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Chadwick Ranch, Book 1: Winter Holiday Romance

Page 8

by Bonnie Marlewski-Probert

  “I was certain of it,” he smiled, placing his hands on her hips as she still caressed his face.

  “Beau is the most important person in my life. When you make my son happy you fill my heart to overflowing. I could never be mad at you for putting a smile on his face. You just achieved something that I haven't been able to do for a very long time, and I thank you,” she said, kissing him this time on the lips. Suddenly realizing what she’d done, Mary said, “Adam, I’m sorry.”

  He placed his finger over her lips and said, “Don’t be sorry. I’ve wanted to kiss you since high school, but you were always out of my league,” he said, taking her in his arms.

  She smiled, certain he was joking. “You must be kidding. You’re a college professor and I’m just a single parent, trying to get by.” Adam cocked his head incredulously.

  “You’re a very special woman. You were the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in high school and today, you’re still the most beautiful but you’re also the most courageous woman I know. I would do anything to put a smile on your face,” he whispered, kissing her first on her right cheek, then her left and then on her soft lips. He could tell Mary enjoyed the closeness when he heard her inhale deeply.

  “Adam, I’m a woman who never achieved her dreams of becoming a writer. Instead, I used bad judgement in high school, got pregnant, the father of my child had to marry me and then he died, leaving me to raise our child alone. I don’t think of myself as either beautiful or courageous.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong; in my eyes, you’re both.” The couple stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity before Adam cleared his throat and whispered, “I better get going before cowboy Beau comes in here looking for me.”

  They were transfixed in silence for a long moment, a moment in which they both saw each other with fresh eyes. A moment that was filled with possibilities neither had ever considered before.

  Adam embraced her one final time, pressing his lips tenderly against her forehead, leaving her speechless before turning and leaving the kitchen. As the kitchen door swung open, she could hear Beau cheering with excitement. Mary tiptoed over to the kitchen door. Peeking through the small window, she was overwhelmed with joy as she saw her seven-year-old son presented with an old, well-worn cowboy hat from Adam. She smiled, knowing that it was too big for her son, but that he would remember this day for the rest of his life thanks to Adam’s generosity.

  The two cowboys left the house together and were gone for a few hours, giving Mary plenty of time to focus on preparing a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner.

  At three o'clock that afternoon Wynona, arrived with Crystal from next door. The two friends popped into the kitchen at the Chadwick Ranch, “Merry Christmas. We thought you could use a hand, so I picked up Crystal on my way over and we’re ready to work,” Wynona said.

  “Merry Christmas! I'm glad you did, because I could sure use the help,” Mary said, wiping her hands before hugging Wynona and Crystal. Wynona was dressed in a beautiful gray dress, her long salt-and-pepper hair cradling her shoulders. A tall, thin, strikingly beautiful woman who could have easily passed for a model and probably was in her youth, Wynona and Bear Dalton had been an exclusive couple for decades. “I'm running behind because Beau and I spent the morning visiting his daddy’s grave and then we went to visit Beau’s grandparents.”

  “Where's Beau now?” Crystal asked, looking around the kitchen. Crystal, a 25-year-old registered nurse working at the local hospital, had lived next door to the Chadwick Ranch her entire life. After her own parents passed away years earlier, she stayed in the family home while pursuing a nursing degree at the local college. She was raised around cattle and often pitched in at the Chadwick Ranch when Buck or Bear needed a hand. Both men respected her work ethic and her ability to handle large animals safely. In their world, it didn’t matter if a cowhand was a man or a woman, tall or short, what mattered was whether or not they could pull their weight and knew what they were doing. Crystal qualified on both counts. Although she was beautiful in her own way, few men noticed because she was always dressed in jeans and t-shirts with her hair tied back and rarely wore make-up.

  Mary leaned her hip against the counter for a moment as she took a break to speak with the girls, “Oh, I have to tell you both something so wonderful you won’t believe it. Adam did the sweetest thing this afternoon. Beau wanted to go out and see the horses and I told him no because he would get in the way. Besides, I was busy. Adam happened to be coming through the house when he spotted Beau. He introduced himself and invited Beau out to the barn to be a cowboy,” Mary said.

