the life everyone around me tells me I want. She makes me feel all of these things. It’s exciting, sure, but it honestly scares the shit out of me, too.

  Before I can talk myself out of it, I text a quick message.

  Home yet?

  It doesn’t take but a few minutes before my phone pings with a reply.

  Halfway there

  I flop down on my bed, my home away from home three hundred nights a year, settling in for another message.

  Who’s driving?

  Bill. Limo driver. ;-)

  Front row concert tickets, backstage passes, AND a limo?

  Yep, she’s a lucky woman.

  So, where’s home?

  Rivers Edge 30 minutes away

  And so we text and text. The next thing I know it’s forty-five minutes later and we’ve talked about her family - parents Bob and Lucy, older sister Jackie, and younger brother Aaron - her job as a nurse at the local hospital, and even touched on a few of her hobbies. I’ve answered a few of her questions about myself, but haven’t delved too deep into myself yet. That’s a whole kettle of fish for another night.


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