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Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1)

Page 13

by Michelle Rabe

  “Yes,” Morgan whispered, as ghosts of their tortured screams rang through her ears. With a shudder, she handed Nicholas the sketch, as though hiding it would erase the memories.

  “What about this one?” Marcus asked, handing her the sketch of what appeared to be a woman’s throat with a strand of pearls around it.

  “This was one of the humans they brought to use for feeding. For some reason Azreal wanted the corpse cleaned up, and he added the pearls. Then he took the body and disappeared.”

  “Can you describe the body?” Marcus asked, leaning toward her, his eyes bright with curiosity.

  “She was young, dark brown hair and blue eyes, about five foot five. Curvier than most women want to be these days. I would have called her beautiful if she wasn’t as terrified as she was.” Morgan spoke fast, just wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. “She seemed to trust the vampire she was with, before she understood what was happening.”

  “She wasn’t with Azreal?”

  “No. He just wanted her corpse. Never said anything about why, and no one questioned him.”

  “Did you happen to catch the human’s name?” Marcus asked while studying the sketch.

  “No. I’m sorry.”

  “Why do you ask, Marcus?” Nicholas asked.

  “The woman she described matches one of the victims that Elizabeth had attributed to the Renegade.”

  “If you want to get technical, from what Morgan’s told us, this qualifies as Renegade behavior. However…” Nicholas’s voice trailed off at the sound of tires crunching on the cobblestone drive. Marcus moved before anyone else, gathering up the sketches and slipping them into a drawer in the coffee table. Charles closed his laptop and slipped it between the end table and chair he was sitting on. “There’s a possibility that Lucian has decided to return. If you don’t think you can do this…” he began, if it were Lucian in the driveway, Nicholas wanted Morgan to know that she had an out; even though it would mean a fight with her Grandsire.

  “I’ll feign total weakness. I’ll be very girly and go hide in the safe room. I Promise.” Morgan teased, but there was an underlying note of seriousness that Nicholas could appreciate.

  “That’s all I ask,” he chuckled, and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  Christophe glanced over his shoulder once, and strolled through the foyer, giving everyone time to get settled. He paused at the door, let his senses tell him what they could, and relaxed. Lucian wasn’t on the other side. The heartbeat was too rapid in his ears, and Lucian never tapped his toe because it would give away his emotions.

  He stopped at the door and glanced over his shoulder. When he saw that everyone was in place, he turned his attention to whoever was on the other side of the solid oak door. He closed his eyes and let his other senses take over. Because of the door, and weatherproofing, his sense of smell was useless. Christophe smiled, just a slight curl of his lips, as he focused on what he could hear. The irregular beating that spoke of one thing, vampire. He opened himself up to that part of himself that Morgan called ‘the beast,’ and found the flavor of the creature on the stoop. He breathed a sigh of relief as Marcus came to stand beside him.

  “You planning on letting our guest wait outside until the sun rises?” the elder vampire asked, a measure of his usual sarcasm creeping into his voice.

  “No, but I don’t recognize the feel of their heartbeat,” Charles answered a far off quality to his voice hinting at his distraction.

  “Neither do I,” Marcus confirmed in a low whisper, a frown creasing his brow. “So that means that the vampire is not a member of the dynastic lines.”

  “Which means we’re talking about a Nomad,” Charles nodded and turned back toward the sitting room. Well, strange vampire at the door. What do we do now? It’s not like we can pretend we’re not home.

  “The most likely candidate is one of the Lady’s progeny.” Marcus shoved his hands into the deep pockets of his jeans. Shit I knew we forgot something. I’m actually somewhat surprised that Caitlynn let Nicholas slide this long, without sending a lackey to find out why he’s in New Orleans. Ye Gods, this is going to suck.

  “Why would one of her people be coming here?” Charles asked, giving voice to the question that Marcus wasn’t willing to.

  “My guess would be that the Lady has taken offense at the fact that I’ve been here so long, and not paid my respects,” Nicholas answered, as he crossed to the others.