  “Adam came into town for Christmas dinner? That's so sweet,” Crystal said. “Adam has always been a very kind soul,” she added.

  Wynona was always a woman who knew her physical beauty and carried herself with poise and grace. Crystal, on the other hand, had been raised as a tomboy and was happier in jeans, cowboy boots and a t-shirt. Today, in honor of the Christmas Eve dinner, Crystal dawned a clean sweater over her polo shirt, wearing clean jeans and cowboy boots.

  “All four Chadwick brothers are here. Didn’t you hear that their dad’s will had a clause in it that requires the four of them to live on the ranch for six months or he was going to donate the entire spread to a local charity?”

  “Holy crap! I didn’t know that. I’ve been working extra shifts at the hospital this month because so many staffers wanted time off for the holidays. I haven’t been keeping up on the local news. Did all four agree to stay?”

  “If you’re asking about Billy, he’s outside right now helping Buck and Bear and yes, he’s going to be here for six months,” Mary smiled, knowing that Crystal had a life-long crush on Billy.

  “Oh, good to know. So, tell me more about what Adam did for Beau,” Crystal asked, trying to get her mind off Billy and back on their conversation.

  “Well, since Beau’s daddy died, he hasn't had a man in his life to do ‘guy things’ with. Every night before I go to sleep, I pray that tomorrow Beau will find something that puts the smile back on his face and then tomorrow comes and he’s still the sad little boy he was the day before. But today, Adam not only put the smile back on my son's face, but he lit him up and filled him with joy which is something I haven't been able to do since we buried his daddy,” Mary said, the happiness overwhelming her voice.

  “Oh Mary,” Wynona said, wrapping her arms around her and giving her a hug. “I'm so happy for you, thanks to Adam. Let's hope he doesn't turn little Beau into a typical Texas cowboy who spits, cusses and tells lies at my Silver Dollar bar!” All three women laughed. “We’d better get to cooking,” Wynona said. “Now what can we do to help?”

  “I need that big bag of potatoes washed and peeled if you’re game. And I need someone to set the table. Buck said he was going to do it but I know the guys are still out working cattle,” Mary said as she returned to the stove to check on the many pots that were filled with wonderful-smelling side dishes.

  “Consider it done. At the Silver Dollar, I've had plenty of experience peeling potatoes so, Crystal, if you don’t mind setting the table, I’ll peel potatoes,” Wynona offered.

  “That works for me. Mary, how many people are expected for dinner?”

  “Let’s see, there’s you and Wynona, myself and Beau, Buck and Bear and then there’s Adam, Carter and Billy. That makes nine people for dinner. Everything you need is in the china cabinet next to the table.”

  About an hour later Adam and Beau returned from their cowboy adventure. With rosy-red cheeks, Beau came busting into the kitchen bursting with excitement, still wearing the cowboy hat that was too big for him. Jumping up and down, he exclaimed, “oh mamma, I'm a cowboy! I’m a real cowboy!” The smiles on the faces of all three ladies stretched from ear to ear.

  “Tell me all about it. Did you have a great time? Did you get to see the horses?” Mary asked while still tending to dinner, overwhelmed with joy to see her son so happy. Just then, Adam entered the kitchen.
He couldn't help but notice the grateful expression in her eyes as she looked at him across the room.

  “Hi Wynona, Crystal, it’s good to see you both. Merry Christmas,” Adam said acknowledging both women.

  “Merry Christmas, Adam. I see you’ve been Santa’s helper today,” Wynona smiled. They were interrupted by Beau, who could not contain his excitement any longer.

  “I had a great time. I even rode a big brown horse named Sassy. Cowboy Adam and I rode in a big field. We even rode into the field where there were a bunch of mamma cows and little baby cows and … and we got to ride our horses through the big herd of cows and cowboy Adam told me all about being a cowboy.”

  “I'm so glad you had a good time and got to ride Sassy and got to ride in the field with the cows. You didn’t say hello to Ms. Wynona or Ms. Crystal, Beau.”

  Beau looked up at both women and said, “I’m sorry. Hello Ms. Wynona and Ms. Crystal. Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas Beau,” Wynona said.

  “Merry Christmas cowboy Beau,” Crystal replied.

