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Promise Me: A Novella (Rivers Edge Book 3.5)

Page 5

by Lacey Black

  “Okay, good. So, what’s going on with the rock god?” she asks with that cat-that-caught-the-canary smile.

  I sigh dramatically as I stare ahead at the path in front of us. “I don’t know, Ave. Honestly. We texted for awhile after the limo dropped me off Saturday night, all day Sunday, and a few times today. He told me he’s in Chicago to do the Trace Donohue Show and is going to call me afterwards,” I tell her.

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Ave, do you remember that he has a girlfriend? He’s dating one of the most well-known supermodels in America. The one on last year’s cover of the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. It was only a few weeks ago that his picture was plastered all over People Magazine with her at that fundraiser for that big, new children’s hospital. I can’t - No, I won’t get involved with a cheater. I will never be the other woman.”

  “Have you asked him about this? I mean, I, of all people, understand where you’re coming from here. If he’s just going to use you for a little fun on the side, I’m going to cut off his nuts and mail them back to him in a Ziploc baggie.”

  “Ouch. Yeah, if he’s just playing around, I’m pretty sure I’m going to cut off his nuts, Ave,” I add with a laugh.

  “Well, I think that before you lose any sleep over this or give yourself anxiety, you should just ask him what his deal is.”

  “I plan to. He’s supposed to call me tonight, so I’m going to ask him outright then,” I say as we round the last curve that leads us back to the parking lot.

  We’re both quiet for a few minutes as we make our way back towards our vehicles. I’m sure Avery is taking advantage of the uninterrupted quiet, and my mind keeps moving ahead to the upcoming phone call with Jase. Will he admit to cheating on Camille?

  “Thank you so much for walking with me. I needed some time with my bestie,” Avery says as she leans in and wraps her arms around me for a fierce hug.

  “Anytime,” I tell her. “If you want me to come over one night so you can go on a date with Maddox, just call. I’m happy to come over and snuggle with my kiddos.”

  “I just may take you up on that very soon,” Avery replies. “Actually, what do you think of a sleepover with Brooklyn? I think she could use a little Aunt Holly attention.”

  “Deal. Let’s set it up someone soon.”

  “She will be so excited. And maybe Maddox and I can take advantage of a little alone time once Ryder goes to sleep,” she says with a wishful smile and a wink.

  Avery throws a wave at me as she climbs into the truck and backs out of the parking lot. I climb quickly in my car and head towards home. When I get the key in the lock of my front door, I hear my phone ringing. I was in such a hurry to get out of the house and walk with Avery that I forgot my cell phone on the counter with my purse.

  “Hello?” I say as I answer the phone.

  “Hey. It’s Jase. I’ve been calling for about twenty minutes. Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Avery called and wanted to go for a walk. I didn’t take my phone with me,” I reply.

  “How was the walk?”

  “Good. Beautiful night for it,” I reply as I get comfy on the couch.

  “So, how was work today?”

  “Um, good.”

  It’s quiet for a few moments. I don’t really know the best way to ask the question I need to ask, so I decide to just jump in with both feet. “Look, Jase. I need to ask you something,” I begin.

  “Shoot,” he replies.

  “What about Camille?” I finally spit out breathlessly. I sit back, legs tucked protectively against my chest as I hold my breath waiting for his response.

  “Camille? What about her? We broke up,” he says so matter-of-factly.

  “Well, I haven’t heard anything about a break-up, Jase. Your entire life is splashed all over the television and the internet. I can’t help but wonder what you’re doing calling me.”

  Jase sighs and I hear a door shutting in the background, drowning out the noise of the street around him. “I broke up with Camille well over a week ago. I honestly don’t know how it’s been kept from the news this long. The only thing I can think of is that she’s waiting for me to come crawling back. Not happening.”

  “So you’re not seeing her anymore?” I ask and again, hold my breath while I wait for his answer.

