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Seduced by the Bachelor

Page 5

by Pamela Yaye

  “Sei una stuzzicante bellezza,” he whispered between kisses.

  Pride filled her heart as he showered her with compliments and praise.

  “Stunning sia dentro che fuori, e ti desidero in ogni senso della parola...”

  His words played in her mind, giving her a rush. You’re a tantalizing beauty. Stunning both inside and out, and I desire you in every sense of the word. More than I’ve ever desired anyone. Was he telling the truth? Tatiyana told herself it didn’t matter. It wasn’t important. They were making love, living in the moment, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

  They were a perfect fit, moving together as one, holding nothing back, and it was a thrilling, exhilarating ride. Panting, she hiked her legs up on the couch to deepen his penetration. Gripping his shoulders, she rocked against him, moving to an inaudible beat. Is this actually happening? Am I having sex with Markos or is this a wonderful, erotic dream?

  “Tatiyana, stai girando me out.”

  I’m turning you out? More like the other way around!

  Markos rubbed her bottom, squeezed and stroked it. Moans fell from her mouth, bouncing off the ceiling and ricocheting around the walls. Tatiyana clamped her lips together to smother the sound, but Markos drew his teeth along her skin, and she yelped.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t.” Tatiyana smiled to assure him everything was okay. The more they touched and teased and played, the giddier Tatiyana felt. This was a dream, the most exhilarating moment of her life, and she’d never forget her thrilling, passionate night with the sexiest attorney alive. “I liked it, Markos, and I like you, too. You’re a terrific guy.”

  Gazing at her, he brushed her hair away from her face. “I want more than one night with you.”

  “All we have is tonight.”

  His hands explored her body, tenderly stroking her skin.

  “We live on opposite ends of the country,” she reminded him. “It’s just not worth it.”

  “I have access to a private plane—”

  “I hate being tied down. I’m a modern, contemporary woman who enjoys her freedom.”

  “I thought you were looking for Mr. Right.”

  “I am, but in the meantime I’m doing what I want, when I want, and who I want.”

  The smile slid off his face. “You routinely have one-night stands in public places?”

  “No, never, but you’re irresistible.” Seizing his hands, Tatiyana pinned them to the wall and rubbed her body against his. “Where were we?”

  Markos exploded into laughter. “La mia famiglia aveva ragione. Sei un petardo!”

  “You’re right. I am a firecracker, and proud of it.”

  He plunged his erection between her thighs, thrusting with all his might. Needing more of him—all of him—Tatiyana opened her legs wide, inviting him deeper inside. Guilt snuck up on her, overwhelming her conscience and troubling her mind. They had a strong connection, and Markos was such a kind, sensitive man Tatiyana wished they had met under different circumstances. She’d traveled to Tampa to meet him, in the hopes he’d reconsider helping her kid sister. They were having such a good time together she was developing feelings for him. Feelings that could lead to heartbreak.

  “You’re sexy as hell,” he whispered. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Tatiyana shook off her thoughts and smiled at him. Seeing his enjoyment was a turn-on. She desired him even more, wanted to do everything in her power to please him sexually.

  Hearing voices outside the bathroom, Tatiyana froze. She hoped the security guard was at his post, and listened intently for several seconds. Markos pressed a finger to her mouth, silencing her, and she swallowed the moan inside her mouth.

  Markos didn’t stop loving her, continued kissing her and caressing her flesh. The voices faded, and Tatiyana knew the security guard had effectively handled the situation. Sighing in relief, she made a mental note to give him another tip. “That was a close call.”

  “You have nothing to worry about.” He spoke in a quiet tone, but his confidence shone through. “If someone barges in here, I’ll whisk you away to safety.”

  “You sound like an English gent,” she joked. “How noble of you.”

  “That’s the Morretti way. It’s my duty to protect the woman I’m with.”

  Tatiyana arched an eyebrow. “Even someone you’ve only known for a few hours?”

  “It doesn’t matter how long we’ve known each other. We’re together, living in the moment, doing something we both obviously love, and that’s all that matters.”

  “You are such a charmer.”

  “It’s easy to be charming when I’m with you...”

  Their eyes locked.

  “I know we just met this morning, but there’s something about you that speaks to me,” he said, brushing her hair away from her face. “It’s as if some unknown force is drawing me to you. It’s so powerful I can’t resist it. Can’t resist you.”

  At a loss for words, she sat there, his explosive confession playing in her mind. Markos kissed her, swirling his tongue inside her mouth and his erection between her legs. Tatiyana couldn’t stop the orgasm that rocked her body. She was melting and exploding at the same time, shaking so hard she feared she was going to slide off his lap. In a trance, she couldn’t think straight. Her vision blurred, and her heart was pounding, beating loud and fast. She couldn’t speak, lost all sense of time and place.

  Tingling from her ears to her toes, she pressed her eyes shut, riding out the delicious wave rising inside her. Tatiyana felt light, weightless, as if she were walking on air. She’d never experienced anything like it. Never had an orgasm so powerful it stole her breath. Collapsing on his chest, Tatiyana snuggled against him, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  Looking drowsy, as if he was struggling to keep his eyes open, Markos wore a lopsided grin on his face. “That was hot.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “That was hot!”