  “How about some Christmas cookies and hot cocoa to warm you two cowboys up? I'll even put in some marshmallows and peppermint sticks to make them extra special for Christmas Eve.”

  “Yeaaaah!” Beau shouted.

  “Double Yeaaaah!” Adam chimed in. Mary smiled at him with a warmth he’d never seen in her eyes before. She pulled out a large pot that she was going to pour milk into for their hot cocoa.

  “I have a pot already on the stove with warm milk in it that I was going to use for the mashed potatoes later. Why don't you use that for your cocoa?

  “Thanks Wy. Are you sure you don't mind?”

  “Not at all. Everything is cooking nicely on the stove and in the oven. Crystal has the table set and is tending to the turkey. Why don't you and the cowboys go enjoy your cocoa and we'll keep an eye on things in here?” Wynona suggested.

  “I'll make sure the turkey gets basted every fifteen minutes while you’re gone. Is there anything else you'd like us to do in the meantime?” Crystal asked.

  “No, nothing, thanks again, I won't be long,” Mary said with a big smile on her face, pulling out three large mugs, into which she added the cocoa, mounds of marshmallows and a peppermint stick for stirring before pouring in the hot milk. Adam put a few Christmas cookies on a small plate, not wanting to ruin Beau’s appetite.

  Mary couldn't get over how adorable Beau looked in his oversized, well-used cowboy hat, and his blue suit. She had a hard time deciding which of these two wonderful men she wanted to stare at the most.

  “Cowboy Beau, let's go into the great room to have our cocoa and cookies so we can enjoy all the Christmas decorations you and your mom did,” Adam suggested. Mary's heart melted at Adam's kindness towards both her and her son.

  “Yippee, that's a great idea, let's go!” Beau replied, jumping up and down in the kitchen. “Hurry up, mom. If you hope to ever be a cowgirl, you're going to have to learn to move faster than that,” he chided his mother. Normally she would have reprimanded him for the comment, but her heart was overflowing with joy to have her happy son back and nothing was going to spoil the moment.

  “I'll work on it. You know, Ms. Crystal is a cowgirl, maybe she can give me some lessons,” she smiled at Crystal.

  “You are?” Beau exclaimed with great reverence. “Wow! A real live cowgirl!”

  “I am. I can ride, rope, brand and herd cattle,” Crystal said smiling.

  “Crystal is not only a real cowgirl but she’s a top-notch cowgirl. One of the best,” Adam said with pride.

  Still staring at her as though he’d just met a movie star, Beau asked, “Do you think you could help my mom become a cowgirl? She’s kind of slow, she cries a lot and I don’t think she can ride or rope.”

  “Sure, I’d be proud to help your mom cowgirl-up!” Crystal said, winking at Mary, who was so elated to see the transformation in her son.

  “Thanks!” Beau shouted as he ran out of the kitchen, heading for the great room after snatching a beautifully decorated Christmas cookie off the plate. Both Crystal and Wynona smiled, pleased to see how happy they were, knowing they’d both been through a rough time since her husband’s death.

  “We’d better go,” Mary said, carrying two large mugs of cocoa. Adam carried the plate of cookies and his mug. Beau was already in the great room by the time Mary and Adam left the kitchen. While they were still in the dining room, Mary stopped, and whispered, “Adam Chadwick, you’re a magician. I don’t know what you did, but whatever it was, you’ve given me back my happy son. I’ll never forget this.”

  “I did it for you. I would do anything for you,” Adam said sincerely. Mary's heart melted once again but this time in addition to feeling gratitude, for the first time since she lost her husband, she was feeling an attraction toward another man. She found herself staring at Adam in a new way, studying his face. “Are you okay? You're looking at me strangely,” Adam asked.

  “I'm fine. I just never realized until today, what an amazing man you really are. If I wasn't holding two mugs of hot cocoa, I’d really like to kiss you,” she said, feeling her face heating up, certain that she was blushing, shocked that the comment she was thinking had actually just come out of her mouth. “Did I just say that out loud?”

  “You did. You should know that if I wasn't holding this plate full of Christmas cookies and a mug of hot cocoa, I'd really like to take you in my arms and kiss you back,” he said unapologetically. The two stared at each other silently until the silence was broken by Beau whipping around the corner from the great room.

  “What's taking you so long, Mom?”