  He doesn’t hesitate. “No. Absolutely not. It was actually long overdue. I’m not dating Camille or anyone else for that matter. See, my problem is that I can’t stop thinking about this woman I met a couple of days ago. I think about her while I’m traveling in my bus. I dream about her when I’m sleeping. I even fantasize about her while I’m in the shower,” he admits which makes my blood pump and my body hum with awareness. My mouth goes as dry as the Sahara Desert.

  “You do?” I whisper, suddenly my brain can’t seem to function properly and form words.

  “Oh, yeah. She has these amazing hazel eyes that suck me in and hold me hostage and this perfect little mouth that I long to kiss. I imagine her long, slender legs wrapped around my waist, preferably with nothing between us. I picture the noises she makes while I kiss up her neck to her ear. I can’t wait to explore her body from head to toe. I yearn to learn what makes her tick, what makes her wild.”

  I clear my throat and will the words to come out, but I got nothing which is so not like me. He has completely thrown me off guard. My entire body is on fire, and I feel completely hypnotized from his intoxicating words. I can almost feel his mouth on my neck as he talks about it. “That’s a very lucky girl,” I finally spit out, breathlessly.

  “No, that’s the thing. I’m the lucky one.”

  “So, this girl. When are you going to see her to tell her all of this?” I ask, his word-porn melting me into a big pile of hormonal mush.

  “As soon as possible. See, the thing is that I’m on the road, committed to this tour for two more months. As soon as I’m done, I’m going to find this girl and show her everything I want to do to her,” he whispers into the phone in that low, sexy voice that I crave to hear. “I’m going to do all of the things I’ve been imagining doing to her for two long, lonely nights. I’m going to tell her all about the things I’m doing to her and how I feel about her.”

  “Wow,” I say and clear my throat again.

  “So, how was work today?” he asks casually, switching gears so fast that I almost have whiplash, while my entire body is flush and overheated.

  “Umm, it was good. I broke up with Paul today,” I tell Jase.

  “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day, babe. So, let me get this straight. You’re single. And I’m single. Right?”

  “That’s the way I understand it,” I reply with a smile.

  “Sounds like you and I have a few things in common. I have your phone number and you have mine. So, maybe we call and text each other and see what happens.”

  “I think I can handle that,” I say.

  “And I think that you’ll be the only woman I call or text while I call or text you,” he says and I can’t fight the huge grin on my face.

  “I think that’s a solid idea. I won’t call or text anyone else either,” I reply.

  “Good to know, babe. Listen the buses are getting ready to pull out. We’re heading to Indy tonight for a radio tour and then we’re weaving our way up the East coast towards New York. I’ll call you or text you every chance I get, okay?”

  “Okay,” I respond. Again, that stupid schoolgirl smile is plastered on my face.

  “Sweet dreams, Holly,” Jase practically purrs into the phone like liquid sex.

  “Good night, Jase,” I reply as we both hang up.

  I set the phone down and just stare at the blank screen. Oh, I am so in trouble. I am so far out of my league with Jase that I don’t even know which end is up. There are too many unknowns in this whole relationship. I know we just started talking, but it already feels like a relationship. He is so different than any other guy I’ve dated. Will my heart even
survive the devastation and destruction he would leave behind in his wake after it’s over? Can I, Holly Jenkins, RN, actually have a relationship with someone like Jase Bentley?

  The only thing I do know for sure is that I’m willing to find out.

  Chapter Eight


  My cell phone rings in the front pocket of my jeans, and I can’t help the excitement that courses through my body at the thought of Holly calling me. I know I just talked to her last night, but the idea of hearing her sweet voice on the other end of the line has me tied in knots. I step away from the guys as I pull the phone from my pocket. Shit. Camille. I hit the silent button before sliding the phone back in my pocket.

  I just get back to the guys who are chatting with a few executives at WROC radio when my phone rings again. I don’t even pull it completely out of my pocket this time. I slide the tab to silent and return it again to my pocket.