  They laughed, then shared another kiss.

  “We better get back to the VIP room before your family comes looking for us.”

  “They won’t. Did you see all the dirty dancing that was going on? I’ll be surprised if they even noticed we were gone.” Markos reached out, drawing his fingertips over her cheeks. “Spend the night with me.”

  Tatiyana blinked, couldn’t believe what she was seeing and hearing. By all accounts Markos was a player, a man with a bevy of beautiful women at his beck and call, so the loving expression on his face, and his gentle tone threw her for a loop. Tongue-tied, her head spinning, she searched her mind for the right words to say. “I don’t do sleepovers.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to confuse what this was. It was a quickie. Nothing more.”

  Sadness flickered in his eyes, but he spoke with bravado, as if he couldn’t care less. “Cool,” he said, coughing into his fist. “No worries. I just thought I’d ask. No big deal.”

  But it was. His jovial mood disappeared, and Tatiyana felt like the biggest jerk on the planet. She’d hurt his feelings, and if she didn’t do something to make amends, he’d probably never speak to her again, and she had big plans for them tomorrow night.

  Way to go! You pissed him off. Good one!

  “We should head back to the party. It’s late, and I’m ready to return to the resort.”

  His anger was evident in his narrowed gaze and stiff posture. Standing, Markos discarded the condom, and washed his hands in the sink.

  To get back in his good graces, Tatiyana said, “That was amazing. You’re amazing. I hope we hook up again before you return to LA, because that was the best sex I’ve ever had, and I want more.”

  “You do?”

solutely. I’m going to have fun getting to know you better.”

  Playing it cool, she adjusted her dress and fixed her ponytail. Tatiyana stood, but her legs were wobbly, making it impossible to walk. Scared her knees would give way, she braced her hands against the wall and waited for her limbs to quit shaking.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I got you.”

  Markos slid his hands around her waist, holding her tight. Gazing at him, she realized he was more than just a handsome face. He was a thoughtful, generous man, and it was obvious she’d misjudged him. He wasn’t the monster her mother had made him out to be—he cared about others, and it was evident in everything he said and did. Still, she couldn’t lose sight of her goals, of why she’d come to Tampa. It wasn’t to make a love connection with Markos, it was to help her kid sister. Her family was depending on her, and she wouldn’t let them down.

  Chapter 6

  On Saturday morning, Markos sat at the oak desk inside his executive suite willing his eyes to focus and his brain to work. At breakfast, he’d had three cups of strong, black coffee, but the drinks didn’t give him the energy boost he needed.

  Markos yawned. He couldn’t go five minutes without nodding off, and felt tired and out of sorts. Three hours of sleep wasn’t enough. If his cell phone alarm hadn’t gone off at 9:00 a.m., he’d probably still be in bed dreaming about Tatiyana—his titillating one-night stand with the wicked sense of humor and delicious curves.

  At the thought of her, a grin curled his lips. After their tryst, they’d returned to the VIP room and spent the rest of the night partying with his family. They liked her, and Markos did, too. They’d returned to the resort in the wee hours of the morning, high on life and each other. Against his better judgment, he’d invited Tatiyana to his room again for a nightcap. She’d declined, given him a peck on the lips, then disappeared inside her suite. He didn’t like it, wanted to spend the night with her, but had respected her decision. They were playing in the golf tournament that afternoon, but Markos wanted to see her now. She’d blown his mind last night, put it on him so bad he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  Markos turned on his laptop and flipped open his monthly planner. If he didn’t finish his to-do list, he’d be swamped when he returned to LA, and he didn’t want to have to work late on Monday night; he wanted to attend Matteo’s soccer game. He loved his nephew and was looking forward to watching him play at Lincoln Park.

  Waiting for his documents to load, he stretched his neck from side to side, flexing and cracking his muscles. Enough sitting around. He had motions to write, and he didn’t want to disappoint his clients—or himself. It was a challenge, but he put all thoughts of Tatiyana out of his mind and got down to work.

  Two hours later, after several more cups of coffee, Markos had answered his emails, finished drafting a divorce settlement and had a brief video conference with Kassem. Having met while studying in college, Markos had known Kassem Glover for over a decade, and was proud of what his friend had accomplished. Kassem had offered to campaign on his behalf during the next election, and Markos appreciated his support. In his ten years of practicing law, he’d been called everything from a liar to a snake in an Armani suit, but he let the insults roll off his back. His clients appreciated his hard work and dedication, had promised to support his political endeavors and that was all that mattered.

  Needing a break, Markos picked up his cell phone and reclined in his leather chair, crossing his legs at the ankles. He had ten new text messages from the surgeon. What did she want now? Caroline Walsh was the type of woman his father would like him to marry—educated, successful, born into a wealthy family—but she was an opportunist who was more interested in attending movie premiers than getting to know him as a person. They saw each other a couple times a month, and that suited Markos just fine. Caroline talked endlessly about her patients, droned on and on about the latest fashion trends, and the last time they’d had dinner he’d left the restaurant with a splitting headache.