  Mary snapped back to reality. “Sorry! Come on, let's go check out the Christmas tree.” The three headed into the great room, taking their seats on the large sofa that faced the massive stone fireplace, which had a beautiful roaring fire in it already. The large Christmas tree was located in the corner of the room on the same wall as the fireplace. It was surrounded by stacks of Christmas gifts covered in bright foil and holiday wrapping paper with ribbons and bows everywhere. Mary sat on the sofa between these two important men in her life, sipping her cocoa, realizing just how lucky she was. At the same time, Adam was sipping his cocoa and imagining, for the first time, what life would be like in a serious relationship with Mary. The pair enjoyed their cocoa while watching Beau rifle through the stacks of gifts under the tree.

  “Mamma! Mamma! There's a pile of gifts here with my name on them!” Beau said, his voice filled with astonishment.

  “There are?” Mary looked to Adam with confusion. Adam simply nodded in acknowledgment. As each brother arrived at the house with their gifts, they had placed them under the tree themselves, so Mary had no idea there were gifts under the tree for her son.

  “Yes, look at this big giant one! What do you think it is?” he asked, trying to shake the heavy box.

  “I don't know,” she said, still staring at Adam and noticing the smile on his face.

  Adam turned to look at Beau and said, “Beau, cowboys open their Christmas gifts on Christmas morning after chores and you'll be here for that. In the meantime, you're just going to have to wait and see. Do you think you can make it through dinner, now that you know there's a stack of gifts under the tree with your name on them?” he asked.

  “I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, that's for sure! I'm too excited!” For the first time Beau turned to look at his mom and saw her eyes were filled with tears. “Oh, Mom, you cry over everything. If you hope to ever be a cowgirl, you're going to have to cowgirl-up. I’ll ask Crystal if she can teach you how to do that,” Beau said impatiently.

  Mary reached her hand over and squeezed Adam’s, “I guess I'll have to work on that, if I'm ever going to hope to be a cowgirl. I sure hope Crystal can help me,” she laughed. Adam squeezed her hand tenderly.

  “Did you like your cocoa?” Mary asked Beau trying to change the subject.

  “It was great!”

��Dinner’s going to be ready in about an hour so you'd better get in the bathroom and wash your hands and face. We can't have dirty cowboys at the dinner table. The bathroom’s at the top of the stairs on the right. There's a closet outside the door with towels in it so there's no excuse for coming back downstairs dirty,” she said.

  “Okay, I'm going,” Beau said, setting his mug down on the nearby table before stomping up the stairs. As soon as Beau was up the stairs, Mary turned her attention to Adam.

  “I have to get back in the kitchen to finish dinner but before I go I want to thank you again for giving my son his smile back. That has been my Christmas wish for several years now and today, you gave my happy child back to me,” she said setting down her mug on the table before leaning over and kissing Adam on the lips.

  “It was my pleasure. He's a delightful little boy. You've done a wonderful job with him. He's a boy that any man would be proud to call his son,” Adam said, caressing her face in his hands before leaning in for a tender kiss. He could feel her body melting into his and he loved hearing her soft moan. Adam wanted more, so much more but he didn't want to screw it up by moving too fast. After all, he’d wished for this moment since high school. So, instead, he stood, collecting the three mugs as he waited for Mary to gather herself and join him. Together they headed back into the kitchen to find Wynona and Crystal had things well in hand. The minute they entered the room, the ladies could see something was different between them.

  Later that evening, Adam pulled out his laptop and made the following journal entry:

  Today was the most amazing day of my life. It started off with Billy apologizing to Mary for being an ass yesterday.

  We had a Chadwick meeting after Mary left for the morning to take Beau to visit his dad’s grave and to visit his grandparents. During the meeting, I suggested that we invite Mary and Beau to live in the in-law apartment attached to the main house, rent-free for the six months we will all be on the ranch. Everyone agreed. That, alone was a Christmas miracle, but it got even better, Carter and Billy spent the morning with me in the apartment cleaning. Buck had cattle work to do but if he hadn’t, I believe he would have pitched in. I’m so surprised by how well all four brothers are coming together. I know six months is a long row to hoe and we haven’t even officially started the six months yet, but I’m encouraged by what I’m seeing so far.


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