  Jesse, my bass guitarist, gives me a questioning look with a raised pierced eyebrow. I shake my head and return my attention to the two men and woman in front of us. Twice now, Deidre has slid up next to me, touching my arm or my back in a suggestive way. Maybe a few years ago, hell, probably even several months ago, I would have found her subtle flirting attractive and considered enjoying her company for a bit, but not now. The thought of spending any time with anyone other than Holly turns my stomach.

  We finish the tour of WROC, Deidre making her way through the small group and resting her hand again on my forearm.

  “So, what do you think of our studio? You can see why we’re dominating the ratings here in Indy and the surrounding areas,” Deidre says with a sparkling smile. She’s a very attractive woman with her sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

  “You have an impressive set up here. And we’re glad you play Bent’s hits as strongly as you do in your rotation,” I tell her matter-of-factly.

  Deidre runs her hand up my arm and leans in a little, her mouth very close to my ear, rubbing her ample breasts against my bicep. “You know, I would love to take you out for lunch after the tour is over.”

  “Ah, well I appreciate the offer,” I start as I slowly pull back as to not draw too much attention to the fact that I’m pulling away. “We’re actually heading out in just a few minutes and have to be on the road heading to our next stop.”

  “But you have a few minutes? I’d love to have a quick chat with you in my office,” she offers. I’ve been around this block many, many times and know that there won’t be much chatting if I accompany her into her office right now. Unless you count her saying my name over and over again as chatting.

  “Again, I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested,” I tell her as I completely disengage myself from her.

  “Huh,” she huffs. “I thought all rock stars look for that golden opportunity for a little no-strings sex,” she says quietly with her arms firmly crossed over her chest.

  “Most do. I’m seeing someone though, and I don’t think she’d appreciate me chatting with you in your office or anywhere. And honestly, I’m just not interested. No offense to you, Deidre, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  She laughs. Laughs. “Puleeeze! You’ve slept with half of the country. Plus, I know you’re not seeing anyone. You’re all over the news as of about an hour ago, reports stating that you and Camille broke up,” she huffs.

  “True, we did. I’m not talking about her. It was nice to meet you, Deidre, but it’s time for us to head out,” I tell her as I start to turn towards Jesse and the rest of the band.

  “You’ll stray. Men like you aren’t capable of monogamous relationships, Jase. It’s how you’re built,” she spits out before turning and rejoining the two men who lead our tour.

  I walk towards the exit, posing for a bunch of pictures and signing a few autographs for fans that have gathered just outside of the studios. I shouldn’t be bothered by her words – hell, I don’t know her from Adam – but, for some reason, I am. She knows nothing about me, yet her words strike me straight to the core. I’m done being the man I was in the past. I want to be a better man for myself AND for a woman in my life. Holly? Fuck, I hope so. I’ve known her days and talked to her mere hours, but the thought of having her in my life – for the rest of my life – settles me. Calm washes over me, setting down the turmoil that’s buried inside of me, slowly eating me alive.

  We’ve been on the road for a little over an hour, going over our schedule for the next few days when I remember that my phone is on vibrate. The thought of Holly trying to call me and missing the call enters my mine, leaving me anxious, so I pull out the phone and turn back on the ringer. I have seventeen missed calls and voicemails and thirty-six text messages. I excuse myself from the table and cue up the voicemails, hoping that something isn’t wrong with my parents or one of my brothers.

  “Hey, darling. I really need to speak with you about this little media thing. I have a great idea on how we can spin this so-called breakup. Call me back. I’ll be waiting.”

  Delete. Next. “Darling, I’m not sure why you won’t answer my phone calls, but I need to talk to you. The media is outside of my condo and want to know why we broke up. Call me.”

  Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete. “Darling. This is getting out of hand. Where the hell are you? We did not break up!” she seethes into the phone.