  “So let them in,” Morgan interjected, from the sofa, “before it gets really weird.”

  “As My Lady commands.” Nicholas turned to Morgan and bowed as he spoke. Chuckling, he turned back to the door and opened it.

  Standing on the stoop was a woman who could only be described as tiny, with black hair and delicate features. The scent of Jasmine and exhaust drifted into the house, accompanied by a faint whiff of honey and apple blossoms.

  “Annabelle Li,” Marcus said, almost too low for Nicholas to hear.

  “Marcus.” The tiny woman purred in a voice that sounded too low coming from her throat.

  “To what do we owe the honor of your company?”

  “I am here on behalf of Caitlynn, my Sire and the ruler of the Nomadic vampires of New Orleans.” As she spoke, Annabelle seemed taller than her true size, and she resonated with an air of power. She caught sight of Nicholas standing on the other side of the door, and turned to address him. “She wishes to know why you, Nicholas Falstaff, have been in her city for over two weeks without paying homage, as is custom.”

  “I am here on personal business; therefore, there is no need to follow the custom,” he answered, in a tone that was more business than casual.

  “Perhaps the Lady would believe that if there had not been some,” she paused, a thoughtful expression on her doll–like features, “occurrences, since you arrived.”

  “Gentleman,” Morgan interrupted, from the sofa. At the sound of her voice, everyone turned their eyes to her. “Does anyone else find it strange that our guest is standing on the stoop?”

  “Perhaps you should invite me in Nicholai?” Annabelle turned her gaze back to Nicholas.

  “I cannot. This is not my home.” A slight smile curled Nicholas’s lips, and there was a sparkle of mischief in his blue grey eyes. “I do not have the power to invite you in.”

  “It is mine,” Morgan answered, from the sitting room. “I invite you in, Annabelle Li.”

  “You have my thanks, Morgan Blackstone,” The small woman said, as she stepped into the foyer.

  “It’s my pleasure. How can we ease your mistress’s fears?” The words fell from Morgan’s lips with all the proper civility that she’d spent centuries perfecting at numerous royal courts.

  “You can explain to us why Nicholai is in her city.” Annabelle crossed to the archway between the living room and foyer, standing between the two rooms, waiting. “I assure you that everything will be held in the strictest confidence.”

  Morgan sighed and closed her eyes, allowing herself to feel the exhaustion that coursed through her body. Damn it, but Annabelle’s appearance makes things more complicated. I don’t think there’s a way that Nicholas can graciously get out of the city without having an audience with Caitlynn. Bloody vampire politics, just what I don’t want to deal with right now. She thought with a frustrated sigh. “He’s here at my request, as my guest, on a personal matter.” Morgan watched Annabelle’s reaction, searching for some hint that she had seen through her words.

  The small vampire laughed a soft dainty sound that didn’t carry too far, but Morgan was still able to hear it as though she was standing beside Annabelle. She started walking toward Morgan, a slow stroll that took more time than was necessary.

  “That must be quite the personal favor, to draw the Assassin out of his hidey hole.”

  “Morgan and I are old friends, and I needed a vacation.” Nicholas walked into the living room and sat on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the coffee table.

  “Then perha
ps you would be willing to make it a bit of a working vacation?”

  “Is that a formal request from the Lady?” Nicholas asked. And now I’m wondering just exactly what the Hell has been going on in this city. If the situation is bad enough that the Lady wants to meet with me, why haven’t I heard about it from Elizabeth? God I hate my job sometimes.

  “It is. She would like to meet with you sometime tonight or tomorrow.”

  “Tell her that I will meet her at Jackson Square an hour before sunrise.”

  “Thank you. She will be there.” Annabelle gave a small bow to Nicholas before turning to Morgan. “And I thank you for your hospitality, but I must take my leave.”

  “Understandable. Until we meet again,” Morgan answered, with a slight nod. Without another word, Annabelle left, as though a force was pushing her out.