  As Markos scrolled through his text messages his iPhone rang, and he put it to his ear. “Morning,” he greeted, turning off his computer. “How are you?”

  “Terrible. I miss you. When will you be back in LA?”

  Convinced he’d misheard her, he stared down at his cell. “You miss me?”

  “Baby, of course I do. It feels like you’ve been gone forever.”

  “It’s been two days.”

  “I wish you were here,” she replied. “I hate when we’re apart. It’s torture.”

  “You never missed me when you traveled to South America in March with your girlfriends,” he pointed out. “You were gone for a month, but you never called. Not even once.”

  “We weren’t a couple then.”

  Markos choked on his tongue. “We’re a couple now?”

  “Yes, silly!” She giggled as if he’d made a funny joke, but sobered quickly. “I’m just calling to remind you to get tickets for the Governor’s Masquerade Ball in October. They’re selling like hotcakes, and I don’t want us to miss the biggest social event of the year.”

  “I already have tickets. The governor gave them to me the last time we played golf.”

  “Perfect! Now, all I need is a dress and I’m good to go.”

  Why? He took a swig of his lukewarm coffee. You’re not my date.

  “I have my eye on a lace Valentino gown, but I can’t find it anywhere,” she complained. “I think a trip to New York is in order. Three or four days should suffice.”

  “Have fun.”

  “What do you mean, ‘have fun’? We’re going together.”

  “No, we’re not. I have to work, and furthermore we’re not a couple. We’re just friends.”

  “But I want to go to the Governor’s Masquerade Ball with you!” she protested, shouting her words.

  Of course you do. You’re addicted to the limelight and you’ll do anything to rub shoulders with my A-list friends and clients. “I have to go. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Markos, wait, I love you!”

  He laughed out loud, couldn’t believe Caroline thought she could fool him. “You don’t love me. You love my wealth and status—”

  Caroline gave a shaky laugh. “That’s ridiculous. I adore you. You know that.”

  “Okay, humor me,” he said, deciding to put her to the test. “What’s my favorite drink?”


  “No. Rum and Coke.” The phone on the end table rang, but Markos ignored it. He wanted to know if Caroline was as self-absorbed as he thought she was, and he wasn’t letting her off the hook until she answered his questions. “What’s my nephew’s name?”


  “Wrong again. Matteo.” Annoyed, Markos shook his head. “Where was I born?”

  “I know! Somewhere in Italy.”

  “We’ve known each other for over a year, but you still know nothing about me.”

  “That’s a lie. I do,” Caroline argued, speaking in a confident tone. “You’re a partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in the state, you have vacation homes in Ibiza, Saint Tropez and Palm Springs, and you have an impressive sports car collection as well.”

  Yeah, but none of those things matter. Material things don’t mean shit to me.

  “We’re going to the Governor’s Masquerade Ball together,” she insisted. “Everyone’s expecting us to be there, and as my man, you have to ensure I look my best. We’re going to New York next weekend so I can get the perfect gown, shoes and jewelry.”

  “I can’t drop everything to take you shopping out east. I’m an attorney, Caroline, not a stylist or a human ATM.”

  “Do you want to be my boyfriend or not?” she snapped, her tone thick with anger.

  “Not.” Ending the call, he tossed his cell phone into his briefcase. His stomach grumbl
ed, reminding him he needed to eat, and he rose to his feet. Markos was starving, hankering for a steak burger from the resort sports bar, but first he needed to shower.

  A sharp knock on the door drew his gaze across the room. It was probably Immanuel. His brother was an early riser, who exercised first thing in the morning, and Markos wouldn’t be surprised if Dionne was at his side. These days, the couple went everywhere together and when they were apart, Immanuel looked lost, sadder than a kid who’d lost his lucky dollar.

  Crossing the room, Markos noted how bright it was outside. The sun was shining, promising another gorgeous day in Cigar City, and a fragrant aroma wafted into the suite through the open windows. He opened the door, expecting to see his brother, but his gaze landed on Tatiyana. She was clad in a floral hair scarf, purple bikini top and a white, flouncy skirt, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her big, beautiful breasts were spilling out of her flimsy top, tempting him. Markos pictured himself burying his face in her décolletage, could almost taste her nipples inside his mouth, and swallowed hard.

  “Hey, you!” she said with a radiant smile. “I brought lunch...”

  At the sound of her cheery voice, Markos broke free of his explicit thoughts. Tearing his gaze away from her cleavage, he noticed the food cart in front of her. A sweet, piquant aroma tickled his nose, and Markos licked his lips. Forget lunch, he thought, his hungry gaze sliding down Tatiyana’s mouth-watering curves. Let’s start with dessert...

  “I apologize for dropping by unannounced, but I called your room several times with no luck. I figured you were hard at work and could probably use a break.”

  A group of bare-chested men in swim trunks approached, talking loudly, but conversation stopped when they spotted Tatiyana. They gawked at her, drooling all over themselves, but she paid them no mind and gave him her undivided attention.


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