  Fuck. Not surprisingly, the rest of the messages are the same basic message but Camille gets more hostile with each one. By the time I get to the seventeenth message, every other word out of her mouth is profanity. I pace my bedroom as I try to decide what to do about Camille. I scan through the text messages. Most of them are from her, a few from my family asking about the break-up gossip on the news, and one from Holly. I ignore all of the other messages for this moment and tap on Holly’s. It’s a photo of her beautiful face snuggling up to a baby. I grin down at my phone like an idiot. She’s wearing the biggest smile and the love and adoration is evident in the photo. The message says, Snuggles with Ryder.

  I snap a quick pouty face selfie that I’m almost embarrassed to take a picture of and send. Almost. I type a quick message, New man already?

  My phone signals to life a few minutes later.

  Hardly. He’s just my other man.

  Another man? I don’t share well, babe.

  Ryder is hardly competition, rock star. He’s not much of a talker and I have to clean up after him. Plus I like my man a little taller.

  Well, he is cute – I’ll give him that. But he better keep his hands to himself!

  I’ll pass along your message as soon as he wakes up.

  So, shit is hitting the fan. Camille is raising hell in the media. U hear?

  Yeah. U ok?

  I’m getting ready to talk to Phil on how to deal with it. I’m ok tho. Wish u were here.

  Me too. I’ll let u deal with Phil. TTYL?

  Abso-fuckin-lutely, babe. Call ya later.


  I type back quick messages to my parents and my brothers to let them know that Camille and I did, in fact, break up, that I was more than fine with it, and that I’d call them all later.

  When I exit the room, Phil is pacing around the front of the bus with his phone pressed to his ear and the guys are all sitting around the couch and table talking. Well, they were talking until I walked out. Now they’re all staring at me and the bus is eerily quiet.

  “What?” I ask.

  No one says anything for several seconds as they all exchange looks. Jesse finally stands up and approaches me, head slightly hung down and without making eye contact. Apparently, he drew the short straw.

  “What?” I repeat with more edge in my voice. I look up at Phil who has stopped pacing and has turned to face me, his attention still on the phone in his hand.

  “So, Camille has gone to the media now that word is out about your break-up,” he starts and clears his throat and looks around like he’s buying time. He sets his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze as he tries to soften t
he blow he’s about to extend to me. “After the media found out this morning about the break-up, she’s claiming that, that you…” Jesse takes a deep breath and I realize I’m holding mine. “She’s claiming that you have anger issues.”

  “What? I don’t have anger issues! Why would she say that?”

  “First off, settle down, Jase. I know you don’t have anger troubles, man, but freaking out isn’t going to help you at all where the media is concerned. Phil is on the phone trying to track down her publicist and the source of the bullshit claims, but all he’s found out so far is that she talked to a few paparazzi outside of her condo just a little bit ago. She had the waterworks going and everything, apparently,” Jesse mumbles and gives me another shoulder squeeze.

  Son-of-a-fucking-bitch! How can this be happening? I close and open my fists a few times trying to regain control of my emotions just as Phil yells something into the phone and slaps it down in the table.

  “Well?” I ask anxiously.

  “It’s not good, Jase. Apparently, the media caught wind of your break-up this morning and started calling the label for confirmation. Before they could get with us after the radio station interview and tour this morning, Camille walked outside and told the media at her door that you guys broke up last week after she asked you for a break, you went nuts, and threatened her. She supposedly had to threaten you with a restraining order just to get you to leave her place after you tore it up.”

  “When did this supposedly happen? I’ve been on tour for the past three weeks,” I seethe through gritted teeth. My jaw is so tight, it’s painful.

  “I’m working on getting the details. Obviously, since it didn’t happen, there’s no police report, Jase. It’s her word against yours right now. But we definitely need to respond to these outrageous claims as soon as possible. I don’t want to wait on this at all. We need to be aggressive and deal with this immediately before she has time to spew more hatred.”

  “What’s this going to do to his reputation and to the band, Phil?” Jesse asks with concerned, yet venomous eyes.


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