  Nicholas began pacing the length of the room. For the first time since she had awakened that evening, Morgan took a moment to really look at him. There were faint dark circles under his eyes, and his complexion had taken on a slight ashen pall.

  “How long has it been since you fed?” she asked, standing up. Her balance wavered for a moment, and Morgan steadied herself with a hand on the arm of the sofa.

  “I’ll be fine until tomorrow night,” Nicholas insisted, with more force than was necessary.

  “When, I have no doubt something else will come up. I know you too well Nicholai, stop trying to pull this crap with me,” she countered, crossing to him.

  “I am not pulling crap. I am concerned about you,” he answered, and reached out to touch Morgan’s cheek.

  “And I’m worried that you’re not taking care of yourself. Nicholas, if something happens, if it comes to confrontation, I’m going to be worse than useless.” Morgan paused as she pulled her thoughts together. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the others drifting out of the room, giving them some privacy. “You need to be at full strength. I can tell you’re not. Your hand is cool, and your eyes aren’t as bright as they should be. How long Nicolai, my love?” Morgan pressed, using the Russian pronunciation of his name. He shook his head, once in frustration, and stepped away from her. “Since you arrived here in New Orleans would be my best guess. Oh, I know you can go longer without feeding, but not with the stress you’re under.”

  “I don’t want to leave you alone.” His voice was rough and clipped as he spoke.

  “I’m not alone.” She cupped his cheek and waited until his eyes were on her. “This house is full. I will be fine until you return.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Absolutely,” she replied, thumb stroking his jaw. “I’m not going to do anything more taxing than paperwork in my office. I’ve got a lot to catch up on at The Dracul,” she promised, fighting to keep the annoyance from her voice. I may love my club, but paperwork never has been fun.

  “If you’re sure that everything will be fine until I get back?”

  “It will be. Go. Feed.” she said and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. As Morgan tried to step away, Nicholas’s arms snaked around her waist, drawing her close. Morgan smiled and melted into his embrace, letting her cares fade away.

  “I have my cell with me. Call if anything happens. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispered, rubbing her back with his palm. Nicholas told himself that it was to comfort her, but he took almost as much solace as she did.

  “I will,” Morgan answered, and stepped away from him. Nicholas took a deep breath and nodded, as though steeling himself. He caught Morgan’s hand in his and side–by–side they walked to the foyer. Nicholas let go and walked to the closet.

  “Be careful.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he laughed, and opened the door, then flicked the switch on the light. Nicholas pushed the coats aside, revealing a tall, heavy duty safe built into the back wall. He entered the combination on the pad and waited as the lock clicked before pulling the door open. The small light inside the safe clicked on, and Nicholas pulled out a pair of leather wrist sheaths.

  He glanced at Morgan, hoping that seeing him strapping on weapons might change her mind, but she watched him without commenting, just as she had hundreds of times before. Her green eyes sparkled in the light like the jewels they reminded him of, but held nothing of consequence in their fathomless depths. She was hiding away from him, not wanting to worry or distract him more.

  I guess that’s one of the benefits of being married so long, he thought, as he removed his silver cufflinks and set them on the small table in the foyer. They had been an anniversary gift, and Nicholas didn’t want to risk losing them, besides they inhibit my ability to draw. He thought with a laugh while strapping the first of the supple leather sheaths around his forearm. The sound of soft footsteps pulled Nicholas’s eyes away from what he was doing for a moment, as Morgan slipped away.

  By the time Morgan returned, Nicholas had strapped a dagger on his other wrist and carried an ebony sword cane with a wolf’s head etched on the handle.

  “If you need anything, just call.”

  “I know, be careful.”

  “Always am,” he whispered, and brushed a light kiss on her forehead, before slipping out the front door into the balmy evening. I’ve been putting more than just feeding off far too long. If I’m going to verify Morgan’s version of events, I need information I don’t have access to here. I need to talk to Michael and Adain, Nicolas thought, as he pulled his cellular out of his pocket, a few minutes later he’d left messages with each of his Blood Sons, requesting that Michael see to the day–to–day affairs of the enforcers, until further notice. He asked Adain to contact all of the enforcers and put them on high alert. Gods only know how far this madness has spread, and I’m in no mood to risk more lives. Even though it’s going to take a night or two, I’d much rather have my people on alert than caught unaware. Satisfied that his orders would be carried out, Nicholas stood for several moments, letting the night flow over him, relaxing the tight hold he kept on his hunting instincts.

  A short time after Nicholas left; Charles walked into the courtyard, and paused after a few steps into the open night air. Morgan stood in the center of the cobblestone area, dressed in yoga pants and a form fitting t–shirt. The short sleeves showed several bruises in different shapes and sizes dotting her arms. From what Nicholas said, the bruises didn’t stop on her arms. They were everywhere, yellow–green patches with blots of dark red and purple highlighting them. She started moving through the exercises that Charles recognized from his early nights as a vampire. Even though he knew how to handle a sword, Morgan insisted that he learns the techniques she knew. A slight smile curled his lips at the memory of challenging her to a duel to decide the matter.

  That night, her laughter, had been all joy, with a little bit of cocky surety that she would best him. He had offered to go easy on her, in deference to her sex and the heavy skirts she wore. By that time, Christophe had been laughing, hearty guffaws, that doubled him over as he listened.

  Morgan strolled to the table where several rapiers waited. Without answering, she had selected one, tested its balance and had come at him. She forced him on the defensive and rained rapid blows down on him. After a few minutes his fingers were numb, she caught his blade near the cross guard and with an easy flick of her wrist, disarmed him.

  Tonight, he watched with the certainty that what had happened to Morgan was all his fault. The realization settled on him like a crushing weight. She didn’t move with the easy grace that he remembered. She was sluggish, and when she shifted her balance, there was a slight sway as she overcorrected. He’d seen her do these forms countless times, yet there were small mistakes: a blade not held at the exact right angle, a foot slipping when it should have been planted. Charles couldn’t watch anymore. He cleared his throat and waited for Morgan to acknowledge his presence. When she did, she beckoned him over with a gesture, before going back to her practice. Charles knew what that meant he bared his sword, setting the sheath on the bench. He took up a position a fe
w feet on Morgan’s right and began moving through the forms with her.

  The pair moved in silent unison for a little while before Morgan spoke. “So, what can I do for you?” Her words were breathy, like someone who had run a long distance.

  “I wanted to return something to you. And apologize,” he answered, on a long sigh.

  “What do you have to apologize to me about?” She stopped in the middle of the form and turned to face him.

  “The night after you disappeared, a guy showed up at the club with your cell phone.” Charles found that he couldn’t look her in the eye, so he walked over to the bench. “Apparently, he found it in the early morning hours near the employee’s entrance.” He sat down, hunched his shoulders and looked down, studying the cobbles. Anything is better than seeing whatever will be in her eyes. She’s going to blame this whole thing on me. And she’s right to. “I gave him a reward, sent him on his way, and left the phone on your desk. I didn’t even give a thought to letting Nicholas know that you’d gone and hadn’t taken it with you. I didn’t think to check your messages. I didn’t even think to check the house to see if you’d taken anything else. I just assumed that you had gotten a case of wanderlust and would be in touch when you wanted to.” He looked up, and found Morgan standing close to him, watching. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “This isn’t your fault.” Morgan knelt, reached out and closed her hand over his. “Maybe you could have changed the way things went, but it’s also possible that Nicholas would have thought the same thing you did.” Goddess, I can’t think about what might have been. It won’t do any good now. I know that. So why is the idea so tantalizing? she thought, fighting to keep her expression neutral.

  “I should have done something,” he insisted, and snatched his hand out of hers. As if her touch burned an indelible mark on his flesh.

  “You know what humans say about hindsight?” she asked, with a soft, melancholy laugh.


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